Using and Customizing TEI Boilerplate

TEI Boilerplate is an open source, lightweight and simple solution for publishing styled TEI P5 content directly in modern browsers. With TEI Boilerplate, TEI XML files can be served directly to the web without server-side processing or translation to HTML. TEI Boilerplate performs a very simple XSLT 1.0 translation that embeds the TEI document inside an HTML shell. This embedding largely preserves the integrity of the TEI document while also allowing TEI users to use CSS and JavaScript to style the TEI content directly, manipulate TEI data, build and design interfaces, and add functionality. CSS and JavaScript skills are relatively common and widely known, and one goal of TEI Boilerplate is to provide a simple TEI publishing framework that can be used and customized by TEI users who have basic web development skills but who lack advanced XSLT knowledge. Much more detail about TEI Boilerplate—including demos, documentation, and downloads—may be found at

The tutorial will cover basic use and configuration of TEI Boilerplate and also customization of TEI Boilerplate with CSS and JavaScript. The tutorial will include example data, and participants will also have an opportunity to work with their own data.

TEI Boilerplate was released in 2012 and remains in active development. A new 1.1 version with support for facsimile page images was  released in April, 2013. TEI Boilerplate has been adopted for TEI training, classroom use, and in a variety TEI projects.

John A. Walsh (Associate Professor of Information Science, Indiana University)  has been working with TEI since the mid–1990s. He has served two two-year terms on the TEI Technical Council and is currently serving his second two-year term on the TEI Board of Directors. Walsh designed the TEI Boilerplate system and is the lead developer on the project. A full CV is available at

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