Stellenbibliographie zum Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach (SPWE )

Project URL
No public url at present

A project to produce a detailed line-by-line bibliographical database on Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival; from this database is constituted a line-by-line commentary on the poem. The first edition of the Stellenbibliographie zum "Parzival" Wolframs von Eschenbach für die Jahrgänge 1984-1996, was published by Niemeyer Verlag (Tübingen) on CD-ROM in 2002.

Start date
September 2003
Research project in progress
Table of Participants in the Project, giving name, role, institution and department for each person listed
Participant Role of participant Institution Department
Professor David Yeandle Principal Investigator King's College London Department of German
John Bradley Technical Research Director King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Literary & linguistic studies
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