Example: <gap> (gap)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <gap> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <gap> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 8 Transcriptions of Speech
- 10 Manuscript Description
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
1 The TEI Infrastructure
<height extent="half the page"/>
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions
3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions
3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions
<desc>irrelevant commentary</desc>
3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions
<gap reason="sampling" extent="2" unit="cm">
<desc>astrological figure</desc>
That is, there were two stars on the easterly side and one to the west; …
4 Default Text Structure
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<p> ... </p>
<gap extent="2" reason="sampling"/>
<p> ... </p>
8 Transcriptions of Speech
<seg type="C">I think </seg>
<seg type="C">this chap was writing </seg>
<seg type="C">and he <del type="repeated">said hello</del> said </seg>
<seg type="M">hello </seg>
<seg type="C">and he said </seg>
<seg type="C">I'm going to a
<paraphasia xmlns="http://www.example.org/ns/nonTEI"
at twenty past seven </seg>
<seg type="C">he said </seg>
<seg type="M">ok </seg>
<seg type="M">right away </seg>
<seg type="C">and so <gap extent="1 syll"/> on they went </seg>
<seg type="C">and they were <gap extent="3 sylls"/>
writing there </seg>
<note>C is with a friend</note>
<u who="#cwn">
<unclear>Excuse me<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/> You dont have some
aesthetic<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>specially on early</unclear>
aesthetics terminology <g ref="#lr"/>
<u who="#aj"> No<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/>No<g ref="#lf"/>
<gap extent="2 beats"/> I'm
afraid<g ref="#lf"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#cwn"> No<g ref="#lr"/>
<unclear>Well</unclear> thanks<g ref="#lr"/>
<pause/> Oh<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>you couldnt<g ref="#short"/> can we</unclear> kind of<g ref="#long"/>
<pause/>I mean ask you to order it for us<g ref="#long"/>
<g ref="#fr"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#aj"> Yes<g ref="#fr"/> if you know the title<g ref="#lf"/> Yeah<g ref="#lf"/>
<u who="#cwn">
<gap extent="4 beats"/>
<u who="#aj"> Yes thats fine. <unclear>just as soon as it comes in we'll send
you a postcard<g ref="#lf"/>
<person xml:id="cwn">
<p>Customer WN</p>
<person xml:id="aj">
<p>Assistant K</p>
10 Manuscript Description
10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
<author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
<title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">De origine et
gestis Regum Angliae</title>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa & de multis</incipit>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i + 55 leaves
<dimensions scope="all" type="leaf" unit="inch">
<layout columns="2">
<p>In double columns.</p>
<p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
<p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200">13th cent.</origDate>
<p>On fol. 54v very faint is
<quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/>
Roberti ordinis fratrum
</quote>, 14th cent. (?):
<quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
(15th cent.).</p>
<p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on
<date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>
10.6.3 Rubrics, Incipits, Explicits, and Other Quotations from the Text
<locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
<title type="uniform">Ágrip af Noregs konunga sǫgum</title>
<incipit defective="true">
<lb/>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> seti
ho<gap reason="illegible" quantity="7" unit="mm"/>
<lb/>sc heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
<explicit defective="true">h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
<ex>oc</ex> þa buit hesta .ij. <lb/>annan viþ fé en
h<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> annan til reiþ<ex>ar</ex>
<rubric>Hic explicit oratio qui dicitur dominica.</rubric>
<explicit type="defective">ex materia quasi et forma sibi
<explicit type="reverse">saued be shulle that doome of day the at
<locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
<title>Agrip af Noregs konunga sögum</title>
<incipit>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> setiho
<gap reason="illegible" extent="7"/>sc
heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
<explicit>h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
<ex>oc</ex>þa buit hesta .ij. aNan viþ
fé enh<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> aNan til
<textLang mainLang="non">Old Norse/Icelandic</textLang>
11 Representation of Primary Sources
11.3.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription
here is one of them...
11.3.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription
11.3.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription
<surplus reason="interpolated">a tradimento</surplus>
<l n="5">sì com' l'uccellator prende l'uccello</l>
<l n="43">e lettere dintorno che diriano
<surplus reason="interpolated">in questa guisa</surplus>
<l n="44">Più v'amo, dëa, che non faccio Deo</l>
11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
neþan <gap
11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
<unclear>and the proof of this is</unclear>