
<content> (declaración del esquema) contiene el texto de la declaración del esquema utilizado. 22.4.4 Element Specifications
Módulo tagdocs — 22 Documentation Elements
Además de los atributos globales
autoPrefix controls whether or not pattern names generated in the corresponding RELAXNG schema source are automatically prefixed to avoid potential nameclashes.
Estado Opcional
Tipo de datos

<rng:ref name="data.truthValue"/>
Los valores admitidos son:
Each name referenced in e.g. a <rng:ref> element within a content model is automatically prefixed by the value of the prefix attribute on the current schemaSpec [Por defecto]
No prefixes are added: any prefix required by the value of the prefix attribute on the current schemaSpec must therefore be supplied explicitly, as appropriate.
Usado por
Puede contener Elemento vacío

<rng:element name="content">
 <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
  <rng:attribute name="autoPrefix" a:defaultValue="true">
   <rng:ref name="macro.schemaPattern"/>
element content
   attribute autoPrefix { "true" | "false" }?,

This content model allows either a sequence of paragraphs or a series of msItem elements optionally preceded by a summary:

   <rng:ref name="model.pLike"/>
    <rng:ref name="summary"/>
    <rng:ref name="msItem"/>