예: <titlePart>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <titlePart> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <titlePart> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header Rendition

 <docTitle rendition="#center #x-space">
   <hi rendition="#x-large">THE POEMS</hi>
   <hi rendition="#small">OF</hi>
   <hi rendition="#red #xx-large">ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE</hi>
   <hi rendition="#large #xx-space">IN SIX VOLUMES</hi>
  <titlePart rendition="#xx-space">
   <lb/> VOLUME I.
   <hi rendition="#red #x-large">POEMS AND BALLADS</hi>
   <hi rendition="#x-space">FIRST SERIES</hi>
 <docImprint rendition="#center">
  <pubPlace rendition="#xx-space">LONDON</pubPlace>
  <publisher rendition="#red #expanded">CHATTO &amp; WINDUS</publisher>
  <docDate when="1904" rendition="#small">1904</docDate>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.10.2 Creating New Reference Systems

<text xml:id="Text-1" n="AB">
 <front xml:id="Front" n="AB.1">
  <div xml:id="Front.div-1" n="AB.1.1">
   <p> ... </p>
  <titlePage xml:id="Front.titlePage" n="AB.1.2">
   <titlePart> ... </titlePart>
  <div xml:id="Front.div-2" n="AB.1.3">
   <p> ... </p>
 <body xml:id="Body" n="AB.2">
  <p xml:id="Body.p-1" n="AB.2.1"> ... </p>
  <p xml:id="Body.p-2" n="AB.2.2"> ... </p>
  <div xml:id="Body.div-1" n="AB.2.3">
   <head xml:id="Body.div-1.head" n="AB.2.3.1"> ... </head>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-1" n="AB.2.3.2"> ... </p>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-2" n="AB.2.3.3"> ... </p>
  <div xml:id="Body.div-2" n="AB.2.4">
   <head xml:id="Body.div-2.head" n="AB.2.4.1"> ... </head>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-1" n="AB.2.4.2"> ... </p>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-2" n="AB.2.4.3"> ... </p>


 <titlePart type="main">
  <lb/>THE <lb/>Pilgrim's Progress <lb/>FROM <lb/>THIS WORLD, <lb/>TO
 <lb/>That which is to come: </titlePart>
<!-- etc. -->

4 Default Text Structure


   <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>
  <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>
  <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>



4.3.1 Grouped Texts

<!-- header information for the whole collection -->
    <titlePart> The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
   <docImprint>First published in <title>The Strand</title>
       between July 1891 and December 1892</docImprint>
<!-- any other front matter specific to this collection -->
     <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock
      <titlePart>Adventure I. —</titlePart>
      <titlePart>A Scandal in Bohemia</titlePart>
     <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
     <p>To Sherlock Holmes she is always
     <emph>the</emph> woman. ... </p>
<!-- remainder of A Scandal in Bohemia here -->
     <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
      <titlePart>Adventure II. —</titlePart>
      <titlePart>The Red-Headed League</titlePart>
     <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<!-- text of The Red Headed League here -->
     <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
      <titlePart>Adventure XII. —</titlePart>
      <titlePart>The Adventure of the Copper Beeches</titlePart>
     <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
      <q>To the man who loves art for its
             own sake,</q> remarked Sherlock Holmes ...
<!-- remainder of The Copper Beeches here -->
           ... she is now the head of a private school
           at Walsall, where I believe that she has
           met with considerable success.</p>
<!-- end of The Copper Beeches -->
<!-- end of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -->

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

    <titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
   <byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
  <div type="preface">
   <head>Editor's Note</head>
   <p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
      <titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
    <div type="address">
     <head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
     <p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
           upon thy eye ... </p>
       <titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
      <div1 type="book" n="Herod I">
       <head>Libro Primo</head>
        <l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
       <lg n="I.1" type="stanza">
        <l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
        <l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
        <l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
        <l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
        <l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
       <titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
      <lg n="I">
       <l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
       <l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->

4.6 Title Pages

   <titlePart type="main">Is There a Text in This Class?</titlePart>
   <titlePart type="sub">The Authority of Interpretive Communities</titlePart>
  <docAuthor>Stanley Fish</docAuthor>
   <publisher>Harvard University Press</publisher>
   <pubPlace>Cambridge, Massachusetts</pubPlace>
   <pubPlace>London, England</pubPlace>

4.6 Title Pages

  <titlePart type="main">THE
  <lb/>Pilgrim's Progress
  <lb/>THIS WORLD,
  <lb/>That which is to come:</titlePart>
  <titlePart type="sub">Delivered under the Similitude of a
  <titlePart type="desc">Wherein is Discovered,
  <lb/>The manner of his setting out,
  <lb/>His Dangerous Journey; And safe
  <lb/>Arrival at the Desired Countrey.</titlePart>
   <quote>I have used Similitudes,</quote>
   <bibl>Hos. 12.10</bibl>
 <byline>By <docAuthor>John Bunyan</docAuthor>.</byline>
 <imprimatur>Licensed and Entred according to Order.</imprimatur>
   Printed for <name>Nath. Ponder</name>
  <lb/>at the <name>Peacock</name> in the <name>Poultrey</name>
  <lb/>near <name>Cornhil</name>, <docDate>1678</docDate>.


  <titlePart type="main">THOMAS OF Reading.</titlePart>
  <titlePart type="alt">OR, The sixe worthy yeomen of the West.</titlePart>
 <docEdition>Now the fourth time corrected and enlarged</docEdition>
 <byline>By T.D.</byline>
  <p>Thou shalt labor till thou returne to duste</p>
  <figDesc>Printers Ornament used by TP</figDesc>
 <docImprint>Printed at <name type="place">London</name> for <name>T.P.</name>


  <titlePart type="main">紅樓夢</titlePart>
  <titlePart type="alt">又名石頭記</titlePart>
 <docImprint>最早的抄本出現於清朝乾隆中期的 <date>甲戌年(1754年)。</date>


 <titlePart type="main">The DUNCIAD, VARIOURVM.</titlePart>
 <titlePart type="sub">WITH THE PROLEGOMENA of SCRIBLERUS.</titlePart>


 <titlePart type="main">食物的歷史</titlePart>
 <titlePart type="sub">透視人類的飲食與文明 </titlePart>


 <titlePart type="main">THE FORTUNES
   Moll Flanders, &amp;c.
 <titlePart type="desc">Who was BORN in NEWGATE,
   And during a Life of continu'd Variety for
   Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was
   Twelve Year a <hi>Whore</hi>, five times a <hi>Wife</hi> (wherof
   once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a <hi>Thief,</hi>
   Eight Year a Transported <hi>Felon</hi> in <hi>Virginia</hi>,
   at last grew <hi>Rich</hi>, liv'd <hi>Honest</hi>, and died a


 <titlePart type="main">千年一嘆 </titlePart>
 <titlePart type="desc">這是一份真實的考察日記,記錄余秋雨在 20 世紀最後幾個月的數萬里行程。余秋雨與鳳凰電視台一行於 1999 年 9 月 27 日啟程,尋訪世界的古老文明。旅程開始時,5 輛吉普車從香港海運至埃及亞歷山大港,人員乘坐飛機至希臘雅典,考察完希臘本土和克利特島後至開羅,與吉普車會合,然後由吉普車走完全程,直至返回香港。</titlePart>


  <titlePart>Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four
 <byline> By <docAuthor>Lemuel Gulliver</docAuthor>, First a Surgeon,
   and then a Captain of several Ships</byline>

7 Performance Texts

7.1.1 The Set Element

 <div type="copyright_page"/>
 <div type="Contents"/>
 <div type="Introduction"/>
 <div type="note">
  <head>Note on the Translation</head>
  <p> ... </p>
 <titlePage type="half-title">
   <titlePart>Peer Gynt</titlePart>
 <div type="Dramatis_Personae">
  <p>The action, which opens in the beginning of the nineteenth
     century, and ends around the 1860s, takes place partly in
     Gudbrandsdalen, and on the mountains around it, partly on the coast
     of Morocco, in the desert of Sahara, in a madhouse at Cairo, at sea,

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

 <p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with ...</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting):</stage>
  <titlePart>Kelly's Song</titlePart>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
  <l>Who you were with last night?</l>