TEI Stand-Off Markup WG 2003-12-19 Conference Call Notes
Initialis Used for People
- SB Syd Bauman
- JC Jean Carletta
- DD David G. Durand
- JH Jessica Hekman
- NI Nancy M. Ide
- FV Fabio Vitali
All times are UTC unless otherwise noted.
Commenced ~15:35 with SB, JH, NI, DD; JC @ 15:37; FV @ 15:39.
NI has had some vague positive feedback from JC on sow05. DD thinks that document could be input to the ISO collaboration. NI agrees. DD suggests sending mail with pointer to it to interested parties.
NI thinks it would be quite helpful in progress of SO W 05 to have at least some idea of what pointers will be like, even if they will be changed a bit before being finalized.
We need to have something to ISO by a week before their meeting in Korea in 2004-02.
For SO W 05 it may be useful to simply insert examples in other encoding schemes, so that we have use cases that need conversion.
Appendix A:
Wrapped up at ~15:57. No call 12-26; next call 2004-01-09.