Example: <analytic> (analytic level)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <analytic> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <analytic> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.11.1 Elements of Bibliographic References

 <biblStruct xml:id="NELSON80">
     <forename>Theodore Holm</forename>
   <title>Replacing the printed word:
       a complete literary system</title>
   <title level="m">Information Processing '80: Proceedings of the IFIPS
       Congress, October 1980</title>
     <forename>Simon H.</forename>
    <date when="1980"/>
   <biblScope type="pp">1013–23</biblScope>
  <note>Apparently a draft of section 4 of
  <title level="m">Literary Machines</title>.</note>
 <bibl xml:id="NELSON88">Ted Nelson: <title>Literary Machines</title>
   (privately published, 1987)</bibl>
 <bibl xml:id="BAXTER88">
  <author>Baxter, Glen</author>
  <title>Glen Baxter His Life: the years of struggle</title>
   London: Thames and Hudson, 1988.
</listBibl> Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

  <author>Thaller, Manfred</author>
  <title level="a">A Draft Proposal for a Standard for the
     Coding of Machine Readable Sources</title>
  <title level="j">Historical Social Research</title>
   <biblScope type="vol">40</biblScope>
   <date when="1986-10">October 1986</date>
   <biblScope type="pp">3-46</biblScope>
  <title level="m">Modelling Historical Data:
     Towards a Standard for Encoding and
     Exchanging Machine-Readable Texts</title>
  <editor>Daniel I. Greenstein</editor>
  <imprint xml:lang="de">
   <pubPlace>St. Katharinen</pubPlace>
   <publisher>Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte
       In Kommission bei
       Scripta Mercaturae Verlag</publisher>
   <date when="1991"/>
 <series xml:lang="de">
  <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe
     zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title>
   <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp>
   <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name>
   <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name>
  <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title>
  <biblScope type="vol">11</biblScope>


  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>


  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>
</biblStruct> Authors, Titles, and Editors

  <author>Lucy Allen Paton</author>
  <title>Notes on Manuscripts of the
  <title level="m" xml:lang="fr">Prophécies de Merlin</title>
  <title level="j">PMLA</title>
   <biblScope type="vol">8</biblScope>
   <biblScope type="pages">122</biblScope>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details

  <author>Wrigley, E. A.</author>
  <title>Parish registers and the historian</title>
  <editor>Steel, D. J.</editor>
  <title>National index of parish registers</title>
   <publisher>Society of Genealogists</publisher>
   <date when="1968">1968</date>
   <biblScope type="vol">vol. 1</biblScope>
   <biblScope type="pp">pp. 155–167.</biblScope>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details

  <author>Boguraev, Branimir</author>
  <author>Neff, Mary</author>
  <title>Text Representation, Dictionary Structure,
     and Lexical Knowledge</title>
  <title level="j">Literary &amp; Linguistic Computing</title>
   <biblScope type="vol">7</biblScope>
   <biblScope type="issue">2</biblScope>
   <biblScope type="pp">110-112</biblScope>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details

  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>


 <head>Works consulted</head>
 <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to
   Literature in English (Yale, 1990)
   <title>The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>
   <title>The Penny Histories</title>
   <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>


 <bibl>潘定衡、楊朝文: 蚩尤的傳說 (貴陽:貴州民族出版社,1989 ) </bibl>
   <title>中國古史的傳說時代 </title>
    <publisher>北京:民族文學研究 </publisher>
    <date> 1998 </date>