
<exemplum> contains a single example demonstrating the use of an element, together with optional paragraphs of commentary. 22.4.4 Element Specifications
Moduletagdocs — 22 Documentation Elements
Attributes [att.typed ]
element exemplum
   ( model.pLike*, ( egXML | eg ), model.pLike* )
 <p>The <gi>name</gi> element can be used for both
   personal names and place names:</p>
   <q>My dear <name type="person">Mr. Bennet</name>,</q>
   said his lady to him one day, <q>have you heard that
   <name type="place">Netherfield Park</name> is let
   at last?</q>]]></eg>
 <p>As shown above, the <att>type</att> attribute may be used
   to distinguish the one from the other.</p>

Note that an explicit end-tag must be supplied for the paragraph immediately preceding the eg element within an exemplum, to prevent the eg from being mistaken for part of the paragraph.

Contained byattDef classSpec elementSpec macroSpec moduleSpec
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
tagdocs: eg egXML