This document introduces and documents the content and use of the schemas provided by the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, as part of the TEI P5 distribution, for the use of authors who want to submit their articles to the journal in TEI. The schema described in this document is highly constrained and restrictive, consisting only of some 80 elements, compared with the complete TEI schema which contains nearly six hundred. In addition to general structural constraints, the ODD file also embeds fine-grained Schematron rules, severely limiting your options as you encode your file.
It is very likely that, as an experienced and confident TEI encoder with a broad knowledge of the TEI schema, you will find this at least a little frustrating. Where the TEI typically provides several ways of encoding the same phenomenon, we usually support only one. Where larger TEI schemas will allow you to describe rendering features (<hi rend="italic">) we do not allow that; we force you to choose a conceptual tag such as emph or <title level="j">.
The reasons for this are fairly obvious. From the XML document you submit, we need to generate a range of different outputs—ODT for reviewers and copyeditors to read and annotate, OpenEdition XML for submission to the publication engine that supports the journal website, and an accompanying PDF version. We must enforce a degree of conformity across all submissions, not only in order to maintain consistency when we publish, but also to ensure that contributions are assessed by reviewers in as fair a manner as possible, without possible influences due to divergence from the expected style rules or formatting conventions.
However, this constraint and conformity has advantages for you too, as an author. Our schemas will enforce a number of constraints which, we believe, may assist you in improving the quality of your article; these are a few of them:
In what follows, we aim to provide a readable guide to encoding your article (or perhaps even composing it) according to the journal schemas, beginning with the template we provide, and viewing your results as you work through the use of CSS (in Author Mode in Oxygen) or by transforming it into ODT for examination in your word-processor, or to PDF.
This document is a work-in-progress (always), and we welcome your feedback at either (Martin Holmes) or (Ron Van den Branden).
Starting with version 16.2, the default distribution of Oxygen should include the jTEI components as part of its built-in TEI P5 framework. If you are using an older version of Oxygen, you can subscribe to the TEI-built version of the framework, by following these instructions.
In Oxygen, you can start a new article based on the jTEI template by selecting File → New, and selecting JTEI Article [TEI P5] under Framework templates → TEI P5.
You will see that the root TEI element in the new file has an attribute rend=jTEI. This tells Oxygen that it's a jTEI file, so that it can apply standard jTEI rendering and validation scenarios to it. If you don't want to keep this attribute value, you can achieve the same effect by saving the file with a filename matching this format: ‘jtei-*-source.xml’ (where the asterisk stands for anything you like); Oxygen will also recognize files with names in this format as jTEI files.
The Oxygen framework provides two output rendering scenarios, which allow you to transform your jTEI article to the ODT and PDF formats. Open the ODT file you create in a recent version of LibreOffice or OpenOffice; Microsoft Office does not support the current ODT specification. The PDF file can be viewed in a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader. If you see any problems with the rendering, don't worry, and please don't change good TEI XML to bad TEI in an attempt to make it render more successfully; report the problem to us and we'll look into it.
A jTEI journal article is a relatively simple TEI document consisting of a teiHeader and a text.
This is an example teiHeader:
Some of the content is boilerplate material provided by the template. These are the parts that you must supply:
). Provide one author element for each author. Encode the names as shown, using forename and surname, inside name if possible. Then provide a brief biographical paragraph for each author in affiliation, and an email address.profileDesc/textClass/keywords
). Provide a handful of general categories under which you feel your article fits. There is (currently) no formal ontology of article categories to choose from. You may consult the list of keywords from previous articles on the journal website, but if you don't see what you need, feel free to use new ones. The editors may formalize these categories in future.The front matter must consist of an abstract, encoded in <div type="abstract">. This should consist of one or two short paragraphs, covering the purpose and content of the article.
The only other thing that may appear in the front matter is a brief acknowledgements section. If you need to include this to acknowledge contributors, funding agencies etc., insert it after the abstract, encoded as <div type="acknowledgements">. It should be no longer than one short paragraph.
The content of the article appears in the body. It should be divided into sections using div elements. Each div element should have an xml:id attribute, and its first child should be a head element with a suitable heading (in title case). div elements may be nested to provide subsections.
Do not provide section numbering in explicitly in the heads of your divs. These will be provided automatically by the rendering tools.
An Editorial Introduction can be added in the body using a <div type="editorialIntroduction">. This is the only div which does not require head.
The back matter consists of a bibliography (required), which is encoded in <div type="bibliography">, and optional appendices, each of which if present must be encoded using <div type="appendix">. Appendices must appear after the bibliography.
The bibliography consists of a listBibl element containing a series of bibl elements. Each bibl element should contain a reference formatted as required by the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition), including all required punctuation, with a couple of exceptions:
Give each bibl element a unique xml:id attribute, so that you can link to it from the quotations in the body of your text. In your bibliography entries, put the appropriate tags around the following components:
Note: if you have both a formal identification number such as a DOI code and a hyperlink to an online version, the DOI code should be placed last in the bibliographic description.
Here is a short example:
Text divisions are encoded in div. Each division must have a head containing the heading for this division. Headings should just contain the ‘bare’ heading, without numbering or other labels; those are added automatically when the TEI source file is rendered.
Divisions typically consist of a number of paragraphs, inside p elements. Apart from paragraphs, they can contain following text structures:
Divisions can nest, by simply including a new div element with an xml:id attribute and a head in a parent division. There's no need to indicate the nesting level for subdivisions: this is determined from the structural encoding by the rendering scripts. Please note that the general TEI limitations hold: divisions may not be followed by ‘bare’ paragraphs. In order to facilitate cross-referencing, you are encouraged to provide a unique identification code in an xml:id attribute for each div.
Lists in jTEI are relatively simple. They are encoded in a list element and differentiated by the type attribute, which may have only one value, gloss. <list type="gloss"> is (as you might expect) a glossary list, and must consist of a sequence of labels and items, like this:
rend | (rendition) describes the way the list should be rendered. |
For processing reasons, jTEI puts one restriction on what can appear inside lists: you can't use table anywhere inside item.
Here, we see how the value #quoteref3 for the source attribute expresses the correspondence with the bibliographic reference in <ref type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref3" target="#witmore12">Witmore 2012, 325</ref>
The cit element has been constrained in jTEI so it can only contain quote, ref, and bibl.
Inside quotations, inline rhetorical elements can be used (see 5 Inline Rhetorical Elements). Two of such elements are quite specific to quotations, in the context of a jTEI article, however, namely omissions and supplied text. Omissions are encoded with gap, which at rendering time is transformed to the typographic omission symbol: …1. If you supply text that wasn't present in the original quotation, you should wrap the supplied text in a supplied element. At rendering time, the supplied start and end tags are replaced with the [ and ] characters, respectively.
Apart from quote for ‘attributed’ quotations, you can also use q for short ‘anonymous’ inline quotations, whose source is not known or irrelevant. This is discussed in more detail in 5 Inline Rhetorical Elements.
Illustrative figures are encoded using the figure element, along with a mandatory <head type="legend"> element providing the caption for the figure, as in this example:
The graphics file should be in PNG or JPEG format, and should be stored in a directory called img
which is a sibling of the article XML file. Graphics file names should not contain spaces or punctuation. The graphic element must include the width and height attributes containing the image size in pixels. A second <head type="license"> may also be provided in cases where an explicit statement of licensing, copyright or accreditation is required.
The caption in the <head type="legend"> element should not begin with ‘Figure 1’ or any similar prefix; this will be provided by the rendering code at output time. To link to the figure, all you need to do is to provide a pointer targeting its xml:id attribute, like this:
This will be expanded at rendering time into ‘Figure X’, where X is the appropriate figure number.
Example computer code in jTEI falls into two categories. XML code appears in the <egXML xmlns=""> element. When you use this element, make sure you get the namespace right; all elements appearing in the egXML element are also in the Examples namespace, to distinguish them from regular TEI elements that are part of the encoding of the document. Code from non-XML languages appears in the eg element.
Tables can be encoded with the table element. Tables consist of a number of rows (row) that contain a number of cells (cell). Header rows and cells can be distinguished by different values for the type attribute:
Cells and rows can be merged. In order to indicate how many columns a row or cell spans, a number can be provided for a cols attribute; the number of rows spanned can be given as value for a rows attribute.
The example above illustrates how the first row is marked as a header row with <row role="label">, and how the left column is marked as a header column by specifying each first cell in a row as <cell role="label">. The last cell illustrates how column spanning can be indicated with <cell cols="2">.
Note how the example also illustrates how tables can have headings, in a head element. The text of this heading should not begin with ‘Table 1’ or any similar prefix; this will be provided when the article is rendered. To link to the table, all you need to do is to provide a pointer targeting its xml:id attribute:
This will be expanded at rendering time into ‘Table X’, where X is the appropriate table number.
The jTEI schema prompts you to encode information as much as possible with conceptual tags. Therefore, the general-purpose hi tag has been removed from the jTEI schema. Instead, you should use more semantically expressive elements for identifying the rhetorical phenomenon you want to encode. If you want to stress a word in a sentence, you can do so with the emph element, which is rendered as italicized text. Foreign terms can be tagged with foreign, with a proper language identification code for the xml:lang attribute. Technical terms, or terms in general, can be encoded with term, and appear as italicized text in the rendered article.
Another category of inline rhetorical elements are those that are used for text that is somehow quoted. When a word is ‘mentioned’ to illustrate its form or usage, without its actual meaning, it should be encoded as mentioned. At rendering time, it will be displayed in italics. When you use a word while at the same time distancing yourself from it, you should encode it with soCalled. At rendering time, the start and end tag will be replaced with double quotation marks. Finally, if you want to quote a word or passage without attributing it to an external source, you can use the q element. Such ‘anonymous’ quotations are rendered in double quotation marks.
The actual form of the quotation marks depends on the ‘nesting level’ of quotation marks, so that double and single quotation marks alternate when they nest. For example, if a word tagged as soCalled appears inside a q element, then the quoted text will be wrapped in double quotation marks, while the text inside soCalled will be rendered with single quotation marks.
If you mention titles in paragraph text, you should encode them as such, with the title element and a proper type for the level attribute. Titles of journals (level="j"
for level) and monographs (m) are rendered in italics. Titles of book chapters or journal articles (a), or unpublished materials (u) are enclosed in quotation marks at rendering time (so you mustn't provide them yourself).
Due to the nature of this journal, a discussion of technical XML or TEI elements is a common feature in jTEI articles. When elements from an XML vocabulary are discussed, they should be identified in a gi element, with an optional scheme attribute in which the XML vocabulary can be named. The default value for this attribute is TEI for TEI elements; others could be HTML, Schematron, DBK (Docbook), etc. At rendering time, the gi start and end tags are replaced with the < and > characters, respectively. The element name is always presented in this form: <p>
in the output rendering, even if it is an empty element which in actual usage is almost always self-closing, such as lb or <pb>.
Attribute names should be tagged in an att element, which at rendering time will be preceded with a @ character. Attribute values should be tagged in val. At rendering time, the val start and end tags are replaced with straight quotation marks, so there is no need to quote the values yourself.
When you want to quote an instance of a single start or end tag, you should use the tag element. If you want to specify the XML vocabulary this tag belongs to, this can be done in the scheme attribute (see above). In the type attribute, you can specify the kind of tag: start (start tag), end (end tag), empty (an empty tag), pi (processing instruction), comment (an XML comment), or ms (a CDATA marked section). For all these types of tags, the proper delimiters (starting with the < and ending with the > characters) are inserted when the article is rendered. Note, for full-fledged XML examples, the egXML element should be used (see 4.6 Example Code, XML and non-XML).
Note how internal links are rendered as plain text instead of hyperlinks in the OpenEdition version for publication at
One caveat for external links to the TEI Guidelines: since the web version at is unstable and will be updated at each new release, you must point to the archived versions in the ‘Vault’ section of the TEI website. There, you can find an archive of all previous TEI releases and their documentation. Follow the links to the exact version you're referencing in your article (even if it's the current version), and use them for your external hyperlinks. In the examples above, the first link points to the documentation of version 2.2.0 of the TEI Guidelines, while the second link points to version 2.5.0.
We're trying to avoid hi because it's so widely used in so many different ways. We would also prefer that all styling be applied for semantic reasons, so rather than ‘italics’, think ‘journal title’ or ‘emphasis’ or ‘foreign word’. Also, what you believe should be in italics might in our style guide be rendered in quotation marks, or not styled at all; that's why it's easier if you identify things and let the system style them.
Literal quotation marks can be straight double, straight single, curly double, curly single, or (if you happen to be on a non-English keyboard) a range of other symbols. All copyeditors are familiar with the tedium of checking that they're all the right form, and that all the initial ones are opening ones and the closing ones are the matching closing ones. It's much simpler if you tag your text as quote, soCalled or whatever, and let the XSLT provide the quotation marks in a reliable way.
The TEI is a huge standard; there are lots of available approaches to encoding any given phenomenon, and every TEI user has their own habits and preferences, arising out of their history and the projects they've worked on. If we accept submissions in any valid TEI (‘tei_all’), we inevitably spend many hours re-encoding them to get something that will work with our system. It's much simpler if we let the schema do the work for us.
Element/Tag | Usage | Example | Rendition | ||||||
abbr | an abbreviation of any sort | <abbr>DPI</abbr> | DPI | ||||||
att | attribute name | <att>place</att> | @place | ||||||
cit | blockquote with bibliographic reference | <cit> <quote source="quoteref7"> <supplied>A</supplied>ccount books are among the most common but least accessible primary sources for historians<gap/> </quote> <ref type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref7" target="#mcgaw85">McGaw 1985</ref> </cit> | [A]ccount books are among the most common but least accessible primary sources for historians … (McGaw 1985) | ||||||
code | short inline code example | <p>A mixed content model such as <code>(#PCDATA | a | model.b)*</code> might be expressed as follows</p> | A mixed content model such as (#PCDATA | a | model.b)* might be expressed as follows | ||||||
eg | non-XML code example | <eg>
$('#teiHolder').data('modVers', {
xmlFile: 'data/teiFile.xml'
annotations: 'data/annotations.json',
fixFirst: false,
fullscreen: false,
height: 300,
ids: 'a,b,c',
witnesses: 'v1,v2'
</eg> |
$('#teiHolder').data('modVers', {
xmlFile: 'data/teiFile.xml'
annotations: 'data/annotations.json',
fixFirst: false,
fullscreen: false,
height: 300,
ids: 'a,b,c',
witnesses: 'v1,v2'
| ||||||
egXML | XML example code |
<egXML xmlns="">
<classRef key="model.ab" maxOccurs="unlimited"/>
| <content> <classRef key="model.ab" maxOccurs="unlimited"/> </content> | ||||||
emph | emphasized text (italics) | The TEI began as a conscious attempt to <emph>model</emph> existing and future markup systems. | The TEI began as a conscious attempt to model existing and future markup systems. | ||||||
figure | a block figure or example code, with a mandatory heading | <figure xml:id="figure1"> <graphic url="img/ives_img_01.png" width="768px" height="1004px"/> <head type="legend">Page-image from Ingelow’s <title level="m">Poems</title> </head> </figure> | Figure 1: Page-image from Ingelow’s Poems ![]() | ||||||
foreign | a foreign text fragment | Nowhere is this more obvious than in the weight accorded the single author monograph, which remains the standard <foreign xml:lang="fr">par excellence</foreign> of scholarship in the humanities. | Nowhere is this more obvious than in the weight accorded the single author monograph, which remains the standard par excellence of scholarship in the humanities. | ||||||
gap | an omission in quoted text | <quote source="#quoteref7">Leisure moments only <gap/> available for its execution</quote> | “Leisure moments only … available for its execution” | ||||||
gi | the name of an XML element | <gi>quote</gi> | <quote> | ||||||
graphic | a digital image | <graphic url="img/ives_img_01.png" width="768px" height="1004px"/> | ![]() | ||||||
head | a heading for a text division, figure, table, or list | <div xml:id="futuredirections"> <head>Future Directions</head> </div> | 4. Future Directions | ||||||
ident | identifier in a formal language | the new <ident>range()</ident> and <ident>string-range()</ident> pointers | the new range() and string-range() pointers | ||||||
list | a list | <list rend="ordered"> <item>The first misconception is this: digital texts and digital archives merely replicate physical texts and physical archives in a non-material environment.</item> <item>The second misconception is that all possible digital representations of a text are created equal.</item> </list> |
| ||||||
mentioned | a word that is ‘mentioned’ | conversations on the multi-dimensional understanding of <mentioned>text</mentioned> and <mentioned>representation</mentioned> | conversations on the multi-dimensional understanding of text and representation | ||||||
note | a footnote | A similar suggestion is made in Eric Van der Vlist’s <title level="m">RELAX NG</title> <note> <p> <ref target="http://relaxng/">http://relaxng/</ref>. </p> </note> (<ref type="bibl" target="#vlist04">2004</ref>) | A similar suggestion is made in Eric Van der Vlist’s RELAX NG1 (2004) Notes | ||||||
ptr | a pointer to another location (internal or external) | The rest of this paper treats each of these points in more detail. <ptr type="crossref" target="#interoperability"/> describes the nature of the interoperability problem. | The rest of this paper treats each of these points in more detail. Section 2 describes the nature of the interoperability problem. | ||||||
q | a short, unattributed inline quotation | (student survey responses included words such as <q>apprehensive</q>, <q>intimidated</q>, and even <q>terrified</q>), which explains why one student commented that TEI training <q>was not something I would have sought out on my own.</q> | (student survey responses included words such as “apprehensive,” “intimidated,” and even “terrified”), which explains why one student commented that TEI training “was not something I would have sought out on my own.” | ||||||
quote | an attributed quotation | <quote source="#quoteref4">Names of authors</quote> appear in <quote source="#quoteref4">Italic Capitals</quote> (<ref type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref4" target="#arber1875">Arber 1875–95, 1:29</ref>). | “Names of authors” appear in “Italic Capitals” (Arber 1875–95, 1:29). | ||||||
ref | a reference to another location (with custom label text) | <ref target=""> range()</ref>) | range()) | ||||||
soCalled | a word from which the author distances herself | There are possible ways (<soCalled>hacks</soCalled>) around some of these problems | There are possible ways (“hacks”) around some of these problems | ||||||
supplied | text that has been added by the jTEI author (in a quotation) | <q>Finding what you need can be problematic. Lack of links to chapters that describe elements next <supplied>to</supplied> some element definitions</q> | “Finding what you need can be problematic. Lack of links to chapters that describe elements next [to] some element definitions” | ||||||
table | a table | <table xml:id="table3"> <head>Allowable <att>rend</att> attribute values in <ident>tei_corset</ident> customization</head> <row role="label"> <cell> <att>rend</att> <lb/>(renamed <att>r</att>) <lb/>attribute value</cell> <cell>Meaning</cell> </row> <row> <cell role="label"> <val>ab</val> </cell> <cell>rendered above the line</cell> </row> <row> <cell role="label"> <val>al</val> </cell> <cell>rendered aligned to the left</cell> </row> </table> | Table 4: Allowable @rend attribute values in tei_corset customization
| ||||||
tag | a full XML tag | <tag type="empty">rng:ref name="model.pLike"</tag> | <rng:ref name="model.pLike"/> | ||||||
term | a technical term | Annotations are stored in <term>triple stores</term> or graph databases like Neo4J | Annotations are stored in triple stores or graph databases like Neo4J | ||||||
title | the title of a bibliographic work | <title level="a">Where Did All the Document Kids Go? Open-source, Markup, and the Casual Developer.</title> Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6–9, 2013. In <title level="m">Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013</title>. | “Where Did All the Document Kids Go? Open-source, Markup, and the Casual Developer.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6–9, 2013. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. | ||||||
val | an attribute value | an attribute <att>preserveOrder</att> taking values <val>true</val> or <val>false</val> | an attribute @preserveOrder taking values "true" or "false" |
<abbr> (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.6.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions] | |||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||
Note | If abbreviations are expanded silently, this practice should be documented in the <editorialDecl>, either with a <normalization> element or a p. | ||||||||||||
Example | <choice> <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan> <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr> <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr> <abbr cert="high" xml:lang="fr">OTAN</abbr> </choice> | ||||||||||||
Example | <choice> <abbr>SPQR</abbr> <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan> </choice> | ||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element abbr {, att.cmc.attributes, attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?, macro.phraseSeq } |
<affiliation> (affiliation) contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [16.2.2. The Participant Description] | |||||||||||
Module | namesdates | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||
Note | If included, the name of an organization may be tagged using either the name element as above, or the more specific orgName element. | ||||||||||
Example | <affiliation>Junior project officer for the US <name type="org">National Endowment for the Humanities</name> </affiliation> | ||||||||||
Example | This example indicates that the person was affiliated with the Australian Journalists Association at some point between the dates listed. <affiliation notAfter="1960-01-01" notBefore="1957-02-28">Paid up member of the <orgName>Australian Journalists Association</orgName> </affiliation> | ||||||||||
Example | This example indicates that the person was affiliated with Mount Holyoke College throughout the entire span of the date range listed. <affiliation from="1902-01-01" to="1906-01-01">Was an assistant professor at Mount Holyoke College.</affiliation> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element affiliation {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.w3c.attribute.when, att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore, att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,, att.editLike.attributes, attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?, macro.phraseSeq } |
<appInfo> (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: encodingDesc |
May contain | header: application |
Example | <appInfo> <application version="1.24" ident="Xaira"> <label>XAIRA Indexer</label> <ptr target="#P1"/> </application> </appInfo> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element appInfo {, model.applicationLike+ } |
<application> provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element] | |||||||||||||
Module | header | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||
Contained by | header: appInfo | ||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||
Example | <appInfo> <application version="1.5" ident="ImageMarkupTool1" notAfter="2006-06-01"> <label>Image Markup Tool</label> <ptr target="#P1"/> <ptr target="#P2"/> </application> </appInfo> This example shows an appInfo element documenting the fact that version 1.5 of the Image Markup Tool1 application has an interest in two parts of a document which was last saved on June 6 2006. The parts concerned are accessible at the URLs given as target for the two ptr elements. | ||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element application {, att.datable.w3c.attribute.when, att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore, att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,, attribute ident { }, attribute version { teidata.versionNumber }, ( model.labelLike+, ( model.ptrLike* | model.pLike* ) ) } |
<att> (attribute) contains the name of an attribute appearing within running text. [23. Documentation Elements] | |
Module | tagdocs |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | XSD Name |
Note | As an alternative to using the scheme attribute a namespace prefix may be used. Where both scheme and a prefix are used, the prefix takes precedence. |
Example | <p>The TEI defines several <soCalled>global</soCalled> attributes; their names include <att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>, and <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">type</att> is not amongst them.</p> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:att"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^@'))"> Attribute delimiters are not allowed for <sch:name/>: they are completed at processing time via XSLT. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element att {, } |
<author> (author) in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use a generally recognized name authority file to supply the content for this element. The attributes key or ref may also be used to reference canonical information about the author(s) intended from any appropriate authority, such as a library catalogue or online resource. In the case of a broadcast, use this element for the name of the company or network responsible for making the broadcast. Where an author is unknown or unspecified, this element may contain text such as Unknown or Anonymous. When the appropriate TEI modules are in use, it may also contain detailed tagging of the names used for people, organizations or places, in particular where multiple names are given. |
Example | |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:titleStmt/tei:author"> <sch:assert test="tei:name and tei:affiliation and tei:email" see=""> Author information in the <titleStmt> must include <name>, <affiliation> and <email>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element author {, att.datable.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<availability> (availability) supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: publicationStmt |
May contain | |
Note | A consistent format should be adopted |
Example | <availability status="restricted"> <p>Available for academic research purposes only.</p> </availability> <availability status="free"> <p>In the public domain</p> </availability> <availability status="restricted"> <p>Available under licence from the publishers.</p> </availability> |
Example | <availability> <licence target=""> <p>The MIT License applies to this document.</p> <p>Copyright (C) 2011 by The University of Victoria</p> <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p> <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p> <p>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.</p> </licence> </availability> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element availability {, ( model.availabilityPart | model.pLike )+ } |
<back> (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. Back Matter 4. Default Text Structure] | |
Module | textstructure |
Attributes |
Contained by | textstructure: text |
May contain | |
Note | Because cultural conventions differ as to which elements are grouped as back matter and which as front matter, the content models for the back and front elements are identical. |
Example | <back> <div type="appendix"> <head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head> <p>TO shew the Depravity of human Nature, and how apt the Mind is to be misled by Trinkets and false Appearances, Mrs. Two-Shoes does acknowledge, that after she became rich, she had like to have been, too fond of Money <!-- .... --> </p> </div> <!-- ... --> <div type="epistle"> <head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head> <salute>Sir.</salute> <p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please; <!-- ... --> </p> </div> <div type="advert"> <head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head> <list> <item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item> <item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item> <!-- ... --> <item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations, 10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item> </list> </div> <div type="advert"> <head>By the KING's Royal Patent, Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.</head> <list> <item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &c. 2s. 6d</item> <item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item> <!-- ... --> </list> </div> </back> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:back"> <sch:assert test="tei:div[@type='bibliography']/tei:listBibl" see=""> <sch:name/> must have a bibliography (div[@type="bibliography"]), which must be organized inside a <listBibl> element. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element back {, ( ( model.frontPart | model.pLike.front | model.pLike | model.listLike | )*, ( ( model.div1Like, ( model.frontPart | model.div1Like | )* ) | ( model.divLike, ( model.frontPart | model.divLike | )* ) )?, ( ( model.divBottomPart, ( model.divBottomPart | )* )? ) ) } |
<bibl> (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 16.3.2. Declarable Elements] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | Contains phrase-level elements, together with any combination of elements from the model.biblPart class |
Example | <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to Literature in English (Yale, 1990)</bibl> |
Example | <bibl> <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>. <publisher>OUP</publisher> <date>1968</date>. </bibl> |
Example | <bibl type="article" subtype="book_chapter" xml:id="carlin_2003"> <author> <name> <surname>Carlin</surname> (<forename>Claire</forename>)</name> </author>, <title level="a">The Staging of Impotence : France’s last congrès</title> dans <bibl type="monogr"> <title level="m">Theatrum mundi : studies in honor of Ronald W. Tobin</title>, éd. <editor> <name> <forename>Claire</forename> <surname>Carlin</surname> </name> </editor> et <editor> <name> <forename>Kathleen</forename> <surname>Wine</surname> </name> </editor>, <pubPlace>Charlottesville, Va.</pubPlace>, <publisher>Rookwood Press</publisher>, <date when="2003">2003</date>. </bibl> </bibl> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:back/tei:div[@type eq 'bibliography']//tei:bibl" see="" role="warning"> <sch:assert test="@xml:id"> A bibliographic entry should have a unique value for @xml:id. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:back/tei:div[@type eq 'bibliography']//tei:bibl" role="warning"> <sch:assert test="key('idrefs', @xml:id)/parent::tei:ref[@type='bibl']" see=""> This bibliographic entry is an orphan: no ref[@type="bibl"] references to it occur in the text. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:back/tei:div[@type eq 'bibliography']//tei:bibl" see="" role="warning"> <sch:report test="descendant::node()[last()][ not(matches(normalize-space(), '(^|[^.?!:;,])\.$')) or preceding-sibling::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::*[last()] [matches(normalize-space(), '[.?!:;,]$')] ]"> A bibliographic entry should end with a single period. </sch:report> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:bibl/tei:title[@level='j']" role="warning"> <sch:report test="self::*[preceding-sibling::*[1]/self::tei:title[@level='a']] [not(preceding-sibling::node()[normalize-space()][1][matches(normalize-space(), '[.,!?]$')])] " see=""> An analytic title and a journal title in a bibliographic entry should only be separated by a comma or a period (or the end punctuation of the analytic title). </sch:report> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element bibl {, att.cmc.attributes, ( text | model.gLike | model.highlighted | | model.pPart.edit | model.segLike | model.ptrLike | model.biblPart | )* } |
<biblScope> (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations] | |||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | header: seriesStmt | ||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||
Note | When a single page is being cited, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is provided, the from attribute may be used without to; for example a citation such as ‘p. 3ff’ might be encoded It is now considered good practice to supply this element as a sibling (rather than a child) of <imprint>, since it supplies information which does not constitute part of the imprint. | ||||||||||
Example | <biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page" from="12" to="34"/> <biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element biblScope {, attribute unit { "chapter" | "issue" | "page" | "part" | "volume" }?, macro.phraseSeq } |
<body> (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure] | |
Module | textstructure |
Attributes |
Contained by | textstructure: text |
May contain | |
Example | <body> <l>Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard</l> <l>metudæs maecti end his modgidanc</l> <l>uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes</l> <l>eci dryctin or astelidæ</l> <l>he aerist scop aelda barnum</l> <l>heben til hrofe haleg scepen.</l> <l>tha middungeard moncynnæs uard</l> <l>eci dryctin æfter tiadæ</l> <l>firum foldu frea allmectig</l> <trailer>primo cantauit Cædmon istud carmen.</trailer> </body> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:body[child::tei:div[not(@type=('editorialIntroduction'))]]"> <sch:assert test="count(child::tei:div) gt 1" see=""> If <sch:name/> contains a div, and that div is not an editorial introduction, then there should be more than one div. Rather than using only a single div, you may place the content directly in the <sch:name/> element. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element body {, ( ( model.divTop | )*, ( ( ( ( ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )+ ) | ( ( ( model.common,* )+ ), ( ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )* ) ) ), ( ( model.divBottom,* )* ) )? ) ) } |
<catRef> (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] | |||||||
Module | header | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Contained by | header: textClass | ||||||
May contain | Empty element | ||||||
Note | The scheme attribute needs to be supplied only if more than one taxonomy has been declared. | ||||||
Example | <catRef scheme="#myTopics" target="#news #prov #sales2"/> <!-- elsewhere --> <taxonomy xml:id="myTopics"> <category xml:id="news"> <catDesc>Newspapers</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="prov"> <catDesc>Provincial</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="sales2"> <catDesc>Low to average annual sales</catDesc> </category> </taxonomy> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element catRef {, att.pointing.attributes, attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?, empty } |
<cell> (cell) contains one cell of a table. [15.1.1. TEI Tables] | |
Module | figures |
Attributes |
Contained by | figures: row |
May contain | |
Example | <row> <cell role="label">General conduct</cell> <cell role="data">Not satisfactory, on account of his great unpunctuality and inattention to duties</cell> </row> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element cell {, att.tableDecoration.attributes, macro.specialPara } |
<change> (change) documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.4.1. Creation 12.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions] | |||||||
Module | header | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Contained by | header: listChange revisionDesc | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Note | The who attribute may be used to point to any other element, but will typically specify a respStmt or person element elsewhere in the header, identifying the person responsible for the change and their role in making it. It is recommended that changes be recorded with the most recent first. The status attribute may be used to indicate the status of a document following the change documented. | ||||||
Example | <titleStmt> <title> ... </title> <editor xml:id="LDB">Lou Burnard</editor> <respStmt xml:id="BZ"> <resp>copy editing</resp> <name>Brett Zamir</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <!-- ... --> <revisionDesc status="published"> <change who="#BZ" when="2008-02-02" status="public">Finished chapter 23</change> <change who="#BZ" when="2008-01-02" status="draft">Finished chapter 2</change> <change n="P2.2" when="1991-12-21" who="#LDB">Added examples to section 3</change> <change when="1991-11-11" who="#MSM">Deleted chapter 10</change> </revisionDesc> | ||||||
Example | <profileDesc> <creation> <listChange> <change xml:id="DRAFT1">First draft in pencil</change> <change xml:id="DRAFT2" notBefore="1880-12-09">First revision, mostly using green ink</change> <change xml:id="DRAFT3" notBefore="1881-02-13">Final corrections as supplied to printer.</change> </listChange> </creation> </profileDesc> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element change {, att.ascribed.attributes, att.datable.attributes, att.typed.attributes, attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?, macro.specialPara } |
<cit> (cited block quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In jTEI, this is used only for block quotations, and it will be rendered as a block. For inline quotations, use the quote element and link it to a reference using source. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts Examples] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <cit> <quote>and the breath of the whale is frequently attended with such an insupportable smell, as to bring on disorder of the brain.</quote> <bibl>Ulloa's South America</bibl> </cit> |
Example | <entry> <form> <orth>horrifier</orth> </form> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="en"> <quote>to horrify</quote> </cit> <cit type="example"> <quote>elle était horrifiée par la dépense</quote> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="en"> <quote>she was horrified at the expense.</quote> </cit> </cit> </entry> |
Example | <cit type="example"> <quote xml:lang="mix">Ka'an yu tsa'a Pedro.</quote> <media url="soundfiles-gen:S_speak_1s_on_behalf_of_Pedro_01_02_03_TS.wav" mimeType="audio/wav"/> <cit type="translation"> <quote xml:lang="en">I'm speaking on behalf of Pedro.</quote> </cit> <cit type="translation"> <quote xml:lang="es">Estoy hablando de parte de Pedro.</quote> </cit> </cit> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:cit" role="warning"> <sch:assert test="tei:ref" see=""> <sch:name/> is normally expected to have a bibliographic reference (ref[@type="bibl"]). Please make sure you intended not to add one here. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element cit {, att.cmc.attributes, ( quote | model.biblLike | model.ptrLike )+ } |
<classCode> (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] | |||||||
Module | header | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Contained by | header: textClass | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Example | <classCode scheme="">410</classCode> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element classCode {, attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }, } |
<code> contains literal code from some formal language such as a programming language. [23.1.1. Phrase Level Terms] | |||||||
Module | tagdocs | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | |||||||
May contain | Character data only | ||||||
Example | <code lang="JAVA"> Size fCheckbox1Size = new Size(); fCheckbox1Size.Height = 500; fCheckbox1Size.Width = 500; xCheckbox1.setSize(fCheckbox1Size); </code> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element code {, attribute lang { teidata.word }?, text } |
<date> (date) contains a date in any format. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 16.2.3. The Setting Description 14.4. Dates] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <date when="1980-02">early February 1980</date> |
Example | Given on the <date when="1977-06-12">Twelfth Day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven of the Republic the Two Hundredth and first and of the University the Eighty-Sixth.</date> |
Example | <date when="1990-09">September 1990</date> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element date {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | )* } |
<desc> (description) contains a short description of the purpose, function, or use of its parent element, or when the parent is a documentation element, describes or defines the object being documented. [23.4.1. Description of Components] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | When used in a specification element such as <elementSpec>, TEI convention requires that this be expressed as a finite clause, begining with an active verb. |
Example | Example of a desc element inside a documentation element. <dataSpec module="tei" ident="teidata.point"> <desc versionDate="2010-10-17" xml:lang="en">defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.</desc> <content> <dataRef name="token" restriction="(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)"/> </content> <!-- ... --> </dataSpec> |
Example | Example of a desc element in a non-documentation element. <place xml:id="KERG2"> <placeName>Kerguelen Islands</placeName> <!-- ... --> <terrain> <desc>antarctic tundra</desc> </terrain> <!-- ... --> </place> |
Schematron | A desc with a type of deprecationInfo should only occur when its parent element is being deprecated. Furthermore, it should always occur in an element that is being deprecated when desc is a valid child of that element. <sch:rule context="tei:desc[ @type eq 'deprecationInfo']"> <sch:assert test="../@validUntil">Information about a deprecation should only be present in a specification element that is being deprecated: that is, only an element that has a @validUntil attribute should have a child <desc type="deprecationInfo">.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element desc {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.limitedContent } |
<div> (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body] | |||||||||||
Module | textstructure | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||
Example | <body> <div type="part"> <head>Fallacies of Authority</head> <p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p> <div n="1" type="chapter"> <head>The Nature of Authority</head> <p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest happiness of the greatest number [...]</p> <div n="1.1" type="section"> <head>Analysis of Authority</head> <p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to authority [...] </p> </div> <div n="1.2" type="section"> <head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head> <p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when [...] </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = $div.types.front]"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:front" see=""> A text division of type <sch:value-of select="@type"/> may only occur inside <front>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:front/tei:div"> <sch:assert test="@type = $div.types.front" see=""> Only text divisions of type <sch:value-of select="string-join(for $i in $div.types.front return concat(if (index-of($div.types.front, $i) = count($div.types.front)) then 'or ' else (), '"', $i, '"'), ', ')"/> may appear in the <front>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = ('bibliography', 'appendix')]" see=""> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:back"> Bibliography (<sch:name/>[@type="bibliography"]) and appendices (<sch:name/>[@type="appendix"]) may only occur inside <back>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:div[@type = ('editorialIntroduction')]"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:body" see=""> An editorial introduction (<sch:name/>[@type="editorialIntroduction"]) may only occur inside <body>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:body//tei:div[not(@type = ('editorialIntroduction'))]"> <sch:assert test="tei:head" see=""> A <sch:name/> must contain a <head>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:l//tei:div"> <sch:assert test="ancestor::tei:floatingText"> Abstract model violation: Metrical lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, unless div is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:div"> <sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)"> Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, unless div is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element div {, att.divLike.attributes, att.placement.attributes, att.written.attributes, attribute type { "abstract" | "acknowledgements" | "authorNotes" | "dedication" | "appendix" | "bibliography" | "editorialIntroduction" | "editorNotes" | "corrections" }?, ( ( model.divTop | )*, ( ( ( ( ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )+ ) | ( ( ( ( schemaSpec | model.common ),* )+ ), ( ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )* ) ) ), ( ( model.divBottom,* )* ) )? ) ) } |
<edition> (edition) describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: bibl |
May contain | |
Example | <edition>First edition <date>Oct 1990</date> </edition> <edition n="S2">Students' edition</edition> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element edition {, macro.phraseSeq } |
<editor> contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors] | |||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | header: seriesStmt | ||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||
Note | A consistent format should be adopted. Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use generally recognized authority lists for the exact form of personal names. | ||||||||||
Example | <editor role="Technical_Editor">Ron Van den Branden</editor> <editor role="Editor-in-Chief">John Walsh</editor> <editor role="Managing_Editor">Anne Baillot</editor> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element editor {, att.datable.attributes, attribute role { list { ( "translator" | "guest" | "chief" | "managing" | "technical" )+ } }?, macro.phraseSeq } |
<eg> (example) contains any kind of illustrative example. [23.5. Element Specifications 23.5.3. Attribute List Specification] | |
Module | tagdocs |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | If the example contains material in XML markup, either it must be enclosed within a CDATA marked section, or character entity references must be used to represent the markup delimiters. If the example contains well-formed XML, it should be marked using the more specific egXML element. |
Example | <p>The <gi>term</gi> element is declared using the following syntax: <eg><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT term (%phrase.content;)>]]</eg> </p> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element eg {, macro.phraseSeq } |
<egXML> (example of XML) a single XML fragment demonstrating the use of some XML, such as elements, attributes, or processing instructions, etc., in which the egXML element functions as the root element. [23.1.1. Phrase Level Terms] | |||||||||
Namespace | | ||||||||
Module | tagdocs | ||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||
Member of | |||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||
May contain | ANY | ||||||||
Note | In the source of the TEI Guidelines, this element declares itself and its content as belonging to the namespace This enables the content of the element to be validated independently against the TEI scheme. Where this element is used outside this context, a different namespace or none at all may be preferable. The content must however be a well-formed XML fragment or document: where this is not the case, the more general eg element should be used in preference. | ||||||||
Example | <egXML xmlns=""><div> <head>A slide about <gi>egXML</gi> </head> <list> <item> <gi>egXML</gi> can be used to give XML examples in the TEI Examples namespace</item> <item>Attributes values for <att>valid</att>: <list rend="collapsed"> <item> <val rend="green">true</val>: intended to be fully valid</item> <item> <val rend="amber">feasible</val>: valid if missing nodes provided</item> <item> <val rend="red">false</val>: not intended to be valid</item> </list> </item> <item>The <att>rend</att> attribute can be used for recording how parts of the example were rendered.</item> </list> </div> </egXML> | ||||||||
Example | <egXML valid="feasible" source="#UND" xmlns=""><text> <front> <!-- front matter for the whole group --> </front> <group> <text> <!-- first text --> </text> <text> <!-- second text --> </text> </group> </text> <!-- This example is not valid TEI, but could be made so by adding missing components --> </egXML> | ||||||||
Example |
<egXML xmlns="" valid="false">
<para xml:lang="en">Doubloons are a pirate's best friend</para>
| ||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||
Schema Declaration | element egXML {, attribute valid { "true" | "feasible" | "false" }?, ( text | anyElement_egXML_1 )* } |
<email> (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.6.2. Addresses] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | The format of a modern Internet email address is defined in RFC 2822 |
Example | <email></email> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element email {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<emph> (Emphasis (italicization)) The emph element is used for emphasized text, and will be rendered in italics. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | You took the car and did <emph>what</emph>?!! |
Example | <q>What it all comes to is this,</q> he said. <q> <emph>What does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays?</emph> </q> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element emph {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, macro.paraContent } |
<encodingDesc> (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: teiHeader |
May contain | core: p header: appInfo projectDesc tagsDecl |
Example | <encodingDesc> <p>Basic encoding, capturing lexical information only. All hyphenation, punctuation, and variant spellings normalized. No formatting or layout information preserved.</p> </encodingDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element encodingDesc {, ( model.encodingDescPart | model.pLike )+ } |
<figure> (figure) groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as a graphic illustration, or a block of example code. Figure must contain either graphic, egXML (for example XML code) or eg (for non-XML code), and a mandatory head element containing the caption for the figure. Inline code examples may be provided through egXML and eg without the figure wrapper. [15.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images] | |
Module | figures |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <figure> <graphic url="" width="100px" height="750px"/> <head type="legend">The View from the Bridge</head> <head type="license">Used with permission</head> </figure> |
Example | <figure> <eg>if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0) goto fail; if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0) goto fail; goto fail; if ((err =, &hashOut)) != 0) goto fail; </eg> <head type="legend">An embarrassing error for Apple</head> </figure> |
Example | <figure> <egXML xmlns=""> <list rend="bulleted"> <item>Life</item> <item>The Universe</item> <item>Everything</item> </list> </egXML> <head type="legend">A book title rendered as a list</head> </figure> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element figure {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, ( ( graphic | egXML | eg ), head+ ) } |
<fileDesc> (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: teiHeader |
May contain | header: publicationStmt seriesStmt sourceDesc titleStmt |
Note | The major source of information for those seeking to create a catalogue entry or bibliographic citation for an electronic file. As such, it provides a title and statements of responsibility together with details of the publication or distribution of the file, of any series to which it belongs, and detailed bibliographic notes for matters not addressed elsewhere in the header. It also contains a full bibliographic description for the source or sources from which the electronic text was derived. |
Example | <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>The shortest possible TEI document</title> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p>Distributed as part of TEI P5</p> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>No print source exists: this is an original digital text</p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element fileDesc {, ( ( titleStmt, editionStmt?, extent?, publicationStmt, seriesStmt*, notesStmt? ), sourceDesc+ ) } |
<foreign> (foreign) identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ Foreign Words or Expressions] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | The global xml:lang attribute should be supplied for this element to identify the language of the word or phrase marked. As elsewhere, its value should be a language tag as defined in 6.1. Language Identification. This element is intended for use only where no other element is available to mark the phrase or words concerned. The global xml:lang attribute should be used in preference to this element where it is intended to mark the language of the whole of some text element. The <distinct> element may be used to identify phrases belonging to sublanguages or registers not generally regarded as true languages. |
Example | This is heathen Greek to you still? Your <foreign xml:lang="la">lapis philosophicus</foreign>? |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element foreign {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<forename> (forename) contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [14.2.1. Personal Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <persName> <roleName>Ex-President</roleName> <forename>George</forename> <surname>Bush</surname> </persName> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element forename {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<front> (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. Title Pages 4. Default Text Structure] | |
Module | textstructure |
Attributes |
Contained by | textstructure: text |
May contain | |
Note | Because cultural conventions differ as to which elements are grouped as front matter and which as back matter, the content models for the front and back elements are identical. |
Example | <front> <epigraph> <quote>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: <q xml:lang="grc">Σίβυλλα τί θέλεις</q>; respondebat illa: <q xml:lang="grc">ὰποθανεῖν θέλω.</q> </quote> </epigraph> <div type="dedication"> <p>For Ezra Pound <q xml:lang="it">il miglior fabbro.</q> </p> </div> </front> |
Example | <front> <div type="dedication"> <p>To our three selves</p> </div> <div type="preface"> <head>Author's Note</head> <p>All the characters in this book are purely imaginary, and if the author has used names that may suggest a reference to living persons she has done so inadvertently. ...</p> </div> </front> |
Example | <front> <div type="abstract"> <div> <head> BACKGROUND:</head> <p>Food insecurity can put children at greater risk of obesity because of altered food choices and nonuniform consumption patterns.</p> </div> <div> <head> OBJECTIVE:</head> <p>We examined the association between obesity and both child-level food insecurity and personal food insecurity in US children.</p> </div> <div> <head> DESIGN:</head> <p>Data from 9,701 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2010, aged 2 to 11 years were analyzed. Child-level food insecurity was assessed with the US Department of Agriculture's Food Security Survey Module based on eight child-specific questions. Personal food insecurity was assessed with five additional questions. Obesity was defined, using physical measurements, as body mass index (calculated as kg/m2) greater than or equal to the age- and sex-specific 95th percentile of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts. Logistic regressions adjusted for sex, race/ethnic group, poverty level, and survey year were conducted to describe associations between obesity and food insecurity.</p> </div> <div> <head> RESULTS:</head> <p>Obesity was significantly associated with personal food insecurity for children aged 6 to 11 years (odds ratio=1.81; 95% CI 1.33 to 2.48), but not in children aged 2 to 5 years (odds ratio=0.88; 95% CI 0.51 to 1.51). Child-level food insecurity was not associated with obesity among 2- to 5-year-olds or 6- to 11-year-olds.</p> </div> <div> <head> CONCLUSIONS:</head> <p>Personal food insecurity is associated with an increased risk of obesity only in children aged 6 to 11 years. Personal food-insecurity measures may give different results than aggregate food-insecurity measures in children.</p> </div> </div> </front> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:front"> <sch:assert test="tei:div[@type='abstract']" see=""> <sch:name/> must have an abstract (div[@type='abstract']). </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element front {, ( ( model.frontPart | model.pLike | model.pLike.front | )*, ( ( ( ( model.div1Like, ( model.div1Like | model.frontPart | )* ) | ( model.divLike, ( model.divLike | model.frontPart | )* ) ), ( ( model.divBottom, ( model.divBottom | )* )? ) )? ) ) } |
<gap> (gap) indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions] | |||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||
May contain | core: desc | ||||||||||||||||
Note | The gap, <unclear>, and <del> core tag elements may be closely allied in use with the <damage> and supplied elements, available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance. The gap tag simply signals the editors decision to omit or inability to transcribe a span of text. Other information, such as the interpretation that text was deliberately erased or covered, should be indicated using the relevant tags, such as <del> in the case of deliberate deletion. | ||||||||||||||||
Example | <gap quantity="4" unit="chars" reason="illegible"/> | ||||||||||||||||
Example | <gap quantity="1" unit="essay" reason="sampling"/> | ||||||||||||||||
Example | <del> <gap atLeast="4" atMost="8" unit="chars" reason="illegible"/> </del> | ||||||||||||||||
Example | <gap extent="several lines" reason="lost"/> | ||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:gap"> <sch:report test="following-sibling::node()[1][self::text()] and starts-with(following-sibling::node()[1], '.')" see=""> A <sch:name/> element should follow a period rather than precede it when an ellipsis follows the end of a sentence. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:gap"> <sch:report test="preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::text()][matches(., '\.\s+$')]" see=""> A <sch:name/> should follow a period directly, without preceding whitespace. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element gap {, att.cmc.attributes, att.dimensions.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, attribute reason { list { ( "cancelled" | "deleted" | "editorial" | "illegible" | "inaudible" | "irrelevant" | "sampling" | teidata.enumerated )+ } }?, attribute agent { teidata.enumerated }?, ( model.descLike | model.certLike )* } |
<gi> (element name) contains the name (generic identifier) of an element. [23. Documentation Elements 23.5. Element Specifications] | |||||||||
Module | tagdocs | ||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||
Member of | |||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||
May contain | XSD Name | ||||||||
Example | <p>The <gi>xhtml:li</gi> element is roughly analogous to the <gi>item</gi> element, as is the <gi scheme="DBK">listItem</gi> element.</p> This example shows the use of both a namespace prefix and the scheme attribute as alternative ways of indicating that the gi in question is not a TEI element name: in practice only one method should be adopted. | ||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||
Schema Declaration | element gi {, attribute scheme { teidata.enumerated }?, } |
<graphic> (graphic) indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components 12.1. Digital Facsimiles] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | core: desc |
Note | The mimeType attribute should be used to supply the MIME media type of the image specified by the url attribute. Within the body of a text, a graphic element indicates the presence of a graphic component in the source itself. Within the context of a <facsimile> or <sourceDoc> element, however, a graphic element provides an additional digital representation of some part of the source being encoded. |
Example | <figure> <graphic url="fig1.png"/> <head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head> <figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc> </figure> |
Example | <facsimile> <surfaceGrp n="leaf1"> <surface> <graphic url="page1.png"/> </surface> <surface> <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/> <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/> </surface> </surfaceGrp> </facsimile> |
Example | <facsimile> <surfaceGrp n="leaf1" xml:id="spi001"> <surface xml:id="spi001r"> <graphic type="normal" subtype="thumbnail" url="spi/thumb/001r.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="low-res" url="spi/normal/lowRes/001r.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="high-res" url="spi/normal/highRes/001r.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="low-res" url="spi/contrast/lowRes/001r.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="high-res" url="spi/contrast/highRes/001r.jpg"/> </surface> <surface xml:id="spi001v"> <graphic type="normal" subtype="thumbnail" url="spi/thumb/001v.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="low-res" url="spi/normal/lowRes/001v.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="high-res" url="spi/normal/highRes/001v.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="low-res" url="spi/contrast/lowRes/001v.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="high-res" url="spi/contrast/highRes/001v.jpg"/> <zone xml:id="spi001v_detail01"> <graphic type="normal" subtype="thumbnail" url="spi/thumb/001v-detail01.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="low-res" url="spi/normal/lowRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/> <graphic type="normal" subtype="high-res" url="spi/normal/highRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="low-res" url="spi/contrast/lowRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/> <graphic type="high-contrast" subtype="high-res" url="spi/contrast/highRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/> </zone> </surface> </surfaceGrp> </facsimile> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:graphic"> <sch:assert test="matches(@width, '\d+px') and matches(@height, '\d+px')" see=""> Width and height in pixels must be specified for any <sch:name/>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:graphic"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:figure" see=""> <sch:name/> may only occur inside <figure>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element graphic {, att.cmc.attributes,, att.resourced.attributes, att.typed.attributes, model.descLike* } |
<head> (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. Headings and Trailers] | |||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||
Note | The head element is used for headings at all levels; software which treats (e.g.) chapter headings, section headings, and list titles differently must determine the proper processing of a head element based on its structural position. A head occurring as the first element of a list is the title of that list; one occurring as the first element of a <div1> is the title of that chapter or section. | ||||||||||
Example | The most common use for the head element is to mark the headings of sections. In older writings, the headings or incipits may be rather longer than usual in modern works. If a section has an explicit ending as well as a heading, it should be marked as a <trailer>, as in this example: <div1 n="I" type="book"> <head>In the name of Christ here begins the first book of the ecclesiastical history of Georgius Florentinus, known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head> <div2 type="section"> <head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head> <p>Proposing as I do ...</p> <p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four hundred and twelve years passed.</p> <trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five hundred and ninety-six years from the beginning of the world down to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer> </div2> </div1> | ||||||||||
Example | When headings are not inline with the running text (see e.g. the heading "Secunda conclusio") they might however be encoded as if. The actual placement in the source document can be captured with the place attribute. <div type="subsection"> <head place="margin">Secunda conclusio</head> <p> <lb n="1251"/> <hi rend="large">Potencia: habitus: et actus: recipiunt speciem ab obiectis<supplied>.</supplied> </hi> <lb n="1252"/>Probatur sic. Omne importans necessariam habitudinem ad proprium [...] </p> </div> | ||||||||||
Example | The head element is also used to mark headings of other units, such as lists: With a few exceptions, connectives are equally useful in all kinds of discourse: description, narration, exposition, argument. <list rend="bulleted"> <head>Connectives</head> <item>above</item> <item>accordingly</item> <item>across from</item> <item>adjacent to</item> <item>again</item> <item> <!-- ... --> </item> </list> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:head"> <sch:report test="matches(., '^\s*(((figure|fig\.|table|example|ex\.|section) )\d|\d+\.\d?)', 'i')" see=""> Headings are numbered and labeled automatically, please remove the hard-coded label from the text. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:figure/tei:head"> <sch:assert test="@type = ('legend', 'license')" see=""> Figure titles (<head>) must have a type 'legend' or 'license'. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element head {, att.cmc.attributes, att.placement.attributes, att.written.attributes, attribute type { "legend" | "license" }?, ( text | lg | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.inter | model.lLike | )* } |
<hi> (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <hi rend="gothic">And this Indenture further witnesseth</hi> that the said <hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>, merchant, in consideration of the said intended marriage ... |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element hi {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, macro.paraContent } |
<ident> (identifier) contains an identifier or name for an object of some kind in a formal language. ident is used for tokens such as variable names, class names, type names, function names etc. in formal programming languages. [23.1.1. Phrase Level Terms] | |
Module | tagdocs |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Character data only |
Note | In running prose, this element may be used for any kind of identifier in any formal language. It should not be used for element and attribute names in XML, for which the special elements gi and att are provided. |
Example | <ident type="ns"></ident> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element ident {, text } |
<idno> (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [14.3.1. Basic Principles 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] | |||||||||||
Module | header | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||
May contain | header: idno character data | ||||||||||
Note | idno should be used for labels which identify an object or concept in a formal cataloguing system such as a database or an RDF store, or in a distributed system such as the World Wide Web. Some suggested values for type on idno are ISBN, ISSN, DOI, and URI. | ||||||||||
Example | <idno type="ISBN">978-1-906964-22-1</idno> <idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno> <idno type="DOI">10.1000/123</idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="LT">Thomason Tract E.537(17)</idno> <idno type="Wing">C695</idno> <idno type="oldCat"> <g ref="#sym"/>345 </idno> In the last case, the identifier includes a non-Unicode character which is defined elsewhere by means of a <glyph> or <char> element referenced here as | ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:back/tei:div[@type eq 'bibliography']//tei:idno[@type eq 'doi']"> <sch:report test="following-sibling::tei:ref" see=""> If a bibliographic entry has a formal DOI code, it should be placed at the very end of the bibliographic description. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element idno {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.attributes, attribute type { "ISBN" | "ISSN" | "DOI" | "URI" | "VIAF" | "ESTC" | "OCLC" | teidata.enumerated }?, ( text | model.gLike | idno )* } |
<item> (item) contains one component of a list. [3.8. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Contained by | core: list |
May contain | |
Note | May contain simple prose or a sequence of chunks. Whatever string of characters is used to label a list item in the copy text may be used as the value of the global n attribute, but it is not required that numbering be recorded explicitly. In ordered lists, the n attribute on the item element is by definition synonymous with the use of the label element to record the enumerator of the list item. In glossary lists, however, the term being defined should be given with the label element, not n. |
Example | <list rend="numbered"> <head>Here begin the chapter headings of Book IV</head> <item n="4.1">The death of Queen Clotild.</item> <item n="4.2">How King Lothar wanted to appropriate one third of the Church revenues.</item> <item n="4.3">The wives and children of Lothar.</item> <item n="4.4">The Counts of the Bretons.</item> <item n="4.5">Saint Gall the Bishop.</item> <item n="4.6">The priest Cato.</item> <item> ...</item> </list> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element item {, macro.specialPara } |
<keywords> (keywords) contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] | |||||||
Module | header | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Contained by | header: textClass | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Note | Each individual keyword (including compound subject headings) should be supplied as a term element directly within the keywords element. An alternative usage, in which each term appears within an item inside a list is permitted for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated. If no control list exists for the keywords used, then no value should be supplied for the scheme attribute. | ||||||
Example | <keywords scheme=""> <term>Babbage, Charles</term> <term>Mathematicians - Great Britain - Biography</term> </keywords> | ||||||
Example | <keywords> <term>Fermented beverages</term> <term>Central Andes</term> <term>Schinus molle</term> <term>Molle beer</term> <term>Indigenous peoples</term> <term>Ethnography</term> <term>Archaeology</term> </keywords> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element keywords {, attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?, ( term+ | list ) } |
<label> (label) contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.8. Lists] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | Labels are commonly used for the headwords in glossary lists; note the use of the global xml:lang attribute to set the default language of the glossary list to Middle English, and identify the glosses and headings as modern English or Latin: <list type="gloss" xml:lang="enm"> <head xml:lang="en">Vocabulary</head> <headLabel xml:lang="en">Middle English</headLabel> <headItem xml:lang="en">New English</headItem> <label>nu</label> <item xml:lang="en">now</item> <label>lhude</label> <item xml:lang="en">loudly</item> <label>bloweth</label> <item xml:lang="en">blooms</item> <label>med</label> <item xml:lang="en">meadow</item> <label>wude</label> <item xml:lang="en">wood</item> <label>awe</label> <item xml:lang="en">ewe</item> <label>lhouth</label> <item xml:lang="en">lows</item> <label>sterteth</label> <item xml:lang="en">bounds, frisks (cf. <cit> <ref>Chaucer, K.T.644</ref> <quote>a courser, <term>sterting</term>as the fyr</quote> </cit> </item> <label>verteth</label> <item xml:lang="la">pedit</item> <label>murie</label> <item xml:lang="en">merrily</item> <label>swik</label> <item xml:lang="en">cease</item> <label>naver</label> <item xml:lang="en">never</item> </list> |
Example | Labels may also be used to record explicitly the numbers or letters which mark list items in ordered lists, as in this extract from Gibbon's Autobiography. In this usage the label element is synonymous with the n attribute on the item element: I will add two facts, which have seldom occurred in the composition of six, or at least of five quartos. <list rend="runon" type="ordered"> <label>(1)</label> <item>My first rough manuscript, without any intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item> <label>(2) </label> <item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human eyes, excepting those of the author and the printer: the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item> </list> |
Example | Labels may also be used for other structured list items, as in this extract from the journal of Edward Gibbon: <list type="gloss"> <label>March 1757.</label> <item>I wrote some critical observations upon Plautus.</item> <label>March 8th.</label> <item>I wrote a long dissertation upon some lines of Virgil.</item> <label>June.</label> <item>I saw Mademoiselle Curchod — <quote xml:lang="la">Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori.</quote> </item> <label>August.</label> <item>I went to Crassy, and staid two days.</item> </list> Note that the label might also appear within the item rather than as its sibling. Though syntactically valid, this usage is not recommended TEI practice. |
Example | Labels may also be used to represent a label or heading attached to a paragraph or sequence of paragraphs not treated as a structural division, or to a group of verse lines. Note that, in this case, the label element appears within the p or <lg> element, rather than as a preceding sibling of it. <p>[...] <lb/>& n’entrer en mauuais & mal-heu- <lb/>ré meſnage. Or des que le conſente- <lb/>ment des parties y eſt le mariage eſt <lb/> arreſté, quoy que de faict il ne ſoit <label place="margin">Puiſſance maritale entre les Romains.</label> <lb/> conſommé. Depuis la conſomma- <lb/>tion du mariage la femme eſt ſoubs <lb/> la puiſſance du mary, s’il n’eſt eſcla- <lb/>ue ou enfant de famille : car en ce <lb/> cas, la femme, qui a eſpouſé vn en- <lb/>fant de famille, eſt ſous la puiſſance [...]</p> In this example the text of the label appears in the right hand margin of the original source, next to the paragraph it describes, but approximately in the middle of it. If so desired the type attribute may be used to distinguish different categories of label. |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element label {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<language> (language) characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage] | |||||||
Module | header | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Contained by | header: langUsage | ||||||
May contain | |||||||
Note | Particularly for sublanguages, an informal prose characterization should be supplied as content for the element. | ||||||
Example | <langUsage> <language ident="en-US" usage="75">modern American English</language> <language ident="az-Arab" usage="20">Azerbaijani in Arabic script</language> <language ident="x-lap" usage="05">Pig Latin</language> </langUsage> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element language {, att.scope.attributes, attribute ident { teidata.language }, } |
<langUsage> (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage 2.4. The Profile Description 16.3.2. Declarable Elements] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: profileDesc |
May contain | |
Example | <langUsage> <language ident="fr-CA" usage="60">Québecois</language> <language ident="en-CA" usage="20">Canadian business English</language> <language ident="en-GB" usage="20">British English</language> </langUsage> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element langUsage {, ( model.pLike+ | language+ ) } |
<lb> (line beginning) marks the beginning of a topographic line in some edition or version of a text. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Empty element |
Note | By convention, lb elements should appear at the point in the text where a new line starts. The n attribute, if used, indicates the number or other value associated with the text between this point and the next lb element, typically the sequence number of the line within the page, or other appropriate unit. This element is intended to be used for marking the beginning of each new topographic line on a manuscript or printed page, at the point where it occurs; it should not be used to tag structural units such as lines of verse (for which the <l> element is available) except in circumstances where structural units cannot otherwise be marked. The type attribute may be used to characterize the line beginning in any respect. The more specialized attributes break, ed, or edRef should be preferred when the intent is to indicate whether or not the beginning of the new topographic line is word-breaking, or to note the source from which it derives. |
Example | This example shows the encoding of the beginning of each new topographic line within a metrical line, indicating where it occurs in both the 1667 and 1674 editions: <l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l> <l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l> <l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l> |
Example | This example shows the encoding of the beginning of a new topographical line as a means of preserving the visual appearance of a title page. The break attribute is used to show that the beginning of the new line does not (as elsewhere) mark the start of a new word. <titlePart> <lb/>With Additions, ne-<lb break="no"/>ver before Printed. </titlePart> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element lb {, att.cmc.attributes, empty } |
<licence> contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: availability |
May contain | |
Note | A licence element should be supplied for each licence agreement applicable to the text in question. The target attribute may be used to reference a full version of the licence. The when, notBefore, notAfter, from or to attributes may be used in combination to indicate the date or dates of applicability of the licence. |
Example | <licence target=""> Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand Licence </licence> |
Example | <availability> <licence target="" notBefore="2013-01-01"> <p>The Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Licence applies to this document.</p> <p>The licence was added on January 1, 2013.</p> </licence> </availability> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element licence {, att.datable.attributes, att.pointing.attributes, macro.specialPara } |
<list> (list) contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.8. Lists] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | May contain an optional heading followed by a series of items, or a series of label and item pairs, the latter being optionally preceded by one or two specialized headings. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:list[@type='gloss']"> <sch:assert test="tei:label">The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element</sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element list {,,,,,,,,, att.cmc.attributes, attribute rend { list { ( "bulleted" | "inline" | "ordered" | "simple" )+ } }?, attribute type { "gloss" }?, ( ( model.divTop | | desc* )*, ( ( ( item,* )+ ) | ( headLabel?, headItem?, ( ( label,*, item,* )+ ) ) ), ( ( model.divBottom,* )* ) ) } |
<listBibl> (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 16.3.2. Declarable Elements] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <listBibl> <head>Works consulted</head> <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to Literature in English (Yale, 1990) </bibl> <biblStruct> <analytic> <title>The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title>The Penny Histories</title> <author>Victor E Neuberg</author> <imprint> <publisher>OUP</publisher> <date>1968</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct> </listBibl> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element listBibl {, att.cmc.attributes, ( model.headLike*, desc*, ( model.milestoneLike | relation | listRelation )*, ( ( model.biblLike+, ( model.milestoneLike | relation | listRelation )* )+ ) ) } |
<listChange> groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.6. The Revision Description 12.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions] | |||||||||
Module | header | ||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||
Contained by | header: listChange revisionDesc | ||||||||
May contain | core: desc header: change listChange | ||||||||
Note | When this element appears within the <creation> element it documents the set of revision campaigns or stages identified during the evolution of the original text. When it appears within the revisionDesc element, it documents only changes made during the evolution of the encoded representation of that text. | ||||||||
Example | <revisionDesc> <listChange> <change when="1991-11-11" who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change> <change when="1991-11-02" who="#MSM"> completed first draft </change> </listChange> </revisionDesc> | ||||||||
Example | <profileDesc> <creation> <listChange ordered="true"> <change xml:id="CHG-1">First stage, written in ink by a writer</change> <change xml:id="CHG-2">Second stage, written in Goethe's hand using pencil</change> <change xml:id="CHG-3">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by Goethe using ink</change> <change xml:id="CHG-4">Addition of another stanza in a different hand, probably at a later stage</change> </listChange> </creation> </profileDesc> | ||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||
Schema Declaration | element listChange {, att.typed.attributes, attribute ordered { teidata.truthValue }?, ( desc*, ( listChange | change )+ ) } |
<listPerson> (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [14.3.2. The Person Element 16.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description 16.3.2. Declarable Elements] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | namesdates: listPerson person |
Note | The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of people of a particular type if convenient. |
Example | <listPerson type="respondents"> <personGrp xml:id="PXXX"/> <person xml:id="P1234" sex="2" age="mid"/> <person xml:id="P4332" sex="1" age="mid"/> <listRelation> <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#P1234 #P4332"/> </listRelation> </listPerson> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element listPerson {, att.cmc.attributes, att.typed.attributes, ( model.headLike*, desc*, ( relation | listRelation )*, ( ( ( model.personLike | listPerson )+, ( relation | listRelation )* )+ ) ) } |
<mentioned> marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. Quotation] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | There is thus a striking accentual difference between a verbal form like <mentioned xml:id="X234" xml:lang="el">eluthemen</mentioned> <gloss target="#X234">we were released,</gloss> accented on the second syllable of the word, and its participial derivative <mentioned xml:id="X235" xml:lang="el">lutheis</mentioned> <gloss target="#X235">released,</gloss> accented on the last. |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element mentioned {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<name> (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.6.1. Referring Strings] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | Proper nouns referring to people, places, and organizations may be tagged instead with <persName>, placeName, or orgName, when the TEI module for names and dates is included. |
Example | <name type="person">Thomas Hoccleve</name> <name type="place">Villingaholt</name> <name type="org">Vetus Latina Institut</name> <name type="person" ref="#HOC001">Occleve</name> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element name {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.w3c.attribute.when, att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore, att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,, att.editLike.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<note> (note) contains a note or annotation. [3.9.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | In the following example, the translator has supplied a footnote containing an explanation of the term translated as "painterly": And yet it is not only in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the painterly <note place="bottom" type="gloss" resp="#MDMH"> <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch</term>. This word has, in the German, two distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object, the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid confusion, they have been distinguished in English as <mentioned>picturesque</mentioned> and <mentioned>painterly</mentioned> respectively. </note> style of the Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this psychological significance. <!-- elsewhere in the document --> <respStmt xml:id="MDMH"> <resp>translation from German to English</resp> <name>Hottinger, Marie Donald Mackie</name> </respStmt> For this example to be valid, the code MDMH must be defined elsewhere, for example by means of a responsibility statement in the associated TEI header. |
Example | The global n attribute may be used to supply the symbol or number used to mark the note's point of attachment in the source text, as in the following example: Mevorakh b. Saadya's mother, the matriarch of the family during the second half of the eleventh century, <note n="126" anchored="true"> The alleged mention of Judah Nagid's mother in a letter from 1071 is, in fact, a reference to Judah's children; cf. above, nn. 111 and 54. </note> is well known from Geniza documents published by Jacob Mann. However, if notes are numbered in sequence and their numbering can be reconstructed automatically by processing software, it may well be considered unnecessary to record the note numbers. |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:note"> <sch:assert test="not(following::text()[not(ancestor::tei:note)][1][matches(., '^[,\.:;!?\]]')])" see=""> Footnotes should follow punctuation marks, not precede them. Place your <<sch:name/>> element after the punctuation mark. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:note"> <sch:report test="preceding::text()[not(ancestor::tei:note)][1][matches(., '—$')]" see=""> Footnotes should precede the dash, not follow it. Place your <<sch:name/>> element before the dash. </sch:report> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:note" role="warning"> <sch:report test="following::text()[not(ancestor::tei:note)][1][matches(normalize-space(), '^\)')]" see=""> Footnotes may be placed before closing parentheses, though this is exceptional. Please check if this note's placement is correct. Otherwise, move it after the closing parenthesis. </sch:report> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:note" role="warning"> <sch:report test="descendant::node()[last()][ not(matches(normalize-space(), '(^|[^.?!:;,])[.?!]$')) or preceding-sibling::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::*[last()] [matches(normalize-space(), '[.?!:;,]$')] ]" see=""> A footnote should end a with a single closing punctuation character. </sch:report> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:note"> <sch:report test=".//(tei:cit|tei:table|tei:list[not(tokenize(@rend, '\s+')[. eq 'inline'])]|tei:figure|eg:egXML|tei:eg)" see=""> No block-level elements (<cit>, <table>, <figure>, <egXML>, <eg>, <list> which do not have the value inline for @rend) are allowed inside <sch:name/>. </sch:report> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element note {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, macro.specialPara } |
<num> (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | Detailed analyses of quantities and units of measure in historical documents may also use the feature structure mechanism described in chapter 19. Feature Structures. The num element is intended for use in simple applications. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <p>I reached <num type="cardinal" value="21">twenty-one</num> on my <num type="ordinal" value="21">twenty-first</num> birthday</p> <p>Light travels at <num value="3E10">3×10<hi rend="sup">10</hi> </num> cm per second.</p> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element num {, att.cmc.attributes, attribute type { "cardinal" | "ordinal" | "fraction" | "percentage" | teidata.enumerated }?, attribute value { teidata.numeric }?, macro.phraseSeq } |
<orgName> (organization name) contains an organizational name. [14.2.2. Organizational Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the <orgName key="PAS1" type="voluntary"> <placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society </orgName> [...] |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element orgName {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.w3c.attribute.when, att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore, att.datable.w3c.attribute.from,, att.editLike.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<p> (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | corpus: particDesc figures: cell header: application availability change encodingDesc langUsage licence projectDesc publicationStmt seriesStmt sourceDesc namesdates: person |
May contain | |
Example | <p>Hallgerd was outside. <q>There is blood on your axe,</q> she said. <q>What have you done?</q> </p> <p> <q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf. </p> <p> <q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said. </p> <p> <q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q> </p> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:p"> <sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:ab or ancestor::tei:p) and not( ancestor::tei:floatingText | parent::tei:exemplum | parent::tei:item | parent::tei:note | parent::tei:q | parent::tei:quote | parent::tei:remarks | parent::tei:said | parent::tei:sp | parent::tei:stage | parent::tei:cell | parent::tei:figure )"> Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not occur inside other paragraphs or ab elements. </sch:report> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:l//tei:p"> <sch:assert test="ancestor::tei:floatingText | parent::tei:figure | parent::tei:note"> Abstract model violation: Metrical lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab, unless p is a child of figure or note, or is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element p {, att.cmc.attributes, att.written.attributes, macro.paraContent } |
<particDesc> (participation description) describes the identifiable speakers, voices, or other participants in any kind of text or other persons named or otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [16.2. Contextual Information] | |
Module | corpus |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: profileDesc |
May contain | core: p namesdates: listPerson person |
Note | May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a structured list of persons and person groups, with an optional formal specification of any relationships amongst them. |
Example | <particDesc> <listPerson> <person xml:id="P-1234" sex="2" age="mid"> <p>Female informant, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic status B2.</p> </person> <person xml:id="P-4332" sex="1"> <persName> <surname>Hancock</surname> <forename>Antony</forename> <forename>Aloysius</forename> <forename>St John</forename> </persName> <residence notAfter="1959"> <address> <street>Railway Cuttings</street> <settlement>East Cheam</settlement> </address> </residence> <occupation>comedian</occupation> </person> <listRelation> <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#P-1234 #P-4332"/> </listRelation> </listPerson> </particDesc> This example shows both a very simple person description, and a very detailed one, using some of the more specialized elements from the module for Names and Dates. |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element particDesc {, ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personLike | listPerson | listOrg )+ ) } |
<person> (person) provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [14.3.2. The Person Element 16.2.2. The Participant Description] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | namesdates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | corpus: particDesc namesdates: listPerson | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | May contain either a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of more specific demographic elements drawn from the model.personPart class. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <person sex="F" age="adult"> <p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic status B2.</p> </person> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <person sex="intersex" role="god" age="immortal"> <persName>Hermaphroditos</persName> <persName xml:lang="grc">Ἑρμαφρόδιτος</persName> </person> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <person xml:id="Ovi01" sex="M" role="poet"> <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName> <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName> <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName> <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement> <country key="IT">Italy</country> </placeName> </birth> <death notBefore="0017" notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD <placeName> <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement> <country key="RO">Romania</country> </placeName> </death> </person> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | The following exemplifies an adaptation of the vCard standard to indicate an unknown gender for a fictional character. <person xml:id="ariel" gender="U"> <persName>Ariel</persName> <note>Character in <title level="m">The Tempest</title>.</note> </person> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element person {, att.editLike.attributes, attribute role { list { teidata.enumerated+ } }?, attribute sex { list { } }?, attribute gender { list { teidata.gender+ } }?, attribute age { teidata.enumerated }?, ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | | ptr )* ) } |
<placeName> (place name) contains an absolute or relative place name. [14.2.3. Place Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <placeName> <settlement>Rochester</settlement> <region>New York</region> </placeName> |
Example | <placeName> <geogName>Arrochar Alps</geogName> <region>Argylshire</region> </placeName> |
Example | <placeName> <measure>10 miles</measure> <offset>Northeast of</offset> <settlement>Attica</settlement> </placeName> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element placeName {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, att.personal.attributes, att.typed.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<profileDesc> (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: teiHeader |
May contain | corpus: particDesc |
Note | Although the content model permits it, it is rarely meaningful to supply multiple occurrences for any of the child elements of profileDesc unless these are documenting multiple texts. |
Example | <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="fr">French</language> </langUsage> <textDesc n="novel"> <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel> <constitution type="single"/> <derivation type="original"/> <domain type="art"/> <factuality type="fiction"/> <interaction type="none"/> <preparedness type="prepared"/> <purpose type="entertain" degree="high"/> <purpose type="inform" degree="medium"/> </textDesc> <settingDesc> <setting> <name>Paris, France</name> <time>Late 19th century</time> </setting> </settingDesc> </profileDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element profileDesc {, model.profileDescPart* } |
<projectDesc> (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. The Project Description 2.3. The Encoding Description 16.3.2. Declarable Elements] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: encodingDesc |
May contain | core: p |
Example | <projectDesc> <p>Texts collected for use in the Claremont Shakespeare Clinic, June 1990</p> </projectDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element projectDesc {, model.pLike+ } |
<ptr> (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 17.1. Links] | |||||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||
May contain | Empty element | ||||||||||||||||||
Note | The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive. | ||||||||||||||||||
Example | <ptr target="#p143 #p144"/> <ptr target=""/> <ptr cRef="1.3.4"/> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ptr[not(@type='crossref')]"> <sch:report test="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@target), '\s+')) > 1" see=""> Multiple values in @target are only allowed for <sch:name/>[@type='crossref']. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ptr"> <sch:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on <sch:name/>.</sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element ptr {, att.cmc.attributes, attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }, attribute type { "crossref" }?, empty } |
<publicationStmt> (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: fileDesc |
May contain | |
Note | Where a publication statement contains several members of the or model.publicationStmtPart.detail classes rather than one or more paragraphs or anonymous blocks, care should be taken to ensure that the repeated elements are presented in a meaningful order. It is a conformance requirement that elements supplying information about publication place, address, identifier, availability, and date be given following the name of the publisher, distributor, or authority concerned, and preferably in that order. |
Example | <publicationStmt> <publisher>C. Muquardt </publisher> <pubPlace>Bruxelles & Leipzig</pubPlace> <date when="1846"/> </publicationStmt> |
Example | <publicationStmt> <publisher>Chadwyck Healey</publisher> <pubPlace>Cambridge</pubPlace> <availability> <p>Available under licence only</p> </availability> <date when="1992">1992</date> </publicationStmt> |
Example | <publicationStmt> <publisher>Zea Books</publisher> <pubPlace>Lincoln, NE</pubPlace> <date>2017</date> <availability> <p>This is an open access work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.</p> </availability> <ptr target=""/> </publicationStmt> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element publicationStmt {, ( ( (, model.publicationStmtPart.detail* )+ ) | model.pLike+ ) } |
<publisher> (publisher) provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: bibl header: publicationStmt |
May contain | |
Note | Use the full form of the name by which a company is usually referred to, rather than any abbreviation of it which may appear on a title page |
Example | <imprint> <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace> <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher> <date>1987</date> </imprint> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element publisher {, macro.phraseSeq } |
<pubPlace> (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: bibl header: publicationStmt |
May contain | |
Example | <publicationStmt> <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher> <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace> <date>1989</date> </publicationStmt> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element pubPlace {, macro.phraseSeq } |
<q> (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. Quotation] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | May be used to indicate that a passage is distinguished from the surrounding text for reasons concerning which no claim is made. When used in this manner, q may be thought of as syntactic sugar for hi with a value of rend that indicates the use of such mechanisms as quotation marks. |
Example | It is spelled <q>Tübingen</q> — to enter the letter <q>u</q> with an umlaut hold down the <q>option</q> key and press <q>0 0 f c</q> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element q {, att.ascribed.directed.attributes, att.cmc.attributes, macro.specialPara } |
<quote> (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | If a bibliographic citation is supplied for the source of a quotation, the two may be grouped using the cit element. |
Example | Lexicography has shown little sign of being affected by the work of followers of J.R. Firth, probably best summarized in his slogan, <quote>You shall know a word by the company it keeps</quote> <ref>(Firth, 1957)</ref> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:quote"> <sch:assert see="" test="id(substring-after(@source, '#'))/(self::tei:ref[@type eq 'bibl']|self::tei:bibl[ancestor::tei:body])"> <sch:name/> must have a @source that points to the @xml:id of either a ref[type='bibl'], or a <bibl> in the <body>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element quote {, att.cmc.attributes, att.notated.attributes, macro.specialPara } |
<ref> (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 17.1. Links] | |||||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||
Note | The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive. | ||||||||||||||||||
Example | See especially <ref target="">the second sentence</ref> | ||||||||||||||||||
Example | See also <ref target="#locution">s.v. <term>locution</term> </ref>. | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ref"> <sch:report test="count(tokenize(normalize-space(@target), '\s+')) > 1" see=""> <sch:name/> with multiple values for @target is not supported. </sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ref[@type eq 'bibl']"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^\(.*\)$'))" see=""> Parentheses are not part of bibliographic references. Please move them out of <sch:name/>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ref[@type eq 'bibl']"> <sch:assert test="id(substring-after(@target, '#'))/(self::tei:bibl|self::tei:person[ancestor::tei:particDesc/parent::tei:profileDesc])" see=""> A bibliographic reference must point with a @target to the @xml:id of an entry in the div[@type="bibliography"]. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ref[id(substring-after(@target, '#'))/self::tei:bibl]"> <sch:assert test="@type eq 'bibl'" see="" sqf:fix="bibltype.add"> A bibliographic reference must be typed as @type="bibl". </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="bibltype.add"> <sqf:description> <sqf:title>Add @type='bibl'.</sqf:title> </sqf:description> <sqf:add match="." node-type="attribute" target="type" select="'bibl'"/> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:ref"> <sch:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on <sch:name/>.</sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element ref {, att.cmc.attributes, attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }, attribute type { "crossref" | "bibl" }?, macro.paraContent } |
<rendition> (rendition) supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | header | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | header: tagsDecl | ||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <tagsDecl> <rendition xml:id="r-center" scheme="css">text-align: center;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="r-small" scheme="css">font-size: small;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="r-large" scheme="css">font-size: large;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="initcaps" scope="first-letter" scheme="css">font-size: xx-large</rendition> </tagsDecl> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:rendition"> <sch:assert test="key('idrefs', @xml:id)[. instance of attribute(rendition)]"> Please remove all <sch:name/> definitions that aren't actually being used in the article. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element rendition {, attribute scheme { "css" }?, attribute selector { teidata.text }?, macro.limitedContent } |
<resp> (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Contained by | core: respStmt |
May contain | |
Note | The attribute ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the kind of responsibility in a normalized form by referring directly to a standardized list of responsibility types, such as that maintained by a naming authority, for example the list maintained at for bibliographic usage. |
Example | <respStmt> <resp ref="">compiler</resp> <name>Edward Child</name> </respStmt> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element resp {, att.datable.attributes, } |
<respStmt> (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: seriesStmt |
May contain | |
Example | <respStmt> <resp>transcribed from original ms</resp> <persName>Claus Huitfeldt</persName> </respStmt> |
Example | <respStmt> <resp>converted to XML encoding</resp> <name>Alan Morrison</name> </respStmt> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:respStmt"> <sch:assert test="ancestor::tei:sourceDesc"> <sch:name/> can only be used in the context of sourceDesc. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element respStmt {, ( ( ( resp+, model.nameLike.agent+ ) | ( model.nameLike.agent+, resp+ ) ), note* ) } |
<revisionDesc> (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: teiHeader |
May contain | core: list header: change listChange |
Note | If present on this element, the status attribute should indicate the current status of the document. The same attribute may appear on any change to record the status at the time of that change. Conventionally change elements should be given in reverse date order, with the most recent change at the start of the list. |
Example | <revisionDesc status="embargoed"> <change when="1991-11-11" who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change> </revisionDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element revisionDesc {, ( list+ | listChange+ | change+ ) } |
<roleName> (role name) contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [14.2.1. Personal Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | A roleName may be distinguished from an <addName> by virtue of the fact that, like a title, it typically exists independently of its holder. |
Example | <persName> <forename>William</forename> <surname>Poulteny</surname> <roleName>Earl of Bath</roleName> </persName> |
Example | <p>The <roleName role="solicitor_general">S.G.</roleName> is the only national public official, including the Supreme Court justices, required by statute to be “learned in the law.”</p> |
Example | <p> <persName ref="#NJF"> <roleName role="solicitor_general">Solicitor General</roleName> Noel J. Francisco</persName>, representing the administration, asserted in rebuttal that there was nothing to disavow (...) <persName ref="#NJF">Francisco</persName> had violated the scrupulous standard of candor about the facts and the law that <roleName role="solicitor_general">S.G.s</roleName>, in Republican and Democratic administrations alike, have repeatedly said they must honor. </p> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element roleName {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<row> (row) contains one row of a table. [15.1.1. TEI Tables] | |
Module | figures |
Attributes |
Contained by | figures: table |
May contain | figures: cell |
Example | <row role="data"> <cell role="label">Classics</cell> <cell>Idle listless and unimproving</cell> </row> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element row {, att.tableDecoration.attributes, cell+ } |
<series> (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: bibl |
May contain | |
Example | <series xml:lang="de"> <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title> <respStmt> <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp> <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name> <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name> </respStmt> <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title> <biblScope>Band 11</biblScope> </series> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element series {, ( text | model.gLike | title | model.ptrLike | editor | respStmt | biblScope | idno | textLang | | availability )* } |
<seriesStmt> (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. The Series Statement 2.2. The File Description] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: fileDesc |
May contain | |
Example | <seriesStmt> <title>Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of Indian Literature</title> <respStmt> <resp>ed. by</resp> <name>Jan Gonda</name> </respStmt> <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope> <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno> </seriesStmt> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element seriesStmt {, ( model.pLike+ | ( title+, ( editor | respStmt )*, ( idno | biblScope )* ) ) } |
<soCalled> (so called) contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. Quotation] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call <soCalled>nuts</soCalled> to Scrooge. |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element soCalled {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<sourceDesc> (source description) describes the source(s) from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as ‘born digital’ for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: fileDesc |
May contain | |
Example | <sourceDesc> <bibl> <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>. <publisher>OUP</publisher> <date>1968</date>. </bibl> </sourceDesc> |
Example | <sourceDesc> <p>Born digital: no previous source exists.</p> </sourceDesc> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element sourceDesc {, ( model.pLike+ | ( model.biblLike | model.sourceDescPart | model.listLike )+ ) } |
<supplied> (supplied) signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text] | |||||||
Module | transcr | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | |||||||
May contain | |||||||
Note | The <damage>, gap, <del>, <unclear> and supplied elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance. | ||||||
Example | I am dr Sr yr <supplied reason="illegible" source="#amanuensis_copy">very humble Servt</supplied> Sydney Smith | ||||||
Example | <supplied reason="omitted-in-original">Dedication</supplied> to the duke of Bejar | ||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:supplied"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^\[|\]$'))" see=""> Please remove square brackets from <sch:name/>: they are completed at processing time via XSLT. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element supplied {, att.dimensions.attributes, att.editLike.attributes, attribute reason { list { teidata.enumerated+ } }?, macro.paraContent } |
<surname> (surname) contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [14.2.1. Personal Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <surname type="combine">St John Stevas</surname> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element surname {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<table> (table) contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [15.1.1. TEI Tables] | |||||||||||||||||
Module | figures | ||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||
Note | Contains an optional heading and a series of rows. Any rendition information should be supplied using the global rend attribute, at the table, row, or cell level as appropriate. | ||||||||||||||||
Example | <table rows="4" cols="4"> <head>Poor Men's Lodgings in Norfolk (Mayhew, 1843)</head> <row role="label"> <cell role="data"/> <cell role="data">Dossing Cribs or Lodging Houses</cell> <cell role="data">Beds</cell> <cell role="data">Needys or Nightly Lodgers</cell> </row> <row role="data"> <cell role="label">Bury St Edmund's</cell> <cell role="data">5</cell> <cell role="data">8</cell> <cell role="data">128</cell> </row> <row role="data"> <cell role="label">Thetford</cell> <cell role="data">3</cell> <cell role="data">6</cell> <cell role="data">36</cell> </row> <row role="data"> <cell role="label">Attleboro'</cell> <cell role="data">3</cell> <cell role="data">5</cell> <cell role="data">20</cell> </row> <row role="data"> <cell role="label">Wymondham</cell> <cell role="data">1</cell> <cell role="data">11</cell> <cell role="data">22</cell> </row> </table> | ||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:table"> <sch:assert test="not(ancestor::tei:list)" see=""> No tables are allowed inside lists. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element table {, att.cmc.attributes, att.typed.attributes, attribute rows { teidata.count }?, attribute cols { teidata.count }?, ( ( model.headLike | )*, ( ( ( row,* )+ ) | ( ( model.graphicLike,* )+ ) ), ( ( model.divBottom,* )* ) ) } |
<tag> (tag) contains text of a complete start- or end-tag, possibly including attribute specifications, but excluding the opening and closing markup delimiter characters. [23. Documentation Elements] | |||||||||||||||||||
Module | tagdocs | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||
May contain | Character data only | ||||||||||||||||||
Example | Mark the start of each italicised phrase with a <tag>hi rend="it"</tag> tag, and its end with a <tag type="end">hi</tag> tag. <tag type="comment">Example updated on 2008-04-05</tag> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:tag"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^[<!?-]|[>/?\-]$'))" see=""> Tag delimiters such as angle brackets and tag-closing slashes are not allowed for <sch:name/>: they are completed at processing time via XSLT. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element tag {, attribute type { "start" | "end" | "empty" | "pi" | "comment" | "ms" }?, attribute scheme { teidata.enumerated }?, text } |
<tagsDecl> (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description] | |||||||||
Module | header | ||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||
Member of | |||||||||
Contained by | header: encodingDesc | ||||||||
May contain | header: rendition | ||||||||
Example | If the partial attribute were not specified here, the implication would be that the document in question contains only hi, title, and <para> elements. | ||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||
Schema Declaration | element tagsDecl {, attribute partial { teidata.truthValue }?, ( rendition*, namespace* ) } |
<TEI> (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resource class. Multiple TEI elements may be combined within a TEI (or <teiCorpus>) element. [4. Default Text Structure 16.1. Varieties of Composite Text] | |
Module | textstructure |
Attributes |
Contained by | textstructure: TEI |
May contain | |
Note | As with all elements in the TEI scheme (except egXML) this element is in the TEI namespace (see 5.7.2. Namespaces). Thus, when it is used as the outermost element of a TEI document, it is necessary to specify the TEI namespace on it. This is customarily achieved by including as the value of the XML namespace declaration (xmlns), without indicating a prefix, and then not using a prefix on TEI elements in the rest of the document. For example: <TEI version="4.8.1" xml:lang="it" xmlns="">. |
Example | <TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5 version using a namespace.</p> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>No source: this is an original work.</p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p> </body> </text> </TEI> |
Example | <TEI version="2.9.1" xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>A TEI Document containing four page images </title> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p>Unpublished demonstration file.</p> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>No source: this is an original work.</p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <facsimile> <graphic url="page1.png"/> <graphic url="page2.png"/> <graphic url="page3.png"/> <graphic url="page4.png"/> </facsimile> </TEI> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element TEI {, att.typed.attributes, ( teiHeader, ( ( model.resource+, TEI* ) | TEI+ ) ) } |
<teiHeader> (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 16.1. Varieties of Composite Text] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | textstructure: TEI |
May contain | header: encodingDesc fileDesc profileDesc revisionDesc |
Note | One of the few elements unconditionally required in any TEI document. |
Example | <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title> <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author> <respStmt> <resp>Originally prepared by</resp> <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name> </respStmt> <respStmt> <resp>Revised and edited by</resp> <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor> <address> <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine> </address> <idno type="OTA">119</idno> <availability> <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p> </availability> <date when="1968">1968</date> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile, 1968)</bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <projectDesc> <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p> </projectDesc> <editorialDecl> <correction> <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p> </correction> <normalization> <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured forms are not encoded.</p> </normalization> </editorialDecl> <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF"> <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)" replacementPattern="#xpath(//div1[@n='$1']/div2/[@n='$2']//lb[@n='$3'])"> <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that listed here: <list> <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi> </item> <item>a period</item> <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi> </item> <item>a space</item> <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi> </item> </list> </p> </cRefPattern> </refsDecl> </encodingDesc> <revisionDesc> <list> <item> <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item> <item> <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item> </list> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element teiHeader {, ( fileDesc, model.teiHeaderPart*, revisionDesc? ) } |
<term> (term) contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.4.1. Terms and Glosses] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Note | When this element appears within an <index> element, it is understood to supply the form under which an index entry is to be made for that location. Elsewhere, it is understood simply to indicate that its content is to be regarded as a technical or specialised term. It may be associated with a <gloss> element by means of its ref attribute; alternatively a <gloss> element may point to a term element by means of its target attribute. In formal terminological work, there is frequently discussion over whether terms must be atomic or may include multi-word lexical items, symbolic designations, or phraseological units. The term element may be used to mark any of these. No position is taken on the philosophical issue of what a term can be; the looser definition simply allows the term element to be used by practitioners of any persuasion. As with other members of the att.canonical class, instances of this element occuring in a text may be associated with a canonical definition, either by means of a URI (using the ref attribute), or by means of some system-specific code value (using the key attribute). Because the mutually exclusive target and cRef attributes overlap with the function of the ref attribute, they are deprecated and may be removed at a subsequent release. |
Example | A computational device that infers structure from grammatical strings of words is known as a <term>parser</term>, and much of the history of NLP over the last 20 years has been occupied with the design of parsers. |
Example | We may define <term xml:id="TDPV1" rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss target="#TDPV1">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss> |
Example | We may define <term ref="#TDPV2" rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss xml:id="TDPV2">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss> |
Example | We discuss Leech's concept of <term ref="myGlossary.xml#TDPV2" rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> below. |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element term {, att.cmc.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
<text> (text) contains the complete text of the article. Must include a front containing an abstract, a body containing the main text, and a back containing the bibliography and any appendices. [4. Default Text Structure 16.1. Varieties of Composite Text] | |
Module | textstructure |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | textstructure: TEI |
May contain | |
Note | This element should not be used to represent a text which is inserted at an arbitrary point within the structure of another, for example as in an embedded or quoted narrative; the <floatingText> is provided for this purpose. |
Example | <text> <front> <div type="abstract" xml:id="abstract"> <p>This article is about...</p> </div> </front> <body> <div xml:id="intro"> <head>Introduction</head> <p>A great deal of previous research...</p> </div> <div xml:id="method"> <head>Method</head> <p>This project was undertaken...</p> </div> </body> <back> <div type="bibliography"> <listBibl> <bibl>[...]</bibl> </listBibl> </div> </back> </text> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:text[not(tei:body/tei:div[@type = ('editorialIntroduction')])]"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:TEI/tei:teiHeader/tei:profileDesc/tei:textClass/tei:keywords" see=""> An article must have a keyword list in the header. This should be a list of <term> elements in TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/textClass/keywords </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:text[not(tei:body/tei:div[@type = ('editorialIntroduction')])]"> <sch:assert test="tei:front/tei:div[@type='abstract']" see=""> An article must have a front section with an abstract (div[@type='abstract']). </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:text[not(tei:body/tei:div[@type = ('editorialIntroduction')])]"> <sch:assert test="tei:back/tei:div[@type='bibliography']/tei:listBibl" see=""> An article must have a back section with a bibliography (div[@type='bibliography']). </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element text {, att.written.attributes, (*, ( ( front,* )? ), ( body | group ),*, ( ( back,* )? ) ) } |
<textClass> (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. The Text Classification] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | header: profileDesc |
May contain | |
Example | <taxonomy> <category xml:id="acprose"> <catDesc>Academic prose</catDesc> </category> <!-- other categories here --> </taxonomy> <!-- ... --> <textClass> <catRef target="#acprose"/> <classCode scheme="">001.9</classCode> <keywords scheme=""> <list> <item>End of the world</item> <item>History - philosophy</item> </list> </keywords> </textClass> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element textClass {, ( ( classCode | catRef )*, keywords ) } |
<title> (title) contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | core | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | |||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | The attributes key and ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the canonical form for the title; the former, by supplying (for example) the identifier of a record in some external library system; the latter by pointing to an XML element somewhere containing the canonical form of the title. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <title>Information Technology and the Research Process: Proceedings of a conference held at Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK, 18–21 July 1989</title> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <title>Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: a machine readable edition</title> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <title type="full"> <title type="main">Synthèse</title> <title type="sub">an international journal for epistemology, methodology and history of science</title> </title> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Schema Declaration | element title {, att.cmc.attributes, att.datable.attributes, attribute type { "main" | "sub" }?, attribute level { "a" | "m" | "j" | "s" | "u" }?, macro.paraContent } |
<titleStmt> (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. In jTEI, this must include a title and an author element for each author of the paper, which in turn must include name, affiliation and email. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description] | |
Module | header |
Attributes |
Contained by | header: fileDesc |
May contain | |
Example | <titleStmt> <title>Capgrave's Life of St. John Norbert: a machine-readable transcription</title> <respStmt> <resp>compiled by</resp> <name>P.J. Lucas</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:titleStmt"> <sch:assert test="tei:title[@type = 'main']" sqf:fix="type.add"> A title of type "main" is required in <sch:name/>. </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="type.add"> <sqf:description> <sqf:title>Add a @type='main' attribute to the first title.</sqf:title> </sqf:description> <sqf:add match="tei:title[not(@type='main')][1]" node-type="attribute" target="type">main</sqf:add> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element titleStmt {, ( title+, author+ ) } |
<val> (value) contains a single attribute value. [23. Documentation Elements 23.5.3. Attribute List Specification] | |
Module | tagdocs |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain | Character data only |
Example | <val>unknown</val> |
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:val"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., concat('^', $quotes, '|', $quotes, '$')))" see=""> Attribute value delimiters are not allowed for <sch:name/>: they are completed at processing time via XSLT. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element val {, text } |
model.addressLike groups elements used to represent a postal or email address. [1. The TEI Infrastructure] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | affiliation email |
model.applicationLike groups elements used to record application-specific information about a document in its header. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | application |
model.attributable groups elements that contain a word or phrase that can be attributed to a source. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.2. Floating Texts] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.quoteLike [cit quote] |
model.availabilityPart groups elements such as licences and paragraphs of text which may appear as part of an availability statement. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | licence |
model.biblLike groups elements containing a bibliographic description. [3.12. Bibliographic Citations and References] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | bibl listBibl |
model.biblPart groups elements which represent components of a bibliographic description. [3.12. Bibliographic Citations and References] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.imprintPart [biblScope pubPlace publisher] model.respLike [author editor respStmt] availability bibl edition quote series |
model.common groups common chunk- and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.cmc model.divPart [model.lLike model.pLike [p] ] model.inter [model.attributable [model.quoteLike [cit quote] ] model.biblLike [bibl listBibl] model.egLike [eg egXML] model.labelLike [desc label] model.listLike [list listPerson table] model.oddDecl model.stageLike] q |
Note | This class defines the set of chunk- and inter-level elements; it is used in many content models, including those for textual divisions. |
model.dateLike groups elements containing temporal expressions. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 14.4. Dates] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | date |
model.descLike groups elements which contain a description of their function. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | desc |
model.divBottom groups elements appearing at the end of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.divBottomPart model.divWrapper |
model.divLike groups elements used to represent un-numbered generic structural divisions. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | div |
model.divPart groups paragraph-level elements appearing directly within divisions. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.lLike model.pLike [p] |
Note | Note that this element class does not include members of the model.inter class, which can appear either within or between paragraph-level items. |
model.divTop groups elements appearing at the beginning of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.divTopPart [model.headLike [head] ] model.divWrapper |
model.divTopPart groups elements which can occur only at the beginning of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.headLike [head] |
model.egLike groups elements containing examples or illustrations. [23.1.1. Phrase Level Terms] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | eg egXML |
model.emphLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct and to which a specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | code emph foreign ident mentioned soCalled term title |
model.encodingDescPart groups elements which may be used inside encodingDesc and appear multiple times. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | appInfo projectDesc tagsDecl |
model.frontPart groups elements which appear at the level of divisions within front or back matter. [7.1. Front and Back Matter ] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.frontPart.drama listBibl | groups elements which may appear at any point within a TEI text. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | [gap] model.milestoneLike [lb] model.noteLike [note] figure | groups globally available elements which perform a specifically editorial function. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | gap |
model.graphicLike groups elements containing images, formulae, and similar objects. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | graphic |
model.headLike groups elements used to provide a title or heading at the start of a text division. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | head |
model.highlighted groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.emphLike [code emph foreign ident mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike [hi q] |
model.hiLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct but to which no specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | hi q |
model.imprintPart groups the bibliographic elements which occur inside imprints. [3.12. Bibliographic Citations and References] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | biblScope pubPlace publisher |
model.inter groups elements which can appear either within or between paragraph-like elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.attributable [model.quoteLike [cit quote] ] model.biblLike [bibl listBibl] model.egLike [eg egXML] model.labelLike [desc label] model.listLike [list listPerson table] model.oddDecl model.stageLike |
model.labelLike groups elements used to gloss or explain other parts of a document. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | desc label |
model.limitedPhrase groups phrase-level elements excluding those elements primarily intended for transcription of existing sources. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.emphLike [code emph foreign ident mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike [hi q] [model.addressLike [affiliation email] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [num] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [forename roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [placeName] ] idno] ] model.pPart.editorial [abbr] model.pPart.msdesc model.phrase.xml [att gi tag val] model.ptrLike [ptr ref] |
model.listLike groups list-like elements. [3.8. Lists] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | list listPerson table |
model.measureLike groups elements which denote a number, a quantity, a measurement, or similar piece of text that conveys some numerical meaning. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | num |
model.milestoneLike groups milestone-style elements used to represent reference systems. [1.3. The TEI Class System 3.11.3. Milestone Elements] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | lb |
model.nameLike groups elements which name or refer to a person, place, or organization. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.nameLike.agent [name orgName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [forename roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [placeName] ] idno |
Note | A superset of the naming elements that may appear in datelines, addresses, statements of responsibility, etc. |
model.nameLike.agent groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies. [3.6. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | name orgName |
Note | This class is used in the content model of elements which reference names of people or organizations. |
model.noteLike groups globally-available note-like elements. [3.9. Notes, Annotation, and Indexing] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | note |
model.persNamePart groups elements which form part of a personal name. [14.2.1. Personal Names] | |
Module | namesdates |
Used by | |
Members | forename roleName surname |
model.personLike groups elements which provide information about people and their relationships. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | person |
model.personPart groups elements which form part of the description of a person. [16.2.2. The Participant Description] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.biblLike [bibl listBibl] model.eventLike model.persStateLike [affiliation] idno name |
model.persStateLike groups elements describing changeable characteristics of a person which have a definite duration, for example occupation, residence, or name. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | affiliation |
Note | These characteristics of an individual are typically a consequence of their own action or that of others. |
model.phrase groups elements which can occur at the level of individual words or phrases. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.graphicLike [graphic] model.highlighted [model.emphLike [code emph foreign ident mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike [hi q] ] model.lPart [model.addressLike [affiliation email] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [num] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [forename roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [placeName] ] idno] ] model.pPart.edit [model.pPart.editorial [abbr] model.pPart.transcriptional [supplied] ] model.pPart.msdesc model.phrase.xml [att gi tag val] model.ptrLike [ptr ref] model.segLike model.specDescLike |
Note | This class of elements can occur within paragraphs, list items, lines of verse, etc. |
model.phrase.xml groups phrase-level elements used to encode XML constructs such as element names, attribute names, and attribute values. [23. Documentation Elements] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | att gi tag val |
model.placeNamePart groups elements which form part of a place name. [14.2.3. Place Names] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | placeName |
model.placeStateLike groups elements which describe changing states of a place. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.placeNamePart [placeName] |
model.pLike groups paragraph-like elements. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | p |
model.pLike.front groups paragraph-like elements which can occur as direct constituents of front matter. [4.6. Title Pages] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | head | groups phrase-level elements containing names, dates, numbers, measures, and similar data. [3.6. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.addressLike [affiliation email] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [num] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [forename roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [placeName] ] idno] |
model.pPart.edit groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial correction and transcription. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.pPart.editorial [abbr] model.pPart.transcriptional [supplied] |
model.pPart.editorial groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial interventions that may be useful both in transcribing and in authoring. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | abbr |
model.pPart.transcriptional groups phrase-level elements used for editorial transcription of pre-existing source materials. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | supplied |
model.profileDescPart groups elements which may be used inside profileDesc and appear multiple times. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | langUsage particDesc textClass |
model.ptrLike groups elements used for purposes of location and reference. [3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | ptr ref | groups the child elements of a publicationStmt element of the TEI header that indicate an authorising agent. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | publisher |
Note | The ‘agency’ child elements, while not required, are required if one of the ‘detail’ child elements is to be used. It is not valid to have a ‘detail’ child element without a preceding ‘agency’ child element. See also model.publicationStmtPart.detail. |
model.publicationStmtPart.detail groups the agency-specific child elements of the publicationStmt element of the TEI header. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | model.ptrLike [ptr ref] availability date idno pubPlace |
Note | A ‘detail’ child element may not occur unless an ‘agency’ child element precedes it. See also |
model.quoteLike groups elements used to directly contain quotations. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | cit quote |
model.resource groups separate elements which constitute the content of a digital resource, as opposed to its metadata. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | text |
model.respLike groups elements which are used to indicate intellectual or other significant responsibility, for example within a bibliographic element. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | author editor respStmt |
model.teiHeaderPart groups high level elements which may appear more than once in a TEI header. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Members | encodingDesc profileDesc |
att.ascribed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be ascribed to a specific individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts] | |||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||
Members | att.ascribed.directed [q] change | ||||||||||
Attributes |
att.ascribed.directed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be directed at a group or individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts] | |||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||
Members | q | ||||||||||
Attributes |
att.cmc (computer-mediated communication) provides attributes categorizing how the element content was created in a CMC environment. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||||||||
Members | abbr affiliation bibl cit date desc email emph figure foreign forename gap graphic head hi idno label lb list listBibl listPerson mentioned name note num orgName p placeName ptr q quote ref roleName soCalled surname table term title | ||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.datable provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain dates, times, or datable events. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 14.4. Dates] | |
Module | tei |
Members | affiliation application author change date editor idno licence name orgName placeName resp title |
Attributes |
Note | This ‘superclass’ provides attributes that can be used to provide normalized values of temporal information. By default, the attributes from the att.datable.w3c class are provided. If the module for names & dates is loaded, this class also provides attributes from the att.datable.iso and att.datable.custom classes. In general, the possible values of attributes restricted to the W3C datatypes form a subset of those values available via the ISO 8601 standard. However, the greater expressiveness of the ISO datatypes may not be needed, and there exists much greater software support for the W3C datatypes. |
att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events conforming to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 14.4. Dates] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | att.datable [affiliation application author change date editor idno licence name orgName placeName resp title] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:*[@when]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore|@notAfter|@from|@to" role="nonfatal">The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes.</sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:*[@from]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore" role="nonfatal">The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:*[@to]"> <sch:report test="@notAfter" role="nonfatal">The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <date from="1863-05-28" to="1863-06-01">28 May through 1 June 1863</date> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, using the Gregorian calendar. The most commonly-encountered format for the date portion of a temporal attribute is Note that this format does not currently permit use of the value 0000 to represent the year 1 BCE; instead the value -0001 should be used. |
att.dimensions provides attributes for describing the size of physical objects. | |
Module | tei |
Members | date gap supplied |
Attributes |
att.divLike provides attributes common to all elements which behave in the same way as divisions. [4. Default Text Structure] | |
Module | tei |
Members | div |
Attributes |
att.editLike provides attributes describing the nature of an encoded scholarly intervention or interpretation of any kind. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes 11.3.1. Origination 14.3.2. The Person Element Core Elements for Transcriptional Work] | |
Module | tei |
Members | affiliation date gap name orgName person placeName supplied |
Attributes | |
Note | The members of this attribute class are typically used to represent any kind of editorial intervention in a text, for example a correction or interpretation, or to date or localize manuscripts etc. Each pointer on the source (if present) corresponding to a witness or witness group should reference a bibliographic citation such as a <witness>, <msDesc>, or bibl element, or another external bibliographic citation, documenting the source concerned. | provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Global Attributes] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | TEI abbr affiliation appInfo application att author availability back bibl biblScope body catRef cell change cit classCode code date desc div edition editor eg egXML email emph encodingDesc figure fileDesc foreign forename front gap gi graphic head hi ident idno item keywords label langUsage language lb licence list listBibl listChange listPerson mentioned name note num orgName p particDesc person placeName profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row series seriesStmt soCalled sourceDesc supplied surname table tag tagsDecl teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt val | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Rendition Indicators] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||||||||
Members | [TEI abbr affiliation appInfo application att author availability back bibl biblScope body catRef cell change cit classCode code date desc div edition editor eg egXML email emph encodingDesc figure fileDesc foreign forename front gap gi graphic head hi ident idno item keywords label langUsage language lb licence list listBibl listChange listPerson mentioned name note num orgName p particDesc person placeName profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row series seriesStmt soCalled sourceDesc supplied surname table tag tagsDecl teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt val] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.5. Simple Editorial Changes Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes 18.3. Spans and Interpretations 14.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents] | |||||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||
Members | [TEI abbr affiliation appInfo application att author availability back bibl biblScope body catRef cell change cit classCode code date desc div edition editor eg egXML email emph encodingDesc figure fileDesc foreign forename front gap gi graphic head hi ident idno item keywords label langUsage language lb licence list listBibl listChange listPerson mentioned name note num orgName p particDesc person placeName profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row series seriesStmt soCalled sourceDesc supplied surname table tag tagsDecl teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt val] | ||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||
Example | Blessed are the <choice> <sic>cheesemakers</sic> <corr resp="#editor" cert="high">peacemakers</corr> </choice>: for they shall be called the children of God. | ||||||||||||||
Example | <!-- in the <text> ... --><lg> <!-- ... --> <l>Punkes, Panders, baſe extortionizing sla<choice> <sic>n</sic> <corr resp="#JENS1_transcriber">u</corr> </choice>es,</l> <!-- ... --> </lg> <!-- in the <teiHeader> ... --> <!-- ... --> <respStmt xml:id="JENS1_transcriber"> <resp when="2014">Transcriber</resp> <name>Janelle Jenstad</name> </respStmt> | provides attributes used by elements to point to an external source. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.3.3. Quotation 8.3.4. Writing] | |||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||
Members | [TEI abbr affiliation appInfo application att author availability back bibl biblScope body catRef cell change cit classCode code date desc div edition editor eg egXML email emph encodingDesc figure fileDesc foreign forename front gap gi graphic head hi ident idno item keywords label langUsage language lb licence list listBibl listChange listPerson mentioned name note num orgName p particDesc person placeName profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher q quote ref rendition resp respStmt revisionDesc roleName row series seriesStmt soCalled sourceDesc supplied surname table tag tagsDecl teiHeader term text textClass title titleStmt val] | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Example | <p> <!-- ... --> As Willard McCarty (<bibl xml:id="mcc_2012">2012, p.2</bibl>) tells us, <quote source="#mcc_2012">‘Collaboration’ is a problematic and should be a contested term.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p> | ||||||||||
Example | <p> <!-- ... --> <quote source="#chicago_15_ed">Grammatical theories are in flux, and the more we learn, the less we seem to know.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p> <!-- ... --> <bibl xml:id="chicago_15_ed"> <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>, <edition>15th edition</edition>. <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>: <publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher> (<date>2003</date>), <biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>. </bibl> | ||||||||||
Example | <elementRef key="p" source="tei:2.0.1"/> Include in the schema an element named p available from the TEI P5 2.0.1 release. | ||||||||||
Example | <schemaSpec ident="myODD" source="mycompiledODD.xml"> <!-- further declarations specifying the components required --> </schemaSpec> Create a schema using components taken from the file mycompiledODD.xml. | provides attributes for specifying display and related properties of external media. | |||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||
Members | graphic | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc. [3.6.1. Referring Strings 14.3.7. Names and Nyms] | |||||||
Module | tei | ||||||
Members | att.personal [forename name orgName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author editor pubPlace | ||||||
Attributes |
att.notated provides attributes to indicate any specialised notation used for element content. | |||||||
Module | tei | ||||||
Members | quote | ||||||
Attributes |
att.personal (attributes for components of names usually, but not necessarily, personal names) common attributes for those elements which form part of a name usually, but not necessarily, a personal name. [14.2.1. Personal Names] | |
Module | tei |
Members | forename name orgName placeName roleName surname |
Attributes |
att.placement provides attributes for describing where on the source page or object a textual element appears. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions Additions and Deletions] | |||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||
Members | div figure head label note | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.pointing provides a set of attributes used by all elements which point to other elements by means of one or more URI references. [ Language Indicators 3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References] | |||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||
Members | catRef licence note ptr ref term | ||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]"> <sch:assert test="@target">@targetLang should only be used on <sch:name/> if @target is specified.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> |
att.resourced provides attributes by which a resource (such as an externally held media file) may be located. | |||||||
Module | tei | ||||||
Members | graphic | ||||||
Attributes |
att.scope provides attributes to describe, in general terms, the scope of an element’s application. | |||||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||||
Members | language | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.tableDecoration provides attributes used to decorate rows or cells of a table. [15. Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | figures | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | cell row | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
att.typed provides attributes that can be used to classify or subclassify elements in any way. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes 18.1.1. Words and Above 3.6.1. Referring Strings 3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 3.6.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions 3.13.1. Core Tags for Verse 7.2.5. Speech Contents 4.1.1. Un-numbered Divisions 4.1.2. Numbered Divisions 4.2.1. Headings and Trailers 4.4. Virtual Divisions Personal Relationships Core Elements for Transcriptional Work 17.1.1. Pointers and Links 17.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 13.2. Linking the Apparatus to the Text Defining Content Models: RELAX NG 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists] | |||||||||||
Module | tei | ||||||||||
Members | TEI abbr affiliation application bibl change cit date desc div figure forename graphic head ident idno label lb list listBibl listChange listPerson name note num orgName placeName ptr quote ref roleName surname table tag term text title | ||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||
Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:*[@subtype]"> <sch:assert test="@type">The <sch:name/> element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type</sch:assert> </sch:rule> | ||||||||||
Note | When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively a typology may be defined in the associated TEI header. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the <valList> element in the project-specific schema description, as described in Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists . |
att.written provides attributes to indicate the hand in which the content of an element was written in the source being transcribed. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes] | |||||||
Module | tei | ||||||
Members | div emph figure head hi label note p text | ||||||
Attributes |
teidata.certainty defines the range of attribute values expressing a degree of certainty. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.certainty = "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown" |
Note | Certainty may be expressed by one of the predefined symbolic values high, medium, or low. The value unknown should be used in cases where the encoder does not wish to assert an opinion about the matter. |
teidata.count defines the range of attribute values used for a non-negative integer value used as a count. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.count = xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
Note | Any positive integer value or zero is permitted |
teidata.enumerated defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single XML name taken from a list of documented possibilities. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.enumerated = teidata.word |
Note | Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace. Typically, the list of documented possibilities will be provided (or exemplified) by a value list in the associated attribute specification, expressed with a <valList> element. |
teidata.gender defines the range of attribute values used to represent the gender of a person, persona, or character. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.gender = teidata.enumerated |
Note | Values for attributes using this datatype may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard. Values for this datatype should not be used to encode morphological gender (cf. <gen>, msd as defined in att.linguistic, and 10.3.1. Information on Written and Spoken Forms). |
teidata.language defines the range of attribute values used to identify a particular combination of human language and writing system. [6.1. Language Identification] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.language = xsd:language | ( "" ) |
Note | The values for this attribute are language ‘tags’ as defined in BCP 47. Currently BCP 47 comprises RFC 5646 and RFC 4647; over time, other IETF documents may succeed these as the best current practice. A ‘language tag’, per BCP 47, is assembled from a sequence of components or subtags separated by the hyphen character (-, U+002D). The tag is made of the following subtags, in the following order. Every subtag except the first is optional. If present, each occurs only once, except the fourth and fifth components (variant and extension), which are repeatable.
There are two exceptions to the above format. First, there are language tags in the IANA registry that do not match the above syntax, but are present because they have been ‘grandfathered’ from previous specifications. Second, an entire language tag can consist of only a private use subtag. These tags start with Examples include
The W3C Internationalization Activity has published a useful introduction to BCP 47, Language tags in HTML and XML. | defines the range of attribute values expressed as an XML Name. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | = xsd:Name |
Note | Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see for example they cannot include whitespace or begin with digits. |
teidata.namespace defines the range of attribute values used to indicate XML namespaces as defined by the W3C Namespaces in XML Technical Recommendation. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.namespace = xsd:anyURI { pattern = "\S+" } |
Note | The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax |
teidata.numeric defines the range of attribute values used for numeric values. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.numeric = xsd:double | token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal |
Note | Any numeric value, represented as a decimal number, in floating point format, or as a ratio. To represent a floating point number, expressed in scientific notation, ‘E notation’, a variant of ‘exponential notation’, may be used. In this format, the value is expressed as two numbers separated by the letter E. The first number, the significand (sometimes called the mantissa) is given in decimal format, while the second is an integer. The value is obtained by multiplying the mantissa by 10 the number of times indicated by the integer. Thus the value represented in decimal notation as 1000.0 might be represented in scientific notation as 10E3. A value expressed as a ratio is represented by two integer values separated by a solidus (/) character. Thus, the value represented in decimal notation as 0.5 might be represented as a ratio by the string 1/2. |
teidata.outputMeasurement defines a range of values for use in specifying the size of an object that is intended for display. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.outputMeasurement = token { pattern = "[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)" } |
Example | <figure> <head>The TEI Logo</head> <figDesc>Stylized yellow angle brackets with the letters <mentioned>TEI</mentioned> in between and <mentioned>text encoding initiative</mentioned> underneath, all on a white background.</figDesc> <graphic height="600px" width="600px" url=""/> </figure> |
Note | These values map directly onto the values used by XSL-FO and CSS. For definitions of the units see those specifications; at the time of this writing the most complete list is in the CSS3 working draft. |
teidata.pointer defines the range of attribute values used to provide a single URI, absolute or relative, pointing to some other resource, either within the current document or elsewhere. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.pointer = xsd:anyURI { pattern = "\S+" } |
Note | The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. Note that the values themselves are encoded using RFC 3987 Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) mapping to URIs. For example, |
teidata.probability defines the range of attribute values expressing a probability. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.probability = xsd:double |
Note | Probability is expressed as a real number between 0 and 1; 0 representing certainly false and 1 representing certainly true. |
teidata.probCert defines a range of attribute values which can be expressed either as a numeric probability or as a coded certainty value. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.probCert = teidata.probability | teidata.certainty | defines the range of attribute values used to identify the sex of an organism. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | = teidata.enumerated |
Note | Values for attributes using this datatype may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard. |
teidata.temporal.w3c defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.temporal.w3c = xsd:date | xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonth | xsd:gDay | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:time | xsd:dateTime |
Note | If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used. |
teidata.text defines the range of attribute values used to express some kind of identifying string as a single sequence of Unicode characters possibly including whitespace. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.text = string |
Note | Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘token’ in which whitespace and other punctuation characters are permitted. |
teidata.truthValue defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.truthValue = xsd:boolean |
Note | The possible values of this datatype are 1 or true, or 0 or false. This datatype applies only for cases where uncertainty is inappropriate; if the attribute concerned may have a value other than true or false, e.g. unknown, or inapplicable, it should have the extended version of this datatype: teidata.xTruthValue. |
teidata.versionNumber defines the range of attribute values used for version numbers. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | Element:
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.versionNumber = token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" } |
teidata.word defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single word or token. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.word = token { pattern = "[^\p{C}\p{Z}]+" } |
Note | Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace. |
teidata.xpath defines attribute values which contain an XPath expression. | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | teidata.xpath = text |
Note | Any XPath expression using the syntax defined in 6.2. . When writing programs that evaluate XPath expressions, programmers should be mindful of the possibility of malicious code injection attacks. For further information about XPath injection attacks, see the article at OWASP. |
macro.limitedContent (paragraph content) defines the content of prose elements that are not used for transcription of extant materials. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | macro.limitedContent = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.inter )* |
macro.paraContent (paragraph content) defines the content of paragraphs and similar elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | macro.paraContent = ( text | model.paraPart )* |
macro.phraseSeq (phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and phrase-level elements. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | macro.phraseSeq = ( text | model.gLike | model.attributable | model.phrase | )* | (limited phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and those phrase-level elements that are not typically used for transcribing extant documents. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | )* |
macro.specialPara ('special' paragraph content) defines the content model of elements such as notes or list items, which either contain a series of component-level elements or else have the same structure as a paragraph, containing a series of phrase-level and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System] | |
Module | tei |
Used by | |
Content model | <content> |
Declaration | macro.specialPara = ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.inter | model.divPart | )* |