Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


morphInfo (morphological elements) groups elements which provide morphological information within the dictionary tag set.
Member of classes formInfo, gramInfo  
Members case gen gram itype mood number per tns
<!ENTITY % x.morphInfo "" >
<!ENTITY % m.morphInfo "%x.morphInfo; %n.case; | %n.gen; | %n.gram; | 
%n.itype; | %n.mood; | %n.number; | %n.per; | %n.tns;"> 
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from formInfo, gramInfo
Module Declared in file teidict2.ent; Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
Class formInfo; gramInfo
See further 12.3 Top-level Constituents of Entries

Up: 33 Element Classes