
<spanGrp> (범위 집단) 범위 태그를 모아놓는다. 17.3 Spans and Interpretations
모듈 analysis — 17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
전체 속성에 부가 att.interpLike (@resp, @type, @inst)
에 의해 사용된
포함할 수 있다
analysis: span

<rng:element name="spanGrp">
 <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.interpLike.attributes"/>
  <rng:ref name="span"/>
element spanGrp { att.global.attributes, att.interpLike.attributes, span* }
<u xml:id="UU1">Can I have ten oranges and a kilo of bananas please?</u>
<u xml:id="UU2">Yes, anything else?</u>
<u xml:id="UU3">No thanks.</u>
<u xml:id="UU4">That'll be dollar forty.</u>
<u xml:id="UU5">Two dollars</u>
<u xml:id="UU6">Sixty, eighty, two dollars.
<anchor xml:id="UU6e"/>Thank you.<anchor xml:id="UU6f"/>
<spanGrp type="transactions">
 <span from="#UU1">sale request</span>
 <span from="#UU2" to="#UU3">sale compliance</span>
 <span from="#UU4">sale</span>
 <span from="#UU5" to="#UU6">purchase</span>
 <span from="#UU6e" to="#UU6f">purchase closure</span>