<respons> (responsibility) identifies the individual(s) responsible for some aspect of the
markup of particular element(s). 21.2 Attribution of ResponsibilityModule certainty — 21 Certainty and Responsibility Attributes In addition to global attributestarget gives the identifier(s) of the element(s) for which some
aspect of the responsibility is being
assigned.Status Required Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace Values one or more valid
identifiers, separated by whitespace.
locus indicates the specific aspect of the markup for which
responsibility is being assigned.Status Required Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace Suggested values include: gi (element name) responsibility for the claim that the element is of the
type indicated by the markup location responsibility for the claim that the element
begins and ends where indicated startLoc (start location) responsibility for the claim that the element begins
where indicated endLoc (end location) responsibility for the claim that the element ends
where indicated attrName (attribute name) responsibility for the claim that the
name attribute has the value given in the markup transcribedContent responsibility for the transcription of
the element content suppliedContent responsibility for the contents supplied by
the encoder (corrections, expansions of abbreviations, etc.)
resp (responsible party) identifies the individual or agency responsible for the indicated
aspect of the electronic text.Status Required Datatype Values a pointer to one of the identifiers declared in the
document header, associated with a person asserted as
responsible for some aspect of the text's creation,
transcription, editing, or encoding
Used by model.global.meta May contain Declaration Compact to XML format XML format to compact <rng: element name ="respons "> <rng: ref name ="att.global.attributes "/> <rng: attribute name ="target "> <rng: list > <rng: oneOrMore > <rng: ref name ="data.pointer "/> </rng: oneOrMore > </rng: list > </rng: attribute > <rng: attribute name ="locus "> <rng: list > <rng: oneOrMore > <rng: choice > <rng: value > gi</rng: value > <rng: value > location</rng: value > <rng: value > startLoc</rng: value > <rng: value > endLoc</rng: value > <rng: value > attrName</rng: value > <rng: value > transcribedContent</rng: value > <rng: value > suppliedContent</rng: value > <rng: data type ="Name "/> </rng: choice > </rng: oneOrMore > </rng: list > </rng: attribute > <rng: attribute name ="resp "> <rng: ref name ="data.pointer "/> </rng: attribute > <rng: zeroOrMore > <rng: ref name ="model.glossLike "/> </rng: zeroOrMore > </rng: element >
element respons
att.global.attributes ,
attribute target { list { data.pointer + } },
attribute locus
| "location"
| "startLoc"
| "endLoc"
| "attrName"
| "transcribedContent"
| "suppliedContent"
| xsd:Name
attribute resp { data.pointer },
model.glossLike *
} Example <respons target ="#p1 " locus ="gi location " resp ="#encoder1 "/> <respons target ="#p2 " locus ="rend " resp ="#encoder2 "/> <list type ="encoders "> <item xml:id ="encoder1 "/> <item xml:id ="encoder2 "/> </list >
Note The
respons element is designed for cases in which
fine-grained information about specific aspects of the markup of a text
is desirable for whatever reason. Global responsibility for certain
aspects of markup is usually more simply indicated in the TEI header,
using the
respStmt element within the title statement, edition
statement, or change log.