Exemple: <choice> (choix)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <choice> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <choice> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.4.1 Apparent Errors

… marginal comments which indicate that the
</choice> mentioned in the main body of the text are

3.4.1 Apparent Errors

… marginal comments which indicate that the
 <corr resp="#msm">dates</corr>
</choice> mentioned in the main body of the text are

<!-- within the header for this document ... -->
 <name xml:id="msm">C.M. Sperberg McQueen</name>

3.4.1 Apparent Errors

An <choice>
 <corr cert="high">Autumn</corr>
</choice> it was,
That grew the more by reaping


</choice> 好像冒著煙似的。




I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now
— how <choice>
 <sic>we can</sic>
 <corr>can we</corr>
</choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?


for his nose was as sharp as
a pen, and <choice>
 <sic>a Table</sic>
 <corr>a' babbld</corr>
</choice> of green fields.




I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now —
how <choice>
 <sic>we can</sic>
 <corr>can we</corr>
</choice> prove or
disprove anyone's theories?


<p>Lastly, That, upon his solemn oath to observe all the above
articles, the said man-mountain shall have a daily allowance of
meat and drink sufficient for the support of <choice>
 </choice> of our subjects,
with free access to our royal person, and other marks of our


<p>清朝與日本為爭奪北韓半島控制權,爆發歷史上著名的甲午戰爭。 發生於清光緒二十年,西元 <choice>

3.4.2 Regularization and Normalization

<p>...how godly a <choice>
 </choice> it is to
 </choice> so wicked a race the
world may judge: for my part I <choice>
there <choice>
 </choice> be a greater
 </choice> to God.</p>


<q>你已經 <choice>
 </choice> 我們 <choice>
 </choice> 旅遊的 <choice>


<q>Please <choice>
  <reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>
 </choice> if an <choice>
 </choice> is <choice>


 </choice> 了,母親知道沒有,我可不得而知。</l>
<l>母親想也知道;不過哭的時候,卻 <choice>


<l>But this will be a <choice>
 </choice> confusion</l>
<l>And hardly shall we all be <choice>

3.5.1 Referring Strings

 <name key="WADLM1" type="person">
   <orig>Walter de la Mare</orig>
   <reg>de la Mare, Walter</reg>
was born at <name key="Ch1" type="place">Charlton</name>, in
<name key="KT1" type="county">Kent</name>, in 1873.

3.5.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions

 <expan>World Wide Web Consortium</expan>

3.5.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions

   language for <choice>
   <expan>extensible markup
  </choice>, next


 <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan>
 <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="high" xml:lang="FR">OTAN</abbr>




 <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan>


The address is Southmoor <choice>



8 Transcriptions of Speech

8.3 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts

<u who="#mar">you
never <pause/> take this cat for show and tell
<pause/> meow meow</u>
<u who="#ros">yeah well I dont want to</u>
 <desc>toy cat has bell in tail which continues to make a tinkling sound</desc>
<vocal who="#mar">
<u who="#ros">because it is so old</u>
<u who="#mar">how <choice>
 <emph>your</emph> cat <pause/>yours is <emph>new</emph>
  <desc>shows Father the cat</desc>
<u trans="pause" who="#fat">thats <pause/> darling</u>
<u who="#mar">
 <seg>no <emph>mine</emph> isnt old</seg>
 <seg>mine is just um a little dirty</seg>
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="mar">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="ros">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="fat">
<!-- ... -->

8.4.5 Speech Management


11 Representation of Primary Sources

11.3.2 Abbreviation and Expansion

 <abbr>eu<g ref="#b-er">er</g>y</abbr>

11.3.2 Abbreviation and Expansion

  <g ref="#b-er"/>
  <g ref="#b-per"/>
</choice>sone ...

11.3.2 Abbreviation and Expansion

For alle the while that I had
 <expan resp="#mp" cert="high">good<ex>e</ex>
I was welbeloued

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

</choice> must have lived

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

Nos autem iam ostendimus quod nutrimentum
et <choice>

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

Telle me also, to what conclusioun
Were membres maad, of generacioun
And of so parfit wis a
<choice xml:id="corr117">

<!-- ... -->
<note target="#corr117">This emendation of the Hengwrt copy text,
based on a Latin source and on the reading of three late
and usually unauthoritative manuscripts, was proposed
by E. Talbot Donaldson in <bibl>
  <title>Speculum</title> 40 (1965)

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

<!-- somewhere in the header ... --><name xml:id="ETD">E Talbot Donaldson</name>
<!-- ... -->
And of so parfit wis a
 <corr resp="#ETD" cert="medium">wright</corr>

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

quamuis <choice xml:id="sic-1">
</choice> que nutu dei
gesta sunt ... unde esset uiriliter
<choice xml:id="sic-2">

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

 <corr type="graphSubs">iners</corr>
</choice> que nutu dei
gesta sunt ... unde esset uiriliter
 <corr type="graphSubs">uegetata</corr>

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

 <corr type="graphSubs">iners</corr>
 <corr type="reversal">inres</corr>
</choice> que nutu dei
gesta sunt ...

11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture

And of so parfit wis a
 <corr resp="#mp" source="#Gg">wyf</corr>

11.3.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription


11.4.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes

<add place="above" resp="#FB" hand="#WJ">But</add>
 <corr resp="#FB">one</corr>
</choice> must have
lived ...

<!-- elsewhere -->
<respStmt xml:id="FB">
 <resp>editorial changes</resp>
 <name>Fredson Bowers</name>
<respStmt xml:id="WJ">
 <resp>authorial changes</resp>
 <name>William James</name>

11.4.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes

 <corr resp="#ETD" cert="medium">wright</corr>

11.4.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes

 <corr xml:id="c117">wright</corr>
<certainty target="#c117" locus="value" degree="0.7"/>
<respons target="#c117" locus="value" resp="#ETD"/>


The address is Southmoor <choice>



13 Names, Dates, People, and Places

13.3.5 Names and Nyms

<nym xml:id="ABC">
   <seg type="morph">
   <seg type="morph">

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors

…pressing <choice>
 <seg type="platform" subtype="Mac">option</seg>
 <seg type="platform" subtype="PC">alt</seg>
</choice>-f will …

21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

You will want to use
 <expan xml:id="CE-e1">Standard
   Generalized Markup Language</expan>
 <expan xml:id="CE-e40">Some Grandiose Methodology for Losers</expan>
</choice> ...

<!-- ... -->
<certainty target="#CE-e1" locus="value" degree="0.9"/>
<certainty target="#CE-e40" locus="value" degree="0.5"/>