<metDecl> (metrical notation declaration) Notation eines metrischen
Musters, sofern dies als Wert eines Attributs met ,
real , oder rhyme angegeben ist, für ein
beliebiges Strukturelement eines metrischen Textes (z.B.
lg , l , oder seg ).
6.5 Metrical Notation Declaration 6.3 Rhyme and Metrical AnalysisModul verse — 6 Verse Attribute att.declarable (@default ) type zeigt an, ob die Notation
die abstrakte metrische Form, die tatsächliche prosodische
Realisierung oder das Reimschema oder eine Kombination dessen
wiedergibt. Zustand Obligatorisch wenn zutreffend Datentyp 1–3 Vorkommen von Durch Leerzeichen getrennt Gültige Werte: met (met attribute) declaration applies to the abstract metrical form
recorded on the met attribute real (real attribute) declaration applies to the actual realization of the
conventional metrical structure recorded on the
real attribute rhyme (rhyme attribute) declaration applies to the rhyme scheme
recorded on the rhyme attribute
pattern (regular expression pattern) definiert einen regulären
Ausdruck, der einen zulässigen Wert für diese Notation vorgibt.
Zustand Optional Datentyp Werte the value must be a valid regular expression per the
World Wide Web Consortium's XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
Second Edition , Appendix
Verwendet von Kann enthalten Deklaration Vom kompakten zum XML-Format Vom XML-Format zum kompakten <rng: element name ="metDecl "> <rng: ref name ="att.global.attributes "/> <rng: ref name ="att.declarable.attributes "/> <rng: optional > <rng: attribute name ="type " a:defaultValue ="met real "> <rng: list > <rng: choice > <rng: value > met</rng: value > <rng: value > real</rng: value > <rng: value > rhyme</rng: value > </rng: choice > <rng: optional > <rng: choice > <rng: value > met</rng: value > <rng: value > real</rng: value > <rng: value > rhyme</rng: value > </rng: choice > </rng: optional > <rng: optional > <rng: choice > <rng: value > met</rng: value > <rng: value > real</rng: value > <rng: value > rhyme</rng: value > </rng: choice > </rng: optional > </rng: list > </rng: attribute > </rng: optional > <rng: optional > <rng: attribute name ="pattern "> <rng: ref name ="data.pattern "/> </rng: attribute > </rng: optional > <rng: choice > <rng: oneOrMore > <rng: choice > <rng: ref name ="model.pLike "/> <rng: ref name ="model.noteLike "/> </rng: choice > </rng: oneOrMore > <rng: oneOrMore > <rng: ref name ="metSym "/> </rng: oneOrMore > </rng: choice > </rng: element >
element metDecl
att.global.attributes ,
att.declarable.attributes ,
attribute type
( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" ),
( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" )?,
( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" )?
attribute pattern { data.pattern }?,
( ( model.pLike | model.noteLike )+ | metSym + )
} Beispiel <metDecl xml:id ="ip " type ="met " pattern ="((SU|US)USUSUSUS/) "> <metSym value ="S "> stressed syllable</metSym > <metSym value ="U "> unstressed syllable</metSym > <metSym value ="/ "> metrical line boundary</metSym > </metDecl >
This example is intended for the far more restricted case
typified by the Shakespearean iambic pentameter. Only metrical
patterns containing exactly ten syllables, alternately stressed
and unstressed, (except for the first two which may be in either
order) to each metrical line can be expressed using this