<msItemStruct> (structured manuscript item) contains a structured description for an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. 10.6.1 The <msItem> and <msItemStruct> Elements | |||||||||
Module | msdescription — 10 Manuscript Description | ||||||||
Attributes | att.msExcerpt (@defective)
| ||||||||
Used by | msContents msItemStruct model.msItemPart | ||||||||
May contain | |||||||||
Declaration | element msItemStruct { att.global.attributes, att.msExcerpt.attributes, attribute class { data.code }?, ( locus?, ( model.pLike+ | ( author*, respStmt*, title*, rubric?, incipit?, msItemStruct*, explicit?, finalRubric?, colophon*, decoNote*, listBibl*, bibl*, filiation*, model.noteLike*, textLang? ) ) ) } | ||||||||
Example | <msItemStruct n="2" defective="false" class="biblComm"> <locus from="24v" to="97v">24v-97v</locus> <author>Apringius de Beja</author> <title type="uniform" xml:lang="lat">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title> <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus in apoka<lb/>lipsin eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<expan>iscop</expan>i Pacensis eccl<expan>esi</expan>e</rubric> <finalRubric>EXPLIC<expan>IT</expan> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS QVA<expan>M</expan> EXPOSVIT DOM<lb/>NVS APRINGIUS EP<expan>ISCOPU</expan>S. DEO GR<expan>ACI</expan>AS AGO. FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric> <bibl> <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl> <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang> </msItemStruct> |