
<listWit> (lista dei testimoni) contains a list of all the witnesses referred to in wit elements or wit attributes within the critical apparatus.contiene una lista di tutti i testimoni a cui si fa riferimento negli elementi e attributi relativi ai testimoni nell'apparato critico 12.1 The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses
Modulotextcrit — 12 Critical Apparatus
Usato dalistWit model.listLike
Può contenere
core: head
textcrit: listWit witness
element listWit
   ( model.headLike?, ( witness | listWit )+ )
May contain a series of <witness> or <listWit> elements.
The provision of a <listWit> element simplifies the automatic processing of the apparatus, e.g. the reconstruction of the readings for all witnesses from an exhaustive apparatus.
Situations commonly arise where there are many more or less fragmentary witnesses, such that there may be quite distinct groups of witnesses for different parts of a text or collection of texts. Such groups may be given separately, or nested within a single <listWit> element at the beginning of the file listing all the witnesses, partial and complete, for the text, with the attestation of fragmentary witnesses indicated within the apparatus by use of the <witStart> and <witEnd> elements described in section 12.1.5 Fragmentary Witnesses.
Note however that a given witness can only be defined once, and can therefore only appear within a single <listWit> element.