Beispiel: <l> (verse line)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <l> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <l> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

1 The TEI Infrastructure Element Identifiers and Labels

<l n="1">
<!-- ... -->
<l n="2">
<!-- ... -->
<l n="3">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<l n="100">
<!-- ... -->


<!-- regularization:--><l>So weren't you gonna buy <measure quantity="0.5" unit="gal" commodity="ice cream">half a gallon</measure>, baby</l>
<!-- normalization: -->
<l>So won't you go and buy <measure quantity="1.893" unit="L" commodity="ice cream">half a gallon</measure>,


<!-- regularization:--><l>So weren't you gonna buy <measure quantity="0.5" unit="gal" commodity="ice cream">half a gallon</measure>, baby</l>
<!-- normalization: -->
<l>So won't you go and buy <measure quantity="1.893" unit="L" commodity="ice cream">half a gallon</measure>,


<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents Emphatic Words and Phrases

<l>Here Thou, great <name rend="italics">Anna</name>!
whom three Realms obey,</l>
<l>Doth sometimes Counsel take —
and sometimes <emph rendition="#italic">Tea</emph>.</l>
<!-- in the header ... -->
<rendition xml:id="italic" scheme="css">text-style:italic</rendition>

3.3.3 Quotation

 <said>The Lord! The Lord! It is Sakya Muni himself,</said> the lama half
sobbed; and under his breath began the wonderful Buddhist
   <l>To Him the Way — the Law — Apart —</l>
   <l>Whom Maya held beneath her heart</l>
   <l>Ananda's Lord — the Bodhisat</l>
   And He is here! The Most Excellent Law is here also. My
   pilgrimage is well begun. And what work! What work!</said>

3.3.3 Quotation

<div xml:id="mm01" type="chapter">
 <head>Chapter 1</head>
    <l>Since I can do no good because a woman</l>
    <l>Reach constantly at something that is near it.</l>
    <title>The Maid's Tragedy</title>
    <author>Beaumont and Fletcher</author>
 <p>Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into
   relief by poor dress...</p>


<l>But this will be a <orig>meere</orig> confusion</l>
<l>And hardly shall we all be <orig>vnderstoode</orig>


<l>妹子是被大哥<orig></orig>了,母親知道沒有,我可不得而知。 </l>


 </choice> 了,母親知道沒有,我可不得而知。</l>
<l>母親想也知道;不過哭的時候,卻 <choice>


<l>But this will be a <choice>
 </choice> confusion</l>
<l>And hardly shall we all be <choice>

3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

<l>And where the sandy mountain Fenwick scald</l>
 <unclear reason="ink blot">The</unclear> sea between
yet hence his pray'r prevail'd

3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

<l>One day I will sojourn to your shores</l>
<l>I live in the middle of England</l>
<l>Norway! My soul resides in your watery
<del rend="overstrike">fiords fyords fiiords</del>

3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

 <del rend="overtyped">Mein</del> Frisch
<del type="overstrike">schwebt</del> weht der Wind

3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

 <del rend="overstrike">Inviolable</del>
 <add place="below">Inexplicable</add>
splendour of Corinthian white and gold


 <del rend="overtyped">Mein</del> Frisch <del rend="overstrike" type="primary">schwebt</del>
weht der Wind


 <del rend="改寫"></del><del rend="改寫" type="primary"></del> 吹來涼爽。

3.8.1 Notes and Simple Annotation

<l>The self-same moment I could pray</l>
<l>And from my neck so free</l>
<l>The albatross fell off, and sank</l>
<l>Like lead into the sea.
<note type="gloss" place="margin">The spell begins to break</note>

3.8.1 Notes and Simple Annotation

 <l>The self-same moment I could pray</l>
 <l>And from my neck so free</l>
 <l>The albatross fell off, and sank</l>
 <l>Like lead into the sea.</l>
 <note type="gloss" place="margin">The spell begins to break</note>

3.10.1 Using the xml:id and n Attributes

<div1 n="Amores" type="volume">
 <div2 n="1" type="book">
<!-- ... -->
 <div2 n="2" type="book">
  <div3 n="1" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
  <div3 n="2" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
  <div3 n="10" type="poem">
   <l n="1"> ... </l>
   <l n="2"> ... </l>
<!-- ... -->
   <l n="7"> ... </l>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

3.10.1 Using the xml:id and n Attributes

<div1 n="Amores" type="volume">
 <div2 n="Amores 1" type="book">
<!-- ... -->
 <div2 n="Amores 2" type="book">
  <div3 n="Amores 2.1" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
  <div3 n="Amores 2.10" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
   <l n="Amores 2.10.7"> ... </l>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

3.10.1 Using the xml:id and n Attributes

<div1 n="Amores" type="volume">
 <div2 xml:id="am.1" type="book">
<!-- ... -->
 <div2 xml:id="am.2" type="book">
  <div3 xml:id="am.2.1" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
  <div3 xml:id="am.2.10" type="poem">
<!-- ... -->
   <l xml:id="am.2.10.7"> ... </l>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

3.10.3 Milestone Elements

 <milestone unit="speaker" n="Man"/>
 <l>Oh what is this I cannot see</l>
 <l>With icy hands gets a hold on me</l>
 <milestone unit="speaker" n="Death"/>
 <l>Oh I am Death, none can excel</l>
 <l>I open the doors of heaven and hell</l>


<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

<l>Of Mans First Disobedience, and<lb/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb/> and all our woe,</l>
<l>With loss of Eden, till one greater Man</l>
<l>Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat...</l>

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

 <l>Come fill up the Glass,</l>
 <l rend="indent">Round, round let it pass,</l>
 <l>'Till our Reason be lost in our Wine:</l>
 <l rend="indent">Leave Conscience's Rules</l>
 <l rend="indent">To Women and Fools,</l>
 <l>This only can make us divine.</l>
<lg n="Chorus" type="refrain">
 <l>Then a Mohock, a Mohock I'll be,</l>
 <l>No Laws shall restrain</l>
 <l>Our Libertine Reign,</l>
 <l>We'll riot, drink on, and be free.</l>

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

<lg type="sonnet">
 <lg type="octet">
  <l>Thus speaks the Muse, and bends her brow severe:—</l>
  <l>“Did I, <name>Lætitia</name>, lend my choicest lays,</l>
  <l>And crown thy youthful head with freshest bays,</l>
  <l>That all the' expectance of thy full-grown year</l>
  <l>Should lie inert and fruitless? O revere</l>
  <l>Those sacred gifts whose meed is deathless praise,</l>
  <l>Whose potent charms the' enraptured soul can raise</l>
  <l>Far from the vapours of this earthly sphere!</l>
 <lg type="sestet">
  <l>Seize, seize the lyre! resume the lofty strain!</l>
  <l>'T is time, 't is time! hark how the nations round</l>
  <l>With jocund notes of liberty resound,—</l>
  <l>And thy own <name>Corsica</name> has burst her chain!</l>
  <l>O let the song to <name>Britain's</name> shores rebound,</l>
  <l rend="indent(-1)">Where Freedom's once-loved voice is heard,
     alas! in vain.”</l>

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

<l>Thou fumblest <name>Eros</name>, and my Queenes a Squire</l>
<l>More tight at this, then thou: Dispatch. O Loue,</l>
<l>That thou couldst see my Warres to day, and knew'st</l>
<l>The Royall Occupation, thou should'st see</l>
<l part="I">A Workeman in't. <stage>Enter an Armed Soldier.</stage>
<l part="F">Good morrow to thee, welcome. </l>

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

<lg n="6" type="para">
<!-- ... -->
 <l>Unprofitably travelling toward the grave,</l>
 <l>Like a false steward who hath much received</l>
 <l part="I">And renders nothing back.</l>
<lg type="para" n="7">
 <l part="F">Was it for this</l>
 <l>That one, the fairest of all rivers, loved</l>
 <l>To blend his murmurs with my nurse's song,</l>
<!-- ... -->

3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

 <speaker>First Voice</speaker>
 <lg type="stanza" part="I">
  <l>But why drives on that ship so fast</l>
  <l>Withouten wave or wind?</l>
 <speaker>Second Voice</speaker>
 <lg type="stanza" part="F">
  <l>The air is cut away before,</l>
  <l>And closes from behind.</l>


<l met="-/-/-/-/-/" part="Y"/>


<l met="平平仄仄平" part="Y"/>


<lg type="free">
 <l>Let me be my own fool</l>
 <l>of my own making, the sum of it</l>
<lg type="free">
 <l>is equivocal.</l>
 <l>One says of the drunken farmer:</l>
<lg type="free">
 <l>leave him lay off it. And this is</l>
 <l>the explanation.</l>


<lg type="free">
<lg type="free">

3.12.2 Core Tags for Drama

<div1 n="I" type="Act">
 <head>ACT I</head>
 <div2 n="1" type="Scene">
  <head>SCENE I</head>
  <stage rend="italic">Enter Barnardo and Francisco,
     two Sentinels, at several doors</stage>
   <l part="Y">Who's there?</l>
   <l>Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself.</l>
   <l part="I">Long live the King!</l>
   <l part="M">Barnardo?</l>
   <l part="F">He.</l>
   <l>You come most carefully upon your hour.</l>
   <l>'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to bed, Francisco.</l>
   <l>For this relief much thanks. 'Tis bitter cold,</l>
   <l part="I">And I am sick at heart.</l>

3.12.2 Core Tags for Drama

<stage>Enter two Centinels.
<add place="margin">Now call'd <name xml:id="barnardo">Bernardo</name> &amp;
 <name xml:id="francisco">Francesco</name>.</add>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l part="Y">Stand: who is that?</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
 <l part="Y">Tis I.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l>O you come most carefully vpon your watch,</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
 <l>And if you meete Marcellus and Horatio,</l>
 <l>The partners of my watch, bid them make haste.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l part="Y">I will: See who goes there.</l>
<stage>Enter Horatio and Marcellus.</stage>

4 Default Text Structure


   <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>
  <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>
  <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>




 <l>Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard</l>
 <l>metudæs maecti end his modgidanc</l>
 <l>uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes</l>
 <l>eci dryctin or astelidæ</l>
 <l>he aerist scop aelda barnum</l>
 <l>heben til hrofe haleg scepen.</l>
 <l>tha middungeard moncynnæs uard</l>
 <l>eci dryctin æfter tiadæ</l>
 <l>firum foldu frea allmectig</l>
 <trailer>primo cantauit Cædmon istud carmen.</trailer>


   <div type="scene">
     <p>Hush, the players begin...</p>
    <floatingText type="pwp">
      <div type="act">
        <l>In Athens our tale takes place ....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
     <p>Now that the play is finished ...</p>


   <div type="scene">
    <floatingText type="pwp">
      <div type="act">
<!-- ... 這裡是其他動作 -->


<epigraph xml:lang="la">
   <l part="F">petere inde coronam,</l>
   <l>Vnde prius nulli velarint tempora Musae.</l>


<epigraph xml:lang="zh">
   <l part="N">小燕子其實也無所愛,</l>

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

    <titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
   <byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
  <div type="preface">
   <head>Editor's Note</head>
   <p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
      <titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
    <div type="address">
     <head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
     <p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
           upon thy eye ... </p>
       <titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
      <div1 type="book" n="Herod I">
       <head>Libro Primo</head>
        <l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
       <lg n="I.1" type="stanza">
        <l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
        <l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
        <l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
        <l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
        <l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
       <titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
      <lg n="I">
       <l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
       <l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

<div n="2" type="chap">
 <head>(Supplied by a sub-sub-Librarian)</head>
 <p>It will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and
   grubworm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone
   through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth,
   picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could
   anyways find ...
   Here ye strike but splintered hearts together – there,
   ye shall strike unsplinterable glasses!</p>
   <quote>And God created great whales.</quote>
    <l>Leviathan maketh a path to shine after him;</l>
    <l>One would think the deep to be hoary.</l>
   <quote>By art is created that great Leviathan,
       called a Commonwealth or State — (in Latin,
   <mentioned xml:lang="la">civitas</mentioned>), which
       is but an artificial man.</quote>
   <bibl>Opening sentence of Hobbes's Leviathan</bibl>

4.3.2 Floating Texts

<p>The Gentleman having finish'd his Story, Galecia waited on him to
the Stairs-head; and at her return, casting her Eyes on the Table, she
saw lying there an old dirty rumpled Book, and found in it the
following story: </p>
  <p> IN the time of the Holy War when
     Christians from all parts went into the Holy Land to oppose the Turks;
     Amongst these there was a certain English Knight...</p>
<!-- rest of story here -->
  <p>The King graciously pardoned the Knight; Richard was kindly receiv'd
     into his Convent, and all things went on in good order: But from hence
     came the Proverb, We must not strike <hi>Robert</hi> for
<pb n="43"/>
<p>By this time Galecia's Maid brought up her Supper; after which she
cast her Eyes again on the foresaid little Book, where she found the
following Story, which she read through before she went to bed.
  <head>The Cause of the Moors Overrunning
  <p>King ———— of Spain at his Death, committed the Government of his
     Kingdom to his Brother Don ——— till his little Son should come of
     Age ...</p>
  <p>Thus the little Story ended, without telling what Misery
     befel the King and Kingdom, by the Moors, who over ran the Country for
     many Years after. To which, we may well apply the Proverb,
    <l>Who drives the Devil's Stages,</l>
    <l>Deserves the Devil's Wages</l>
<p>The reading this Trifle of a Story detained Galecia from her Rest
beyond her usual Hour; for she slept so sound the next Morning, that
she did not rise, till a Lady's Footman came to tell her, that his
Lady and another or two were coming to breakfast with her...

6 Verse

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

  <l>To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,</l>
  <l>One clover, and a bee,</l>
  <l>And revery.</l>
  <l>The revery alone will do,</l>
  <l>If bees are few.</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

  <head>My Alba</head>
   <l>Now that I've wasted</l>
   <l>five years in Manhattan</l>
   <l>life decaying</l>
   <l>talent a blank</l>
   <l>talking disconnected</l>
   <l>patient and mental</l>
   <l>sliderule and number</l>
   <l>machine on a desk</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

 <l>The Frost performs its secret ministry,</l>
 <l>Unhelped by any wind. ...</l>
 <l>Whose puny flaps and freaks the idling Spirit</l>
 <l>By its own moods interprets, every where</l>
 <l>Echo or mirror seeking of itself,</l>
 <l part="I">And makes a toy of Thought.</l>
 <l part="F">But O! how oft,</l>
 <l>How oft, at school, with most believing mind</l>
 <l>Presageful, have I gazed upon the bars,</l>
 <l>To watch that fluttering <hi>stranger</hi>! ... </l>
 <l>Dear Babe, that sleepest cradled by my side,</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

 <l>Sire Thopas was a doghty swayn;</l>
 <l>White was his face as payndemayn,</l>
 <l>His lippes rede as rose;</l>
 <l>His rode is lyk scarlet in grayn,</l>
 <l>And I yow telle in good certayn,</l>
 <l>He hadde a semely nose.</l>
 <l>His heer, his ber was lyk saffroun,</l>
 <l>That to his girdel raughte adoun;</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

<lg type="stanza">
 <lg type="sestet">
  <l>In the first year of Freedom's second dawn</l>
  <l>Died George the Third; although no tyrant, one</l>
  <l>Who shielded tyrants, till each sense withdrawn</l>
  <l>Left him nor mental nor external sun:</l>
  <l>A better farmer ne'er brushed dew from lawn,</l>
  <l>A worse king never left a realm undone!</l>
 <lg type="couplet">
  <l>He died — but left his subjects still behind,</l>
  <l>One half as mad — and t'other no less blind.</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>My Mistres eyes are nothing like the Sunne,</l>
    <l>Currall is farre more red, then her lips red</l>
    <l>If snow be white, why then her brests are dun:</l>
    <l>If haires be wiers, black wiers grown on her head:</l>
   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>I have seene Roses damaskt, red and white,</l>
    <l>But no such Roses see I in her cheekes,</l>
    <l>And in some perfumes is there more delight,</l>
    <l>Then in the breath that from my Mistres reekes.</l>
   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>I love to heare her speake, yet well I know,</l>
    <l>That Musicke hath a farre more pleasing sound:</l>
    <l>I graunt I never saw a goddesse goe,</l>
    <l>My Mistres when shee walkes treads on the ground.</l>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>And yet by heaven I think my love as rare,</l>
   <l>As any she beli'd with false compare.</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

 <div n="I" type="book">
  <div n="1" type="canto">
   <lg n="I.1.1" type="stanza">
    <l>A Gentle Knight was pricking on the plain</l>
    <l>Y cladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,</l>

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

 <div n="I" type="book">
  <div n="I.1" type="canto">
   <div n="I.1.1" type="stanza">
    <l>A gentle knight was pricking on the plain</l>
    <l>Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,</l>

6.2 Components of the Verse Line

 <seg>In a somer seson,</seg>
 <seg>whan softe was the sonne,</seg>
 <seg>I shoop me into shroudes</seg>
 <seg>as I a sheep were,</seg>
 <seg>In habite as an heremite </seg>
 <seg>unholy of werkes,</seg>
 <seg>Went wide in this world </seg>
 <seg>wondres to here.</seg>

6.2 Components of the Verse Line

 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">Ar</seg>
  <seg type="syll">ma </seg>
  <seg type="syll">vi</seg>
 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">rum</seg>
  <seg type="syll">que </seg>
  <seg type="syll">ca</seg>
 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">no </seg>
  <seg type="syll">Tro</seg>
 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">iae </seg>
  <seg type="syll">qui </seg>
 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">pri</seg>
  <seg type="syll">mus </seg>
  <seg type="syll">ab </seg>
 <seg type="foot">
  <seg type="syll">or</seg>
  <seg type="syll">is </seg>

6.2 Components of the Verse Line

 <seg type="hemistich">
  <seg type="foot">
   <seg type="syll">Ar</seg>
   <seg type="syll">ma </seg>
   <seg type="syll">vi</seg>
  <seg type="foot">
   <seg type="syll">rum</seg>
   <seg type="syll">que </seg>
   <seg type="syll">ca</seg>
  <seg type="foot" part="I">
   <seg type="syll">no </seg>
 <seg type="hemistich">
  <seg type="foot" part="F">
   <seg type="syll">Tro</seg>
  <seg type="foot">
   <seg type="syll">iae </seg>
   <seg type="syll">qui </seg>

6.2 Components of the Verse Line

<l>In a somer seson, <caesura/> whan softe was the sonne, </l>
<l>I shoop me into shroudes <caesura/> as I a sheep were, </l>
<l>In habite as an heremite <caesura/> unholy of werkes, </l>
<l>Went wide in this world <caesura/> wondres to here. </l>

6.2 Components of the Verse Line

<l enjamb="y">Un astrologue, un jour, se laissa choir</l>
<l>Au fond d'un puits.</l>

6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses


 <lg n="1" type="paragraph">
  <l>'Tis hard to say, if greater Want of Skill</l>
  <l>Appear in <hi>Writing</hi> or in <hi>Judging</hi> ill;</l>
  <l>But, of the two, less dang'rous is th'Offence,</l>
  <l>To tire our <hi>Patience</hi>, than mis-lead our <hi>Sense</hi>:</l>

6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses

<l real="+-|-+|-+|-+|-+">But, of the two, ...</l>

6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses

<l met="+-|-+|-+|-+|-+">But, of the two, ...</l>

6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses


 <l n="1"> Und frische Nahrung, neues Blut</l>
 <l n="2" real="+--+-+"> Saug' ich aus freier Welt;</l>
 <l n="3" real="+--+-+-+"> Wie ist Natur so hold und gut,</l>
 <l n="4" real="---+-+"> Die mich am Busen hält!</l>
 <l n="5"> Die Welle wieget unsern Kahn</l>
 <l n="6"> Im Rudertakt hinauf,</l>
 <l n="7"> Und Berge, wolkig himmelan,</l>
 <l n="8"> Begegnen unserm Lauf.</l>

6.3.1 Sample Metrical Analyses

<l n="356"> A needless alexandrine ends the song, </l>
<l n="357" met="-+|-+|-+|-+|-+|-+" real="++|-+|-+|+-|++|-+"> That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along.

6.3.2 Segment-Level versus Line-level Tagging

<l n="356"> A need<seg type="foot" n="2" real="--">less
   a</seg>lexandrine ends the song,</l>
<l n="357" met="-+|-+|-+|-+|-+|-+">
 <seg n="1" real="++"> That, like </seg> a wounded snake,
<seg n="4" real="+-"> drags its </seg>
 <seg n="5" real="++"> slow length </seg>


6.3.2 Segment-Level versus Line-level Tagging

 <seg type="foot" met="+--">Arma vi</seg>
 <seg met="+--">rumque ca</seg>
 <seg met="++">no Tro</seg>
 <seg met="++">iae qui </seg>
 <seg met="+--">primus ab</seg>
 <seg met="++"> oris</seg>

6.3.3 Metrical Analysis of Stanzaic Verse


 <lg n="1" type="stanza">
  <l n="1">Doglia mi reca nello core ardire</l>

6.3.3 Metrical Analysis of Stanzaic Verse

<div met=".....">
  <l> ... </l>
 <lg type="commiato" met="E/S/S/E/S/E/E/S/S/E/E" rhyme="abbccdeeedd">
  <l n="1">Canzone, presso di qui è une donna</l>

6.4 Rhyme

<lg rhyme="aa-a">
 <l>Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd</l>
 <l>Of the Two Worlds so learnedly, are thrust</l>
 <l>Like foolish Prophets forth; their Words to Scorn</l>
 <l>Are scatter'd, and their Mouths are stopt with Dust. </l>

6.4 Rhyme

<lg type="couplet" rhyme="aa">
 <l>Outside in the distance a wildcat did <rhyme>growl</rhyme>
 <l>Two riders were approaching and the wind began to <rhyme>howl</rhyme>

6.4 Rhyme

<lg type="quatrain" rhyme="abab">
 <l>I wander thro' each charter'd <rhyme label="a">street</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>Near where the charter'd Thames does <rhyme label="b">flow</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>And mark in every face I <rhyme label="a">meet</rhyme>
 <l>Marks of weakness, marks of <rhyme label="b">woe</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="abab">
 <l>In every cry of every <rhyme label="a">Man</rhyme>
 <l>In every Infant's cry of <rhyme label="b">fear</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>In every voice, in every <rhyme label="a">ban</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>The mind-forg'd manacles I <rhyme label="b">hear</rhyme>.</l>

6.4 Rhyme

<lg rhyme="ABCCBBA">
 <l>The sunlight on the <rhyme label="A">garden</rhyme>
  <rhyme label="A">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme label="B">cold</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>We cannot cage the <rhyme label="C">minute</rhyme>
 <l>Wi<rhyme label="C">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme label="B">gold</rhyme>
 <l>When all is <rhyme label="B">told</rhyme>
 <l>We cannot beg for <rhyme label="A">pardon</rhyme>.</l>

6.4 Rhyme

<lg rhyme="AB-BBA">
 <l>The sunlight on the <rhyme xml:id="V-A1">garden</rhyme>
  <rhyme xml:id="V-A2">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme xml:id="V-B1">cold,</rhyme>
 <l>We cannot cage the <rhyme xml:id="V-C1">minute</rhyme>
 <l>Wi<rhyme xml:id="V-C2">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme xml:id="V-B2">gold</rhyme>
 <l>When all is <rhyme xml:id="V-B3">told</rhyme>
 <l>We cannot beg for <rhyme xml:id="V-A3">pardon</rhyme>.</l>


<l>Hwæt we Gar-Dena <caesura/> in gear-dagum</l>
<l>þeod-cyninga <caesura/> þrym gefrunon,</l>
<l>hy ða æþelingas <caesura/> ellen fremedon.</l>




<lg rhyme="abababcc">
 <l>'Tis pity learned virgins ever <rhyme label="a">wed</rhyme>
 <l>With persons of no sort of edu<rhyme label="b">cation</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>Or gentlemen, who, though well born and <rhyme label="a">bred</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>Grow tired of scientific conver<rhyme label="b">sation</rhyme>:</l>
 <l>I don't choose to say much on this <rhyme label="a">head</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>I'm a plain man, and in a single <rhyme label="b">station</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>But — Oh! ye lords of ladies inte<rhyme label="c">llectual</rhyme>,</l>
 <l>Inform us truly, have they not hen-<rhyme label="a">peck'd you all</rhyme>?</l>


<lg rhyme=" ou">
 <l>故人西辭黃鶴 <rhyme label="lou2"></rhyme></l>
 <l>煙花三月下揚<rhyme label="jou"></rhyme></l>
 <l>孤帆遠影碧山<rhyme label="jin4"></rhyme></l>
 <l>唯見長江天際流<rhyme label="liou2">sation</rhyme></l>

7 Performance Texts

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

  <head>Prologue, spoken by <name>Mr. Hart</name>
  <l>Poets like Cudgel'd Bullys, never do</l>
  <l>At first, or second blow, submit to you;</l>
  <l>But will provoke you still, and ne're have done,</l>
  <l>Till you are weary first, with laying on:</l>
  <l>We patiently you see, give up to you,</l>
  <l>Our Poets, Virgins, nay our Matrons too.</l>
  <head>The Persons</head>
  <castItem> ... </castItem>
  <head>The SCENE</head>

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

 <head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name>
   and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
   <l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
   <l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
   <l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
   <l>There's none but Prentices — &amp; Cuckolds all a row:</l>
   <l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
  <stage>Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

  <div1 type="scene">
    <l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
    <l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
    <l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
    <stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
   <head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
    <l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
    <l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
    <l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
    <l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
   <p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
   <head>Names of the Actors.</head>
   <castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
   <castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
   <castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

 <l part="Y">I'll deliver all,</l>
 <l>And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales,</l>
 <l>Be free and fare thou well. <stage type="exit">Exit Ariel</stage>
   Please you, draw near. <stage type="exit">Exeunt all but Prospero</stage>
  <note place="margin">Epilogue</note>
 <l>Now my charms are all o'erthrown,</l>
 <l>And what strength I have's mine own</l>
 <l>As you from crimes would pardoned be,</l>
 <l>Let your indulgence set me free.</l>
<stage type="mix">He awaits applause, then exit.</stage>


  <l>Wits, like physicians never can agree,</l>
  <l>When of a different society.</l>
  <l>New plays are stuffed with wits, and with deboches,</l>
  <l>That crowd and sweat like cits in May-Day coaches.</l>
 <trailer>Written by a person of quality</trailer>




 <head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name> and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
   <l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
   <l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
  <lg type="triplet">
   <l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
   <l>There's none but Prentices — &amp; Cuckolds all a row:</l>
   <l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
  <stage type="business">Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>


 <stage type="business">飾國王者向觀眾致辭</stage>
  <lg type="stanza">

7.2.2 Speeches and Speakers

  <role xml:id="menae">Menaechmus</role>
  <role xml:id="penic">Peniculus</role>
<sp who="#menae">
 <l>Responde, adulescens, quaeso, quid nomen tibist?</l>
<sp who="#penic">
 <l>Etiam derides, quasi nomen non noveris?</l>
<sp who="#menae">
 <l>Non edepol ego te, quot sciam, umquam ante hunc diem</l>
 <l>Vidi neque novi; ...</l>

7.2.2 Speeches and Speakers

  <role xml:id="menaechmus">Menaechmus</role>
  <role xml:id="peniculus">Peniculus</role>
<sp who="#menaechmus">
 <l>Responde, adulescens, quaeso, quid nomen tibist?</l>
<sp who="#peniculus">
 <l>Etiam derides, quasi nomen non noveris?</l>
<sp who="#menaechmus">
 <l>Non edepol ego te, quot sciam, umquam ante hunc diem</l>
 <l>Vidi neque novi; ...</l>

7.2.2 Speeches and Speakers

  <role xml:id="nan">Nano</role>
  <role xml:id="cas">Castrone</role>
<stage>Nano and Castrone sing</stage>
<sp who="#nan #cas">
 <l>Fools, they are the only nation</l>
 <l>Worth men's envy or admiration</l>

7.2.4 Speech Contents

 <l part="N">You most
   notorious whelp, you insolent slave</l>
 <l part="Y">Dare you do this?</l>
 <l part="Y">Yes faith, yes faith.</l>
 <l part="Y">Why! Who</l>
 <l part="Y">Am I, my mongrel? Who am I?</l>
 <l part="Y">I'll tell you,</l>
<!-- ... -->

7.2.4 Speech Contents

 <l>You most
   notorious whelp, you insolent slave</l>
 <l part="I">Dare you do this?</l>
 <l part="M">Yes faith, yes faith.</l>
 <l part="F">Why! Who</l>
 <l part="I">Am I, my mongrel? Who am I?</l>
 <l part="F">I'll tell you,</l>
<!-- ... -->

7.2.4 Speech Contents

<stage type="head">Song — Sir Joseph</stage>
 <lg type="song" part="I">
  <l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
  <l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
  <l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
 <speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
 <lg type="song" part="M">
  <l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
 <lg type="song" part="F">
  <l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

 <p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with th' love of gain.
   You thry to pin on others th' dirty decorations that
   may be hangin' on your own coats.</p>
 <stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
   and Flagonson. Lilting)</stage>
 <lg type="song">
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
  <l>Who you were with last night?</l>
 <stage>(in anguished indignation).</stage>
 <p>This is more than a hurt to us: this hits at the
   decency of the whole nation!</p>

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

 <p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with ...</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting):</stage>
  <titlePart>Kelly's Song</titlePart>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
  <l>Who you were with last night?</l>

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

 <stage>(wheeling quietly in his semi-dance,
   as he goes out):</stage>
 <lg type="stanza" part="I">
  <l>Goodbye to holy souls left here,</l>
  <l>Goodbye to man an' fairy;</l>
 <speaker>Widda Machree</speaker>
 <stage>(wheeling quietly in her semi-dance,
   as she goes out):</stage>
 <lg type="stanza" part="F">
  <l>Goodbye to all of Leicester Square,</l>
  <l>An' the long way to Tipperary.</l>

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

<div1 n="4" type="act">
 <div2 n="5" type="scene">
  <stage>Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
  <stage type="setting">Enter Ophelia, distracted.</stage>
   <p>Where is the beauteous Majesty of Denmark?</p>
   <p>How now, Ophelia?</p>

    <l>How should I your true-love know</l>
    <l>From another one?</l>
    <l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
    <l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
   <p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
   <p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>

    <l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
    <l>He is dead and gone;</l>
    <l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
    <l>At his heels a stone.</l>
   <p>O, ho!</p>

7.2.5 Embedded Structures

  <div1 n="4" type="act">
   <div2 n="5" type="scene">
    <stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
     <p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL1" type="song" part="Y">
      <l>How should I your true-love know</l>
      <l>From another one?</l>
      <l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
      <l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
     <p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
     <p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL2" type="song" part="Y">
      <l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
      <l>He is dead and gone;</l>
      <l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
      <l>At his heels a stone.</l>
     <p>O, ho!</p>
     <join type="lg" targets="#TL1 #TL2"/>

8 Transcriptions of Speech


<!-- ... --><l>man in a coonskin cap</l>
<l>in a pig pen</l>
<writing>pig pen</writing>
<l>wants eleven dollar bills</l>
<writing>20 dollar bills</writing>
<l>you only got ten</l>
<!-- ... -->

11 Representation of Primary Sources

11.3.4 Additions and Deletions

<l>Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,</l>
<delSpan spanTo="#EPdelEnd" resp="#EP" rend="strikethrough"/>
<l>To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the time,</l>
<l>With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine.</l>
<anchor xml:id="EPdelEnd"/>
<l>There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying "Stetson!</l>...

11.3.4 Additions and Deletions

 <delSpan rend="verticalStrike" spanTo="#delend01"/>
Tis moonlight <del>upon</del>
 <add>over</add> Oman's sky
<l>Her isles of pearl look lovelily<anchor xml:id="delend01"/>

11.3.5 Substitutions

 <delSpan rend="verticalStrike" spanTo="#delend02"/>
Tis moonlight <subst>
 </subst> Oman's sky
<l>Her isles of pearl look lovelily<anchor xml:id="delend02"/>

11.3.5 Substitutions

<l>And towards our distant rest began to trudge,</l>
  <del>Helping the worst amongst us</del>
  <add>Dragging the
     worst amongt us</add>
 </subst>, who'd no boots
<l>But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame;
  <del status="shortEnd">half-</del>
 </subst> blind;</l>
<l>Drunk with fatigue ; deaf even to the hoots</l>
<l>Of tired, outstripped <del>fif</del> five-nines that dropped behind.</l>

11.3.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription

<l n="4">a darmi morte, poi m'avete preso
<surplus reason="interpolated">a tradimento</surplus>
<l n="5">sì com' l'uccellator prende l'uccello</l>
<l n="43">e lettere dintorno che diriano
<surplus reason="interpolated">in questa guisa</surplus>
<l n="44">Più v'amo, dëa, che non faccio Deo</l>

11.4.1 Document Hands

<l>When wolde the cat dwelle in his ynne</l>
<handShift medium="greenish-ink"/>
<l>And if the cattes skynne be slyk <handShift medium="black-ink"/> and gaye</l>

11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text

<l>The Moving Finger wri<damage agent="water" group="1">es; and</damage> having writ,</l>
<l>Moves <damage agent="water" group="1">on: nor all your</damage> Piety nor Wit</l>
 <damageSpan agent="water" group="1" spanTo="#washOut"/>Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
<l>Nor all your Tears wash <anchor xml:id="washOut"/> out a Word of it</l>


<l>The Moving Finger wri<damage agent="water" group="1">es; and</damage> having writ,</l>
<l>Moves <damage agent="water" group="1">
  <supplied>on: nor all your</supplied>
 </damage> Piety nor Wit</l>


<l>When wolde the cat dwelle in his ynne</l>
<handShift medium="greenish-ink"/>
<l>And if the cattes skynne be slyk <handShift medium="black-ink"/> and gaye</l>

12 Critical Apparatus

12.1.2 Readings

<l>Swaz hi gât umbe</l>
<l>daz sint alle megede,</l>
<l>die wellent ân man</l>
  <rdg wit="#Mu" varSeq="1" hand="#m1">alle</rdg>
disen sumer gân.

12.1.2 Readings

<l>se ðe on
  <rdg wit="#Kl">hea(um) h(æþ)e</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#ms" resp="#Z">heaðo hlæwe</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#ms" resp="#Cha">heaum hope</rdg>
<l>hord beweotode,</l>

12.1.2 Readings

<l n="2207a">syððan Beowulfe
<note resp="#Kl" place="app">Fol. 179a <mentioned>beowulfe</mentioned>.
   Folio 179, with the last page (Fol. 198b), is the worst part of the
   entire MS. It has been freshened up by a later hand, but not always
   correctly. Information on doubtful readings is in the notes of
   Zupitza and Chambers.</note>
<l n="2207b">brade rice</l> Witness Detail Information

<l>Swaz hi gât umbe</l>
<l>daz sint alle megede,</l>
<l>die wellent ân man</l>
  <rdg wit="#Mu" hand="#m1">alle</rdg>
  <rdg xml:id="anon.6.4" wit="#Mu" hand="#m2">allen</rdg>
disen sumer gân.
<witDetail target="#anon.6.4" wit="#Mu">
 <mentioned>n</mentioned> nachgetragen.

</witDetail> Witness Information in the Source

<lg type="stanza">
 <l xml:id="Diet1.1">Slăfest du, vriedel ziere?</l>
 <l xml:id="Diet1.2">wan wecket uns leider schiere;</l>
 <l xml:id="Diet1.3">ein vogellīn sŏ wol getăn</l>
 <l xml:id="Diet1.4">daz ist der linden an daz zwī gegăn.</l>
<app type="secondary" loc="Diet.1.1">
 <rdg wit="#Kb">slăfst</rdg>
<app type="secondary" loc="Diet.1.2">
 <rdg wit="#Kv">Man</rdg>
 <rdg wit="#K">weckt</rdg>
 <wit>K (Wackernagel 401)</wit>
 <rdg wit="#Ju">Ich waen ez taget uns schiere</rdg>
 <wit>Jungbluth, Festschr. Pretzel 1963, 122.</wit>

12.2.1 The Location-referenced Method

  <div n="WBP" type="prologue">
   <head>The Prologe of the Wyves Tale of Bathe</head>
   <l n="1">Experience though noon Auctoritee</l>
   <l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.1 The Location-referenced Method

<variantEncoding method="location-referenced" location="internal"/>
<!-- ... -->
<l n="1">Experience
  <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
though noon Auctoritee</l>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.1 The Location-referenced Method

<l n="1">Experience though noon Auctoritee
  <rdg wit="#La"> Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2"> Eryment</rdg>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.1 The Location-referenced Method

<l n="1">Experience though noon Auctoritee
  <lem wit="#El">Experience</lem>
  <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.2 The Double End-Point Attachment Method

<variantEncoding method="double-end-point" location="external"/>
<!-- ... -->
<div n="WBP" type="prologue">
 <head>The Prologe ... </head>
 <l n="1" xml:id="WBP.1">Experience<anchor xml:id="WBP-A2"/> though noon Auctoritee</l>
 <l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.2 The Double End-Point Attachment Method

<variantEncoding method="double-end-point" location="internal"/>
<!-- ... -->
<l n="1" xml:id="wbp.1">Experience
<app from="#wbp.1">
  <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
though noon Auctoritee</l>
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.2 The Double End-Point Attachment Method

<l xml:id="WBP.117" n="117"> And
<anchor xml:id="WBP-A117.1"/> of so parfit
<anchor xml:id="WBP-A117.2"/> wys
<anchor xml:id="WBP-A117.3"/> a wight
<anchor xml:id="WBP-A117.4"/> ywroght
<app from="#WBP-A117.1" to="#WBP-A117.3">
  <lem wit="#Hg">of so parfit wys</lem>
  <rdg wit="#Ha4">in what wise was</rdg>
 <app from="#WBP-A117.2" to="#WBP-A117.4">
  <lem wit="#Hg">wys a wight</lem>
  <rdg wit="#El #Ha4">was a wight</rdg>

12.2.3 The Parallel Segmentation Method

<variantEncoding method="parallel-segmentation" location="internal"/>
<!-- ... -->
<l n="1">
  <lem wit="#El #Hg">Experience</lem>
  <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
though noon Auctoritee
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.3 The Parallel Segmentation Method

<l n="1">
  <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
  <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
though noon Auctoritee
<l>Were in this world ...</l>

12.2.3 The Parallel Segmentation Method

<l n="1">
  <rdg wit="#Chi3">Auctoritee, though none experience</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#El #Hg">Experience</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#La">Experiment</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#El #Ra2">though</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#Hg">thogh</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#La">thouh</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#El #Hg">noon Auctorite</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#La #Ra2">none auctorite</rdg>

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links

<l>(Diff'rent our parties, but with equal grace</l>
<l>The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,</l>
 <note type="imitation" place="bottom" anchored="false">
  <bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
   <l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
   <l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem.</l>
 </note>'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,
<l>To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links

<l>(Diff'rent our parties, but with equal grace</l>
<l>The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,
<ptr rend="unmarked" target="#note3.284"/>
<l>'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,</l>
<l>To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>

 <bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
  <l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
  <l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem.</l>

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links

<l xml:id="l3.283">(Diff'rent our parties, but with equal grace</l>
<l xml:id="l3.284">The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,</l>
<l xml:id="l3.285">'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,</l>
<l xml:id="l3.286">To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>
<!-- ... -->

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links


 <ref rend="sc" target="#l3.284">Verse 283–84.
   <l>——. With equal grace</l>
   <l>Our Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race.</l>
 <bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
  <l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
  <l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem. </l>

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links


 <ref rend="sc" target="#l3.284">Verse 283–84.
   <l>——. With equal grace</l>
   <l>Our Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race.</l>
 <bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
  <l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
  <l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem. </l>
<link targets="#n3.284 #l3.284"/>

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links


 <ref rend="sc" xml:id="r3.284" target="#l3.284">Verse 283–84.
   <l>——. With equal grace</l>
   <l>Our Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race.</l>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<link targets="#r3.284 #l3.284"/>

16.1.3 Groups of Links

<l xml:id="l2.79">A place there is, betwixt earth, air and seas</l>
<l xml:id="l2.80">Where from Ambrosia, Jove retires for ease.</l>
<!-- ... -->
<l xml:id="l2.88">Sign'd with that Ichor which from Gods distills.</l>
<!-- ... -->
<note xml:id="n2.79" place="bottom" anchored="false">
 <bibl>Ovid Met. 12.</bibl>
 <quote xml:lang="la">
  <l>Orbe locus media est, inter terrasq; fretumq;</l>
  <l>Cœlestesq; plagas —</l>
<note xml:id="n2.88" place="bottom" anchored="false"> Alludes to <bibl>Homer, Iliad 5</bibl> ...

16.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies

 <l>My <seg xml:id="Mik-l1s">object all sublime</seg>
 <l>I shall <seg xml:id="Mik-l2s">achieve in time</seg></l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l3">To let <seg xml:id="l3s">the punishment fit the crime</seg>,</l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l4">
  <seg copyOf="#Mik-l3s"/>;</l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l5">And make each pris'ner pent</l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l6">Unwillingly represent</l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l7">A source <seg xml:id="Mik-l7s">of innocent merriment</seg>,</l>
 <l xml:id="Mik-l8">
  <seg copyOf="#Mik-l7s"/>!</l>
 <l>His <seg copyOf="#Mik-l1s"/>
 <l>He will <seg copyOf="#Mik-l2s"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l3"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l4"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l5"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l6"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l7"/>
 <l copyOf="#Mik-l8"/>

16.7 Aggregation

 <p>How does it go?
   <l xml:id="frog-x1">da-da-da</l>
   <l xml:id="frog-l2">gets a new frog</l>
   <l xml:id="frog-l1">When the old pond</l>
  <l xml:id="frog-l3">It's a new pond.</l>
 <join targets="#frog-l1 #frog-l2 #frog-l3" result="lg" scope="root"/>


 <p>How does it go? <q>
   <l xml:id="frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
   <l xml:id="frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
   <l xml:id="frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
  <q>... <l xml:id="frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
 <join targets="#frog_l1 #frog_l2 #frog_l3" result="lg" scope="root"/>


 <p>How does it go? <q>
   <l xml:id="fr_frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
   <l xml:id="fr_frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
   <l xml:id="fr_frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
  <q>... <l xml:id="fr_frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
   targets="#fr_frog_l1 #fr_frog_l2 #fr_frog_l3"



   <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_x1">呱、呱、呱</l>
   <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l2">有新來的青蛙</l>
   <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l1">以前的池塘</l>
  <q>... <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l3">有新的池塘</l>
   targets="#zh-tw_frog_l1 #zh-tw_frog_l2 #zh-tw_frog_l3"


16.8 Alternation

<div xml:id="bm" type="song">
 <l>Her skin is tender as
 <seg xml:id="dm">Dimaggio's</seg>
  <seg xml:id="lt">a leather</seg>
  <seg xml:id="bb">a baseball</seg>
 <l xml:id="rl">and she bats from right to left.</l>
 <l xml:id="db">now ain't that too damn bad.</l>
 <alt targets="#dm #lt #bb" mode="excl" weights="0.5 0.25 0.25"/>
 <alt targets="#rl #db" mode="excl" weights="0.50 0.50"/>
<altGrp mode="incl">
 <alt targets="#dm #rl" weights="0.90 0.90"/>
 <alt targets="#lt #rl" weights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt targets="#bb #rl" weights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt targets="#dm #db" weights="0.10 0.10"/>
 <alt targets="#lt #db" weights="0.45 0.90"/>
 <alt targets="#bb #db" weights="0.45 0.90"/>

16.9.3 Doing Stand-off Markup in TEI

  <l>To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,</l>
  <l>One clover, and a bee,</l>
  <l>And revery.</l>
  <l>The revery alone will do,</l>
  <l>If bees are few.</l>

17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms

17.1.1 Words and above

<div type="stanza">
  <cl part="I">Tweedledum and Tweedledee</cl>
  <cl part="F">Agreed to have a battle;</cl>
  <cl part="I">For Tweedledum said <cl part="I">Tweedledee</cl>
  <cl part="F">
   <cl part="F">Had spoiled his nice new rattle.</cl>
<div type="stanza">
  <cl part="I">Just then flew down a monstrous crow,</cl>
  <cl part="F">As black as a tar barrel;</cl>
  <cl part="I">Which frightened both the heroes so,</cl>
  <cl part="F">
   <cl>They quite forgot their quarrel.</cl>

17.1.1 Words and above

 <cl next="#c5" xml:id="c3" part="I">For Tweedledum said
 <cl next="#c6" xml:id="c4" part="I">Tweedledee</cl>
 <cl prev="#c3" xml:id="c5" part="F">
  <cl prev="#c4" xml:id="c6" part="F">Had spoiled his nice new rattle.</cl>

20 Non-hierarchical Structures

20.1 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information

<l>Scorn not the sonnet; critic, you have frowned,</l>
<l>Mindless of its just honours; with this key</l>
<l>Shakespeare unlocked his heart; the melody</l>
<l>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound.</l>

20.1 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information

 <l>Catholic woman of twenty-seven with five children</l>
 <l>And a first-rate body—pointed her finger</l>
 <l>at the back of one certain man and asked me,</l>
 <l>"Is that guy a psychiatrist?" and by god he was! "Yes,"</l>
 <l>She said, "He <emph>looks</emph> like a psychiatrist."</l>
 <l>Grown quiet, I looked at his pink back, and thought.</l>

20.2 Boundary Marking with Empty Elements

 <anchor subtype="sentenceStart" type="delimiter"/>
Scorn not the sonnet;
<anchor subtype="sentenceEnd" type="delimiter"/>
 <anchor subtype="sentenceStart" type="delimiter"/> critic, you have frowned,
<l>Mindless of its just honours; <anchor subtype="sentenceEnd" type="delimiter"/>
 <anchor subtype="sentenceStart" type="delimiter"/> with this key</l>
<l>Shakespeare unlocked his heart; <anchor subtype="sentenceEnd" type="delimiter"/>
 <anchor subtype="sentenceStart" type="delimiter"/> the melody</l>
<l>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound. <anchor subtype="sentenceEnd" type="delimiter"/>

20.2 Boundary Marking with Empty Elements

 <sentenceBoundaryStart xmlns=""
Scorn not the sonnet;
<sentenceBoundaryEnd xmlns=""

 <sentenceBoundaryStart xmlns=""
critic, you have frowned,
<l>Mindless of its just honours; <sentenceBoundaryEnd xmlns=""

 <sentenceBoundaryStart xmlns=""
with this key</l>
<l>Shakespeare unlocked his heart; <sentenceBoundaryEnd xmlns=""

 <sentenceBoundaryStart xmlns=""
the melody</l>
<l>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound. <sentenceBoundaryEnd xmlns=""


20.2 Boundary Marking with Empty Elements

  <seg>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>
  <s xmlns=""
critic, you have frowned, </l>
 <l>Mindless of its just honours; <s xmlns=""

  <s xmlns=""
with this key </l>
 <l>Shakespeare unlocked his heart; <s xmlns=""

  <s xmlns=""
the melody </l>
 <l>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound. <s xmlns=""


20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

 <l>Catholic woman of twenty-seven with five children</l>
 <l>And a first-rate body—pointed her finger</l>
 <l>at the back of one certain man and asked me,</l>
  <said n="quotation1">Is that guy a psychiatrist?</said> and by god he was!
 <said n="quotation2">Yes,</said>
 <l>She said, <said n="quotation2">He <emph>looks</emph> like a
 <l>Grown quiet, I looked at his pink back, and thought.</l>

20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

 <seg n="sentence1">Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>
 <seg n="sentence2">critic, you have frowned,</seg>
 <seg n="sentence2">Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
 <seg n="sentence3">with this key</seg>
 <seg n="sentence3">Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
 <seg n="sentence4">the melody</seg>
 <seg n="sentence4">Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound.</seg>

20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

 <seg>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>
 <seg next="#s2b" xml:id="s2a">critic, you have frowned,</seg>
 <seg prev="#s2a" xml:id="s2b">Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
 <seg next="#s3b" xml:id="s3a">with this key</seg>
 <seg prev="#s3a" xml:id="s3b">Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
 <seg next="#s4b" xml:id="s4a">the melody</seg>
 <seg prev="#s4a" xml:id="s4b">Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound.</seg>

20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

 <seg>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>
 <seg part="I">critic, you have frowned,</seg>
 <seg part="F">Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
 <seg part="I">with this key</seg>
 <seg part="F">Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
 <seg part="I">the melody</seg>
 <seg part="F">Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound.</seg>

20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

  <seg part="I">Catholic woman of twenty-seven with five children</seg>
  <seg part="M">And a first-rate body—pointed her finger</seg>
  <seg part="M">at the back of one certain man and asked me,</seg>
  <seg part="F">"<seg>Is that guy a psychiatrist?</seg>" and by god he was!</seg>
  <seg part="I">"<seg part="I">Yes,</seg>"</seg>
  <seg part="F">She said, "<seg part="F">He <emph>looks</emph> like a psychiatrist.</seg>"</seg>
  <seg>Grown quiet, I looked at his pink back, and thought.</seg>

20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements

 <w xml:id="w01">Scorn</w>
 <w xml:id="w02">not</w>
 <w xml:id="w03">the</w>
 <w xml:id="w04">sonnet</w>; <w xml:id="w05">critic</w>, <w xml:id="w06">you</w>
 <w xml:id="w07">have</w>
 <w xml:id="w08">frowned</w>,
 <w xml:id="w09">Mindless</w>
 <w xml:id="w10">of</w>
 <w xml:id="w11">its</w>
 <w xml:id="w12">just</w>
 <w xml:id="w13">honours</w>; <w xml:id="w14">with</w>
 <w xml:id="w15">this</w>
 <w xml:id="w16">key</w>
 <w xml:id="w17">Shakespeare</w>
 <w xml:id="w18">unlocked</w>
 <w xml:id="w19">his</w>
 <w xml:id="w20">heart</w>; <w xml:id="w21">the</w>
 <w xml:id="w22">melody</w>
 <w xml:id="w23">Of</w>
 <w xml:id="w24">this</w>
 <w xml:id="w25">small</w>
 <w xml:id="w26">lute</w>
 <w xml:id="w27">gave</w>
 <w xml:id="w28">ease</w>
 <w xml:id="w29">to</w>
 <w xml:id="w30">Petrarch's</w>
 <w xml:id="w31">wound</w>.
<!-- Elsewhere in the document -->
 <join result="s" scope="root" targets="#w01 #w02 #w03 #w04"/>
   targets="#w05 #w06 #w07 #w08 #w09 #w10 #w11 #w12 #w13"/>

 <join result="s" scope="root"
   targets="#w14 #w15 #w16 #w17 #w18 #w19 #w20"/>

   targets="#w21 #w22 #w23 #w24 #w25 #w26 #w27 #w28 #w29 #w30 #w31"/>


20.4 Stand-off Markup

 <w xml:id="w001">Scorn</w>
 <w xml:id="w002">not</w>
 <w xml:id="w003">the</w>
 <w xml:id="w004">sonnet</w>; <w xml:id="w005">critic</w>, <w xml:id="w006">you</w>
 <w xml:id="w007">have</w>
 <w xml:id="w008">frowned</w>,
 <w xml:id="w009">Mindless</w>
 <w xml:id="w010">of</w>
 <w xml:id="w011">its</w>
 <w xml:id="w012">just</w>
 <w xml:id="w013">honours</w>; <w xml:id="w014">with</w>
 <w xml:id="w015">this</w>
 <w xml:id="w016">key</w>
 <w xml:id="w017">Shakespeare</w>
 <w xml:id="w018">unlocked</w>
 <w xml:id="w019">his</w>
 <w xml:id="w020">heart</w>; <w xml:id="w021">the</w>
 <w xml:id="w022">melody</w>
 <w xml:id="w023">Of</w>
 <w xml:id="w024">this</w>
 <w xml:id="w025">small</w>
 <w xml:id="w026">lute</w>
 <w xml:id="w027">gave</w>
 <w xml:id="w028">ease</w>
 <w xml:id="w029">to</w>
 <w xml:id="w030">Petrarch's</w>
 <w xml:id="w031">wound</w>.
<!-- elsewhere in the current document -->

<p xmlns:xi="">
<xi:include href="." xpointer="range(element(w001),element(w004))"/>
<xi:include href="." xpointer="range(element(w005),element(w013))"/>
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<xi:include href="." xpointer="range(element(w021),element(w031))"/>