Beispiel: <join>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <join> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <join> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 7 Performance Texts
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
- 20 Non-hierarchical Structures
7 Performance Texts
<div1 n="4" type="act">
<div2 n="5" type="scene">
<stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
<p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
<stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL1" type="song" part="Y">
<l>How should I your true-love know</l>
<l>From another one?</l>
<l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
<l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
<p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
<p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
<stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL2" type="song" part="Y">
<l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
<l>He is dead and gone;</l>
<l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
<l>At his heels a stone.</l>
<p>O, ho!</p>
<join type="lg" targets="#TL1 #TL2"/>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<item xml:id="a_uf">Figge, Udo </item>
<item xml:id="a_ch">Heibach, Christiane </item>
<item xml:id="a_gh">Heyer, Gerhard </item>
<item xml:id="a_bp">Philipp, Bettina </item>
<item xml:id="a_ms">Samiec, Monika </item>
<item xml:id="a_ss">Schierholz, Stefan </item>
<join target="#a_ch #a_bp #a_ss" result="list">
<desc>Authors from Heidelberg</desc>
<p>How does it go?
<l xml:id="frog-x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L1">When the old pond</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog-L1 #frog-L2 #frog-L3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<join target="#qs3 #qs4"/>
<join target="#qs5 #qs6"/>
<join target="#zuiq1 #zuiq2 #zuiq4 #zuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#zuiq3 #zuiq5 #zuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
<!-- five div1 elements -->
<p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
<ab type="aggregation">
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq1" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[1]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq2" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[2]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq3" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[3]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq4" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[4]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq5" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq6" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[2])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq7" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[6]/q[1])"/>
<joinGrp evaluate="one" result="q">
<join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join targets="#frog_l1 #frog_l2 #frog_l3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="fr_frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
targets="#fr_frog_l1 #fr_frog_l2 #fr_frog_l3"
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_x1">呱、呱、呱</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l2">有新來的青蛙</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l1">以前的池塘</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l3">有新的池塘</l>
targets="#zh-tw_frog_l1 #zh-tw_frog_l2 #zh-tw_frog_l3"
</list> ;香港譯作<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP2">
<p>中國大陸則名為<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP3">
targets="#zh-tw_LP1 #zh-tw_LP2 #zh-tw_LP3"
<desc>電影Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain的中港台譯名</desc>
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
targets="#LP1 #LP2 #LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="fr_LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="fr_LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
targets="#fr_LP1 #fr_LP2 #fr_LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
<join targets="#zuiq1 #zuiq2 #zuiq6"/>
<join targets="#zuiq3 #zuiq4 #zuiq5"/>
17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
17.3 Spans and Interpretations
<seg xml:id="SS1-SS3" ana="#INTRO">
<s xml:id="SS1">Sigmund ... was a king in Frankish country.</s>
<s xml:id="SS2">Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons.</s>
<s xml:id="SS3">Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </s>
<s xml:id="SS4A" ana="#CONFLICT">But Sinfiotli ... wooed the same woman</s>
<s xml:id="SS4B" ana="#CLIMAX">and Sinfiotli killed him over it.</s>
<seg xml:id="SS5-SS17" ana="#REVENGE">
<s xml:id="SS5">And when he came home, ... she was obliged to accept it.</s>
<s xml:id="SS6">At the funeral feast Borghild was serving beer.</s>
<s xml:id="SS17">Sinfiotli drank it off and at once fell dead.</s>
<anchor xml:id="NIL1" ana="#RECONCIL"/>
<p xml:id="PP2">Sigmund carried him a long way in his arms ... </p>
<p xml:id="PP3">King Sigmund lived a long time in Denmark ... </p>
<p xml:id="PP4">Sigmund and all his sons were tall ... </p>
<join xml:id="PP2-PP4" targets="#PP2 #PP3 #PP4" ana="#AFTERM"/>
20 Non-hierarchical Structures
20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements
<w xml:id="w01">Scorn</w>
<w xml:id="w02">not</w>
<w xml:id="w03">the</w>
<w xml:id="w04">sonnet</w>; <w xml:id="w05">critic</w>, <w xml:id="w06">you</w>
<w xml:id="w07">have</w>
<w xml:id="w08">frowned</w>,
<w xml:id="w09">Mindless</w>
<w xml:id="w10">of</w>
<w xml:id="w11">its</w>
<w xml:id="w12">just</w>
<w xml:id="w13">honours</w>; <w xml:id="w14">with</w>
<w xml:id="w15">this</w>
<w xml:id="w16">key</w>
<w xml:id="w17">Shakespeare</w>
<w xml:id="w18">unlocked</w>
<w xml:id="w19">his</w>
<w xml:id="w20">heart</w>; <w xml:id="w21">the</w>
<w xml:id="w22">melody</w>
<w xml:id="w23">Of</w>
<w xml:id="w24">this</w>
<w xml:id="w25">small</w>
<w xml:id="w26">lute</w>
<w xml:id="w27">gave</w>
<w xml:id="w28">ease</w>
<w xml:id="w29">to</w>
<w xml:id="w30">Petrarch's</w>
<w xml:id="w31">wound</w>.
<!-- Elsewhere in the document -->
<join result="s" scope="root" targets="#w01 #w02 #w03 #w04"/>
targets="#w05 #w06 #w07 #w08 #w09 #w10 #w11 #w12 #w13"/>
<join result="s" scope="root"
targets="#w14 #w15 #w16 #w17 #w18 #w19 #w20"/>
targets="#w21 #w22 #w23 #w24 #w25 #w26 #w27 #w28 #w29 #w30 #w31"/>