Call for Papers
The Program Committee is pleased to announce its call for proposals for the 18th annual Conference and Members Meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium (TEI) to be held September 9-13 2018 at Hitotsubashi Hall by the University of Tokyo.
This year's theme, TEI as a Global Language, is particularly apt since this is the first TEI Conference and Members Meeting outside Europe or North America. All TEI-related proposals for individual papers, panel sessions, posters, and demonstrations are welcome. Special consideration will be given to proposals related to this year's theme, TEI as a Global Language.
This year's conference will be held in conjunction with the annual Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Conference from 9-11 September, also hosted by the University of Tokyo, and it is possible to participate in both events. The theme for this year's JADH is Leveraging Open Data. Further information on JADH2018 is available here. The co-location of both conferences will provide ample opportunities for networking, social events, and cross-pollination of conference themes.
This year's conference celebrates the global reach of the TEI. Not only is this the first time the conference has been held in Asia, the Guidelines themselves are available in three languages important to the region (Japanese, Chinese, and Korean), reflecting the rich textual scholarship of these linguistic communities (the Guidelines are also available in English, French, German, and Spanish!). The Association of Digital Humanities Organisations recognised the global impact of the TEI on the 30th anniversary of its founding by awarding it the prestigious Antonio Zampolli Prize. The prize is awarded triennially to an individual which has made a significant contribution to the digital humanities as well as a contribution to the advancement of humanities research. This was the first time an organisation received the award. The academic communities that use the Guidelines span, not only the humanities, but the sciences and social sciences: from epigraphy to modernist texts, from the creation of corpora to authoring contemporary scholarship. This year's conference theme reflects and celebrates the TEI, both as a global community and language.
Submission Information
All submissions should include a title, an abstract, a brief biography of the author(s)/speaker(s) (no more than 500 characters to include current affiliation, research interests and projects for each individual) and up to five keywords. Word counts apply to the text of the abstract, excluding titles, biographies and keywords.
Long papers
Speakers will be given 30 minutes each: 20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.
Short papers
Speakers will be given 15 minutes each: 12 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for discussion. This type is suited for the introduction of tools, raising of new ideas, and experimental topics. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.
Panel sessions
Panels will be given 90 minutes, which can be used flexibly to include, for example, three individual papers followed by questions, or a roundtable discussion. Panel proposals must include a list of speakers and their biographies. Proposals for three papers should not exceed 3 x 300 words, plus a 200-word introduction. Proposals for discussion panels should not exceed 600 words.
A “poster slam” session will be dedicated to poster presentations of three minutes each. Subsequently, poster presenters will have the chance to tell interested parties more about their project during the poster exhibition where the audience can browse freely. Proposals for poster presentations should not exceed 300 words.
A dedicated demonstration session will provide tool presenters with an opportunity to show the tools they are working on and with. Tool demonstrators will be given 15 minutes each: 10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for questions. Proposals for tool demonstrations should not exceed 300 words.
Workshops will be held before the conference (September 9-10). They provide an opportunity for participants to work together on TEI-related topics. Proposals for workshops should not exceed 800 words and must include:
- A brief outline of the proposed topic and its appeal to the TEI community
- The duration of the proposed workshop or seminar (half day, full day)
- Any special requirements (e.g. laptops, projector, flipchart)
- A list of proposed workshop leader(s), with a brief biography of each
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
If you are interested in holding a SIG meeting during the conference, please contact the local hosts to book a room:
Language, Deadlines, and Review Information
- Proposals must be submitted in English. Proposals must be submitted online via
- The deadline for submissions is 20 April 2018.
- All proposals will be peer-reviewed by the Program Committee.
- Acceptances will be notified by 1 June 2018.
- The deadline for submissions of final abstracts is 13 July 2018.
Conference Proceedings
Conference papers and posters will be considered for inclusion in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings, edited as a special issue of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.