TEI-C Board Meeting 2020-05-21
via zoom
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (GRR)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
Action items
- see Asana
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Updates
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Amendment of Bylaws (terms)
- jTEI terms regulations (question for Joel K)
- Rahtz Price: extending the deadline for the actual submission of the applications (question from Toma T)
- Postponing of TEI2020 - announcement re: business meeting
- TAPAS Support / TEI Repository
- Elections (Board and Council)
- Finding a Webmaster
- Ticketing System for Board actions (CF)
- Website: structure and content (HC)
- Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR)
- Conference documentation
- Any Other Business
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approval of last meeting minutes:
- approved: GRR via email, KT approved, PW approved
- Approval of last meeting minutes:
Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Bursaries for TEI-C Members’ Meeting and Conference participants
- CF to put it on the TEI wiki section board
- publish it on the TEI website
- Pip and KT let the list know about this (at the same time of the bylaws change because of the terms)
- Discussion of the list of countries used as best available list
- Edited the document
- Bursaries for TEI-C Members’ Meeting and Conference participants
Amendment of Bylaws (terms)
- All voting members of the Board voted on the proposal via email, and the vote in favor of the proposal was unanimous, as required by TEI-C By-laws.
- TODO: add link to the slides into the email draft
jTEI editors terms regulations (via Joel K)
- jTEI Editors are appointed by the Board for terms of 4 years, renewable at the Board's discretion. If at the end of a term not to be renewed an editor has commitments to a jTEI issue that has not yet been fully published, the editor's term will continue on an ex officio basis, which ends after the complete publication of that committed jTEI issue.
We further recommend that terms begin and end with the starting date of the conference (whether or not it takes place, as might be the case this year?). If the proposal is amenable to y'all, we have agreed that the proper initial staggering of our terms would be lead to term ends in the following years:
- Tanja, Conference 2021 - Tiago, Conference 2022 - Joel, Conference 2023 - Pietro, Conference 2024
Rahtz Price: extending the deadline for the actual submission of the applications (question from Toma T)
- MS, JC and KT will talk about it independently and send it out in the coming week
- Proposal to extend deadline to the end of June in view of the lockdown
Postponing of TEI2020 - announcement re: business meeting
- Kay Walter is agreeing contract with hotel
- We confirmed via shared doc in a draft email that we’re having a virtual replacement business meeting, inviting members to join us remotely via zoom.
TAPAS Support / TEI Repository (KT)
- ACTION: KT to carry forward
Elections (Board and Council)
- ACTION: KT, LM, JC to start elections process
Finding a Webmaster (aka Communications Manager)
- maybe add take care of the TEI twitter account, in different languages
- ACTION: LM gives access to twitter to Gimena
- ACTION: Martina sends it to the infrastructure group for feedback till Wednesday, May 27
- ACTION: after feedback from IG, KT sends it through the list Thursday, May 28
- ACTION: tweet it, put it on the website
- Selection process: Board, Luis, Representative from Council and a representative from IG
Website: structure and content (HC)
Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR)
- GRR: exchanging some emails about starting; challenges of beginning courses on minimal computing and so forth during the pandemic; considering social media strategies to place these plans in context; MOU between UMaryland and Argentinian Uni and CONICET was signed last week
- Next Board Meeting: GRR about the Journal and Advisory Board and i18N
Conference documentation
- JC wonders if we should review the amount of the subvention to conference hosts - this $7K hasn’t changed for years I think?
- postpone it to next month’s agenda
- JC wonders if we should review the amount of the subvention to conference hosts - this $7K hasn’t changed for years I think?
Ticketing System for Board actions (CF)
- We set up an Asana Board, all are willing to try it out.
Any Other Business
- none