
<said> (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. 3.3.3 Quotation
Modulecore — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
Attributes att.ascribed (@who)
aloudmay be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
Status Required when applicable
The value true indicates the encoded passage was expressed outwardly (whether spoken, signed, sung, screamed, chanted, etc.); the value false indicates that the encoded passage was thought, but not outwardly expressed.
directmay be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
Status Required when applicable
The value true indicates the speech or thought is represented directly; the value false that speech or thought is represented indirectly, e.g. by use of a marked verbal aspect.
Used by model.qLike
May contain
element said
   attribute aloud { data.xTruthValue }?,
   attribute direct { data.xTruthValue }?,
 <said>Our minstrel here will warm the old man's heart
   with song, dazzle him with jewels and gold</said>, a
troublemaker simpered. <said>He'll trample on the Duke's
   camellias, spill his wine, and blunt his sword, and say
   his name begins with X, and in the end the Duke will
   say, <said>Take Saralinda, with my blessing, O lordly
     Prince of Rags and Tags, O rider of the
 <said aloud="truerend="pre(“) post(”)">Hmmm</said>,
said a small voice in his ear. <said aloud="truerend="pre(“) post(”)">Difficult. Very difficult.
   Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. there's talent, oh
   my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's
   interesting. … So where shall I put you?</said>
<p>Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought,
<said aloud="falserend="italic">Not Slytherin, not