Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


formInfo (form information) groups elements allowed within a <form> element in a dictionary.
Member of classes (none)  
Members form hyph lbl morphInfo [case gen gram itype mood number per tns] orth pron syll usg
<!ENTITY % x.formInfo "" >
<!ENTITY % m.formInfo "%x.formInfo; %n.form; | %n.hyph; | %n.lbl; | 
%m.morphInfo; | %n.orth; | %n.pron; | %n.syll; | %n.usg;"> 
Attributes Global attributes only
Module Declared in file teidict2.ent; Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
See further 12.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms

Up: 33 Element Classes