Beispiel: <div> ( Textgliederung )
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <div> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <div> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 6 Verse
- 7 Performance Texts
- 8 Transcriptions of Speech
- 9 Dictionaries
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 12 Critical Apparatus
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
- 21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
- 22 Documentation Elements
- 23 Using the TEI
1 The TEI Infrastructure Element Identifiers and Labels
<!-- ... -->
<div type="stanza" n="xlii">
<!-- ... -->
<teiHeader xml:lang="eng">
<!-- ... -->
<text xml:lang="fra">
<!-- chapter one is in French -->
<div xml:lang="deu">
<!-- chapter two is in German -->
<!-- chapter three is French -->
<!-- ... -->
<bibl n="1">
<name>Landon, Letitia Elizabeth</name>
<ref target="LandLVowOf.sgm">
<title>The Vow of the Peacock</title>
<bibl n="2">
<name>Compton, Margaret Clephane</name>
<ref target="NortMIrene.sgm">
<title>Irene, a Poem in Six Cantos</title>
<bibl n="3">
<name>Taylor, Jane</name>
<ref target="TaylJEssay.sgm">
<title>Essays in Rhyme on Morals and Manners</title>
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
<head>Chapter 1</head>
<l>Since I can do no good because a woman</l>
<l>Reach constantly at something that is near it.</l>
<title>The Maid's Tragedy</title>
<author>Beaumont and Fletcher</author>
<p>Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into
relief by poor dress...</p>
<p>500 mg <unclear reason="illegible">placebo</unclear>
<list type="gloss">
<item>Small and round</item>
<label>Upper arm</label>
<!-- ... -->
<list type="index">
<item>Women, how cause of mel. <ref>193</ref>; their vanity in
apparell taxed, <ref>527</ref>; their counterfeit tears
<ref>547</ref>; their vices <ref>601</ref>, commended,
<item>Wormwood, good against mel. <ref>443</ref>
<item>World taxed, <ref>181</ref>
<item>Writers of the cure of mel. 295</item>
</div> Auto-generated indexes
<div type="appendix">
<bibl> ... </bibl>
<divGen n="Index Nominum" type="INDEX-NAMES"/>
<divGen n="Index Loci" type="INDEX-PLACES"/>
3.10.2 Creating New Reference Systems
<front xml:id="Front" n="AB.1">
<div xml:id="Front.div-1" n="AB.1.1">
<p> ... </p>
<titlePage xml:id="Front.titlePage" n="AB.1.2">
<titlePart> ... </titlePart>
<div xml:id="Front.div-2" n="AB.1.3">
<p> ... </p>
<body xml:id="Body" n="AB.2">
<p xml:id="Body.p-1" n="AB.2.1"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.p-2" n="AB.2.2"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-1" n="AB.2.3">
<head xml:id="Body.div-1.head" n="AB.2.3.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-1" n="AB.2.3.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-2" n="AB.2.3.3"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-2" n="AB.2.4">
<head xml:id="Body.div-2.head" n="AB.2.4.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-1" n="AB.2.4.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-2" n="AB.2.4.3"> ... </p>
<meeting>Ninth International Conference on Middle High German Textual Criticism, Aachen,
June 1998.</meeting>
<list type="attendance">
<head>List of Participants</head>
<list type="參與者">
<persName>馬桂順 </persName>
4 Default Text Structure
<div type="scene">
<p>Hush, the players begin...</p>
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<l>In Athens our tale takes place ....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
<p>Now that the play is finished ...</p>
<div type="scene">
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<!-- ... 這裡是其他動作 -->
<div type="part" n="1">
<div type="chapter" n="1">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 1 -->
<div type="chapter" n="2">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 2 -->
<div type="part" n="2">
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 1 -->
<div n="2" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 2 -->
<div type="part">
<head>Fallacies of Authority</head>
<p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all
exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p>
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<head>The Nature of Authority</head>
<p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest
happiness of the greatest number....</p>
<div n="1.1" type="section">
<head>Analysis of Authority</head>
<p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to
authority ... </p>
<div n="1.2" type="section">
<head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head>
<p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when... </p>
<div type="part">
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<div n="1.1" type="section">
<div n="1.2" type="section">
<p>眾聲喧嘩的文化理論形成於二○年代末和三○年代,是巴赫汀思想成熟階段的結晶。... </p>
<divGen type="toc"/>
<p> ... </p>
<divGen type="toc"/>
<p> ... </p>
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<div type="entry" n="1">
<div type="morning" n="1.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<div type="entry" n="2">
<div type="morning" n="2.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="2.2">
<!-- ...-->
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<p> ... </p>
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<p> ... </p>
<gap extent="2" reason="sampling"/>
<p> ... </p>
<head rend="underlined" type="sub">President pledges safeguards for 2,400 British
troops in Bosnia</head>
<head rend="scream" type="main">Major agrees to enforced no-fly zone</head>
<byline>By George Jones, Political Editor, in Washington</byline>
<p>Greater Western intervention in the conflict in
former Yugoslavia was pledged by President Bush ...</p>
<head>In the name of Christ here begins the
first book of the ecclesiastical history of Georgius Florentinus,
known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>
<head>Chapter Headings</head>
<!-- list of chapter heads omitted -->
<head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>
<p>Proposing as I do ...</p>
<p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four
hundred and twelve years passed.</p>
<trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five
hundred and ninety-six years from the beginning of the world down
to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>
<head>To Henry Hope.</head>
<p>It is not because this volume was conceived and partly
executed amid the glades and galleries of the Deepdene,
that I have inscribed it with your name. ... I shall find a
reflex to their efforts in your own generous spirit and
enlightened mind.
<signed xml:lang="el">D.</signed>
<dateline>Grosvenor Gate, May-Day, 1844</dateline>
<head>Sixth Narrative</head>
<head>contributed by Sergeant Cuff</head>
<div type="fragment" n="6.1">
<name type="place">Dorking, Surrey,</name>
<date>July 30th, 1849</date>
<salute>To <name>Franklin Blake, Esq.</name> Sir, —</salute>
<p>I beg to apologize for the delay that has occurred in the
production of the Report, with which I engaged to furnish you.
I have waited to make it a complete Report ...</p>
<salute>I have the honour to remain, dear sir, your
obedient servant </salute>
<name>RICHARD CUFF</name> (late sergeant in the
Detective Force, Scotland Yard, London). </signed>
<head>Letter XIV: Miss Clarissa Harlowe to Miss Howe</head>
<dateline>Thursday evening, March 2.</dateline>
<p>On Hannah's depositing my long letter ...</p>
<p>An interruption obliges me to conclude myself
in some hurry, as well as fright, what I must ever be,</p>
<salute>Yours more than my own,</salute>
<signed>Clarissa Harlowe</signed>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<p>Kingston — Instructive remarks on early English history
— Instructive observations on carved oak and life in general
— Sad case of Stivvings, junior — Musings on antiquity
— I forget that I am steering — Interesting result
— Hampton Court Maze — Harris as a guide.</p>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<list type="inline">
<item>Instructive remarks on early English history</item>
<item>Instructive observations on carved oak and life in
<item>Sad case of Stivvings, junior</item>
<item>Musings on antiquity</item>
<item>I forget that I am steering</item>
<item>Interesting result</item>
<item>Hampton Court Maze</item>
<item>Harris as a guide.</item>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<head>Chapter 19</head>
<quote>I pity the man who can travel
from Dan to Beersheba, and say <q>'Tis all
barren;</q> and so is all the world to him
who will not cultivate the fruits it offers.
<bibl>Sterne: Sentimental Journey.</bibl>
<p>To say that Deronda was romantic would be to
misrepresent him: but under his calm and somewhat
self-repressed exterior ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<date when="1761-05-27">May ye 27th 1761</date>
<p>Capt Stoddard's Business
<lb/>calling him to Providence, have
<lb/>got him to look at Hopkins brigantine
<lb/>& if can agree to Purchase her, shall
<lb/>be much oblig'd for your further
<lb/>assistance herein, & will acquiesce with
<lb/>whatever you & he shall Contract
<lb/>for — I Thank you for your
<unclear>Line</unclear> respecting the brigantine & Beg
<lb/>leave to Recommend the Bearer
<lb/>to you for your advice & Friendship
<lb/>in this matter</p>
<salute>I am your most humble servant</salute>
<signed>Joseph Wanton Jr</signed>
<p>I have Mollases, Sugar,
<lb/>Coffee & Rum, which
<lb/>will Exchange with you
<lb/>for Candles or Oyl</p>
<p> 自己想吃人,又怕被別人吃了,都用著疑心极深的眼光,面面相覷。…… </p>
<name type="place">南京</name>
<!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>
<name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>
<p> perhaps you will favour me with a sight of it when convenient.</p>
<salute>I remain, &c. &c.</salute>
<signed>H. Colburn</signed>
<p> 不久,我們就能再見面。</p>
<p> 自己想吃人,又怕被別人吃了,都用著疑心极深的眼光,面面相覷。…… </p>
<name type="place">南京</name>
<!-- .... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>
<name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>
<date when="2006-11-21">21 Nov 06</date>
<salute>Dear Susan,</salute>
<p>Thank you very much for the assistance splitting those
logs. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding as to the size of
the task. I really was not asking for help, only to borrow the
axe. Hope you had fun in any case.</p>
<salute>Sincerely yours,</salute>
<p>The collision occured on <date when="2001-07-06">06 Jul 01</date>.</p>
<date when="1911-03-26">辛亥三月二十六</date>
<titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
<byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
<div type="preface">
<head>Editor's Note</head>
<p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
<titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
<div type="address">
<head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
<p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
upon thy eye ... </p>
<titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
<div1 type="book" n="Herod I">
<head>Libro Primo</head>
<l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
<lg n="I.1" type="stanza">
<l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
<l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
<l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
<l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
<l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
<titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
<lg n="I">
<l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
<l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->
<head>(Supplied by a sub-sub-Librarian)</head>
<p>It will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and
grubworm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone
through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth,
picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could
anyways find ...
Here ye strike but splintered hearts together – there,
ye shall strike unsplinterable glasses!</p>
<quote>And God created great whales.</quote>
<l>Leviathan maketh a path to shine after him;</l>
<l>One would think the deep to be hoary.</l>
<quote>By art is created that great Leviathan,
called a Commonwealth or State — (in Latin,
<mentioned xml:lang="la">civitas</mentioned>), which
is but an artificial man.</quote>
<bibl>Opening sentence of Hobbes's Leviathan</bibl>
<!-- transcript here-->
<!-- translation here -->
<divGen type="alignment"/>
<p>To my parents, Ida and Max Fish</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>The answer this book gives to its title question is <q>there is
and there isn't</q>.</p>
<p>Chapters 1–12 have been previously published in the
following journals and collections:
<item>chapters 1 and 3 in <title>New literary History</title>
<item>chapter 10 in <title>Boundary II</title> (1980)</item>
I am grateful for permission to reprint.</p>
<item>Introduction, or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love
Interpretation <ptr target="#fish1"/>
<head>Part One: Literature in the Reader</head>
<item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ptr target="#fish2"/>
<item n="2">What is Stylistics and Why Are They Saying Such
Terrible Things About It? <ptr target="#fish3"/>
<div xml:id="fish1">
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish2">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish3">
<head>What is stylistics?</head>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... --><item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ref target="#fish-p24">24</ref>
<!-- .... -->
<div type="chapter">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<pb xml:id="fish-p24"/>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... -->
<quote>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis
vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent:
<q xml:lang="grc">Sibylla ti weleis</q>; respondebat
illa: <q xml:lang="grc">apowanein welo.</q>
<div type="dedication">
<p>For Ezra Pound <q xml:lang="it">il miglior fabbro.</q>
<quote>小燕子其實也無所愛,只是沉浸在朦朧而飄忽的夏夜夢里罷了。 </quote>
<div type="dedication">
<div type="dedication">
<div type="preface">
<div type="dedication">
<p>To our three selves</p>
<div type="preface">
<head>Author's Note</head>
<p>All the characters in this book are purely imaginary, and if the
author has used names that may suggest a reference to living persons
she has done so inadvertently.
<div type="index">
<list type="index">
<item>Actors, public, paid for the contempt attending
their profession, <ref>263</ref>
<item>Africa, cause assigned for the barbarous state of
the interior parts of that continent, <ref>125</ref>
<list type="indexentry">
<item>ancient policy of Europe unfavourable to, <ref>371</ref>
<item>artificers necessary to carry it on, <ref>481</ref>
<item>cattle and tillage mutually improve each other, <ref>325</ref>
<item>wealth arising from more solid than that which proceeds
from commerce <ref>520</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref>461</ref>
<div type="letter">
<head>A letter written to his wife, founde with this booke
after his death.</head>
<p>The remembrance of the many wrongs offred thee, and thy
unreproued vertues, adde greater sorrow to my miserable state,
than I can utter or thou conceiue. ...
... yet trust I in the world to come to find mercie, by the
merites of my Saiuour to whom I commend thee, and commit
my soule.</p>
<signed>Thy repentant husband for his disloyaltie,
<name>Robert Greene.</name>
<epigraph xml:lang="la">
<p>Faelicem fuisse infaustum</p>
<div type="corrigenda">
<salute xml:lang="la">M. Scriblerus Lectori</salute>
<p>Once more, gentle reader I appeal unto thee, from the shameful
ignorance of the Editor, by whom Our own Specimen of
<name>Virgil</name> hath been mangled in such miserable manner, that
scarce without tears can we behold it. At the very entrance, Instead
of <q xml:lang="gr">προλεγομενα</q>, lo!
<q xml:lang="gr">προλεγωμενα</q> with an Omega!
and in the same line <q xml:lang="la">consulâs</q> with a circumflex!
In the next page thou findest <q xml:lang="la">leviter perlabere</q>,
which his ignorance took to be the infinitive mood of
<q xml:lang="la">perlabor</q> but ought to be
<q xml:lang="la">perlabi</q> ... Wipe away all these
monsters, Reader, with thy quill.</p>
6 Verse
6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts
<div n="I" type="book">
<div n="1" type="canto">
<lg n="I.1.1" type="stanza">
<l>A Gentle Knight was pricking on the plain</l>
<l>Y cladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,</l>
6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts
<div n="I" type="book">
<div n="I.1" type="canto">
<div n="I.1.1" type="stanza">
<l>A gentle knight was pricking on the plain</l>
<l>Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,</l>
6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses
<lg n="1" type="paragraph">
<l>'Tis hard to say, if greater Want of Skill</l>
<l>Appear in <hi>Writing</hi> or in <hi>Judging</hi> ill;</l>
<l>But, of the two, less dang'rous is th'Offence,</l>
<l>To tire our <hi>Patience</hi>, than mis-lead our <hi>Sense</hi>:</l>
6.3.3 Metrical Analysis of Stanzaic Verse
<lg n="1" type="stanza">
<l n="1">Doglia mi reca nello core ardire</l>
6.3.3 Metrical Analysis of Stanzaic Verse
<l> ... </l>
<lg type="commiato" met="E/S/S/E/S/E/E/S/S/E/E" rhyme="abbccdeeedd">
<l n="1">Canzone, presso di qui è une donna</l>
7 Performance Texts
<div type="copyright_page"/>
<div type="Contents"/>
<div type="Introduction"/>
<div type="note">
<head>Note on the Translation</head>
<p> ... </p>
<titlePage type="half-title">
<titlePart>Peer Gynt</titlePart>
<div type="Dramatis_Personae">
<p>The action, which opens in the beginning of the nineteenth
century, and ends around the 1860s, takes place partly in
Gudbrandsdalen, and on the mountains around it, partly on the coast
of Morocco, in the desert of Sahara, in a madhouse at Cairo, at sea,
7.2.1 Major Structural Divisions
<head>Act Two</head>
<div type="scene" n="1">
<head>Scene One</head>
<div type="scene" n="2">
<head>Scene Two</head>
<div type="shot">
<p>大家好,我現在在香港的九龍。 </p>
<view>BBC World symbol</view>
<speaker>Voice Over</speaker>
<p>Monty Python's Flying Circus tonight comes to you live
from the Grillomat Snack Bar, Paignton.</p>
<div type="shot">
<view>Interior of a nasty snack bar. Customers around, preferably
real people. Linkman sitting at one of the plastic tables.</view>
<p>Hello to you live from the Grillomat Snack Bar.
8 Transcriptions of Speech
8.1 General Considerations and Overview
<div sample="medial"/>
<div sample="medial"/>
<div sample="initial"/>
<note>C is with a friend</note>
<u who="#cwn">
<unclear>Excuse me<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/> You dont have some
aesthetic<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>specially on early</unclear>
aesthetics terminology <g ref="#lr"/>
<u who="#aj"> No<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/>No<g ref="#lf"/>
<gap extent="2 beats"/> I'm
afraid<g ref="#lf"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#cwn"> No<g ref="#lr"/>
<unclear>Well</unclear> thanks<g ref="#lr"/>
<pause/> Oh<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>you couldnt<g ref="#short"/> can we</unclear> kind of<g ref="#long"/>
<pause/>I mean ask you to order it for us<g ref="#long"/>
<g ref="#fr"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#aj"> Yes<g ref="#fr"/> if you know the title<g ref="#lf"/> Yeah<g ref="#lf"/>
<u who="#cwn">
<gap extent="4 beats"/>
<u who="#aj"> Yes thats fine. <unclear>just as soon as it comes in we'll send
you a postcard<g ref="#lf"/>
<person xml:id="cwn">
<p>Customer WN</p>
<person xml:id="aj">
<p>Assistant K</p>
9 Dictionaries
9.1 Dictionary Body and Overall Structure
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
11 Representation of Primary Sources
<fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<head facs="#B49rHead">DU SON ET ACCORD DES CLOCHES ET <lb/> des alleures des chevaulx,
chariotz & charges, des fontaines:& <lb/> encyclie du monde,
& de la dimension du corps humain.</head>
<head>Chapitre septiesme</head>
<div n="1">
<p>Le son & accord des cloches pendans en ung mesme <lb/> axe, est
faict en contraires parties.</p>
<p rend="it" facs="#B49rPara2">LEs cloches ont quasi fi<lb/>gures de rondes
pyra<lb/>mides imperfaictes & <lb/> irregulieres: & leur
accord se <lb/> fait par reigle geometrique. Com<lb/>me si les deux
cloches C & D <lb/> sont <w facs="#B49rW457">pendans</w> à ung
mesme axe <lb/> ou essieu A B: je dis que leur ac<lb/>cord se fera en
co<ex>n</ex>traires parties<lb/> co<ex>m</ex>me voyez icy
figuré. Car qua<ex>n</ex>d <lb/> lune sera en hault, laultre
declinera embas. Aultrement si elles decli<lb/>nent toutes deux
ensembles en une mesme partie, elles seront discord, <lb/> & sera
leur sonnerie mal plaisante à oyr.<figure facs="#B49rFig1">
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
11.3.4 Additions and Deletions
<!-- ... -->
<!-- text here -->
<addSpan n="added gathering" hand="#heol" spanTo="#p025"/>
<!-- text of first added poem here -->
<!-- text of second added poem here -->
<!-- text of third added poem here -->
<!-- text of fourth added poem here -->
<anchor xml:id="p025"/>
<!-- more text here -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- text here -->
<addSpan n="added gathering" hand="#HEOL" spanTo="#P025"/>
<!-- text of first added poem here -->
<!-- text of second added poem here -->
<!-- text of third added poem here -->
<!-- text of fourth added poem here -->
<anchor xml:id="P025"/>
<!-- more text here -->
12 Critical Apparatus
12.2.1 The Location-referenced Method
<div n="WBP" type="prologue">
<head>The Prologe of the Wyves Tale of Bathe</head>
<l n="1">Experience though noon Auctoritee</l>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>
12.2.2 The Double End-Point Attachment Method
<!-- ... -->
<div n="WBP" type="prologue">
<head>The Prologe ... </head>
<l n="1" xml:id="WBP.1">Experience<anchor xml:id="WBP-A2"/> though noon Auctoritee</l>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<link targets="#CCS1 #SW1"/>
<link targets="#CCS2 #SW2"/>
<link targets="#CCS #SW"/>
<div type="volume" xml:id="CCS" xml:lang="fr">
<s xml:id="CCS1">Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.</s>
<s xml:id="CCS2">Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n'avais pas le temps de me dire : "Je m'endors."</s>
<!-- ... -->
<div type="volume" xml:id="SW" xml:lang="en">
<s xml:id="SW1">For a long time I used to go to bed early.</s>
<s xml:id="SW2">Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."</s>
<!-- ... -->
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS1 #zh-tw_SW1"/>
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS2 #zh-tw_SW2"/>
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS #zh-tw_SW"/>
<div type="volume" xml:id="zh-tw_CCS">
<s xml:id="zh-tw_CCS1">床前明月光,疑似地上霜;</s>
<s xml:id="zh-tw_CCS2">舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。</s>
<!-- ... -->
<div type="volume" xml:id="zh-tw_SW">
<s xml:id="zh-tw_SW1">月光照的床前一片潔白,看起來像是地上結滿的白霜;</s>
<s xml:id="zh-tw_SW2">抬起頭來,望著明月,低下頭來,思念起故鄉。</s>
<!-- ... -->
<head>On Ancient Persian Manners</head>
<p>In the very first story of <ref target="Sadi/gulistan.2.i.html">
<title>The Gulistan of
Sa'di relates moral advice worthy of Miss Minners ...</p>
<!-- ... -->
<div n="A">
<p>The base URI here is the current document. A URI such as
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="B" xml:base="">
<p>The base URI here is
<code></code>. A
URI such as <code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="C" xml:base="">
<p>The base URI here is
<code></code>. A URI such
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="D">
<p>The base URI here is the current document. A URI such as
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<!-- ... -->
<div type="section" n="107" xml:id="sect107">
<head>Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use</head>
<p>Notwithstanding the provisions of
<ref target="#sect106">section 106</ref>, the fair use of a
copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies
or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,
for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use),
scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular
case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall
include —
<list type="simple">
<item n="(1)">the purpose and character of the use, including
whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit
educational purposes;</item>
<item n="(2)">the nature of the copyrighted work;</item>
<item n="(3)">the amount and substantiality of the portion
used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;
<item n="(4)">the effect of the use upon the potential market
for or value of the copyrighted work.</item>
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a
finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration
of all the above factors.</p>
<ptr target="#element(sha-ham301/22/2)"/>
<div type="chapter" n="1">
<ab>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.</ab>
<ab>And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.</ab>
<ab>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.</ab>
<!-- ...-->
16.4.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<anchor corresp="#fa1" xml:id="ea1"/>According to our survey, 1988
sales of mineral water and soft drinks were much higher than in 1987,
reflecting the growing popularity of these products. Cola drink
manufacturers in particular achieved above-average growth rates.
<anchor corresp="#fa2" xml:id="ea2"/>The higher turnover was largely
due to an increase in the sales volume.
<anchor corresp="#fa3" xml:id="ea3"/>Employment and investment levels also climbed.
<anchor corresp="#fa4" xml:id="ea4"/>Following a two-year transitional period,
the new Foodstuffs Ordinance for Mineral Water came into effect on
April 1, 1988. Specifically, it contains more stringent requirements
regarding quality consistency and purity guarantees.</p>
<div xml:lang="fr" type="subsection">
<anchor corresp="#ea1" xml:id="fa1"/>Quant aux eaux minérales
et aux limonades, elles rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes. En effet,
notre sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement supérieures
à celles de 1987, pour les boissons à base de cola
notamment. <anchor corresp="#ea2" xml:id="fa2"/>La progression des
chiffres d'affaires résulte en grande partie de l'accroissement
du volume des ventes. <anchor corresp="#ea3" xml:id="fa3"/>L'emploi et
les investissements ont également augmenté.
<anchor corresp="#ea4" xml:id="fa4"/>La nouvelle ordonnance fédérale
sur les denrées alimentaires concernant entre autres les eaux
minérales, entrée en vigueur le 1er avril 1988 après
une période transitoire de deux ans, exige surtout une plus
grande constance dans la qualité et une garantie de la
16.4.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<seg xml:id="e_1">According to our survey, 1988 sales of mineral
water and soft drinks were much higher than in 1987,
reflecting the growing popularity of these products. Cola
drink manufacturers in particular achieved above-average
growth rates.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_2">The higher turnover was largely due to an
increase in the sales volume.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_3">Employment and investment levels also climbed.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_4">Following a two-year transitional period, the new
Foodstuffs Ordinance for Mineral Water came into effect on
April 1, 1988. Specifically, it contains more stringent
requirements regarding quality consistency and purity
<div xml:id="div-f" xml:lang="fr" type="subsection">
<seg xml:id="f_1">Quant aux eaux minérales et aux limonades,
elles rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes. En effet, notre
sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement
supérieures à celles de 1987, pour les
boissons à base de cola notamment.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_2">La progression des chiffres d'affaires
résulte en grande partie de l'accroissement du volume
des ventes.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_3">L'emploi et les investissements ont
également augmenté.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_4">La nouvelle ordonnance fédérale sur
les denrées alimentaires concernant entre autres les
eaux minérales, entrée en vigueur le 1er avril
1988 après une période transitoire de deux
ans, exige surtout une plus grande constance dans la
qualité et une garantie de la pureté.</seg>
<linkGrp type="alignment" domains="div-e div-f">
<link targets="#e_1 #f_1"/>
<link targets="#e_2 #f_2"/>
<link targets="#e_3 #f_3"/>
<link targets="#e_4 #f_4"/>
16.4.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<ab xml:id="english1">
<s>According to our survey, 1988 sales of mineral water and soft
drinks were much higher than in 1987, reflecting the growing popularity
of these products.</s>
<s>Cola drink manufacturers in particular achieved above-average
growth rates.</s>
<div xml:id="french" xml:lang="fr" type="subsection">
<ab xml:id="french1">
<s xml:id="fs1">Quant aux eaux minérales et aux limonades, elles
rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes.</s>
<s xml:id="fs2">En effet, notre sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement
supérieures à celles de 1987, pour les boissons à
base de cola notamment.</s>
<head>The Study</head>
<seg xml:id="e9801">The Study</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9802">is a place</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9803">where a Student,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9804">a part from men,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9805">sitteth alone,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9806">addicted to his Studies,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9807">whilst he readeth</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9808">Books,</seg>
<div xml:id="l98" xml:lang="la" type="lesson">
<seg xml:id="l9801">Museum</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9802">est locus</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9803">ubi Studiosus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9804">secretus ab hominibus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9805">solus sedet,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9806">Studiis deditus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9807">dum lectitat</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9808">Libros,</seg>
<head>The Study</head>
<ab>The Study</ab>
<ab>is a place</ab>
<ab>where a Student,</ab>
<div xml:id="L98" xml:lang="la" type="lesson">
<ab>est locus</ab>
<ab>ubi Studiosus,</ab>
16.5.1 Aligning Synchronous Events
<u xml:id="u2b" who="#b"> The first time in twenty five years,
we've cooked Christmas <unclear> for a blooming great
load of people.</unclear>
<u xml:id="u3a" who="#a">So you're
<anchor synch="#t1b" xml:id="t1a"/>
<anchor synch="#t2b" xml:id="t2a"/>
<u xml:id="u3b" who="#b">
<anchor xml:id="t1b"/>It will be <anchor xml:id="t2b"/>
nice in a way, but, <anchor xml:id="t3b"/>
be strange.<anchor xml:id="t4b"/>
<u xml:id="u4a" who="#a">
<anchor synch="#t3b" xml:id="t3a"/>Yeah
<anchor synch="#t4b" xml:id="t4a"/>, yeah, cos it, its
<anchor synch="#t5b" xml:id="t5a"/>the
<anchor synch="#t6b" xml:id="t6a"/>
<u xml:id="u4b" who="#b">
<anchor xml:id="t5b"/>not<anchor xml:id="t6b"/>
<!-- ... -->
<u exclude="#we.sun1" xml:id="we.fun1">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.fun1" xml:id="we.sun1">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.sun2" xml:id="we.fun2">We had fun at the beach
<u exclude="#we.fun2" xml:id="we.sun2">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
<u select="#fun3">We had
<seg exclude="#sun3" xml:id="fun3" type="word">fun</seg>
<seg exclude="#fun3" xml:id="sun3" type="word">sun</seg>
at the beach today.</u>
<u>We had
<seg select="#id-f" type="word">
<seg exclude="#id-s" xml:id="id-f" type="character">f</seg>
<seg exclude="#id-f" xml:id="id-s" type="character">s</seg>
at the beach today.</u>
<!-- ... -->
<u exclude="#we.sun4 #lee.fun4" xml:id="we.fun4">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.fun4 #lee.fun4" xml:id="we.sun4">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.fun4 #we.sun4" xml:id="lee.fun4">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>
<!-- ... -->
<u exclude="#we.sun5 #lee.fun5" xml:id="we.fun5">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.fun5 #lee.fun5" xml:id="we.sun5">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#we.fun5 #we.sun5" xml:id="lee.fun5">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u exclude="#lee.fun6" xml:id="we.fun6">We had fun at the beach
<u exclude="#we.fun6" xml:id="lee.fun6">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u xml:id="">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u xml:id="we.had.sun">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
targets=" #we.had.sun"/>
<l>Her skin is tender as
<seg xml:id="dm">Dimaggio's</seg>
<seg xml:id="lt">a leather</seg>
<seg xml:id="bb">a baseball</seg>
<l xml:id="rl">and she bats from right to left.</l>
<l xml:id="db">now ain't that too damn bad.</l>
<alt targets="#dm #lt #bb" mode="excl" weights="0.5 0.25 0.25"/>
<alt targets="#rl #db" mode="excl" weights="0.50 0.50"/>
<altGrp mode="incl">
<alt targets="#dm #rl" weights="0.90 0.90"/>
<alt targets="#lt #rl" weights="0.5 0.5"/>
<alt targets="#bb #rl" weights="0.5 0.5"/>
<alt targets="#dm #db" weights="0.10 0.10"/>
<alt targets="#lt #db" weights="0.45 0.90"/>
<alt targets="#bb #db" weights="0.45 0.90"/>
17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
<cl part="I">Tweedledum and Tweedledee</cl>
<cl part="F">Agreed to have a battle;</cl>
<cl part="I">For Tweedledum said <cl part="I">Tweedledee</cl>
<cl part="F">
<cl part="F">Had spoiled his nice new rattle.</cl>
<div type="stanza">
<cl part="I">Just then flew down a monstrous crow,</cl>
<cl part="F">As black as a tar barrel;</cl>
<cl part="I">Which frightened both the heroes so,</cl>
<cl part="F">
<cl>They quite forgot their quarrel.</cl>
21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty
<!-- ... -->
<certainty match=".//my:*" locus="value" degree="0.9"/>
22 Documentation Elements
<head>An overview of the imaginary module</head>
<p>The imaginary module contains declarations for coloured things:
<specGrpRef target="#RED"/>
<specGrpRef target="#BLUE"/>
23 Using the TEI
23.2.2 Modification and Namespaces
<!-- ... -->
<p n="12" topic="rabbits">Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and