<mentioned> marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. 3.3.4 Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions | |
Module | core — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents |
Attributes | Global attributes only |
Declaration | element mentioned { att.global.attributes, macro.phraseSeq } |
Example | There is thus a striking accentual difference between a verbal form like <mentioned xml:id="X234" xml:lang="el">eluthemen</mentioned> <gloss target="#X234">we were released,</gloss> accented on the second syllable of the word, and its participial derivative <mentioned xml:id="X235" xml:lang="el">lutheis</mentioned> <gloss target="#X235">released,</gloss> accented on the last. |
Contained by | model.emphLike |
May contain | core:
abbr add address binaryObject cb choice corr date del distinct email emph expan foreign gap gloss graphic hi index lb measure measureGrp mentioned milestone name note num orig pb ptr ref reg rs sic soCalled term time title unclear figures:
formula gaiji:
g msdescription:
catchwords depth dimensions height heraldry locus material origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width |