TEI P5 version 4.6.0 and Stylesheets version 7.55.0 release notes

Release 4.6.0 is codenamed ‘The Peace Release’.

This release introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the GitHub tracking system. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 4.6.0 milestone.

The ‘Peace Release’ delivers a new Roma v1.0.0, available at https://roma.tei-c.org/. TEI Roma now has a localized user interfaces for English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Japanese, with thanks to translators listed on the home page. The original Roma remains available at http://romaantiqua.tei-c.org/.

The following changes are particularly worth highlighting in this release:

New encoding features

Changes to content models

Changes to classes

Improvements of prose and examples


In addition, many improvements have been made to the XSLT stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and TEIGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 7.55.0 milestone.

Highlights of this release include:

Date: 2023-04-04
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/