Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM )

Project URL

The purpose of the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM) is to obtain and archive directly-captured digital images of European sources of medieval polyphonic music. Where there is damage that makes these sources difficult to read, levels of digital restoration are also undertaken on copies of the original images to improve legibility and scholarly access. The project has created a new permanent electronic archive of these images, both to facilitate detailed study of this music and its sources, and to assure their permanent preservation. The sources archived include all the fragmentary sources of polyphony up to 1550 in the UK (and almost all of these are available for study through this website); all the 'complete' manuscripts in the UK; a small number of important representative manuscripts from continental Europe; a significant portion of fragments 1300-1450 from Belgium, France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

Start date
Second phase project
Table of Participants in the Project, giving name, role, institution and department for each person listed
Participant Role of participant Institution Department
Professor Andrew Wathey Principal Investigator Royal Holloway, University of London Department of Music
Dr Margaret Bent Co-Investigator All Souls College, Oxford University
Professor Marilyn Deegan Co-Investigator King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
John Bradley Technical Research Director King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Arts and Humanities Research Council
Music studies
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