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Text Encoding Initiative |
The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines36 Obtaining the TEI DTD |
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Introductory Note (March 2002) 2 A Gentle Introduction to XML 3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition 4 Languages and Character Sets 6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment 17 Certainty and Responsibility 18 Transcription of Primary Sources 21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees 22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics 29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD 32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References 38 Sample Tag Set Documentation 39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML |
Full copies of the TEI DTD fragments are not repeated in this document, although they may be reconstituted by a careful reading of each chapter. The DTD fragments are widely available over the Internet and elsewhere. The canonical home for the TEI DTD fragments is the TEI web server at http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/DTD/. Copies of the Guidelines and the DTD are also available from the TEI in other forms, and are also served from a variety of other sources on the Internet. Note that the current version of the TEI DTD is supplied in a form which can be used with either SGML or XML processors, depending on the setting of the TEI.XML parameter variable, as further discussed in section 3.8.4 Generation of an XML DTD. The following tables give for each of the files making up the current release:
. To make up the Formal Public Identifier, the full name of the module should be prefixed by the string -//TEI P4// and the type of declarations contained, and suffixed by the string //EN. Thus the FPI for the first file listed below should be -//TEI P4//ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Simple Analysis//EN. Each table corresponds with a single TEI module or `tag set' i.e. a group of related DTD fragments. Tables are listed in alphabetical order. 1, Additional tag set for simple analysis: enabled by TEI.analysis
2, Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
3, Additional tag set for certainty: enabled by TEI.certainty
4, Additional tag set for language corpora: enabled by TEI.corpus
5, Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
6, Base tag set for performance texts: enabled by TEI.drama
7, Additional tag set for figures, tables and formulae: enabled by TEI.figures
8, Auxiliary DTD for Feature System Declarations
9, Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
10, General Base tag set, for use with one or more other base tag sets: enabled by TEI.general
11, The TEI main DTD
12, Additional tag set for Linking and Segmentation: enabled by TEI.linking
13, Mixed base tag set, for use with one or more other base tag sets: enabled by TEI.mixed
14, Additional tag set for Names and Dates: enabled by TEI.names.dates
15, Additional tag set for Graph Theory: enabled by TEI.nets
16, Base tag set for Prose: enabled by TEI.prose
17, Auxiliary DTD for Independent Headers
18, Base tag set for Transcribed Speech: enabled by TEI.spoken
19, Additional tag set for Textual Criticism: enabled by TEI.textcrit
20, Base tag sets for Terminological Data: enabled by TEI.terminology
21, Additional tag set for Physical Transcription: enabled by TEI.transcr
22, Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
23, Base tag set for Verse: enabled by TEI.verse
24, Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
25, Auxiliary tag set for concurrent markup of pages and lines
Two catalog files are provided with the TEI DTD fragments, one (catalog.tei) in SGML Open format; the other (teicatalog.xml) in XML Catalog format: either file may be used to specify the location of copies of the TEI DTD fragments stored locally, as further discussed in 2.10.4 Ancillary Files. |
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