<catDesc> (類目描述) 描述分類法中或文件類型學中的某些類目,可用短文描述的型式,或是用TEI正式元素textDesc所使用的狀況參數。 2.3.6 The Classification Declaration | |
組件 | header — 2 The TEI Header |
屬於 | |
可包含 |
core: abbr address choice date distinct email emph expan foreign gloss measure measureGrp mentioned name num ptr ref rs soCalled term time title
corpus: textDesc
dictionaries: lang
header: idno
msdescription: catchwords depth dim dimensions height heraldry locus locusGrp material origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width
宣告 |
element catDesc { att.global.attributes, ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart )* } |
例子 | |
例子 |
<textDesc n="novel"> <channel mode="w">出版品;專輯</channel> <constitution type="single"/> <derivation type="original"/> <domain type="art"/> <factuality type="fiction"/> <interaction type="none"/> <preparedness type="prepared"/> <purpose type="entertain" degree="high"/> <purpose type="inform" degree="medium"/> </textDesc> </catDesc> |