
<teiCorpus> contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more TEI elements, each containing a single text header and a text. 4 Default Text Structure 15.1 Varieties of Composite Text
Modulecore — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
AttributesIn addition to global attributes
versionThe version of the TEI scheme
Status Optional
Values A number identifying the version of the TEI guidelines
element teiCorpus
   attribute version { xsd:decimal }?,
   ( teiHeader, ( TEI | teiCorpus )+ )
<!-- header for corpus -->
<!-- header for first text -->
<!-- content of first text -->
<!-- header for second text -->
<!-- content of second text -->
<!-- more TEI elements here -->
Must contain one TEI header for the corpus, and a series of TEI elements, one for each text.
This element is mandatory when applicable.
Contained byteiCorpus
May contain
core: teiCorpus
header: teiHeader
textstructure: TEI