Beispiel: <p> (paragraph)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <p> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <p> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 2 The TEI Header
- 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 5 Representation of Non-standard Characters and Glyphs
- 6 Verse
- 7 Performance Texts
- 8 Transcriptions of Speech
- 10 Manuscript Description
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
- 14 Tables, Formulæ, and Graphics
- 15 Language Corpora
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
- 18 Feature Structures
- 20 Non-hierarchical Structures
- 21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
- 22 Documentation Elements
- 23 Using the TEI
1 The TEI Infrastructure
or <term xml:lang="la">ex post facto</term> law shall be passed.</q>
...</p> Rendition Indicators
pure and pious; but he was equally alarmed by his knowledge
of the ambitious <name rend="italics">Bohemond</name>, and
his ignorance of the Transalpine chiefs: ...</p> Rendition Indicators
<!-- define italic style using CSS --><rendition xml:id="IT" scheme="css">font-style: italic</rendition>
<!-- set italic style as default for the emph and hi elements -->
<tagUsage gi="emph" render="#IT"/>
<tagUsage gi="hi" render="#IT"/>
<!-- indicate that a specific p element is also in italic style -->
<p rendition="#IT"/>
<!--... -->
<ptr target="#p1"/>
<!--... -->
<!--... -->
<ptr target="#p1"/>
<!--... -->
2 The TEI Header
<title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>
<author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>
<resp>Originally prepared by</resp>
<name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>
<resp>Revised and edited by</resp>
<name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
<addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>
<idno type="OTA">119</idno>
<p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>
<date when="1968">1968</date>
<bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,
<p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling
concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the
editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>
<p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>
<p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured
forms are not encoded.</p>
<refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">
matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"
<p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that
listed here: <list>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>
<item>a period</item>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>
<item>a space</item>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>
<date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>
<date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>
<title>La Parisienne</title>
<author>Henry BECQUE</author>
<idno type="FRANTEXT">L434</idno>
<distributor>ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française)</distributor>
<addrLine>44, avenue de la Libération</addrLine>
<addrLine>BP 30687</addrLine>
<addrLine>54063 Nancy Cedex</addrLine>
<availability status="free">
<p>Dans un cadre de recherche ou d'enseignement</p>
<publisher>Paris : Fasquelle, 1922.</publisher>
<title>Taisho Tripitaka, Electronic version, No. 251 般若波羅蜜多心經</title>
<addrLine>11246 台北市北投區光明路276號4樓</addrLine>
<bibl>Taisho Tripitaka Vol. 08, Nr. 251 般若波羅蜜多心經</bibl>
<date>19990721/18:35:54</date>CW以CBXML.BAT (99/6/30)轉換成XML</item>
<title>The shortest possible TEI document</title>
<p>Distributed as part of TEI P5</p>
<p>No print source exists: this is an original digital text</p>
<p>Première édition électronique, Nancy, <date> 2002</date>, réalisée dans le cadre de la
base <ref target="">FRANTEXT</ref> .</p>
<p>First edition, <date>Michaelmas Term, 1991.</date>
2.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>
<idno type="ISBN">0-19-254705-4</idno>
<p>Copyright 1989, Oxford University Press</p>
2.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<publisher>Sigma Press</publisher>
<addrLine>21 High Street,</addrLine>
<addrLine>Cheshire M24 3DF</addrLine>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
<idno type="ota">1256</idno>
<p>Available with prior consent of depositor for
purposes of academic research and teaching only.</p>
<idno type="FRANTEXT">L434</idno>
<distributor>ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française)</distributor>
<addrLine>44, avenue de la Libération</addrLine>
<addrLine>BP 30687</addrLine>
<addrLine>54063 Nancy Cedex</addrLine>
<availability status="free">
<p>Dans un cadre de recherche ou d'enseignement</p>
<p>版權所有 翻印必究</p>
<date when="1992">1992</date>
<publisher>Chadwyck Healey</publisher>
<p>Available under licence only</p>
<date when="1992">1992</date>
<p>Available for academic research purposes only.</p>
<availability status="free">
<p>In the public domain</p>
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Available under licence from the publishers.</p>
<p>L' ABES a adopté le système Créative Commons pour permettre à tous ceux qui le
souhaitent, de reproduire tout ou partie des rubriques du site de l'ABES sur support
papier ou support électronique.</p>
<availability status="free">
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Born digital.</p>
<p>Texte original : le texte a été créé sous sa forme électronique.</p>
<p>Born digital: no previous source exists.</p>
<title>The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: women writers from the middle ages
to the present</title>
<author>Blain, Virginia</author>
<author>Clements, Patricia</author>
<author>Grundy, Isobel</author>
<edition>UK edition</edition>
<extent>1231 pp</extent>
<publisher>Yale University Press</publisher>
<pubPlace>New Haven and London</pubPlace>
<p>No source: this is an original work</p>
<title>Hydraulique fluviale. Tome 16, Écoulement et phénomènes de transport dans les
canaux à géométrie simple </title>
<editor> Mustafa Siddik Altinakar</editor>
<editor> René Walther</editor>
<edition>2e édition corrigée</edition>
<extent>627 p.</extent>
<publisher>Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes</publisher>
<p>Pas de source : il s'agit d'un document original</p>
<p>譯自 Errata: An Examined Life (1997)</p>
<p>Basic encoding, capturing lexical information only. All
hyphenation, punctuation, and variant spellings normalized. No
formatting or layout information preserved.</p>
<p>Texts collected for use in the
Claremont Shakespeare Clinic, June 1990.</p>
<p>Texts collected for use in the Claremont Shakespeare Clinic, June 1990</p>
<p>La saisie a été effectuée par notre partenaire Datactivity. Le texte saisi a été
ensuite converti et remis en forme selon les normes du format XML, standard d’échange ou
d’affichage de documents permettant de séparer la forme et le contenu et offrant une
déclinaison d’outils qui donnent la possibilité d’exploiter un texte comme une véritable
base de données. La norme adoptée (DTD) est le TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). </p>
<p> Affichage et manipulation du texte (mise au format, filtrage, réorganisation) se font
sur un serveur Apache à l'aide de l'infrastructure Axkit.</p>
<p> Le moteur logiciel du site a été développé en Xpathscript et s'appuie sur les travaux
de Dominique Quatravaux (Alliance Francophone Pour l'Avancement d'XPathScript) et de
Yanick Champoux (support de Libxml via YPathScript).</p>
<p>Les programmes développés pour le site sont mis à la disposition en open-source sur
demande (contacter Alexandre Gefen). </p>
<p>Les fonctions de recherche plein texte sont fournies par Philologic dans le cadre du
partenariat du projet avec ARTFL.</p>
<p>L’architecture de travail, sous Linux, est destinée à garantir une haute disponibilité
et des performances optimales. La liaison avec Internet est assurée par les services
informatiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel (SITEL).</p>
2.3.2 The Sampling Declaration
<p>Samples of 2000 words taken from the beginning of the text.</p>
2.3.2 The Sampling Declaration
<p>Text of stories only has been transcribed. Pull quotes, captions,
and advertisements have been silently omitted. Any mathematical
expressions requiring symbols not present in the ISOnum or ISOpub
entity sets have been omitted, and their place marked with a GAP
<p>Samples of up to 2000 words taken at random from the beginning, middle, or end of each
text identified as relevant by respondents.</p>
2.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration
<gi>s</gi> elements mark orthographic sentences and
are numbered sequentially
within their parent <gi>div</gi> element
<p>The part of speech analysis applied throughout section 4 was
added by hand and has not been checked.</p>
<p>Errors in transcription controlled by using the
WordPerfect spelling checker.</p>
<normalization source="">
<p>All words converted to Modern American spelling following
Websters 9th Collegiate dictionary.</p>
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
<p>All opening quotation marks represented by entity reference
<ident type="ge">odq</ident>; all closing quotation marks
represented by entity reference <ident type="ge">cdq</ident>.</p>
<p>All words converted to Modern American spelling using
Websters 9th Collegiate dictionary
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
<p>All opening quotation marks converted to “ all closing
quotation marks converted to &cdq;.</p>
<p>Certains mots coupés par accident typographique en fin de ligne ont été réassemblés
sans commentaire.</p>
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
<p>Les "guillements français" ont été remplacée par des "guillemets droits" (sans
<p> 所有字皆轉換為源自Websters 9th Collegiate字典的現代美語拼法</p>
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
<p>所有的前括號都改成" 後括號都改成 "</p>
<p>Errors in transcription controlled by using the WordPerfect spelling checker, with a user
defined dictionary of 500 extra words taken from Chambers Twentieth Century
<p>Les erreurs de transcriptions ont été détectées et corrigées à l'aide du correcteur
Cordial 2006 - Synapse</p>
<p>抄寫錯誤由WordPerfect拼寫檢查系統控制,該系統使用Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary裡內含之使用者自訂的500個詞條。</p>
<normalization method="markup">
<p>Where both upper- and lower-case i, j, u, v, and vv have been normalized, to modern
20th century typographical practice, the <gi>choice</gi> element has been used to
enclose <gi>orig</gi> and <gi>reg</gi> elements giving the original and new values
respectively. ... </p>
<normalization method="silent">
<p>Spacing between words and following punctuation has been regularized to zero spaces;
spacing between words has been regularized to one space.</p>
<normalization source="">
<p>Spelling converted throughout to Modern American usage, based on Websters 9th
Collegiate dictionary.</p>
<normalization method="markup">
<p>Là où les majuscules et les minuscules i, j, u, v et vv ont été normalisées selon la
pratique typographique moderne, l'élément<gi> choice</gi> a été employé en association
avec <gi>orig</gi> et <gi>reg</gi>pour fournir à la fois les formes originales et les
formes nouvelles , respectivement ... </p>
<normalization method="silent">
<p> L'espace entre chaque mot a été régularisé à un espace. Un signe de ponctuation
simple est suivi d'un espace, un signe de ponctuation double est précédé et suivi d'un
<p>Normalisation effectuée selon le Rapport Du Conseil Supérieur De La Langue Française
publié dans les documents administratifs du Journal officiel du 6 décembre 1990</p>
<normalization method="markup">
<p>當大寫與小寫的 i, j, u, v, 以及vv已經標準化,符合二十世紀現代印刷術,<gi>choice</gi>元素就用來包含 <gi>orig</gi> 還有
<gi>reg</gi> 兩個元素,並賦予新的意義。… </p>
<normalization method="silent">
<normalization source="">
<p>拼字源於Websters 9th Collegiate字典的現代美語用法</p>
<p>No quotation marks have been retained. Instead, the <att>rend</att> attribute on the
<gi>q</gi> element is used to specify what kinds of quotation mark was used, according
to the following list: <list type="gloss">
<item>double quotes, open and close</item>
<item>single quotes, open and close</item>
<item>long dash open, no close</item>
<item>double guillemets, open and close</item>
<p>Aucun guillemet n'a été conservé. Au lieu de cela, on a utilisé l'attribut
<att>rend</att> pour l'élément <gi>q</gi> afin de spécifier quel type de guillemet a été
utilisé, selon la liste suivante : <list type="gloss">
<item>guillemet allemand</item>
<item>guillemet anglais ou guillemet dactylographique </item>
<item>guillemet français</item>
<p>Tous les guillemets sont maintenus dans le texte et sont représentés par les caractères
Unicode appropriés.</p>
<p>不保留引號,改用元素<gi>q</gi>內的屬性<att>rend</att> 來區分引號的種類,種類如下:<list type="gloss">
<p>All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode
<p>End-of-line hyphenation silently removed where appropriate</p>
<p>Le cas échéant, suppression du tiret de coupure de mot en de fin de ligne.</p>
<gi>s</gi> elements mark orthographic sentences and are numbered sequentially within
their parent <gi>div</gi> element </p>
<gi>seg</gi> elements are used to mark functional constituents of various types within each
<gi>s</gi>; the typology used is defined by a <gi>taxonomy</gi> element in the corpus
header <gi>classDecl</gi>
<p>All integer numbers are left-filled with zeroes to 8 digits.</p>
<p>Les nombres entiers sont précédés de 0 à 8 chiffres.</p>
<p>The part of speech analysis applied throughout section 4 was added by hand and has not
been checked</p>
<p>La partie concernant l'analyse de discours qui a été appliquée partout dans la section
4 a été ajoutée à la main et n'a pas été vérifiée.</p>
<rendition xml:id="style1">
... description of one default rendition here ...
<rendition xml:id="style2">
... description of another default rendition here ...
<namespace name="">
<tagUsage gi="p" render="#style1"> ... </tagUsage>
<tagUsage gi="hi" render="#style2"> ... </tagUsage>
<!-- elsewhere in the document -->
<p>This paragraph,mostly rendered in style1, contains a few words
<hi>rendered in style2</hi>
<p rendition="#style2">This paragraph is all rendered in style2</p>
<p>This is back to style1</p>
<p>The <att>n</att> attribute of each text in this corpus carries a
unique identifying code for the whole text. The title of the text is
held as the content of the first <gi>head</gi> element within each
text. The <att>n</att> attribute on each <gi>div1</gi> and
<gi>div2</gi> contains the canonical reference for each such
division, in the form 'XX.yyy', where XX is the book number in Roman
numerals, and yyy the section number in arabic. Line breaks are
marked by empty <gi>lb</gi> elements, each of which includes the
through line number in Casaubon's edition as the value of its
<gi>n</gi> attribute.</p>
<p>The through line number and the text identifier uniquely identify
any line. A canonical reference may be made up by concatenating the
<gi>n</gi> values from the <gi>text</gi>, <gi>div1</gi>, or
<gi>div2</gi> and calculating the line number within each part.</p>
matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"
<p>Une référence a été créée en assemblant les éléments suivants dans l'ordre inverse de
la liste qui suit : <list>
<item>la valeur <att>n</att> du précédent <gi>lb</gi>
<item>une période</item>
<item>la valeur <att>n</att> de l'ancêtre <gi>div2</gi>
<item>un espace</item>
<item>la valeur<att>n</att> du parent <gi>div1</gi>
然後是續接的下一(最低) 層級的<gi>div</gi>所組成。</p>
<p>References are made up by concatenating the value for the
<att>n</att> attribute on the highest level <gi>div</gi>
element, followed by a space, followed by the sequential
number of the next level <gi>div</gi> followed by a colon
followed by the sequential number of the next (and lowest)
level <gi>div</gi>.</p>
<p>Written in insular phase II half-uncial with interlinear Old English gloss in an
Anglo-Saxon pointed minuscule.</p>
2.6 Minimal and Recommended Headers
<title>Common sense, a machine-readable transcript</title>
<author>Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)</author>
<resp>compiled by</resp>
<name>Jon K Adams</name>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive.</distributor>
<addrLine>Oxford University Computing Services,</addrLine>
<addrLine>13 Banbury Road,</addrLine>
<addrLine>Oxford OX2 6RB,</addrLine>
<note>Brief notes on the text are in a
supplementary file.</note>
<editor>Foner, Philip S.</editor>
<title>The collected writings of Thomas Paine</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<publisher>Citadel Press</publisher>
<p>Editorial notes in the Foner edition have not
been reproduced. </p>
<p>Blank lines and multiple blank spaces, including paragraph
indents, have not been preserved. </p>
<correction status="high" method="silent">
<p>The following errors
in the Foner edition have been corrected:
<item>p. 13 l. 7 cotemporaries contemporaries </item>
<item>p. 28 l. 26 [comma] [period] </item>
<item>p. 84 l. 4 kin kind </item>
<item>p. 95 l. 1 stuggle struggle </item>
<item>p. 101 l. 4 certainy certainty </item>
<item>p. 167 l. 6 than that </item>
<item>p. 209 l. 24 publshed published </item>
<p>No normalization beyond that performed
by Foner, if any. </p>
<quotation marks="all" form="std">
<p>All double quotation marks
rendered with ", all single quotation marks with
apostrophe. </p>
<hyphenation eol="none">
<p>Hyphenated words that appear at the
end of the line in the Foner edition have been reformed.</p>
<p>The values of <att>when-iso</att> on the <gi>time</gi>
element always end in the format <val>HH:MM</val> or
<val>HH</val>; i.e., seconds, fractions thereof, and time
zone designators are not present.</p>
<p>Compound proper names are marked. </p>
<p>Dates are marked. </p>
<p>Italics are recorded without interpretation. </p>
<taxonomy xml:id="lcsh">
<bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>
<taxonomy xml:id="lc">
<bibl>Library of Congress Classification</bibl>
<language ident="en" usage="100">English.</language>
<keywords scheme="#lcsh">
<term>Political science</term>
<term>United States -- Politics and government —
Revolution, 1775-1783</term>
<classCode scheme="#lc">JC 177</classCode>
<change when="1996-01-22" who="#MSM"> finished proofreading </change>
<change when="1995-10-30" who="#LB"> finished proofreading </change>
<change notBefore="1995-07-04" who="#RG"> finished data entry at end of term </change>
<change notAfter="1995-01-01" who="#RG"> began data entry before New Year 1995 </change>
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
<p>I fully appreciate Gen. Pope's splendid achievements with their
invaluable results; but you must know that Major Generalships in the
Regular Army, are not as plenty as blackberries.</p>
<p>Serbs seized more territory in this struggling new country today as
the United States Air Force ended a two-day airlift of humanitarian
aid into the capital, Sarajevo.</p>
<p>International relief workers called on European Community nations
to step up their humanitarian aid to the former Yugoslav republic,
in conjunction with new American aid flights if necessary.</p>
<p>A special envoy from the European Community, Colin Doyle, harshly
condemned the decision by Serbs to shell Sarajevo on Saturday night
during a visit to the Bosnian capital by a senior American official,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Ralph R. Johnson.</p>
There came to the castle the Crawling Louse. <q>Who,
who's in the castle? Who, who's in your house?</q>
said the Crawling Louse. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly.
And who art thou?</q>
<q>I'm the Crawling Louse.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Leaping Flea. <q>Who,
who's in the castle?</q> said the Leaping Flea. <q>I,
I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the Crawling Louse. And
who art thou?</q>
<q>I'm the Leaping Flea.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Mischievous Mosquito.
<q>Who, who's in the castle?</q> said the Mischievous
Mosquito. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the
Crawling Louse, and I, the Leaping Flea. And who art
<q>I'm the Mischievous Mosquito.</q>
<q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf.
<q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said.
<q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q>
<p>C'était à Mégara, faubourg de Carthage, dans les jardins d'Hamilcar.</p>
<p>Les soldats qu'il avait commandés en Sicile se donnaient un grand festin pour célébrer
le jour anniversaire de la bataille d'Eryx, et comme le maître était absent et qu'ils se
trouvaient nombreux, ils mangeaient et ils buvaient en pleine liberté.</p>
<q>當然能,先生。</q> 忽然間風好像沒那麼刺骨了。 <q>等一下,我把它寫下來。</q>
<foreign xml:lang="en">hulla-hoop</foreign>.</p>
<p>«Mes amis, dit-il, mes amis, je... je... »</p>
<p>Mais quelque chose l'étouffait. Il ne pouvait pas achever sa phrase.</p>
<p> Alors il se tourna vers le tableau, prit un morceau de craie, et, en appuyant de
toutes ses forces, il écrivit aussi gros qu'il put : </p>
<emph>«vive la France !"»</emph>
<p> Puis il resta là, la tête appuyée au mur, et, sans parler, avec sa main il nous
faisait signe:</p>
<p>«C'est fini...allez-vous-en.»</p>
notaire encore prétend qu' elle ne saurait être antérieure au XVIII siècle, car, sinon, l'
on eût écrit --<q>tu voiras</q>--. </p>
<distinct type="argot">piquouse</distinct>. Tu l'auras, ton <distinct type="argot">shoot</distinct>, merde ! </p>
<said>The Lord! The Lord! It is Sakya Muni himself,</said> the lama half
sobbed; and under his breath began the wonderful Buddhist
<l>To Him the Way — the Law — Apart —</l>
<l>Whom Maya held beneath her heart</l>
<l>Ananda's Lord — the Bodhisat</l>
And He is here! The Most Excellent Law is here also. My
pilgrimage is well begun. And what work! What work!</said>
<head>Chapter 1</head>
<l>Since I can do no good because a woman</l>
<l>Reach constantly at something that is near it.</l>
<title>The Maid's Tragedy</title>
<author>Beaumont and Fletcher</author>
<p>Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into
relief by poor dress...</p>
<said>Our minstrel here will warm the old man's heart with song, dazzle him with jewels and
gold</said>, a troublemaker simpered. <said>He'll trample on the Duke's camellias, spill
his wine, and blunt his sword, and say his name begins with X, and in the end the Duke
will say, <said>Take Saralinda, with my blessing, O lordly Prince of Rags and Tags, O
rider of the sun!</said>
à ma voix, quand, assise sur le bord du lac, je vous jetais dans la gueule des pépins de
pastèques ! Le mystère de Tanit roulait au fond de vos yeux, plus limpides que les
globules des fleuves.</said> Et elle les appelait par leurs noms, qui étaient les noms
des mois.<said>Siv ! Sivan ! Tammouz, Eloul, Tischri, Schebar ! Ah ! pitié pour moi,
Déesse ! </said>
<said aloud="true" rend="pre(“) post(”)">On veut donc plaire à sa petite fille ?...
</said>, dit Caroline en mettant sa tête sur l'épaule d'Adolphe, qui la baise au front en
pensant : <said aloud="false">Dieu merci, je la tiens! </said>.
他總是問我與他認識之前是怎麼生活的,尤其是父母死後的兩年是怎麼混的。<said>我大略地告訴他,可他又特別在一些細節上詳細地打聽,主要是關於吃。例如講到有一次我一天沒有吃到東西,他就問:<said> 「一點兒都沒吃到嗎?」</said>
<said aloud="true" rend="pre(“) post(”)">嗯,</said>他耳邊傳來小小的聲音說: <said aloud="true" rend="pre(“) post(”)">有點難以決定,非常困難。 很有勇氣、頭腦也不錯、有天份。喔!我的天啊!沒錯— 還有熱切證明自我的渴望,這真的很有趣。…
<p>哈利抓緊分類帽的邊緣想著:<said aloud="false" rend="italic">不要是史來哲林,千萬不要</said>。</p>
<said aloud="true" rend="pre(“) post(”)">Hmmm</said>, said a small voice in his ear. <said aloud="true" rend="pre(“) post(”)">Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see.
Not a bad mind either. there's talent, oh my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove
yourself, now that's interesting. … So where shall I put you?</said>
<p>Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, <said aloud="false" rend="italic">Not
Slytherin, not Slytherin</said>.</p>
remontée, en disant :<q>ça me connaît</q>.</p>
bruit, des mots, des paroles, moins que des paroles, des<soCalled>palabres</soCalled>,
comme dit l'énergique langue du midi.</p>
<p>Qui est causée par l'âcreté des <term>humeurs</term> engendrées dans la concavité du
<term>diaphragme</term>, il arrive que ces <term>vapeurs</term>... Ossabandus, nequeys,
nequer, potarinum, quipsa milus. Voilà justement ce qui fait que votre fille est
articles, the said man-mountain shall have a daily allowance of
meat and drink sufficient for the support of <choice>
</choice> of our subjects,
with free access to our royal person, and other marks of our
</choice> la matière de mon livre : ce n'est pas raison que tu emploies ton loisir en un <choice>
</choice>si frivole et si vain.</p>
3.4.2 Regularization and Normalization
<orig>overthrowe</orig> so wicked a race the
world may judge: for my part I <orig>thinke</orig>
there <orig>canot</orig> be a greater
<orig>sacryfice</orig> to God</p>
3.4.2 Regularization and Normalization
<reg>deed</reg> it is to <reg>overthrow</reg> so wicked a race the
world may judge: for my part I <reg>think</reg>
there <reg>cannot</reg> be a greater
<reg>sacrifice</reg> to God.</p>
3.4.2 Regularization and Normalization
</choice> it is to
</choice> so wicked a race the
world may judge: for my part I <choice>
there <choice>
</choice> be a greater
</choice> to God.</p>
partie du temps, quelque autre partie je les <orig>rameine</orig> à la promenade, au<orig> vergier</orig>, à la douceur de cette solitude et à moy. </p>
3.4.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions
ferment ou <del rend="overstrike">s'attardent sur </del> se détournent sur un livre... On
relève la tête: il est là </p>
<p>500 mg <unclear reason="illegible">placebo</unclear>
<q>My dear
<rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>
</q>, said his lady to
him one day, <q>have you heard that <rs type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at last?</q>
<rs type="organization">Watering Committee</rs>.
They were paid a commission not exceeding four per
cent, and gave bond.</p>
<rs type="org">Circumlocution Office</rs> never, on any
account whatsoever, to give a straightforward answer,
<rs type="person">Mr Barnacle</rs> said, <q>Possibly.</q>
<q>My dear <rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>
</q>, said
<rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day ...
<q>My dear <name type="person">Mr. Bennet</name>,</q> said <rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day,
<q>have you heard that <name type="place">Netherfield Park</name> is let at last?</q>
<q>My dear <rs key="BENM1" type="person"> Mr. Bennet</rs>,</q> said <rs key="BENM2" type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day, <q>have you heard that <rs key="NETP1" type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at
<name key="VOM1" type="person">Mme. de Volanges</name> marie <rs key="VOM2">sa fille</rs>: c'est encore un secret;
mais elle m'en a fait part hier.
<name key="LHR" type="airport">Heathrow</name>
the administration of <rs key="POJA1" type="person">Col. Polk
(<reg>Polk, James K.</reg>)</rs> has but poorly compensated me for the
suspended enjoyments and pursuits of private and professional
<name key="WADLM1" type="person">
<orig>Walter de la Mare</orig>
<reg>de la Mare, Walter</reg>
was born at <name key="Ch1" type="place">Charlton</name>, in
<name key="KT1" type="county">Kent</name>, in 1873.
<name type="place">Montaillou</name> is not a large parish.
At the time of the events which led to
<name type="person">Fournier<index>
<term>Benedict XII, Pope of Avignon (Jacques Fournier)</term>
investigations, the local population consisted of between 200 and 250 inhabitants.
<rs type="person">Alfred </rs>aimait se rendre à <rs type="place">Paris</rs> et <rs type="date">un jour de 1917</rs> alors qu'il sortait de <rs type="place">la maison des
Arts et Métiers</rs> il était tombé inanimé dans la rue.</p>
<measure type="currency">12s 6d</measure>...</p>
my <num type="ordinal" value="21">twenty-first</num> birthday</p>
<p>Light travels at <num value="3E10">3×10<hi rend="sup">10</hi>
</num> cm per second.</p>
</num> 公分移動。</p>
<date from="1918" to="1923">1918 to 1923</date>
— had been, he suspected,
somehow very important.</p>
manuscript (Codex Regius 2365) from <date notBefore="1250" notAfter="1300">the second half of the thirteenth
century</date>, and <title>Hervarar
saga</title> dates from <date when="1300">around 1300</date>.</p>
3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References
to the use of links in general, see <ptr target="#SA"/>; for the
complete XPointer specification, see <ptr
<ptr target=""/>,
<ptr target=""/>, and
for a discussion of TEI schemes for XPointer, see
<ptr target="#SATS"/>.</p>
<p> Selon des critères qui n'appartiennent qu'à lui, Rémi Plassaert a classé ses buvards
en huit tas respectivement surmontés par :</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<item>un toréador chantant (dentifrice émail Diamant)</item>
<item>un tapis d'Orient du XVIIe siècle, provenant d'une basilique de Transylvanie
(Kalium-Sedaph, soluté de propionate de potassium)</item>
<item>Le Renard et la Cicogne (sic), gravure de Jean-Baptiste Oudry (Papeteries
Marquaize, Stencyl, Reprographie)</item>
<p> [...] et tout autour, la longue cohorte de ses personnages, avec leur histoire, leur
passé, leurs légendes :</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item> 1 Pélage vainqueur d'Alkhamah se faisant couronner à Covadonga </item>
<item> 2 La cantatrice exilée de Russie suivant Schönberg à Amsterdam</item>
<item> 3 Le petit chat sourd aux yeux vairons vivant au dernier étage</item>
<item>4 Le crétin chef d'îlot faisant préparer des tonneaux de sable</item>
<item>我們領悟:愉快的共同生活,全靠心靈溝通,所以,我們一定善用言語,不僅表達愛心、關心,也使彼此藉語言加深了解,一起成長。絕不粗聲叱責,絕不用肢體代替言語,絕不允許發生婚姻暴力。 </item>
<item>我們同意:將來我們有子女,管教上如果有不同的意見,甚至尖銳對立的意見,一定要克制自己,去請教專家,絕不把孩子當成實現自己希望的工具,也絕不用孩子來炫耀自己。 </item>
<item>我們謹記:我們孝敬自己的父母,也孝敬對方的父母,不僅是回報養育之恩,也是培養自己人格的完整,為我們的下一代立下榜樣。 </item>
<item>我們了解:我們將來會老,所以,我們從結婚這一天,就培養專業之外的其它藝朮興趣,如書、畫、音樂,使我們生命永遠充實燦爛。 </item>
confirmed them in our hand in your stead with the sign of the Holy Cross, and afterwards
inscribed with a careful pen on the paper of this page, affixing thus the sign of the Holy
Cross. <list type="simple">
<item>I, Eanbald, by the grace of God archbishop of the holy church of York, have
subscribed to the pious and catholic validity of this document with the sign of the Holy
<item>I, Ælfwold, king of the people across the Humber, consenting have subscribed with
the sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Tilberht, prelate of the church of Hexham, rejoicing have subscribed with the
sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Higbald, bishop of the church of Lindisfarne, obeying have subscribed with the
sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Ethelbert, bishop of Candida Casa, suppliant, have subscribed with thef sign of
the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Ealdwulf, bishop of the church of Mayo, have subscribed with devout will.</item>
<item>I, Æthelwine, bishop, have subscribed through delegates.</item>
<item>I, Sicga, patrician, have subscribed with serene mind with the sign of the Holy
<hi>Tentative d'inventaire de quelques-unes des<lb/> choses qui ont été trouvées dans
les escaliers au fil des ans</hi>.</p>
<list type="unordered">
<item> Plusieurs photos, dont celle d'une jeune fille de quinze<lb/> ans vêtue d'un slip
de bain noir et d'un chandail blanc, agenouillée sur une plage,</item>
<item>un réveil radio de toute évidence destiné à un réparateur, dans un sac plastique
des établissements Nicolas,</item>
<item> un soulier noir orné de brillants,</item>
<item>une mule en chevreau doré,</item>
<item> une boîte de pastilles Géraudel contre la toux,</item>
<head>In the name of Christ here begins the first book of the ecclesiastical history of
Georgius Florentinus, known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>
<div2 type="section">
<head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>
<p>Proposing as I do ...</p>
<p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four hundred and twelve
years passed.</p>
<trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five hundred and ninety-six
years from the beginning of the world down to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>
<head>Les Mille et une Nuits</head>
<p>LES chroniques des Sassaniens, anciens rois de Perse, qui avaient étendu leur empire
dans les Indes, [...]</p>
<div type="histoire">
<head>Histoire du Vizir puni</head>
<p>IL était autrefois un roi, poursuivit-il, qui avait un<lb/> fils qui aimait
passionnément la chasse. Il lui permettait<lb/> de prendre souvent ce divertissement ;
[...] </p>
<hi rend="majuscule">fin du tome premier.</hi>
<div2 type="section">
<head>第一回 宴桃園豪杰三結義 斬黃巾英雄首立功</head>
<p>滾滾長江東逝水,浪花淘盡英雄。是非成敗轉頭空。 青山依舊在,几度夕陽紅。 白發漁樵江渚上,慣看秋月春風。一壺濁酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑談中。</p>
</div1> Auto-generated indexes
<term>Lemmatization, Arabic</term>
</index>and are beginning to build parsers.</p> Auto-generated indexes
topic of Arabic lemmatisation
<index spanTo="#ALAMEND">
<term>Lemmatization, Arabic</term>
</index> concerning which it is important to note .....
<!-- much learned material omitted here -->
and now we can build our parser.<anchor xml:id="ALAMEND"/>
</p> Auto-generated indexes
<term sortKey="0000">@</term>
</index> precedes an
attribute name</p> Auto-generated indexes
<!-- definition of the glyph here -->
<p>The Artist formerly known as Prince <index>
<term sortKey="Prince">
<g ref="#PrinceGlyph"/>
</index>...</p> Auto-generated indexes
<index indexName="INDEX-PERSONS">
<term>Ashford, John</term>
</index> was,
coincidentally, born in
<index indexName="INDEX-PLACES">
</index>Ashford...</p> Auto-generated indexes
note<note type="gloss" place="foot"> J'aime beaucoup les renvois en bas de page, même si
je n'ai rien de particulier à y préciser.</note>en bas de page.</p>
3.9 Graphics and other non-textual components
through my first, second, third, and
fourth volumes. -- In the fifth volume
I have been very good, -- the precise
line I have described in it being this :
<graphic url="zigzag2.png" mimeType="image/png"/>
By which it appears, that except at the
curve, marked A. where I took a trip
to Navarre, -- and the indented curve B.
which is the short airing when I was
there with the Lady Baussiere and her
page, -- I have not taken the least frisk
3.10.2 Creating New Reference Systems
<front xml:id="Front" n="AB.1">
<div xml:id="Front.div-1" n="AB.1.1">
<p> ... </p>
<titlePage xml:id="Front.titlePage" n="AB.1.2">
<titlePart> ... </titlePart>
<div xml:id="Front.div-2" n="AB.1.3">
<p> ... </p>
<body xml:id="Body" n="AB.2">
<p xml:id="Body.p-1" n="AB.2.1"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.p-2" n="AB.2.2"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-1" n="AB.2.3">
<head xml:id="Body.div-1.head" n="AB.2.3.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-1" n="AB.2.3.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-2" n="AB.2.3.3"> ... </p>
<div xml:id="Body.div-2" n="AB.2.4">
<head xml:id="Body.div-2.head" n="AB.2.4.1"> ... </head>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-1" n="AB.2.4.2"> ... </p>
<p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-2" n="AB.2.4.3"> ... </p>
<milestone unit="part" n="1"/>
<div1 n="1" type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
<div1 n="2" type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
<div1 n="3" type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
<milestone unit="part" n="2"/>
<!-- ... -->
<div1 n="1" type="part">
<milestone unit="chapter" n="1"/>
<!-- ... -->
<milestone unit="chapter" n="2"/>
<!-- ... -->
<milestone unit="chapter" n="3"/>
<!-- ... -->
<div1 n="2" type="part">
<!-- ... -->
<milestone unit="chapter" n="4"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Page 145 in edition "ed2" starts here --> ... <pb n="283" ed="ed1"/>
<!-- Page 283 in edition "ed1" starts here--> ... </p>
3.10.4 Declaring Reference Systems
<!-- ... -->
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"
<p>A canonical reference is assembled with
<item>the name of the <label>work</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a <gi>div1</gi>,</item>
<item>a space,</item>
<item>the number of the <label>book</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a child <gi>div2</gi>,</item>
<item>a full stop</item>
<item>the number of the <label>poem</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a child <gi>div3</gi>,</item>
<item>the line number: the <att>n</att> value of a
child <gi>l</gi>
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"
<p>Same as above, but without the last component (full
stop followed by the <gi>l</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)"
<p>Same as above, but without the poem component (full
stop followed by the <gi>div3</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>
3.10.4 Declaring Reference Systems
<p>Standard references to work, book, poem, and line may be
constructed from the milestone tags in the text.</p>
3.11.1 Elements of Bibliographic References
was <bibl>Tufte's <title>Envisioning
</bibl>, although he may
never have actually read it.</p>
3.11.1 Elements of Bibliographic References
was Tufte's <title>Envisioning Information</title>,
although he may never have actually read it.</p>
chaise, toujours au même endroit, et il lit <title>l'Humanité.</title>
<meeting>Ninth International Conference on Middle High German Textual Criticism, Aachen,
June 1998.</meeting>
<list type="attendance">
<head>List of Participants</head>
<meeting>Colloque international : Duras, marges et transgressions, Nancy, 1er et 2 avril
<list type="attendance">
<head>liste des participants</head>
<list type="參與者">
<persName>馬桂順 </persName>
<head>Scene 2.</head>
<stage type="setting">Peachum, Filch.</stage>
<p>Sir, Black Moll hath sent word her Trial comes on in
the Afternoon, and she hopes you will order Matters
so as to bring her off.</p>
<p>Why, she may plead her Belly at worst; to my
Knowledge she hath taken care of that Security.
But, as the Wench is very active and industrious,
you may satisfy her that I'll soften the Evidence.</p>
<p>Tom Gagg, sir, is found guilty.</p>
<div2 n="1" type="scene">
<head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
<stage rend="italic" type="setting">A tempestuous
noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: Enter
a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
<p>Heere Master: What cheere?</p>
<p>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall
too't, yarely, or we run our selues a ground,
bestirre, bestirre. <stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
<stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
<p>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare,
yare: Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle:
Blow till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</p>
<speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker>
<p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish.</p>
<speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker>
<p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p>
<speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker>
<p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him.
In the first place ...</p>
<p>Fish, Miss Gryll — I could discourse to you on fish by the
hour: but for the present I will forbear ...</p>
<speaker>Lord Curryfin</speaker>
<stage>(after a pause).</stage>
<q>Mass</q> as the second grave-digger says
in <title>Hamlet</title>, <q>I cannot tell.</q>
<p>A chorus of laughter dissolved the sitting.</p>
<speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker>
<p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish.</p>
<speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker>
<p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p>
<speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker>
<p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him. In the first place....</p>
<p>Fish, Miss Gryll — I could discourse to you on fish by the hour: but for the present I
will forbear...</p>
<speaker> Valère.</speaker>
<p>Hé bien ! Sabine, quel conseil me donneras-tu ?</p>
<speaker> Sabine.</speaker>
<p>Vraiment, il y a bien des nouvelles. Mon oncle veut résolûment que ma cousine épouse
Villebrequin, et les affaires sont tellement avancées, que je crois qu'ils eussent été
mariés dès aujourd'hui, si vous n'étiez aimé ; mais comme ma cousine m'a confié le
secret de l'amour qu'elle vous porte, et que nous nous sommes vues à l'extrémité par
l'avarice de mon vilain oncle, nous nous sommes avisées d'une bonne invention pour
différer le mariage. C'est que ma cousine, dès l'heure que je vous parle, contrefait la
malade ; et le bon vieillard, qui est assez crédule, m'envoie querir un médecin. Si vous
en pouviez envoyer quelqu'un qui fût de vos bons amis, et qui fût de notre intelligence,
il conseilleroit à la malade de prendre l'air à la campagne. Le bonhomme ne manquera pas
de faire loger ma cousine à ce pavillon qui est au bout de notre jardin, et par ce moyen
vous pourriez l'entretenir à l'insu de notre vieillard, l'épouser, et le laisser pester
tout son soûl avec Villebrequin.</p>
<p>賢弟,哦,念書的時候,咱們是兄弟相稱,如今你這樣的打扮,我該稱你賢弟呢,還是…… </p>
<speaker>Nancy and Robert</speaker>
<stage type="delivery">(speaking simultaneously)</stage>
<p>The future? ...</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="ni"/>
<item xml:id="rsa"/>
<p>Ne risquez rien du tout, Monique ; rentrez.</p>
<sp who="mo">
<p>Rentrer ? comment voulez-vous que je rentre ? J'ai les clés de la voiture.</p>
<sp who="ko">
<p> Je rentrerai par mes propres moyens. </p>
<sp who="mo">
<p> Vous ? vos moyens ? quels moyens ? Seigneur ! Vous ne savez même pas conduire, vous ne
savez pas reconnaître votre gauche de votre droite, vous auriez été incapable de
retrouver ce fichu quartier tout seul, vous ne savez absolument rien faire tout seul. Je
me demande bien comment vous pourriez rentrer. </p>
<sp who="ko">
<p>J'appellerai un taxi.</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="fr_mo"/>
<item xml:id="fr_ko"/>
<stage type="演講或歌唱">(同時)</stage>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="zh-tw_ni"/>
<item xml:id="zh-tw_rsa"/>
4 Default Text Structure
<title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>
<p>First published as part of TEI P2.</p>
<p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
<p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>
<title>Le document TEI le plus court possible.</title>
<p>D'abord publié comme faisant partie de la TEI P2.</p>
<p>Aucune source : il s'agit d'un document original.</p>
<p>Au sujet du document Tei le plus court possible.</p>
<p>將與TEI 中文在地化計劃等文件一同出版</p>
<p>譯自TEI P5 英文指引</p>
<p>這是TEI P5的中文指引...</p>
<div type="scene">
<p>Hush, the players begin...</p>
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<l>In Athens our tale takes place ....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
<p>Now that the play is finished ...</p>
<div type="scene">
<p>Chut ! Les acteurs commencent...</p>
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<l>Notre histoire se passe à Athènes....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
<p>La pièce est maintenant finie ...</p>
<div type="scene">
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<!-- ... 這裡是其他動作 -->
<div type="part">
<head>Fallacies of Authority</head>
<p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all
exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p>
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<head>The Nature of Authority</head>
<p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest
happiness of the greatest number....</p>
<div n="1.1" type="section">
<head>Analysis of Authority</head>
<p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to
authority ... </p>
<div n="1.2" type="section">
<head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head>
<p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when... </p>
<div type="oeuvre">
<head>Les Chouans </head>
<div n="1" type="partie">
<head> Première partie</head>
<head> L'embuscade</head>
<div n="1" type="chapitre">
<head>Chapitre premier </head>
<div n="1">
<p>Dans les premiers jours de l'an VIII, au commencement de vendémiaire, ou, pour
se conformer au calendrier actuel, vers la fin du mois de septembre 1799, une
centaine de paysans et un assez grand nombre de bourgeois, partis le matin de
Fougères pour se rendre à Mayenne, gravissaient la montagne de la Pèlerine,
située à mi-chemin environ de Fougères à Ernée, petite ville où les voyageurs
ont coutume de se reposer. </p>
<div type="part">
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<div n="1.1" type="section">
<div n="1.2" type="section">
<p>眾聲喧嘩的文化理論形成於二○年代末和三○年代,是巴赫汀思想成熟階段的結晶。... </p>
<head>Part I: Of Man </head>
<div2 xml:id="levi1" n="1" type="chapter">
<head>Chap. I. Of Sense </head>
<p>Concerning the Thoughts of man... </p>
<div1 xml:id="levii" n="II" type="part">
<head>Part II: Of Common-Wealth</head>
<head>livre premier</head>
<div2 n="I " type="chapitre">
<head>La Grand'salle</head>
<p>Il y a aujourd'hui trois cent quarante-huit ans six mois et dix-neuf jours que les
parisiens s'éveillèrent au bruit de toutes les cloches sonnant à grande volée dans la
triple enceinte de la Cité, de l'Université et de la Ville. </p>
<div1 n="2" type="livre">
<head>livre deuxième</head>
<div2 n="I " type="chapitre">
<head>De Charybde en Scylla </head>
<p>La nuit arrive de bonne heure en janvier. Les rues étaient déjà sombres quand
Gringoire sortit du Palais.</p>
<div2 xml:id="zh-tw_levi1" n="1" type="chapter">
<p>乾隆年間,北京。紫薇帶著丫頭金瑣,來到北京已經快一個月了。.. </p>
<div1 xml:id="zh-tw_levii" n="II" type="part">
<head>第二部: 水深火熱</head>
<head>The Second Partition:
The Cure of Melancholy</head>
<div2 n="2.1" type="section">
<div3 n="2.1.1" type="member">
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<head>Unlawful Cures rejected.</head>
<p>Inveterate melancholy, howsoever it may seem to
be a continuate, inexorable disease, hard to be
cured, accompanying them to their graves most part
(as <ref target="#a">Montanus</ref> observes), yet many
times it may be helped...
<div2 n="2.2" type="section">
<div3 n="2.2.1" type="member">
<head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head>
<div2 n="2.3" type="section">
<div3 n="2.3.1" type="member">
<head>Sect. III. Memb. I</head>
<head>Chapitre II. Traitement électronique des données en histoire de la littérature
française : bilan provisoire</head>
<div2 n="2.1" type="section">
<div3 n="2.1.1" type="subsection">
<div4 n="" type="article">
<head>Les objectifs</head>
<p>Chaque étudiant est convié à parcourir la banque à partir des différentes entrées
liées au cours magistral qu'il suit en amphithéâtre...</p>
<div2 n="2.2" type="section">
<div3 n="2.2.1" type="subsection">
<head>Sect. II. Subsection I. Exploitation pédagogique de la BDHL</head>
<p>Pour la plupart des étudiants en Lettres des générations précédentes, un
enseignement de l'histoire de la littérature allait de soi... </p>
<div2 n="2.3" type="section">
<div3 n="2.3.1" type="subsection">
<head>Sect. III. Subsection I. Etudes permises par la BDHL</head>
<p>L'existence d'une banque de données, quelle qu'elle soit, permet d'envisager des
traitements statistiques. </p>
<div2 n="3.1" type="section">
<div3 n="3.1.1" type="member">
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<p>《述評》開宗明義,運用歷史唯物主義的觀點,批判佛洛伊德主義的反歷史和反社會傾向。巴赫汀指出... </p>
<div2 n="3.2" type="section">
<div3 n="3.2.1" type="member">
<div2 n="3.3" type="section">
<div3 n="3.3.1" type="member">
<div3 n="2.2.1" type="member">
<head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head>
<div3 n="2.2.2" type="member">
<head>Memb. II Retention and Evacuation rectified.</head>
<div3 n="2.2.3" type="member">
<head>Memb. III Ayr rectified. With a digression of the Ayr.</head>
<div3 n="2.2.1" type="subsection">
<head>Sect. II. Subsect. I Dictionnaires. </head>
<p> C'est un recueil de mots rangés dans un ordre convenu...</p>
<div3 n="2.2.2" type="subsection">
<head>Sect. II. Subsect. II. Qu'est-ce qu'un dictionnaire de langue ? .</head>
<p>Un dictionnaire de langue est un dictionnaire donnant les mots d'une langue et leurs
<div3 n="2.2.3" type="subsection">
<head>Sect. II. Subsect. III. Qu'est-ce qu'un dictionnaire encyclopédique ? </head>
<p>Un dictionnaire encyclopédique est un dictionnaire qui contient des renseignements
sur les choses, sur les idées </p>
<div3 n="3.2.1" type="member">
<div3 n="3.2.2" type="member">
<div3 n="2.2.3" type="member">
<head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head>
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<head>Subsect I. — Dyet rectified in substance.</head>
<p>Diet, <term xml:lang="grc">diaitotiku</term>, <term xml:lang="la">victus</term> or
living </p>
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<head>Subsect II. — Dyet rectified in quantity.</head>
<p>Man alone, saith Cardan, eates and drinks without appetite, and useth all his pleasures
without necessity </p>
<head>Sect. II. Subsect. I</head>
<div4 n="" type="alinéa">
<head>Alinéa I. <term>Horlogerie</term>Lame de ressort.</head>
<p> Bande d'acier enroulée formant le ressort d'une montre, d'une pendule. (Dict. XIXe
et XXe s.).</p>
<div4 n="" type="alinéa">
<head>Alinéa II. — <term>Menuiserie</term>Lame de parquet</head>
<p>Lame de parquet. Chacune des bandes de bois qui, emboîtées, constituent le
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Rich strong stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<div4 type="recipe">
<head>Apple soup</head>
<item>2 lbs. of good boiling apples,</item>
<item>3/4 teaspoonful of white pepper,</item>
<item>6 cloves,</item>
<item>cayenne or ginger to taste,</item>
<item>3 quarts of medium stock</item>
<p>Peel and quarter the apples taking out their cores; put them into
the stock, stew them gently till tender, Rub the whole through a
strainer, add the seasoning. give it one boil up, and serve.</p>
<p>1 hour.</p>
<head>Average cost</head>
<p>per quart, 1s.</p>
<p>from September to December.</p>
<p> for 10 persons</p>
<head>The apple</head>
<p>This useful fruit is mentioned in Holy Writ; and Homer describes it
as valuable in his time... As a food, the apple cannot be considered
to rank high, as more than the half of it consists of water, and
the rest of its properties are not the most nourishing. It is
however a useful adjunct to other kinds of food, and, when cooked, is
esteemed as slightly laxative.</p>
<div4 type="recipe">
<head>Artichoke (Jerusalem) soup</head>
<!-- other recipes here -->
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Rich strong stock</head>
<item>4 lbs of shin of beef,</item>
<item>4 lbs of knuckle of veal,</item>
<!-- .... -->
<item>4 quarts of water</item>
<p>Line a delicately clean stewpan... Strain through a very
fine hair sieve, or tammy, and it will be fit for use</p>
<p>5 hours.</p>
<head>Average cost</head>
<p>1s 3d. per quart</p>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- .... -->
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Asparagus soup</head>
<div6 type="altRecipe">
<item> ...</item>
<p>Put the beef, cut into pieces and rolled in flour, into a
<!-- ... -->
<div6 type="altRecipe">
<item> ...</item>
<p>Boil the peas, and rub them through a sieve; add the gravy...</p>
<divGen type="toc"/>
<p> ... </p>
<divGen type="toc"/>
<p> ... </p>
<divGen type="toc"/>
<p> ... </p>
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<head>Book I.</head>
<div2 type="chapter" n="1" xml:id="JA0101">
<head>Of writing lives in general, and particularly of Pamela, with a word
by the bye of Colley Cibber and others.</head>
<p>It is a trite but true observation, that examples work more forcibly on
the mind than precepts: ... </p>
<!-- remainder of chapter 1 here -->
<div2 type="chapter" n="2" xml:id="JA0102">
<head>Of Mr. Joseph Andrews, his birth, parentage, education, and great
endowments; with a word or two concerning ancestors.</head>
<p>Mr. Joseph Andrews, the hero of our ensuing history, was esteemed to
be the only son of Gaffar and Gammar Andrews, and brother to the
illustrious Pamela, whose virtue is at present so famous ... </p>
<!-- remainder of chapter 2 here -->
<!-- remaining chapters of Book 1 here -->
<trailer>The end of the first Book</trailer>
<div1 type="book" n="II" xml:id="JA0200">
<head>Book II</head>
<div2 type="chapter" n="1" xml:id="JA0201">
<head>Of divisions in authors</head>
<p>There are certain mysteries or secrets in all trades, from the highest
to the lowest, from that of <term>prime-ministering</term>, to this of
<term>authoring</term>, which are seldom discovered unless to members of
the same calling ... </p>
<p>I will dismiss this chapter with the following observation: that it
becomes an author generally to divide a book, as it does a butcher to
joint his meat, for such assistance is of great help to both the reader
and the carver. And now having indulged myself a little I will endeavour
to indulge the curiosity of my reader, who is no doubt impatient to know
what he will find in the subsequent chapters of this book.</p>
<div2 type="chapter" n="2" xml:id="JA0202">
<head>A surprising instance of Mr. Adams's short memory, with the
unfortunate consequences which it brought on Joseph.
<p>Mr. Adams and Joseph were now ready to depart different ways ... </p>
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<div type="entry" n="1">
<div type="morning" n="1.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<div type="entry" n="2">
<div type="morning" n="2.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="2.2">
<!-- ...-->
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<div1 type="entry" n="1">
<div2 type="morning" n="1.1">
<div2 type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<div1 type="entry" n="2">
<div2 type="morning" n="2.1">
<div2 type="afternoon" n="2.2">
<!-- ...-->
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:diaryEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:diaryEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:diaryEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:diaryEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<!-- ...-->
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:amEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:pmEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:amEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:pmEntry type="afternoon" n="1.1">
<!-- ... -->
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<p> ... </p>
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<p> ... </p>
<gap extent="2" reason="sampling"/>
<p> ... </p>
4.1.4 Partial and Composite Divisions
<head>News in brief</head>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Police deny <soCalled>losing</soCalled> bomb</head>
<p>Scotland Yard yesterday denied claims in the Sunday
Express that anti-terrorist officers trailing an IRA van
loaded with explosives in north London had lost track of
it 10 days ago.</p>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Hotel blaze</head>
<p>Nearly 200 guests were evacuated before dawn
yesterday after fire broke out at the Scandic
Crown hotel in the Royal Mile, Edinburgh.</p>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Test match split</head>
<p>Test Match Special next summer will be split
between Radio 5 and Radio 3, after protests this
year that it disrupted Radio 3's music schedule.</p>
<head>(Supplied by a late consumptive usher to a
grammar school)</head>
<p>The pale Usher — threadbare in coat, heart,
body and brain; I see him now. He was ever
dusting his old lexicons and grammars, ...</p>
<head rend="underlined" type="sub">President pledges safeguards for 2,400 British
troops in Bosnia</head>
<head rend="scream" type="main">Major agrees to enforced no-fly zone</head>
<byline>By George Jones, Political Editor, in Washington</byline>
<p>Greater Western intervention in the conflict in
former Yugoslavia was pledged by President Bush ...</p>
<head>In the name of Christ here begins the
first book of the ecclesiastical history of Georgius Florentinus,
known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>
<head>Chapter Headings</head>
<!-- list of chapter heads omitted -->
<head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>
<p>Proposing as I do ...</p>
<p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four
hundred and twelve years passed.</p>
<trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five
hundred and ninety-six years from the beginning of the world down
to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>
<head>To Henry Hope.</head>
<p>It is not because this volume was conceived and partly
executed amid the glades and galleries of the Deepdene,
that I have inscribed it with your name. ... I shall find a
reflex to their efforts in your own generous spirit and
enlightened mind.
<signed xml:lang="el">D.</signed>
<dateline>Grosvenor Gate, May-Day, 1844</dateline>
<head>Sixth Narrative</head>
<head>contributed by Sergeant Cuff</head>
<div type="fragment" n="6.1">
<name type="place">Dorking, Surrey,</name>
<date>July 30th, 1849</date>
<salute>To <name>Franklin Blake, Esq.</name> Sir, —</salute>
<p>I beg to apologize for the delay that has occurred in the
production of the Report, with which I engaged to furnish you.
I have waited to make it a complete Report ...</p>
<salute>I have the honour to remain, dear sir, your
obedient servant </salute>
<name>RICHARD CUFF</name> (late sergeant in the
Detective Force, Scotland Yard, London). </signed>
<head>Letter XIV: Miss Clarissa Harlowe to Miss Howe</head>
<dateline>Thursday evening, March 2.</dateline>
<p>On Hannah's depositing my long letter ...</p>
<p>An interruption obliges me to conclude myself
in some hurry, as well as fright, what I must ever be,</p>
<salute>Yours more than my own,</salute>
<signed>Clarissa Harlowe</signed>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<p>Kingston — Instructive remarks on early English history
— Instructive observations on carved oak and life in general
— Sad case of Stivvings, junior — Musings on antiquity
— I forget that I am steering — Interesting result
— Hampton Court Maze — Harris as a guide.</p>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<list type="inline">
<item>Instructive remarks on early English history</item>
<item>Instructive observations on carved oak and life in
<item>Sad case of Stivvings, junior</item>
<item>Musings on antiquity</item>
<item>I forget that I am steering</item>
<item>Interesting result</item>
<item>Hampton Court Maze</item>
<item>Harris as a guide.</item>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<head>Chapter 19</head>
<quote>I pity the man who can travel
from Dan to Beersheba, and say <q>'Tis all
barren;</q> and so is all the world to him
who will not cultivate the fruits it offers.
<bibl>Sterne: Sentimental Journey.</bibl>
<p>To say that Deronda was romantic would be to
misrepresent him: but under his calm and somewhat
self-repressed exterior ...</p>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<date when="1761-05-27">May ye 27th 1761</date>
<p>Capt Stoddard's Business
<lb/>calling him to Providence, have
<lb/>got him to look at Hopkins brigantine
<lb/>& if can agree to Purchase her, shall
<lb/>be much oblig'd for your further
<lb/>assistance herein, & will acquiesce with
<lb/>whatever you & he shall Contract
<lb/>for — I Thank you for your
<unclear>Line</unclear> respecting the brigantine & Beg
<lb/>leave to Recommend the Bearer
<lb/>to you for your advice & Friendship
<lb/>in this matter</p>
<salute>I am your most humble servant</salute>
<signed>Joseph Wanton Jr</signed>
<p>I have Mollases, Sugar,
<lb/>Coffee & Rum, which
<lb/>will Exchange with you
<lb/>for Candles or Oyl</p>
<p>Et, sur cet océan bourdonnant de mille vaguelettes, se leva l'armée caressante et si
tendre des merveilleuses sirènes blondes aux seins durs comme ça. </p>
<name type="place">Thionne-Paris</name>, <date>1950-1951.</date>
<p> 自己想吃人,又怕被別人吃了,都用著疑心极深的眼光,面面相覷。…… </p>
<name type="place">南京</name>
<!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>
<name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>
<p>Monte Video — Maldonado — Excursion
to R Polanco — Lazo and Bolas — Partridges —
Absence of Trees — Deer — Capybara, or River Hog —
Tucutuco — Molothrus, cuckoo-like habits — Tyrant
Flycatcher — Mocking-bird — Carrion Hawks —
Tubes formed by Lightning — House struck</p>
<p>28 janvier. J’ai le plus grand mal à me réatteler aux <bibl>Faux-Monnayeurs</bibl>— La
Bastide. Fin mars. Besoin de couper mon travail. — Cuverville . Fin mai. Mise au net et
dactylographie de cinq chapitres des Faux-Monnayeurs. — 8 juin. Achevé les Faux-
Monnayeurs. — 14 juillet. Départ pour le Congo. </p>
<p>自我與他者的關係— 個體感性存在—共有性—交流性—同時性— 責任感/回應性—亦此亦彼—你中有我、我中有你—同時共存——非非此即彼—非你死我活—視域剩餘—外在性—超在性</p>
<name type="place"> à Paris </name>, <date>le 2 septembre 1769</date>
<p>Mais non, ma bonne amie, vous n' aviez pas raison de vous plaindre... </p>
<name type="place">杭州西湖</name>
<name type="place">Great Marlborough Street</name>
<date>November 11, 1848</date>
<salute>My dear Sir,</salute>
<p>I am sorry to say that absence from town and other circumstances have prevented me from
earlier enquiring...</p>
<p> perhaps you will favour me with a sight of it when convenient.</p>
<salute>I remain, &c. &c.</salute>
<signed>H. Colburn</signed>
<p> N'y voyez que le signe de l'intérêt que je que je porte à une profession qui fut la
mienne. Je désire en effet, insérer votre article dans un ouvrage sur la presse
française contemporaine. </p>
<salute>Veuillez agréer, je vous prie, Monsieur, l'assurance de mes sentiments les
meilleurs. </salute>
<signed> Françoise Giroud</signed>
<p>Voilà, cher Rhedi, ce que j' appelle le droit public. Voilà le droit des gens, ou
plutôt celui de la raison. </p>
<name type="place">à Paris </name>, <date>le 4 de la lune de Zilhagé, 1716. </date>
<p> 不久,我們就能再見面。</p>
<p> 自己想吃人,又怕被別人吃了,都用著疑心极深的眼光,面面相覷。…… </p>
<name type="place">南京</name>
<!-- .... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>
<name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>
<date when="2006-11-21">21 Nov 06</date>
<salute>Dear Susan,</salute>
<p>Thank you very much for the assistance splitting those
logs. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding as to the size of
the task. I really was not asking for help, only to borrow the
axe. Hope you had fun in any case.</p>
<salute>Sincerely yours,</salute>
<p>The collision occured on <date when="2001-07-06">06 Jul 01</date>.</p>
<date when="1942">Printemps 1942 </date>
<salute>Cher ami, </salute>
<p>Le printemps vient maintenant. J'espère que là où tu es le climat à cette saison n'est
pas encore pénible. C'est le moment des travaux des champs ; peut-être arrivera-t-on à
quelque chose pour toi. S'il n'y a pas moyen de te faire venir en France, faut-il faire
des démarches pour essayer de te faire quitter l'Europe ? Écris-le-moi. </p>
<p>[...] </p>
<salute> Crois à mon amitié fraternelle. </salute>
<signed>Simone Weil </signed>
<p>Voici la traduction de quelques vers grecs d'Eschyle. Ils sont prononcés par
Prométhée, le dieu qui, d'après les croyances des Grecs, avait sauvé les hommes de la
destruction, avait volé le feu pour le leur donner et leur avait appris le langage, le
nombre, l'astronomie, les métiers et les arts. Il en fut puni et fut cloué sur un
rocher. La tragédie d'Eschyle commence par la scène où on le cloue ; il se tait
pendant ce temps, puis, quand ses bourreaux sont partis, il dit : [...]</p>
<date when="1911-03-26">辛亥三月二十六</date>
<!-- header information for the whole collection -->
<titlePart> The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
<docImprint>First published in <title>The Strand</title>
between July 1891 and December 1892</docImprint>
<!-- any other front matter specific to this collection -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock
<titlePart>Adventure I. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>A Scandal in Bohemia</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<p>To Sherlock Holmes she is always
<emph>the</emph> woman. ... </p>
<!-- remainder of A Scandal in Bohemia here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure II. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Red-Headed League</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<!-- text of The Red Headed League here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure XII. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Adventure of the Copper Beeches</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<q>To the man who loves art for its
own sake,</q> remarked Sherlock Holmes ...
<!-- remainder of The Copper Beeches here -->
... she is now the head of a private school
at Walsall, where I believe that she has
met with considerable success.</p>
<!-- end of The Copper Beeches -->
<!-- end of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -->
<titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
<byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
<div type="preface">
<head>Editor's Note</head>
<p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
<titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
<div type="address">
<head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
<p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
upon thy eye ... </p>
<titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
<div1 type="book" n="Herod I">
<head>Libro Primo</head>
<l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
<lg n="I.1" type="stanza">
<l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
<l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
<l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
<l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
<l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
<titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
<lg n="I">
<l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
<l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->
<head>(Supplied by a sub-sub-Librarian)</head>
<p>It will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and
grubworm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone
through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth,
picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could
anyways find ...
Here ye strike but splintered hearts together – there,
ye shall strike unsplinterable glasses!</p>
<quote>And God created great whales.</quote>
<l>Leviathan maketh a path to shine after him;</l>
<l>One would think the deep to be hoary.</l>
<quote>By art is created that great Leviathan,
called a Commonwealth or State — (in Latin,
<mentioned xml:lang="la">civitas</mentioned>), which
is but an artificial man.</quote>
<bibl>Opening sentence of Hobbes's Leviathan</bibl>
and a clean Hearth ... reflected on the Providence of our
All-wise and Gracious Creator.... </p>
<p>She was thus ruminating, when a Gentleman enter'd the Room, the
Door being a jar... calling for a Candle, she beg'd a thousand
Pardons, engaged him to sit down, and let her know, what had so long
conceal'd him from her Correspondence.
<pb n="5"/>
<head>The Story of <hi>Captain Manly</hi>
<p>Dear Galecia, said he, though you partly know the loose, or rather
lewd Life that I led in my Youth; yet I can't forbear relating part of
it to you by way of Abhorrence...
<!-- Captain Manly's story here -->
I had lost and spent all I had in the World; in which I verified the
Old Proverb, That a Rolling Stone never gathers Moss,
<pb n="37"/>
the Stairs-head; and at her return, casting her Eyes on the Table, she
saw lying there an old dirty rumpled Book, and found in it the
following story: </p>
<p> IN the time of the Holy War when
Christians from all parts went into the Holy Land to oppose the Turks;
Amongst these there was a certain English Knight...</p>
<!-- rest of story here -->
<p>The King graciously pardoned the Knight; Richard was kindly receiv'd
into his Convent, and all things went on in good order: But from hence
came the Proverb, We must not strike <hi>Robert</hi> for
<pb n="43"/>
<p>By this time Galecia's Maid brought up her Supper; after which she
cast her Eyes again on the foresaid little Book, where she found the
following Story, which she read through before she went to bed.
<head>The Cause of the Moors Overrunning
<p>King ———— of Spain at his Death, committed the Government of his
Kingdom to his Brother Don ——— till his little Son should come of
Age ...</p>
<p>Thus the little Story ended, without telling what Misery
befel the King and Kingdom, by the Moors, who over ran the Country for
many Years after. To which, we may well apply the Proverb,
<l>Who drives the Devil's Stages,</l>
<l>Deserves the Devil's Wages</l>
<p>The reading this Trifle of a Story detained Galecia from her Rest
beyond her usual Hour; for she slept so sound the next Morning, that
she did not rise, till a Lady's Footman came to tell her, that his
Lady and another or two were coming to breakfast with her...
<p>To my parents, Ida and Max Fish</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>The answer this book gives to its title question is <q>there is
and there isn't</q>.</p>
<p>Chapters 1–12 have been previously published in the
following journals and collections:
<item>chapters 1 and 3 in <title>New literary History</title>
<item>chapter 10 in <title>Boundary II</title> (1980)</item>
I am grateful for permission to reprint.</p>
<div1 type="incipit">
<p>Here bygynniþ a book of contemplacyon, þe whiche
is clepyd <title>þE CLOWDE OF VNKNOWYNG</title>,
in þe whiche a soule is onyd wiþ GOD.</p>
<div1 type="prayer">
<head>Here biginneþ þe preyer on þe prologe.</head>
<p>God, unto whom alle hertes ben open, & unto whome alle wille
spekiþ, & unto whom no priue þing is hid: I beseche
þee so for to clense þe entent of myn hert wiþ þe
unspekable 3ift of þi grace, þat I may parfiteliche
loue þee & worþilich preise þee. Amen.</p>
<div1 type="preface">
<head>Here biginneþ þe prolog.</head>
<p>In þe name of þe Fader & of þe Sone &
of þe Holy Goost.</p>
<p>I charge þee & I beseeche þee, wiþ as moche
power & vertewe as þe bonde of charite is sufficient
to suffre, what-so-euer þou be þat þis book schalt
haue in possession ...</p>
<div1 type="contents">
<head>Here biginneþ a table of þe chapitres.</head>
<label>þe first chapitre </label>
<item>Of foure degrees of Cristen mens leuing; & of þe
cours of his cleping þat þis book was maad vnto.</item>
<label>þe secound chapitre</label>
<item>A schort stering to meeknes & to þe werk of þis
<label>þe fiue and seuenti chapitre</label>
<item>Of somme certein tokenes bi þe whiche a man may proue
wheþer he be clepid of God to worche in þis werk.</item>
<trailer>& here eendeþ þe table of þe chapitres.</trailer>
<titlePart type="main">THOMAS OF Reading.</titlePart>
<titlePart type="alt">OR, The sixe worthy yeomen of the West.</titlePart>
<docEdition>Now the fourth time corrected and enlarged</docEdition>
<byline>By T.D.</byline>
<p>Thou shalt labor till thou returne to duste</p>
<figDesc>Printers Ornament used by TP</figDesc>
<docImprint>Printed at <name type="place">London</name> for <name>T.P.</name>
<titlePart type="main">紅樓夢</titlePart>
<titlePart type="alt">又名石頭記</titlePart>
<docImprint>最早的抄本出現於清朝乾隆中期的 <date>甲戌年(1754年)。</date>
<pubPlace>PARIS</pubPlace>, <name>Delangle Frères</name> Éditeurs-libraires,
<pubPlace>Place de la Bourse</pubPlace>
<quote>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis
vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent:
<q xml:lang="grc">Sibylla ti weleis</q>; respondebat
illa: <q xml:lang="grc">apowanein welo.</q>
<div type="dedication">
<p>For Ezra Pound <q xml:lang="it">il miglior fabbro.</q>
<div type="dedication">
<p>à la mémoire de Raymond Queneau</p>
<div type="avertissement">
<p>L'amitié, l'histoire et la littérature m'ont fourni quelques-uns
des.personnages de ce livre. Toute autre ressemblance avec des individus vivants ou
ayant réellement ou fictivement existé ne saurait être que coïncidence.</p>
<quote>Regarde de tous tes yeux, regarde <bibl>(Jules Verne, Michel Strogoff
<div type="preambule">
<q>L'œil suit les chemins qui lui ont été ménagés dans l'oeuvre <bibl>(Paul Klee,
Pädagosisches Skizzenbuch)</bibl>
<p> Au départ, l'art du puzzle semble un art bref, un art mince, tout entier contenu
dans un maigre enseignement de la Gestalttheorie : ...</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>Tant qu'il existera, par le fait des lois et des moeurs, une damnation sociale créant
artificiellement, en pleine civilisation, des enfers, et compliquant d'une fatalité
humaine la destinée qui est divine ; tant que les trois problèmes du siècle, la
dégradation de l'homme par le prolétariat, la déchéance de la femme par la faim,
l'atrophie de l'enfant par la nuit, ne seront pas résolus; tant que, dans certaines
régions, l'asphyxie sociale sera possible; en d'autres termes, et à un point de vue
plus étendu encore, tant qu'il aura sur la terre ignorance et misère, des livres de la
nature de celui-ci pourront ne pas être inutiles.</p>
<name type="place">Hauteville-House</name>
<date>1er janvier 1862</date>
<quote>小燕子其實也無所愛,只是沉浸在朦朧而飄忽的夏夜夢里罷了。 </quote>
<div type="dedication">
<div type="dedication">
<div type="preface">
<div type="dedication">
<p>To our three selves</p>
<div type="preface">
<head>Author's Note</head>
<p>All the characters in this book are purely imaginary, and if the
author has used names that may suggest a reference to living persons
she has done so inadvertently.
<div type="letter">
<head>A letter written to his wife, founde with this booke
after his death.</head>
<p>The remembrance of the many wrongs offred thee, and thy
unreproued vertues, adde greater sorrow to my miserable state,
than I can utter or thou conceiue. ...
... yet trust I in the world to come to find mercie, by the
merites of my Saiuour to whom I commend thee, and commit
my soule.</p>
<signed>Thy repentant husband for his disloyaltie,
<name>Robert Greene.</name>
<epigraph xml:lang="la">
<p>Faelicem fuisse infaustum</p>
<div type="corrigenda">
<salute xml:lang="la">M. Scriblerus Lectori</salute>
<p>Once more, gentle reader I appeal unto thee, from the shameful
ignorance of the Editor, by whom Our own Specimen of
<name>Virgil</name> hath been mangled in such miserable manner, that
scarce without tears can we behold it. At the very entrance, Instead
of <q xml:lang="gr">προλεγομενα</q>, lo!
<q xml:lang="gr">προλεγωμενα</q> with an Omega!
and in the same line <q xml:lang="la">consulâs</q> with a circumflex!
In the next page thou findest <q xml:lang="la">leviter perlabere</q>,
which his ignorance took to be the infinitive mood of
<q xml:lang="la">perlabor</q> but ought to be
<q xml:lang="la">perlabi</q> ... Wipe away all these
monsters, Reader, with thy quill.</p>
<div1 type="appendix">
<head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>
<p>To shew the Depravity of human Nature </p>
<div1 type="epistle">
<head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>
<p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please </p>
<div1 type="advert">
<head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr
Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>
<item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>
<item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item>
<item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,
10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>
<div1 type="advert">
<hi rend="center">By the KING's Royal Patent,</hi> Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the
Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.</head>
<item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &c.
2s. 6d</item>
<item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item>
<div n="1" type="appendice">
<head>APPENDICE I <lb/>CHAPITRE XV bis <lb/>Des cruautez exercées par les Turcs, et
autres peuples : et nommément par les Espagnols, beaucoup plus barbares que les
Sauvages mesmes </head>
<p>Premierement Chalcondile en son histoire de la decadence de l'Empire des Grecs,
<div n="2" type="appendice">
<head> Appendice2 <lb/> Advertissement de l'autheur, (1699) </head>
<p>Outre les augmentations bien amples, et la revision beaucoup plus exacte que je
n'avoye fait és precedentes Editions, j'ai pour le contentement des Lecteurs,
plusieurs endroits de ceste quatrieme et derniere monstré ...</p>
<div1 type="appendix">
<div1 type="epistle">
<div1 type="advert">
<item n="1">陳芳明《詩與現實》,台北:洪範,1983。</item>
<item n="2">洛夫《詩人之鏡》,台北:大業,1969。</item>
<item n="42">廖炳惠《回顧現代》,台北:麥田,1994。</item>
<div1 type="advert">
<hi rend="center">詩集、詩選</hi>也可於網路書店購得。</head>
<item n="1">余光中《天狼星》,台北:洪範,1976。</item>
<item n="2">席慕蓉著《無怨的青春》,台北,大地,1983。</item>
5 Representation of Non-standard Characters and Glyphs
manusc<g ref="#r2">r</g>ipt are sometimes
written in a funny way.</p>
<!-- in the charDecl -->
<glyph xml:id="per">
<glyphName>LATIN ABBREVIATION PER</glyphName>
<graphic url="per.png"/>
<g ref="#per">per</g>
</abbr> ardua</p>
<!-- in the charDecl -->
6 Verse
6.5 Metrical Notation Declaration
<p>Metrically prominent syllables are marked '1' and other
syllables '0'. Foot divisions are marked by a vertical bar,
and line divisions with a solidus.</p>
<p>This notation may be applied to any metrical unit, of any
size (including, for example, individual feet as well as
groups of lines).</p>
7 Performance Texts
<castItem> ... </castItem>
<p>The action of the play is set in Chicago's
Southside, sometime between World War II and the
<div type="copyright_page"/>
<div type="Contents"/>
<div type="Introduction"/>
<div type="note">
<head>Note on the Translation</head>
<p> ... </p>
<titlePage type="half-title">
<titlePart>Peer Gynt</titlePart>
<div type="Dramatis_Personae">
<p>The action, which opens in the beginning of the nineteenth
century, and ends around the 1860s, takes place partly in
Gudbrandsdalen, and on the mountains around it, partly on the coast
of Morocco, in the desert of Sahara, in a madhouse at Cairo, at sea,
<p>The action takes place on February 7th between the hours of noon and six in the
afternoon, close to the Trenartha Tin Plate Works, on the borders of England and Wales,
where a strike has been in progress throughout the winter.</p>
<p>Bel après-midi de printemps en 1899. Madame Claire Roc est assise dans un fauteuil en
osier et feuillette un magazine [...], on peut entendre des cris joyeux d'enfants. </p>
<head>Une représentation à l'hôtel de Bourgogne</head>
<p>La salle de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne, en 1640. Sorte de hangar de jeu de paume aménagé et
embelli pour des représentations.</p>
<p>La salle est un carré long ; on la voit en biais, de sorte qu'un de ses côtés forme le
fond qui part du premier plan, à droite, et va au dernier plan, à gauche, faire angle
avec la scène qu'on aperçoit en pan coupé.</p>
<p>A Sub-Post Office on a late autumn evening</p>
<head>Prologue, spoken by <name>Mr. Hart</name>
<l>Poets like Cudgel'd Bullys, never do</l>
<l>At first, or second blow, submit to you;</l>
<l>But will provoke you still, and ne're have done,</l>
<l>Till you are weary first, with laying on:</l>
<l>We patiently you see, give up to you,</l>
<l>Our Poets, Virgins, nay our Matrons too.</l>
<head>The Persons</head>
<castItem> ... </castItem>
<head>The SCENE</head>
<div1 type="scene">
<l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
<l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
<l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
<stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
<head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
<l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
<l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
<l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
<l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
<p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
<head>Names of the Actors.</head>
<castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
<castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
<castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
<speaker>Le Prologue.</speaker>
<p>Voilà. Ces personnages vont vous jouer l' histoire d' Antigone. Antigone, c' est la
petite maigre qui est assise là-bas, et qui ne dit rien. Elle regarde droit devant
elle. Elle pense. Elle pense qu' elle va être Antigone tout à l' heure, qu' elle va
surgir soudain de la maigre jeune fille noiraude et renfermée que personne ne prenait
au sérieux dans la famille et se dresser seule en face du monde, seule en face de
Créon, son oncle, qui est le roi. Elle pense qu' elle va mourir, qu' elle est jeune et
qu' elle aussi, elle aurait bien aimé vivre. Mais il n' y a rien à faire. Elle s'
appelle Antigone et il va falloir qu' elle joue son rôle jusqu' au bout... </p>
<head>Death of a Salesman</head>
<p>A New Play by Arthur Miller</p>
<p>Staged by Elia Kazan</p>
<note rend="small type flush left" place="inline">(in order of appearance)</note>
<role>Willy Loman</role>
<actor>Lee J. Cobb</actor>
<actor>Mildred Dunnock</actor>
<actor>Arthur Kennedy</actor>
<actor>Cameron Mitchell</actor>
<!-- ... -->
<p>The setting and lighting were designed by
<name>Jo Mielziner</name>.</p>
<p>The incidental music was composed by <name>Alex North</name>.</p>
<p>The costumes were designed by <name>Julia Sze</name>.</p>
<p>Presented by <name rend="unmarked">Kermit Bloomgarden</name>
and <name rend="unmarked">Walter Fried</name> at the
<rs type="place">Morosco Theatre in New York</rs> on
<date when="1949-02-10">February 10, 1949</date>.</p>
<p>La Machine Infernale a été
représentée pour la première fois au
<rs type="place-theatre">théâtre Louis-Jouvet</rs>
<rs type="place-theatre">(Comédie des
<date>le 10 avril 1934</date>,
avec les décors et les costumes de
<name>Christian Bérard.</name> ... </p>
<rs type="place">Gateway Theatre, Edinburgh</rs>, <date>6 September 1948</date>
<role>Anath Bithiah</role>
<actor>Athene Seyler</actor>
<actor>Robert Rietty</actor>
<p>Directed by <name>E. Martin Browne</name>
<rs type="place">Théâtre national du Petit-Odéon, Paris</rs>, <date>du 10 Décembre 1974
au 12 Janvier 1975</date>
<role>Paul Valéry</role>
<actor>Michel Duchaussoy</actor>
<actor>Gérad Caillaud</actor>
<role>M. Teste</role>
<actor>Pierre Dux</actor>
<role>Mme Teste</role>
<actor>Claude Winter</actor>
<role>L'abbé Mosson</role>
<actor>Jacques Toja</actor>
<p>Adaptation et mise en scène de <name>Pierre Franck</name>
<p>Distribution <rs type="place">Comédie des Champs-Elysées, Paris,</rs>
<date>1923</date>(par ordre d'entrée en scène) <castList>
<castItem>Knock : Louis Jouvet</castItem>
<rs type="place">新竹市文化局演藝廳</rs>, <date>2008年3月14日</date>
<p>監製: <name>李永得</name>
<p>首演假<rs type="place">台北國家劇院</rs>於 <date>2007年10月12日</date>
<castItem>劉麗君: 徐堰鈴飾</castItem>
<p>Cast of the original production at the <rs type="place">Savoy Theatre, London,</rs> on
<date>September 24, 1907</date>
<castItem>Colonel Hope : Mr A.E.George</castItem>
<p>The first performance in Great Britain of <title>Waiting for
Godot</title> was given at the Arts Theatre, London, on
<date when="1955-08-03">3rd August 1955</date>. It was directed by
<name>Peter Hall</name>, and the décor was by <name>Peter
Snow</name>. The cast was as follows:</p>
<castItem>Estragon: Peter Woodthorpe</castItem>
<castItem>Vladimir: Paul Daneman</castItem>
<castItem> ... </castItem>
7.2.1 Major Structural Divisions
<div1 type="act" n="1">
<head>Act One</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="1">
<stage>Pa Ubu, Ma Ubu</stage>
<speaker>Pa Ubu</speaker>
<div2 type="scene" n="2">
<stage>A room in Pa Ubu's house, where a magnificent
collation is set out</stage>
<div1 type="act" n="2">
<head>Act Two</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="1">
<head>Scene One</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="2">
<head>Scene Two</head>
<role xml:id="hh">Henry Higgins</role>
<sp who="#hh">
<speaker>The Notetaker</speaker>
<p> ... </p>
<stage type="setting">
<p>Scene. — A room furnished comfortably and
tastefully but not extravagantly ...
The floor is carpeted and a fire burns in the stove.
It is winter.</p>
<p>A bell rings in the hall; shortly afterwards the
door is heard to open. Enter NORA humming a tune ...</p>
<p>Hide the Christmas Tree carefully, Helen. Be sure the
children do not see it till this evening, when it is
dressed. <stage type="delivery">To the PORTER taking
out her purse</stage> How much?</p>
<role xml:id="lm">Lady Macbeth</role>
<role xml:id="g1">First Gentleman</role>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#g1">
<p>Neither to you, nor any one; having no witness
to confirm my speech. <move who="#lm" type="enter" where="C"/>
Lo you! here she comes. This is her very guise; and,
upon my life, fast asleep.</p>
<p>First performance</p>
<role xml:id="bellaf">Bellafront</role>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<stage type="entrance">
perf="#perf1"/> Enter
Bellafront mad.
<p>Première apparition</p>
<role xml:id="fr_clar">Clarence</role>
<stage type="entrance">
<move who="#fr_clar" type="enter" perf="#perf1"/>(Entre Clarence,
entouré de gardes).
<role xml:id="zh-tw_bellaf">楊四郎</role>
<!-- 其他角色 -->
<!-- ... -->
<stage type="entrance">
<p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with th' love of gain.
You thry to pin on others th' dirty decorations that
may be hangin' on your own coats.</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting)</stage>
<lg type="song">
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
<l>Who you were with last night?</l>
<stage>(in anguished indignation).</stage>
<p>This is more than a hurt to us: this hits at the
decency of the whole nation!</p>
<p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with ...</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting):</stage>
<titlePart>Kelly's Song</titlePart>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
<l>Who you were with last night?</l>
<div2 n="5" type="scene">
<stage>Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
<stage type="setting">Enter Ophelia, distracted.</stage>
<p>Where is the beauteous Majesty of Denmark?</p>
<p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
<l>How should I your true-love know</l>
<l>From another one?</l>
<l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
<l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
<p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
<p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
<l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
<l>He is dead and gone;</l>
<l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
<l>At his heels a stone.</l>
<p>O, ho!</p>
<div1 n="4" type="act">
<div2 n="5" type="scene">
<stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
<p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
<stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL1" type="song" part="Y">
<l>How should I your true-love know</l>
<l>From another one?</l>
<l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
<l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
<p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
<p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
<stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL2" type="song" part="Y">
<l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
<l>He is dead and gone;</l>
<l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
<l>At his heels a stone.</l>
<p>O, ho!</p>
<join type="lg" targets="#TL1 #TL2"/>
<stage type="delivery">wildly</stage>
<p>Look here: I'm going to take off all my clothes.</p>
<stage type="action">he begins tearing off his coat.</stage>
<sp xml:id="dr-s1">
<speaker>Lady Utterword</speaker>
<p>Mr Mangan!</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s2">
<speaker>Captain Shotover</speaker>
<p>Whats that?</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s3">
<p>Ha! ha! Do. Do.</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s4">
<p>Please dont.</p>
corresp="#dr-s1 #dr-s2 #dr-s3 #dr-s4"
type="delivery">in consternation</stage>
<speaker>Mrs. Hushabye</speaker>
<stage type="action">catching his arm and stopping him</stage>
<p>Alfred: for shame! Are you mad?</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
The <name>T.V. announcer</name> from the Ryan interview
stands near the Control Van, the lake in b.g.</view>
<speaker>T.V. Announcer</speaker>
<p>Several years ago, Jack Ryan was a highly
successful hydroplane racer ...</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
<speaker>TV Announcer VO</speaker>
<p>Working with Ryan are his two coworkers—
Strut Bowman, the mechanical engineer—
<camera>Angle on Strut</camera>
standing in the tow boat, walkie-talkie in hand,
watching Ryan carefully.</view>
—and Roger Dalton, a rocket
systems analyst, and one of the scientists
from the Jet Propulsion Lab ...</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
<p>Now to business.</p>
<speaker>Ford and Zaphod</speaker>
<p>To business.</p>
<sound>Glasses clink.</sound>
<p>I beg your pardon?</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast.</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
of hansom cabs galloping past.</camera>
<caption>London, 1895.</caption>
<caption>The residence of Mr Oscar Wilde.</caption>
<sound>Suitably classy music starts.</sound>
<view>Mix through to Wilde's drawing room. A crowd of suitably
dressed folk are engaged in typically brilliant conversation,
laughing affectedly and drinking champagne.</view>
<speaker>Prince of Wales</speaker>
<p>My congratulations, Wilde. Your latest play is a great success.</p>
<camera>Plan d'ensemble</camera> des fillettes qui regardent Mouchette. <camera>Plan
rapproché</camera> de la main de l'institutrice pianotant nerveusement.<camera> Retour</camera> sur les fillettes qui ricanent. Mouchette, face à nous, ne peut retenir
ses larmes. N'y tenant plus, elle prend son visage dans ses mains et hoquète de
sanglots. <camera>Fondu enchaîné.</camera>
<view> Préfecture - bureau fonctionnaire - intérieur jour <camera>Plan américain</camera>
d'un fonctionnaire assis derrière un bureau (il est vu de profil), consultant un fichier
dans une boîte ouverte devant lui. Il sort une fiche et lève la tête. C'est un homme
d'une quarantaine d'années, un aspect solide, concret, et un air relativement bon
enfant. Dans son regard, pourtant, on voit passer par moments une lueur froide,
inquiétante. </view>
<p>Robert Klein, vous avez dit ?</p>
<div type="shot">
<p>大家好,我現在在香港的九龍。 </p>
<view>BBC World symbol</view>
<speaker>Voice Over</speaker>
<p>Monty Python's Flying Circus tonight comes to you live
from the Grillomat Snack Bar, Paignton.</p>
<div type="shot">
<view>Interior of a nasty snack bar. Customers around, preferably
real people. Linkman sitting at one of the plastic tables.</view>
<p>Hello to you live from the Grillomat Snack Bar.
<p>Now to business.</p>
<speaker>Ford and Zaphod</speaker>
<p>To business.</p>
<sound discrete="true">Glasses clink.</sound>
<p>I beg your pardon?</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast.</p>
<sound discrete="true">玻璃杯敲擊聲</sound>
galloping past</camera>
<caption>London, 1895.</caption>
<caption>The residence of Mr Oscar Wilde.</caption>
<sound>Suitably classy music starts.</sound>
<view>Mix through to Wilde's drawing room. A crowd of suitably
dressed folk are engaged in typically brilliant conversation,
laughing affectedly and drinking champagne.</view>
<speaker>Prince of Wales</speaker>
<p>My congratulations, Wilde. Your latest play is a great success.
<view>畫面融接到王爾德的畫室。一群人衣冠楚楚、 高談闊論,有人手拿香檳,有人開懷大笑。</view>
8 Transcriptions of Speech
8.2 Documenting the Source of Transcribed Speech
<recording type="video">
<p>U-matic recording made by college audio-visual department staff,
available as PAL-standard VHS transfer or sound-only casssette</p>
8.2 Documenting the Source of Transcribed Speech
<recording type="audio" dur="P30M">
<resp>Location recording by</resp>
<name>Sound Services Ltd.</name>
<p>Multiple close microphones mixed down to stereo Digital
Audio Tape, standard play, 44.1 KHz sampling frequency</p>
<date>12 Jan 1987</date>
8.2 Documenting the Source of Transcribed Speech
<p>Recorded from FM Radio to digital tape</p>
<title>Interview on foreign policy</title>
<author>BBC Radio 5</author>
<name>Robin Day</name>
<name>Margaret Thatcher</name>
<title>The World Tonight</title>
<note>First broadcast on <date when="1989-11-27">27 Nov 1989</date>
<recording type="audio" dur="P30M">
<resp>Location recording by</resp>
<name>Sound Services Ltd.</name>
<p>Multiple close microphones mixed down to stereo Digital
Audio Tape, standard play, 44.1 KHz sampling frequency</p>
<date>12 Jan 1987</date>
distinct recordings made by hidden microphone in early February
<p>Recorded on a Sony TR444 walkman by unknown participants; remastered
to digital tape at <placeName>Borehamwood Studios</placeName> by
<orgName>Transcription Services Inc</orgName>.</p>
<orgName>Harmonia Mundi</orgName> S.A., enregistré à <placeName>Boughton Aluph Saints
Church</placeName>, <date>septembre 1977</date>.</p>
<title>Questions sur la souffrance et la santé au travail : pénibilité, stress,
dépression, harcèlement, maladies et accidents...</title>
<author>France Inter</author>
<name>Alain Bédouet</name>
<resp>Personne interrogée</resp>
<name> Marie Pezé, Docteur en psychologie, psychanalyste, expert judiciaire ; dirige
la consultation « souffrance et travail » à l’Hôpital de Nanterre (92), auteure de
<title>ils ne mourraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappés</title>, Editions
<title>Le Téléphone sonne</title>
<note>Première diffusion le <date when="2008-09-24">mercredi 24 septembre
<p>以Sony TR444 walkman錄成,參與者不明;<orgName>中國廣播公司</orgName>在<placeName>中廣電台</placeName>以數位磁帶重製。</p>
<note>首播於<date when="1989-11-27">1989年11月27日</date>
<p>Recorded from FM Radio to digital tape</p>
<title>Interview on foreign policy</title>
<author>BBC Radio 5</author>
<name>Robin Day</name>
<name>Margaret Thatcher</name>
<title>The World Tonight</title>
<note>First broadcast on
<date when="1989-11-27">27 Nov 89</date>
<p>"Hi-8" 8 mm NTSC camcorder with integral directional
microphone and windshield and stereo digital sound
recording channel.
<p>Enregistreur numérique avec connexion USB et 512 Mo de mémoire intégrée</p>
<p>enregistreur numérique 16 pistes</p>
<p>內建麥克風、立體聲音響以及數位錄音聲道的"Hi-8" 的8釐米NTSC攝錄像機。</p>
<p>8-track analogue transfer mixed down to 19 cm/sec audio
tape for cassette mastering</p>
<note>C is with a friend</note>
<u who="#cwn">
<unclear>Excuse me<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/> You dont have some
aesthetic<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>specially on early</unclear>
aesthetics terminology <g ref="#lr"/>
<u who="#aj"> No<g ref="#lf"/>
<pause/>No<g ref="#lf"/>
<gap extent="2 beats"/> I'm
afraid<g ref="#lf"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#cwn"> No<g ref="#lr"/>
<unclear>Well</unclear> thanks<g ref="#lr"/>
<pause/> Oh<g ref="#short"/>
<unclear>you couldnt<g ref="#short"/> can we</unclear> kind of<g ref="#long"/>
<pause/>I mean ask you to order it for us<g ref="#long"/>
<g ref="#fr"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#aj"> Yes<g ref="#fr"/> if you know the title<g ref="#lf"/> Yeah<g ref="#lf"/>
<u who="#cwn">
<gap extent="4 beats"/>
<u who="#aj"> Yes thats fine. <unclear>just as soon as it comes in we'll send
you a postcard<g ref="#lf"/>
<person xml:id="cwn">
<p>Customer WN</p>
<person xml:id="aj">
<p>Assistant K</p>
10 Manuscript Description
10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<p>In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th
cent. in England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with
a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the De origine et gestis Regum
Angliae of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis: beg. 'Cum
mecum multa & de multis.'</p>
<p>On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de
buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?):
'hanauilla' is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought
from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s.</p>
10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<quote>Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,</quote> the
<title>De origine et gestis Regum Angliae</title>
of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis):
beg. <quote>Cum mecum multa & de multis.</quote>
In Latin.</p>
<material>Parchment</material>: written in
more than one hand: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double
columns: with a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>Written in
<origPlace>England</origPlace> in the
<origDate>13th cent.</origDate> On fol. 54v very faint is
<quote>Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti
ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],</quote> 14th cent. (?):
<quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
(15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for
£1 10s.</p>
10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
<author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
<title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">De origine et
gestis Regum Angliae</title>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa & de multis</incipit>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i + 55 leaves
<dimensions scope="all" type="leaf" unit="inch">
<layout columns="2">
<p>In double columns.</p>
<p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
<p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200">13th cent.</origDate>
<p>On fol. 54v very faint is
<quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/>
Roberti ordinis fratrum
</quote>, 14th cent. (?):
<quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
(15th cent.).</p>
<p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on
<date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno type="Bod">MS Poet. Rawl. D. 169.</idno>
<author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>
<title>The Canterbury Tales</title>
<p>A parchment codex of 136 folios, measuring approx
28 by 19 inches, and containing 24 quires.</p>
<p>The pages are margined and ruled throughout.</p>
<p>Four hands have been identified in the manuscript: the first 44
folios being written in two cursive anglicana scripts, while the
remainder is for the most part in a mixed secretary hand.</p>
<repository xml:lang="fre">Bibliothèque nationale de France. Réserve des livres rares></repository>
<idno>RES P- YC- 1275</idno>
<!-- dans le cas des recueils : cote uniquement sans les sous-cotes -->
<idno>Y. 1341</idno>
<note>Cote de la Bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe s. (Catalogue de 1750).</note>
<!-- pour le traitement des recueils la solution possible est de répéter l'élément <msItem> -->
<titlePart type="main"/>
<titlePart type="sub"/>
<publisher>F. Torresani</publisher>
<!-- dans le Catalogue général: "in aedibus haeredum Aldi et Andreae soceri" -->
<publisher>G.-F. Torresani</publisher>
<docDate when="1535">1535</docDate>
<!-- in-32°; in-24°; in-16°; in-8°; in-4°; in-folio; gr. folio -->
<note>Exemplaire avec rehauts peints en argent, or et bleu.</note>
target="">Notice bibliographique
dans le Catalogue général</ref>
<ref target="">Image de la reliure dans l'iconothèque</ref>
<!-- RC-B-05225 (plat sup.) -->
<dimensions type="binding">
<height unit="mm">170</height>
<width unit="mm">98</width>
<depth unit="mm">15</depth>
<binding contemporary="true">
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à décor</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Entrelacs géométriques</term>
</index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> brun jaspé</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> à décor d’entrelacs géométriques (structure de losange et
rectangle) complété de fers évidés.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup">Titre <q>ivvenalis. persivs</q> et ex-libris de Jean
Grolier <q>io. grolierii et amicorvm.</q> dorés respectivement au centre et au bas
du plat supérieur. </decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_inf">Devise de Jean Grolier<q>portio mea sit in terra
viventivm</q> dorée au centre du plat inférieur.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos à cinq nerfs, sans décor ; simple filet doré sur chaque
nerf et en encadrement des caissons ; passages de chaînette marqués de même.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles simples unicolores, vert foncé.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Filet doré sur les coupes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes"/>
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats">Contreplats en vélin.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="chasses">Filet doré sur les chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes en papier et vélin (2+1+2 / 2+1+2) ; filigrane au
pot.<ref>Briquet N° XX</ref>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure">Defet manuscrit utilisé comme claie au contreplat
inférieur (visible par transparence, sous la contregarde en vélin).</decoNote>
<condition>Traces de mouillures anciennes plus ou moins importantes au bas des
feuillets, qui n'ont pas affecté la reliure ; éraflure en tête du plat
<origin notBefore="1540-01-01" notAfter="1547-09-15">
<p>Reliure exécutée pour Jean Grolier par Jean Picard, Paris, entre 1540 et 1547.</p>
<acquisition notBefore="1680-12-31" notAfter="1724-12-31">Estampille n° 1, utilisée de
la fin du XVIIe siècle à 1724 (page de titre).</acquisition>
<source>Notice établie à partir du document original</source>
<change when="2009-10-05" who="Markova">Description mise à jour le <date type="crea">5 octobre 2009 </date>en vue de l'encodage en TEI des descriptions des reliure
de la Réserve des livres rares</change>
<change when="2009-06-01" who="Le Bars">Description revue le <date type="maj">1er
juin 2009 </date> par Fabienne Le Bars.....</change>
<change when="2009-06-25" who="Le Bars">Description validée le<date type="valid">25
juin 2009</date>par Fabienne Le Bars</change>
<idno type="cbeta">Taisho Tripitaka Vol. T08, No. 230</idno>
<p>Brown <material>calfskin</material>, previously with two clasps.</p>
<p>Modern calf recasing with original armorial stamp <stamp>Ex
Bibliotheca J. Richard D.M.</stamp>
10.3.5 References to Locations within a Manuscript
<p>Several of the miniatures in this section have been damaged and
overpainted at a later date (e.g. the figure of Christ on <locus
facs="">fol. 33r</locus>; the
face of the Shepherdess on <locus
facs="">fol. 59v</locus>,
passant within a bordure bezanty, in chief a crescent for difference</heraldry>
[Cole], crest, and the legend <quote>Cole Deum</quote>.</p>
<!-- ... -->
<p>A c. 8r fregio su due lati, <heraldry>stemma e imprese medicee</heraldry>
racchiudono l'inizio dell'epistolario di Paolino.</p>
<heraldry>A bull passant within a bordure bezanty,
in chief a crescent for difference</heraldry> [Cole],
crest, and the legend <q>Cole Deum</q>.</p>
gueules, chargé de trois tourteaux d'or.</heraldry>.</p>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Entrelacs géométriques</term>
</index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> brun jaspé
<material>Rag paper</material> with <watermark>anchor</watermark> watermark</p>
<material>布漿紙</material>上有 <watermark>錨點</watermark>水印</p>
<p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p>
<p>Atlas of the world from Western Europe and Africa to Indochina,
containing 27 maps and 26 tables</p>
<p>Biblia sacra: Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, con prefacios, prólogos
y argumentos de san Jerónimo y de otros. Interpretaciones de los
nombres hebreos.</p>
<p>The "Guan-ben" was widely current among mathematicians in the
Qing dynasty, and "Zhao Qimei version" was also read. It is
therefore difficult to know the correct filiation path to follow.
The study of this era is much indebted to Li Di. We explain the
outline of his conclusion here. Kong Guangsen
(1752-1786)(17) was from the same town as Dai Zhen, so he obtained
"Guan-ben" from him and studied it(18). Li Huang (d. 1811)
(19) took part in editing Si Ku Quan Shu, so he must have had
"Guan-ben". Then Zhang Dunren (1754-1834) obtained this version,
and studied "Da Yan Zong Shu Shu" (The General Dayan
Computation). He wrote Jiu Yi Suan Shu (Mathematics
Searching for One, 1803) based on this version of Shu Xue Jiu
Zhang (20).</p>
<p>One of the most important persons in restoring our knowledge
concerning the filiation of these books was Li Rui (1768(21)
-1817)(see his biography). ... only two volumes remain of this
manuscript, as far as chapter 6 (chapter 3 part 2) p.13, that is,
question 2 of "Huan Tian San Ji" (square of three loops),
which later has been lost.</p>
<p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p>
<p>Generic descriptive prose...</p>
<!-- other generic elements here -->
<objectDesc form="codex">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- other specific elements here -->
<p>Mostly <material>paper</material>, with watermarks
<watermark>unicorn</watermark> (<ref>Briquet 9993</ref>) and
<watermark>ox</watermark> (close to <ref>Briquet 2785</ref>).
The first and last leaf of each quire, with the exception of
quires xvi and xviii, are constituted by bifolia of parchment,
and all seven miniatures have been painted on inserted
singletons of parchment.</p>
<material>Paper</material> with watermark: <watermark>anchor in a circle
with star on top</watermark>, <watermark>countermark B-B with
trefoil</watermark> similar to <ref>Moschin, Anchor N 1680</ref>
<formula>1-3:8, 4:6, 5-13:8</formula>
<p>There are now four gatherings, the first, second and fourth originally consisting of
eight leaves, the third of seven. A fifth gathering thought to have followed has left no trace.
<item>Gathering I consists of 7 leaves, a first leaf, originally conjoint with <locus>fol. 7</locus>,
having been cut away leaving only a narrow strip along the gutter; the others, <locus>fols 1</locus>
and <locus>6</locus>, <locus>2</locus> and <locus>5</locus>, and <locus>3</locus> and <locus>4</locus>,
are bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering II consists of 8 leaves, 4 bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering III consists of 7 leaves; <locus>fols 16</locus> and <locus>22</locus> are conjoint,
the others singletons.</item>
<item>Gathering IV consists of 2 leaves, a bifolium.</item>
<p>I (1, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 10); II (11, 12+17, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19).</p>
<formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following
text) 7-8.8 9.10, 11.2 (through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
<p>Neuere Foliierung, die auch das Vorsatzblatt mitgezählt hat.</p>
<p>Folio numbers were added in brown ink by Árni Magnússon
ca. 1720-1730 in the upper right corner of all recto-pages.</p>
<p>Original foliation in red roman numerals in the middle of
the outer margin of each recto</p>
<foliation xml:id="modern">
<p>Foliated in pencil in the top right
corner of each recto page.</p>
<!-- ... -->
<locus scheme="#modern">ff 1-20</locus>
<p>The manuscript shows signs of damage from water and mould on its outermost leaves.</p>
<p>Despite tears on many of the leaves the codex is reasonably well preserved.
The top and the bottom of f. 1 is damaged, and only a thin slip is left of the original second
leaf (now foliated as 1bis). The lower margin of f. 92 has been cut away. There is a lacuna of
one leaf between ff. 193 and 194. The manuscript ends defectively (there are approximately six
leaves missing).</p>
<p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="24">
<p>Written in one column throughout; 24 lines per page.</p>
<p>Written in 3 columns, with 8 lines of text and interlinear glosses in
the centre, and up to 26 lines of gloss in the outer two columns. Double
vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point on hair side. Text lines ruled
faintly in lead. Remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer (for 8 lines
of text only) margins.</p>
<layout ruledLines="25 32">
<p>On <locus from="1r" to="202v">fols 1r-200v</locus> and
<locus from="210r" to="212v">fols 210r-212v</locus> there are
between 25 and 32 ruled lines.</p>
<layout ruledLines="34 50">
<p>On <locus from="203r" to="209v">fols 203r-209v</locus> there are between 34
and 50 ruled lines.</p>
<p>Written in a <term>late Caroline minuscule</term>; versals in a
form of <term>rustic capitals</term>; although the marginal and
interlinear gloss is written in varying shades of ink that are
not those of the main text, text and gloss appear to have been
copied during approximately the same time span.</p>
<p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise
unknown, but clearly those of practised scribes. Hand I writes
ff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23 and 24. Some scholars, notably
Verner Dahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have argued for a third hand
on f. 24, but the evidence for this is insubstantial.</p>
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-1" scope="minor">
<p>The first part of the manuscript,
<locus from="1v" to="72v:4">fols 1v-72v:4</locus>, is written in a practised
Icelandic Gothic bookhand. This hand is not found elsewhere.</p>
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-2" scope="major">
<p>The second part of the manuscript, <locus from="72v:4" to="194v">fols
72v:4-194</locus>, is written in a hand contemporary with the first; it can
also be found in a fragment of <title>Knýtlinga saga</title>,
<ref>AM 20b II fol.</ref>.</p>
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-3" scope="minor">
<p>The third hand has written the majority of the chapter headings.
This hand has been identified as the one also found in <ref>AM
221 fol.</ref>.</p>
<p>Uses a mixture of Roman and Black Letter types.</p>
<p>The decoration comprises two full page miniatures, perhaps added
by the original owner, or slightly later; the original major decoration
consists of twenty-three large miniatures, illustrating the divisions of
the Passion narrative and the start of the major texts, and the major
divisions of the Hours; seventeen smaller miniatures, illustrating the
suffrages to saints; and seven historiated initials, illustrating
the pericopes and major prayers.</p>
<decoNote type="miniature">
<p>One full-page miniature, facing the beginning of the first
Penitential Psalm.</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>One seven-line historiated initial, commencing the first
Penitential Psalm.</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>Six four-line decorated initials, commencing the second through the
seventh Penitential Psalm.</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>Some three hundred two-line versal initials with pen-flourishes,
commencing the psalm verses.</p>
<decoNote type="border">
<p>Four-sided border decoration surrounding the miniatures and three-sided
border decoration accompanying the historiated and decorated initials.</p>
<decoNote type="miniatures">
<p>Fourteen large miniatures with arched tops, above five lines of text:
<locus>fol. 14r</locus>Pericopes. <term>St. John writing on
Patmos</term>, with the Eagle holding his ink-pot and pen-case; some
flaking of pigment, especially in the sky</item>
<locus>fol. 26r</locus>Hours of the Virgin, Matins.
<term>Annunciation</term>; Gabriel and the Dove to the right</item>
<locus>fol. 60r</locus>Prime. <term>Nativity</term>; the
<term>Virgin and Joseph adoring the Child</term>
<locus>fol. 66r</locus>Terce. <term>Annunciation to the
Shepherds</term>, one with <term>bagpipes</term>
<!-- ... -->
<p>Square notation on 4-line red staves.</p>
<p>Neumes in campo aperto of the St. Gall type.</p>
</musicNotation> Additions and Marginalia
<p>Doodles on most leaves, possibly by children, and often quite amusing.</p>
<p xml:lang="fr">Quelques annotations marginales des XVIe et XVIIe s.</p>
<p>The text of this manuscript is not interpolated with sentences from
Royal decrees promulgated in 1294, 1305 and 1314. In the margins, however,
another somewhat later scribe has added the relevant paragraphs of these
decrees, see pp. 8, 24, 44, 47 etc.</p>
<p>As a humorous gesture the scribe in one opening of the manuscript, pp. 36
and 37, has prolonged the lower stems of one letter f and five letters þ
and has them drizzle down the margin.</p>
<p>Spaces for initials and chapter headings were left by the scribe but not filled in.
A later, probably fifteenth-century, hand has added initials and chapter headings in
greenish-coloured ink on fols <locus>8r</locus>, <locus>8v</locus>, <locus>9r</locus>,
<locus>10r</locus> and <locus>11r</locus>. Although a few of these chapter headings are
now rather difficult to read, most can be made out, e.g. fol. <locus>8rb</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">floti ast<ex>ri</ex>d<ex>ar</ex>
</quote>; fol. <locus>9rb</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">v<ex>m</ex> olaf conung</quote>, and fol. <locus>10ra</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">Gipti<ex>n</ex>g ol<ex>a</ex>fs k<ex>onun</ex>gs</quote>.</p>
<p>The manuscript contains the following marginalia:
<item>Fol. <locus>4v</locus>, left margin: <quote xml:lang="is">hialmadr <ex>ok</ex>
in a fifteenth-cenury hand, imitating an addition made to the text by the scribe at this point.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>5r</locus>, lower margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þ<ex>e</ex>tta þiki
m<ex>er</ex> v<ex>er</ex>a gott blek en<ex>n</ex>da kan<ex>n</ex> ek icki
betr sia</quote>, in a fifteenth-century hand, probably the same as that on the previous page.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>9v</locus>, bottom margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þessa bok uilda eg <sic>gæt</sic>
lært med <lb/>an Gud gefe myer Gott ad <lb/>læra</quote>; seventeenth-century hand.</item>
<p>There are in addition a number of illegible scribbles in a later hand (or hands) on fols
<locus>2r</locus>, <locus>3r</locus>, <locus>5v</locus> and <locus>19r</locus>.</p>
<p>Sewing not visible; tightly rebound over 19th-century pasteboards, reusing
panels of 16th-century brown leather with gilt tooling à la fanfare, Paris
c. 1580-90, the centre of each cover inlaid with a 17th-century oval medallion
of red morocco tooled in gilt (perhaps replacing the identifying mark of a
previous owner); the spine similarly tooled, without raised bands or title-piece;
coloured endbands; the edges of the leaves and boards gilt. Boxed.</p>
<p>Bound, s. XVIII (?), in <material>diced russia leather</material>
retaining most of the original 15th century metal ornaments (but with
some replacements) as well as the heavy wooden boards.</p>
<p>On each cover: alternating circular stamps of the Holy Monogram,
a sunburst, and a flower.</p>
<p>On the cornerpieces, one of which is missing, a rectangular stamp
of the Agnus Dei.</p>
<condition>Front and back leather inlaid panels very badly worn.</condition>
<p>Rebacked during the 19th century.</p>
<seal n="1" type="pendant" subtype="cauda_duplex">
<p>Round seal of <name>Anders Olufsen</name> in black wax:
<ref>DAS 930</ref>
</bibl>. Parchment tag, on which is written:
<quote>pertinere nos predictorum placiti nostri iusticarii precessorum dif</quote>.</p>
<seal n="2" type="pendant" subtype="cauda_duplex">
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax:
<ref>DAS 1061</ref>
</bibl>. Legend: <quote>S IOHANNES OLAVI</quote>.
Parchment tag on which is written: <quote>Woldorp Iohanne G</quote>.</p>
</sealDesc> Accompanying Material
<p>A slip in Árni Magnússon's hand has been stuck to the
pastedown on the inside front cover; the text reads:
<quote xml:lang="is">Þidreks Søgu þessa hefi eg
feiged af Sekreterer Wielandt Anno 1715 i Kaupmanna høfn. Hun er,
sem eg sie, Copia af Austfirda bókinni (Eidagás) en<ex>n</ex>
ecki progenies Brædratungu bokarinnar. Og er þar fyrer eigi i
allan<ex>n</ex> máta samhlioda þ<ex>eir</ex>re er
Sr Jon Erlendz son hefer ritad fyrer Mag. Bryniolf. Þesse Þidreks
Saga mun vera komin fra Sr Vigfuse á Helgafelle.</quote>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i + 55 leaves
<dimensions scope="all" type="leaf" unit="inch">
<layout columns="2">In double columns.</layout>
<p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
<p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
<supportDesc material="mixed">
<p>Early modern
<material>parchment</material> and
<layout ruledLines="25 32"/>
<supportDesc material="mixed">
<p>現代早期 <material>羊皮紙</material>與<material>白紙</material>。</p>
<layout ruledLines="25 32"/>
<formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following text) 7-8.8 9.10, 11.2
(through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
<catchwords>Catchwords are written horizontally in center or towards the right lower
margin in various manners: in red ink for quires 1-6 (which are also signed in red ink
with letters of the alphabet and arabic numerals); quires 7-9 in ink of text within
yellow decorated frames; quire 10 in red decorated frame; quire 12 in ink of text;
quire 13 with red decorative slashes; quire 14 added in cursive hand.</catchwords>
<formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following text)
7-8.8 9.10, 11.2 (through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
<catchwords>Catchwords are written horizontally in center
or towards the right lower margin in various manners:
in red ink for quires 1-6 (which are also signed in red
ink with letters of the alphabet and arabic numerals);
quires 7-9 in ink of text within yellow decorated frames;
quire 10 in red decorated frame; quire 12 in ink of text;
quire 13 with red decorative slashes; quire 14 added in
cursive hand.</catchwords>
<p>There are lacunae in three places in this
manuscript. After 14v two
leaves has been cut out and narrow strips leaves remains in the spine. After
68v one gathering is missing and after 101v at least one gathering of 8 leaves
has been lost. </p>
<p>Several leaves are damaged with tears or holes or have a
irregular shape. Some of the damages do not allow the lines to be of full
length and they are apparently older than the script. There are tears on fol.
2r-v, 9r-v, 10r-v, 15r-18v, 19r-v, 20r-22v, 23r-v, 24r-28v, 30r-v, 32r-35v,
37r-v, 38r-v, 40r-43v, 45r-47v, 49r-v, 51r-v, 53r-60v, 67r-v, 68r-v, 70r-v,
74r-80v, 82r-v, 86r-v, 88r-v, 89r-v, 95r-v, 97r-98v 99r-v, 100r-v. On fol. 98
the corner has been torn off. Several leaves are in a bad condition due to
moist and wear, and have become dark, bleached or
wrinkled. </p>
<p>The script has been
touched up in the 17th century with black ink. The touching up on the following
fols. was done by
<name>Bishop Brynjólf Sveinsson</name>: 1v, 3r, 4r, 5r,
6v, 8v,9r, 10r, 14r, 14v, 22r,30v, 36r-52v, 72v, 77r,78r,103r, 104r,. An
AM-note says according to the lawman
<name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> that the rest of the
touching up was done by himself and another lawman
<name>Sigurður Jónsson</name>.
<name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> did the touching up
on the following fols.: 46v, 47r, 48r, 49r-v, 50r, 52r-v.
<name>Sigurður Jónsson</name> did the rest of the
touching up in the section 36r-59r containing
<p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
<p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
<layout columns="2" ruledLines="42">
<locus from="f12r" to="f15v"/> 2 columns of 42 lines pricked and ruled in ink, with
central rule between the columns.</p>
<layout columns="3">
<locus from="f16"/>Prickings for three columns are visible.</p>
<p>每頁14行,每行40到43字不等;有 註文小字雙行,字數不等。</p>
<layout columns="2" ruledLines="42">
<locus from="f12r" to="f15v"/> 兩欄共42行以墨水圈選、標誌,欄間有直線分隔。</p>
<layout columns="3">
<locus from="f16"/>Prickings for three columns are visible.</p>
<layout columns="2" ruledLines="42">
<locus from="f12r" to="f15v"/>
2 columns of 42 lines pricked and ruled in ink, with
central rule between the columns.</p>
<layout columns="3">
<locus from="f16"/>小孔的三欄可見.</p>
<p>2 columns of 42 lines ruled in ink, with central rule between the columns.</p>
<p>Some pages have 2 columns, with central rule between the columns; each column with
between 40 and 50 lines of writing.</p>
<p>2 columns of 42 lines ruled in ink, with central rule
between the columns.</p>
<p>Some pages have 2 columns, with central rule
between the columns; each column with between 40 and 50 lines of writing.</p>
<p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise unknown, but clearly
those of practised scribes. Hand I writes ff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23 and 24. Some
scholars, notably Verner Dahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have argued for a third hand
on f. 24, but the evidence for this is insubstantial.</p>
<p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise
unknown, but clearly those of practised scribes. Hand I writes
ff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23 and 24. Some scholars, notably
Verner Dahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have argued for a third hand
on f. 24, but the evidence for this is insubstantial.</p>
<p>Uses an unidentified black letter font, probably from the
15th century</p>
<p>Square notation of 4-line red staves.</p>
<p>Les clés se placent au commencement de la portée. Elles servent à fixer le nom des
notes et à indiquer en même temps la place que celles-ci occupent dans l'échelle
<p>The start of each book of the Bible with a 10-line historiated
illuminated initial; prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials with red
penwork flourishing; chapters marked by 3-line plain red initials; verses
with 1-line initials, alternately blue or red.</p>
<p>Les miracles de la Vierge, par Gautier de Coinci ; un volume in-fol. de 285 feuilles,
orné d'initiales en or et en couleur,...</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>The start of each book of the Bible with
a 10-line historiated illuminated initial;
prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials
with red penwork flourishing; chapters marked by
3-line plain red initials; verses with 1-line initials,
alternately blue or red.</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of
single characters and others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of
a mans head wearing a hat. At times sentences occurs: On 5v:
<q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>,
on 19r: <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>,
on 21r: <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla rei knar hofud summu all huad
batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>,
On 21v: some runic letters and the sentence <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p>
<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of single characters and
others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of a mans head wearing a hat. At
times sentences occurs: On 5v:<q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>, on
19r: <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>, on 21r: <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla
rei knar hofud summu all huad batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>, On 21v: some runic letters
and the sentence <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p>
<p>Sewing not visible; tightly rebound over
19th-cent. pasteboards, reusing panels of 16th-cent. brown leather with
gilt tooling à la fanfare, Paris c. 1580-90, the centre of each
cover inlaid with a 17th-cent. oval medallion of red morocco tooled in
gilt (perhaps replacing the identifying mark of a previous owner); the
spine similarly tooled, without raised bands or title-piece; coloured
endbands; the edges of the leaves and boards gilt.Boxed.</p>
<binding contemporary="true">
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à décor</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Décor mosaïqué, avec formes géométriques à répétition</term>
</index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> citron</p>
<decoNote type="plats">à décor mosaïqué dit à répétition, dont l’effet de dallage est
obtenu par des pièces polylobées de maroquin noir, ornée chacune d’une composition de
petits fers plein or, cantonnées de petits disques de maroquin rouge ponctué chacun
d’un cercle plein or, le tout serti de filets dorés courbes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup"/>
<decoNote type="plat_inf"/>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos à 5 nerfs à décor analogue (pièce polylobée de maroquin noir
avec composition identique, cantonnée de quatre disques rouges, ponctués du même
cercle plein or) ; filets dorés sur les nerfs ; pièce de titre rouge dans le 2e
caisson, soulignée de deux lignes de points dorés identiques à celle portée en tête et
queue du dos, sur une bande de maroquin noir.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles simples droites, tricolores (noir, bleu et
<decoNote type="coupes">Coupes dorées, proposant en alternance un filet simple et une
succession de traits obliques.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes">Signet de soie rose.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées sur marbrure à motif caillouté, dans les tons
bleu et rose.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats"/>
<decoNote type="chasses">Chasses ornées d’une roulette à motif de zigzag.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes en papier plein or et gardes blanches (1 + 1), sans
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure"/>
<p>Contemporary blind stamped leather over wooden boards with evidence of a fore edge clasp
closing to the back cover.</p>
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à la grecque, sur ais</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Décor de rinceaux</term>
</index> Reliure à la grecque en <material>maroquin</material> orange</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> aux armes de Henri II dorées sur une pièce de maroquin olive
découpée à la forme exacte des armes (104 mm), mosaïquée dans un rectangle central aux
angles orné d'un léger motif de rinceaux peints en noir, le tout encadré d'une large
bordure mosaïquée de maroquin rouge, à plein décor de rinceaux dorés (incluant un
croissant dans les angles) dessinés en réserve sur un fond pointillé doré.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup">Au plat supérieur, titre <q>i • schonerii • opera •</q> doré
au-dessus du bloc armorial.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_inf"/>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos long à décor analogue avec pièces losangées de maroquin rouge et
brun mosaïquées, respectivement au centre et aux deux extrémités du dos, ornées d'un
décor de rinceaux doré en réserve sur un fond doré pointillé, avec fer azuré au chapeau
à chaque extrémité ; chaque pièce de maroquin est redessinée par un encadrement argenté,
lui-même complété de rinceaux sur les côtés et relevé par des traits tracés de plume à
effet de rayures.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles doubles bicolores : points droits sur chevrons,
bleus et jaunes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Chants des ais rainurés.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes">Traces de petits boulons aux angles du rectangle intérieur ;
traces des quatre lanières tressées d'origine sur les deux plats ; pas de traces de
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées, ciselées et peintes (teinte rosée), à décor de
rinceaux incluant des éléments de l'héraldique royale : triple croissant en tête, grand
H couronné associé à un croissant en gouttière, chiffre HH en queue.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats"/>
<decoNote type="chasses">Absence de chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes (3+2), filigrane <watermark>B</watermark>. </decoNote>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure"/>
<binding contemporary="true">
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à décor</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Compartiments espacés</term>
</index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> rouge sombre</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> aux armes du chancelier Pierre Séguier, à décor de compartiments
complétés de fers filigranés, parmi lesquels un fer à la petite tête (type B).</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup"/>
<decoNote type="plat_inf"/>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos à 6 nerfs, à décor filigrané analogue ; palette ornée sur les
nerfs et en tête et queue du dos ; titrage dans le 2e caisson.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles à chapiteau tricolore (bleu, blanc et rose).</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Coupes ornées.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes"/>
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats">Contregardes en papier marbré à petit peigne, dans les tons
bleu, blanc, jaune, rouge et blanc.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="chasses">Chasses ornées.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure"/>
<condition>Quelques taches sombres
<!--surla --> sur le plat supérieur et larges
éraflures du cuir au plat inférieur. Restauration en queue du mors inférieur (bande de
<binding contemporary="false">
<p> 使用與書寫的貝葉非同時代的樹條捆住</p>
<binding contemporary="false">
<binding contemporary="false">
<p>Quarter bound by the Phillipps' binder, Bretherton, with his sticker on the front
<binding contemporary="false">
<p>Rebound by an unknown 19th c. company; edges cropped and gilt.</p>
<seal type="pendant" contemporary="true">
<p>Green wax vertical oval seal attached at base.</p>
<p>Parchment strip for seal in place; seal missing.</p>
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax.
(<ref>DAS 1061</ref>). Legend: <q>S IOHANNES OLAVI</q>.
Parchment tag on which is written: <q>Woldorp Iohanne G</q>.</p>
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax. (<ref>DAS 1061</ref>). Legend: <q>S
IOHANNES OLAVI</q>. Parchment tag on which is written: <q>Woldorp Iohanne G</q>.</p>
<p>Written in <origPlace>Durham</origPlace> during <origDate notBefore="1125" notAfter="1175">the
mid-twelfth century</origDate>.</p>
<p>Recorded in two medieval catalogues of the books belonging
to <name type="org">Durham Priory</name>, made in <date>1391</date> and
<p>Given to <name type="person">W. Olleyf</name> by <name type="person">William
Ebchester, Prior (1446-56)</name> and later belonged to <name type="person">Henry
Dalton</name>, Prior of Holy Island (<name type="place">Lindisfarne</name>)
according to inscriptions on ff. 4v and 5.</p>
<p>Presented to <name type="org">Trinity College</name> in
<date>1738</date> by <name type="person">Thomas Gale</name> and
his son <name type="person">Roger</name>.</p>
<origin notBefore="1225" notAfter="1275">
<p>Written in Spain or Portugal in the middle of the 13th century
(the date 1042, given in a marginal note on f. 97v, cannot be correct.)</p>
<p>The Spanish scholar <name type="person">Benito Arias
Montano</name> (1527-1598) has written his name on f. 97r, and may be
presumed to have owned the manuscript. It came somehow into the
possession of <foreign xml:lang="da">etatsråd</foreign>
<name type="person">Holger Parsberg</name> (1636-1692), who has written his
name twice, once on the front pastedown and once on f. 1r, the former dated
<date>1680</date> and the latter <date>1682</date>. Following Parsberg's
death the manuscript was bought by <foreign>etatsråd</foreign>
<name type="person">Jens Rosenkrantz</name> (1640-1695) when Parsberg's
library was auctioned off (23 October 1693).</p>
<acquisition notBefore="1696" notAfter="1697">
<p>The manuscript was acquired by Árni
Magnússon from the estate of Jens Rosenkrantz, presumably at
auction (the auction lot number 468 is written in red chalk on the
flyleaf), either in 1696 or 97.</p>
<p>Written in Durham during the mid twelfth
<p>Recorded in two medieval
catalogues of the books belonging to Durham Priory, made in 1391 and
<p>Given to W. Olleyf by William Ebchester, Prior (1446-56)
and later belonged to Henry Dalton, Prior of Holy Island (Lindisfarne)
according to inscriptions on ff. 4v and 5.</p>
<p>Presented to Trinity College in 1738 by
Thomas Gale and his son Roger.</p>
<origin notBefore="1750-01-01" notAfter="1750-12-31">
<p>Reliure exécutée par Louis-François Le Monnier (signature), Paris, vers 1750 d'après
<ref target="#fr_bib01">Michon, 1956 (n° 38 (120)</ref> .</p>
<acquisition notBefore="1833-12-31" notAfter="1848-01-31">Estampille n° 24, utilisée de
1833 à 1848</acquisition>
<p>穆勒(Max Muller)於1884年轉寫成天城體及羅馬拼音,傳至歐美國家。</p>
<p>Directly catalogued from the original manuscript.</p>
<p>Information transcribed from <bibl>
<title>The index of Middle English verse</title>
<p>Information transcribed from
<ref target="#IMEV">IMEV</ref> 123</bibl>.</p>
<bibl xml:id="IMEV">
<author>Carleton Brown</author> and <author>Rossell Hope Robbins</author>
<title level="m">The index of Middle English verse</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<!-- other bibliographic records relating to this manuscript here -->
</additional> Availability and Custodial History
<p>Viewed by appointment only, to be arranged with curator.</p>
<p>In conservation, Jan. - Mar., 2002. On loan to the
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, April - July, 2002.</p>
<p>The manuscript is in poor condition, due to many of the leaves being
brittle and fragile and the poor quality of a number of earlier repairs;
it should therefore not be used or lent out until it has been conserved.</p>
</availability> Availability and Custodial History
<custEvent type="conservation" notBefore="1961-03-01" notAfter="1963-02-28">
<p>Conserved between March 1961 and February 1963 at Birgitte Dalls
<custEvent type="photography" notBefore="1988-05-01" notAfter="1988-05-30">
<p>Photographed in May 1988 by AMI/FA.</p>
<custEvent type="transfer" notBefore="1989-11-13" notAfter="1989-11-13">
<p>Dispatched to Iceland 13 November 1989.</p>
<source>Record created <date>1 Aug 2004</date>
<p>Until 2015 permission to photocopy some materials from this
collection has been limited at the request of the donor. Please ask repository staff for details
if you are interested in obtaining photocopies from Series 1:
<p>Collection donated to the Manuscript Library by the Estate of
Edgar Holden in 1993. Donor number: 1993-034.</p>
<p>Derived from <ref target="#IMEV">IMEV 123</ref> with additional research
by P.M.W.Robinson</p>
<change when="1999-06-23">
<name>LDB</name> (editor)
checked examples against DTD version 3.6
<p>Derived from <ref target="#fr_IMEV">IMEV 123</ref> with additional research by
<change when="1999-06-23">
<name>LDB</name> (editor) checked examples against DTD version
3.6 </change>
<p>源自<ref target="#IMEV">IMEV 123</ref>及P.M.W.羅賓森的附加研究。</p>
<change when="1999-06-23">
<name>LDB</name> (編輯) 檢查不符DTD 3.6版本的範例</change>
<title type="gmd">diapositive</title>
<idno>AM 74 a, fol.</idno>
<date>May 1984</date>
<title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
<idno>AM 75 a, fol.</idno>
11 Representation of Primary Sources
<fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<head facs="#B49rHead">DU SON ET ACCORD DES CLOCHES ET <lb/> des alleures des chevaulx,
chariotz & charges, des fontaines:& <lb/> encyclie du monde,
& de la dimension du corps humain.</head>
<head>Chapitre septiesme</head>
<div n="1">
<p>Le son & accord des cloches pendans en ung mesme <lb/> axe, est
faict en contraires parties.</p>
<p rend="it" facs="#B49rPara2">LEs cloches ont quasi fi<lb/>gures de rondes
pyra<lb/>mides imperfaictes & <lb/> irregulieres: & leur
accord se <lb/> fait par reigle geometrique. Com<lb/>me si les deux
cloches C & D <lb/> sont <w facs="#B49rW457">pendans</w> à ung
mesme axe <lb/> ou essieu A B: je dis que leur ac<lb/>cord se fera en
co<ex>n</ex>traires parties<lb/> co<ex>m</ex>me voyez icy
figuré. Car qua<ex>n</ex>d <lb/> lune sera en hault, laultre
declinera embas. Aultrement si elles decli<lb/>nent toutes deux
ensembles en une mesme partie, elles seront discord, <lb/> & sera
leur sonnerie mal plaisante à oyr.<figure facs="#B49rFig1">
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
11.3.3 Correction and Conjecture
<p>The following codes are used to categorise corrections identified
in this transcription:
<list type="gloss">
<item>Substitution of a more familiar word which resembles
graphically what the scribe should be copying but which does not make
sense in the context.</item>
<!-- ... -->
11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
<!-- ... -->
<pb n="5r"/>
<damageSpan agent="rubbing" extent="whole leaf" spanTo="#damageEnd"/>
<p> .... </p>
<p> ....
<pb n="5v" xml:id="damageEnd"/>
portion <damageSpan spanTo="#a34"/>and this the damaged
portion of the paragraph.</p>
<p>This paragraph is entirely damaged.</p>
<p>Paragraph partially damaged; in the middle of this
paragraph the damage ends and the anchor point marks
the start of the <anchor xml:id="a34"/> undamaged part of the text. ...</p>
this the damaged portion of the paragraph.</p>
<p>This paragraph is entirely damaged.</p>
<p>Paragraph partially damaged; in the middle of this paragraph the damage ends and the
anchor point marks the start of the <anchor xml:id="fr_a34"/> undamaged part of the text.
<p>段落有部份毀損,損壞處止於段落的中間,以屬性anchor標示<anchor xml:id="zh-tw_a34"/>未損內文的重新出現處。</p>
portion <delSpan spanTo="#a23"/>and this the deleted
portion of the paragraph.</p>
<p>Paragraph deleted together with adjacent material.</p>
<p>Second fully deleted paragraph.</p>
<p>Paragraph partially deleted; in the middle of this
paragraph the deletion ends and the anchor point marks
the resumption <anchor xml:id="a23"/> of the text. ...</p>
this the deleted portion of the paragraph.</p>
<p>Paragraph deleted together with adjacent material.</p>
<p>Second fully deleted paragraph.</p>
<p>Paragraph partially deleted; in the middle of this paragraph the deletion ends and the
anchor point marks the resumption <anchor xml:id="fr_a23"/> of the text. ...</p>
<p>段落有部份被刪除,刪去處止於段落的中間,以屬性anchor標示 <anchor xml:id="zh-tw_a23"/>內文重新出現的位置。</p>
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places Personal Characteristics
<p>Speaks fluent Fulani, Wolof, and French. Some knowledge of English.</p>
<p>Jón's first living — which he apparently accepted rather reluctantly — was at
<name type="place">Háls í Hamarsfirði</name>, <name type="place">Múlasýsla</name>, to which
he was presented on 7 April 1777. He was ordained the following
month and spent three years at Háls, but was never happy there,
due largely to the general penury in which he was forced to live —
a recurrent theme throughout the early part of his life. In June
of 1780 the bishop recommended that Jón
should <q xml:lang="da">promoveres til andet bedre kald, end det
hand hidindtil har havt</q>, and on 12 July it was agreed that
he should exchange livings with
<name type="person" key="ThorJon">sr. Þórður Jónsson</name> at
<name type="place">Kálfafell á Síðu</name>,
<name type="place">Skaftafellssýsla</name>.</p>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.15, p. 733.</bibl>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.17, p. 102.</bibl>
<p>Born in <name type="place">Brixton</name> on 8 January 1947.</p>
<event type="birth" resp="#ABC" cert="low">
<p>Born in <name type="place">Berkhamsted</name> on 9 January 1947.</p>
<org xml:id="bu">
<orgName>Brown University</orgName>
<desc>The host contribution is made jointly by the <name type="project">Brown University Women Writers Project</name> and the
<orgName>Brown University Library's Center for Digital
<org xml:id="na">
<desc>Hosting is provided by a group of institutions located in
Nancy, France, coordinated by <orgName>Loria</orgName> and also
including <orgName>ATILF</orgName> and <orgName>INIST</orgName>.</desc>
<org xml:id="ou">
<orgName>Oxford University</orgName>
<desc>Hosting is provided by the <orgName>Research Technologies
Service</orgName> at <orgName>Oxford University Computing
<org xml:id="uv">
<orgName>University of Virginia</orgName>
<desc>Virginia's host support comes jointly from the
<orgName>Institute for Advanced Technology in the
Humanities</orgName> and the <orgName>University of Virginia
<!-- from>
</p> States, Traits, and Events
<placeName xml:lang="en">Iceland</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="is">Ísland</placeName>
<geo>65.00 -18.00</geo>
<desc>Area: 103,000 sq km</desc>
<state type="governance" notBefore="1944">
<p>Constitutional republic</p>
<state type="governance" notAfter="1944">
<p>Part of the kingdom of <placeName key="DK">Denmark</placeName>
<event type="governance" when="1944-06-17">
<desc>Iceland became independent on 17 June 1944.</desc>
<state type="governance" from="1944-06-17">
<p>An independent republic since June 1944</p>
<p>British English and French</p>
<p>Anglais britannique et français</p>
<p>Tous les locuteurs sont membres de la famille Ceruli, et sont nés à Naples.</p>
<p>All speakers are members of the Ceruli family, born in Naples.</p>
<p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic
status B2.</p>
<p>Personne interrogée, de sexe féminin, instruite, née à Shropshire, au ROYAUME-UNI le 12
Janvier 1950, d'occupation inconnue. Parle le français couramment. Statut
socio-économique B2.</p>
14 Tables, Formulæ, and Graphics
14.2 Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions
gives the animal a headstart of ten meters. Achilles runs
those ten meters, the tortoise one; Achilles runs that
meter, the tortoise runs a decimeter; Achilles runs that
decimeter, the tortoise runs a centimeter; Achilles runs
that centimeter, the tortoise, a millimeter; Fleet-footed
Achilles, the millimeter, the tortoise, a tenth of a
millimeter, and so on to infinity, without the tortoise ever
being overtaken. . . Such is the customary version.
<!-- ... -->
The problem does not change, as you can see; but I would
like to know the name of the poet who provided it with a
hero and a tortoise. To those magical competitors and to
the series
<formula notation="TeX">$$
{1 \over 10} +
{1 \over 100} +
{1 \over 1000} +
{1 \over 10,\!000} +
the argument owes its fame.</p>
14.2 Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions
sphere is given by the formula:
<formula xml:id="f12" n="12" rend="inline">
which is readily calculated.</p>
<p>As we have seen in equation
<ptr target="#f12"/>, ... </p>
14.3 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="pullman.png"/>
<p>The drawing room of the Pullman house, the white and gold saloon
where the magnate delighted in giving receptions for several
hundred people.</p>
<figDesc>The figure shows an elaborately decorated room, at least
twenty-five feet side to side and fifty feet long, with ornate
mouldings and Corinthian columns on the walls, overstuffed
armchairs and loveseats arranged in several conversational
groupings, and two large chandeliers.</figDesc>
15 Language Corpora
<person xml:id="P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
<p>Female informant, well-educated, born in Shropshire
UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation.
Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic status B2.</p>
<person xml:id="P-4332" sex="1">
<forename>St John</forename>
<residence notAfter="1959">
<street>Railway Cuttings</street>
<settlement>East Cheam</settlement>
<relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#P-1234 #P-4332"/>
<person xml:id="fr_P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
<p>informateur, sexe féminin, bonne éducation, née à Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950,
commerçante parle français couramment., Statut socio-économique (SSE) :
<person xml:id="fr_P-4332" sex="1">
<residence notAfter="1959">
<street>rue de Falaise</street>
<settlement>la Guérinière, Caen</settlement>
<relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#fr_P-1234 #fr_P-4332"/>
<person xml:id="zh-tw_P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
<person xml:id="zh-tw_P-4332" sex="1">
<residence notAfter="1970">
mutual="#zh-tw_P-1234 #zh-tw_P-4332"/>
<p>Texts recorded in the Canadian Parliament building
in Ottawa, between April and November 1988
<p>Pierre Mendès France, Entretiens avec Jean Lacouture (1980-1981 )</p>
15.2.2 The Participant Description
<p>Female informant, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan
1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently.
Socio-Economic status B2 in the PEP classification scheme.</p>
15.2.2 The Participant Description
<p>The chief speaking characters in this novel are
<item xml:id="EMWOO">
<name>Emma Woodhouse</name>
<item xml:id="DARCY">
<name>Mr Darcy</name>
<!-- ... -->
15.2.3 The Setting Description
<p>The time is early spring, 1989. P1 and P2 are playing on the rug
of a suburban home in Bedford. P3 is doing the washing up at the
sink. P4 (a radio announcer) is in a broadcasting studio in
<correction xml:id="CorPol1" default="true">
<p> ... </p>
<correction xml:id="CorPol2">
<p> ... </p>
<normalization xml:id="n1">
<p> ... </p>
<p> ... </p>
<editorialDecl xml:id="ED1" default="true">
<correction xml:id="C1A" default="true">
<p> ... </p>
<correction xml:id="C1B">
<p> ... </p>
<normalization xml:id="N1">
<p> ... </p>
<p> ... </p>
<editorialDecl xml:id="ED2">
<correction xml:id="C2A" default="true">
<p> ... </p>
<correction xml:id="C2B">
<p> ... </p>
<normalization xml:id="N2A">
<p> ... </p>
<normalization xml:id="N2B" default="true">
<p> ... </p>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<link targets="#CCS1 #SW1"/>
<link targets="#CCS2 #SW2"/>
<link targets="#CCS #SW"/>
<div type="volume" xml:id="CCS" xml:lang="fr">
<s xml:id="CCS1">Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.</s>
<s xml:id="CCS2">Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n'avais pas le temps de me dire : "Je m'endors."</s>
<!-- ... -->
<div type="volume" xml:id="SW" xml:lang="en">
<s xml:id="SW1">For a long time I used to go to bed early.</s>
<s xml:id="SW2">Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."</s>
<!-- ... -->
<link targets="#fr_CCS1 #fr_SW1"/>
<link targets="#fr_CCS2 #fr_SW2"/>
<link targets="#fr_CCS #fr_SW"/>
<div type="volume" xml:id="fr_CCS" xml:lang="fr">
<s xml:id="fr_CCS1">Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.</s>
<s xml:id="fr_CCS2">Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que
je n'avais pas le temps de me dire : "Je m'endors."</s>
<div type="volume" xml:id="fr_SW" xml:lang="en">
<s xml:id="fr_SW1">For a long time I used to go to bed early.</s>
<s xml:id="fr_SW2">Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly
that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."</s>
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS1 #zh-tw_SW1"/>
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS2 #zh-tw_SW2"/>
<link targets="#zh-tw_CCS #zh-tw_SW"/>
<div type="volume" xml:id="zh-tw_CCS">
<s xml:id="zh-tw_CCS1">床前明月光,疑似地上霜;</s>
<s xml:id="zh-tw_CCS2">舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。</s>
<!-- ... -->
<div type="volume" xml:id="zh-tw_SW">
<s xml:id="zh-tw_SW1">月光照的床前一片潔白,看起來像是地上結滿的白霜;</s>
<s xml:id="zh-tw_SW2">抬起頭來,望著明月,低下頭來,思念起故鄉。</s>
<!-- ... -->
<head>On Ancient Persian Manners</head>
<p>In the very first story of <ref target="Sadi/gulistan.2.i.html">
<title>The Gulistan of
Sa'di relates moral advice worthy of Miss Minners ...</p>
<!-- ... -->
<div n="A">
<p>The base URI here is the current document. A URI such as
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="B" xml:base="">
<p>The base URI here is
<code></code>. A
URI such as <code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="C" xml:base="">
<p>The base URI here is
<code></code>. A URI such
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<div n="D">
<p>The base URI here is the current document. A URI such as
<code>a.xml</code> is equivalent to
<!-- ... -->
<div type="section" n="107" xml:id="sect107">
<head>Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use</head>
<p>Notwithstanding the provisions of
<ref target="#sect106">section 106</ref>, the fair use of a
copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies
or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,
for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use),
scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular
case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall
include —
<list type="simple">
<item n="(1)">the purpose and character of the use, including
whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit
educational purposes;</item>
<item n="(2)">the nature of the copyrighted work;</item>
<item n="(3)">the amount and substantiality of the portion
used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;
<item n="(4)">the effect of the use upon the potential market
for or value of the copyrighted work.</item>
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a
finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration
of all the above factors.</p>
<ptr target="#element(sha-ham301/22/2)"/>
matchPattern="(.+) (.+):(.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references the <q>book,</q>
<q>chapter,</q> and <q>verse</q> parts of a biblical reference.</p>
<cRefPattern matchPattern="(.+) (.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references the <q>book</q> and
<q>chapter</q> parts of a biblical reference.</p>
<cRefPattern matchPattern="(.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references just the <q>book</q>
part of a biblical reference.</p>
</refsDecl> Complete and Partial URI Examples
<p>Matches most standard references to particular
chapters of the United States Code, e.g.
<val>11USCC7</val>, <val>17 U.S.C. Chapter 3</val>, or
<val>14 USC Ch. 5</val>. Note that a leading zero is
required for the title (must be two digits), but is not
permitted for the chapter number.</p>
<p>Matches references to the preliminary material for a
given title, e.g. <val>11USCP</val>, <val>17 U.S.C.
Prelim Mat</val>, or <val>14 USC pm</val>.</p>
<p>Matches references to the appendix of a given tile,
e.g. <val>05USCA</val>, <val>11 U.S.C. Appendix</val>,
or <val>18 USC Append</val>.</p>
<!-- ... -->
<p>The example in section <ptr target="#SABN"/> is taken
from <ref cRef="17 USC Ch 1">Subject Matter and Scope of
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<head>Das Erste Buch Mose.</head>
<div2 n="1" type="chapter">
<seg n="1">Am Anfang schuff Gott Himel vnd Erden.</seg>
<seg n="2">Vnd die Erde war wüst vnd leer / vnd es war
finster auff der Tieffe / Vnd der Geist Gottes schwebet auff
dem Wasser.</seg>
<seg n="3">Vnd Gott sprach / Es werde Liecht / Vnd es ward
16.4.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<anchor corresp="#fa1" xml:id="ea1"/>According to our survey, 1988
sales of mineral water and soft drinks were much higher than in 1987,
reflecting the growing popularity of these products. Cola drink
manufacturers in particular achieved above-average growth rates.
<anchor corresp="#fa2" xml:id="ea2"/>The higher turnover was largely
due to an increase in the sales volume.
<anchor corresp="#fa3" xml:id="ea3"/>Employment and investment levels also climbed.
<anchor corresp="#fa4" xml:id="ea4"/>Following a two-year transitional period,
the new Foodstuffs Ordinance for Mineral Water came into effect on
April 1, 1988. Specifically, it contains more stringent requirements
regarding quality consistency and purity guarantees.</p>
<div xml:lang="fr" type="subsection">
<anchor corresp="#ea1" xml:id="fa1"/>Quant aux eaux minérales
et aux limonades, elles rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes. En effet,
notre sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement supérieures
à celles de 1987, pour les boissons à base de cola
notamment. <anchor corresp="#ea2" xml:id="fa2"/>La progression des
chiffres d'affaires résulte en grande partie de l'accroissement
du volume des ventes. <anchor corresp="#ea3" xml:id="fa3"/>L'emploi et
les investissements ont également augmenté.
<anchor corresp="#ea4" xml:id="fa4"/>La nouvelle ordonnance fédérale
sur les denrées alimentaires concernant entre autres les eaux
minérales, entrée en vigueur le 1er avril 1988 après
une période transitoire de deux ans, exige surtout une plus
grande constance dans la qualité et une garantie de la
16.4.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<seg xml:id="e_1">According to our survey, 1988 sales of mineral
water and soft drinks were much higher than in 1987,
reflecting the growing popularity of these products. Cola
drink manufacturers in particular achieved above-average
growth rates.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_2">The higher turnover was largely due to an
increase in the sales volume.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_3">Employment and investment levels also climbed.</seg>
<seg xml:id="e_4">Following a two-year transitional period, the new
Foodstuffs Ordinance for Mineral Water came into effect on
April 1, 1988. Specifically, it contains more stringent
requirements regarding quality consistency and purity
<div xml:id="div-f" xml:lang="fr" type="subsection">
<seg xml:id="f_1">Quant aux eaux minérales et aux limonades,
elles rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes. En effet, notre
sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement
supérieures à celles de 1987, pour les
boissons à base de cola notamment.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_2">La progression des chiffres d'affaires
résulte en grande partie de l'accroissement du volume
des ventes.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_3">L'emploi et les investissements ont
également augmenté.</seg>
<seg xml:id="f_4">La nouvelle ordonnance fédérale sur
les denrées alimentaires concernant entre autres les
eaux minérales, entrée en vigueur le 1er avril
1988 après une période transitoire de deux
ans, exige surtout une plus grande constance dans la
qualité et une garantie de la pureté.</seg>
<linkGrp type="alignment" domains="#div-e #div-f">
<link target="#e_1 #f_1"/>
<link target="#e_2 #f_2"/>
<link target="#e_3 #f_3"/>
<link target="#e_4 #f_4"/>
<head>The Study</head>
<seg xml:id="e9801">The Study</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9802">is a place</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9803">where a Student,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9804">a part from men,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9805">sitteth alone,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9806">addicted to his Studies,</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9807">whilst he readeth</seg>
<seg xml:id="e9808">Books,</seg>
<div xml:id="l98" xml:lang="la" type="lesson">
<seg xml:id="l9801">Museum</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9802">est locus</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9803">ubi Studiosus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9804">secretus ab hominibus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9805">solus sedet,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9806">Studiis deditus,</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9807">dum lectitat</seg>
<seg xml:id="l9808">Libros,</seg>
16.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies
<q rend="centered italic">
<date xml:id="d840404">April 4th,
<p>He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had
descended upon him. ...</p>
<p>His small but childish handwriting straggled up
and down the page, shedding first its capital letters
and finally even its full stops:
<q rend="italic">
<date>April 4th, 1984</date>.
Last night to the flicks. ... </q>
<p>How does it go?
<l xml:id="frog-x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L1">When the old pond</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog-L1 #frog-L2 #frog-L3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<name xml:id="zuigan">Zui-Gan</name> called out to himself every day,
<q next="#zuiq2" xml:id="zuiq1" who="#zuigan">
<name xml:id="master">Master</name>.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself,
<q next="#zuiq4" xml:id="zuiq2" who="#zuigan">Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added,
<q next="#zuiq5" xml:id="zuiq3" who="#master">Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered,
<q next="#zuiq7" xml:id="zuiq4" who="#zuigan">Yes, sir.</q>
<q next="#zuiq6" xml:id="zuiq5" who="#master">And after that,</q>
he continued,
<q xml:id="zuiq6" who="#master">do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q xml:id="zuiq7" who="#zuigan">Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q>
he replied.</p>
<!-- five div1 elements -->
<p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
<ab type="aggregation">
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq1" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[1]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq2" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[2]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq3" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[3]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq4" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[4]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq5" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[1])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq6" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[2])"/>
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq7" target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[6]/q[1])"/>
<joinGrp evaluate="one" result="q">
<join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join targets="#frog_l1 #frog_l2 #frog_l3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="fr_frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
targets="#fr_frog_l1 #fr_frog_l2 #fr_frog_l3"
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="fr_LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="fr_LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as
borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
targets="#fr_LP1 #fr_LP2 #fr_LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_x1">呱、呱、呱</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l2">有新來的青蛙</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l1">以前的池塘</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l3">有新的池塘</l>
targets="#zh-tw_frog_l1 #zh-tw_frog_l2 #zh-tw_frog_l3"
</list> ;香港譯作<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP2">
<p>中國大陸則名為<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP3">
targets="#zh-tw_LP1 #zh-tw_LP2 #zh-tw_LP3"
<desc>電影Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain的中港台譯名</desc>
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
targets="#LP1 #LP2 #LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
<s>Nineteen fifty-four, when I was eighteen years old,
is held to be a crucial turning point in the history of
the Afro-American — for the U.S.A. as a whole — the
year segregation was outlawed by the U.S. Supreme Court.</s>
<s>It was also a crucial year for me because on June 18,
1954, I began serving a sentence in state prison for
possession of marijuana.</s>
<cl>It was about the beginning of September, 1664,
<cl>that I, among the rest of my neighbours,
heard in ordinary discourse
<cl>that the plague was returned again to Holland; </cl>
<cl>for it had been very violent there, and particularly at
Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in the year 1663, </cl>
<cl>whither, <cl>they say,</cl> it was brought,
<cl>some said</cl> from Italy, others from the Levant, among some goods
<cl>which were brought home by their Turkey fleet;</cl>
<cl>others said it was brought from Candia;
others from Cyprus. </cl>
<cl>It mattered not <cl>from whence it came;</cl>
<cl>but all agreed <cl>it was come into Holland again.</cl>
<cl type="finite-declarative" function="independent">
<phr type="NP" function="subject">Nineteen fifty-four,
<cl type="finite-relative-declarative" function="appositive">when <phr type="NP" function="subject">I</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">was eighteen years old</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">is held</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="complement">
<cl type="nonfinite" function="predicate-nom.">
<phr type="V" function="copula">to be</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="predicate-nom.">a crucial turning point
<phr type="PP" function="postmodifier">in
<phr type="NP" function="prep.obj.">the history
<phr type="PP" function="postmodifier">of the Afro-American</phr>
<phr type="PP" function="postmodifier-appositive">for
<phr type="NP" function="prep.obj.">the U.S.A.
<phr type="PP" function="postmodifier">as a whole</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="appositive-predicate-nom.">the year
<cl type="finite-relative" function="adjectival">
<phr type="NP" function="subject">segregation</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">was outlawed</phr>
<phr type="PP" function="postmodifier">by the U.S. Supreme Court</phr>
<cl type="finite-declarative" function="independent">
<phr type="NP" function="subject">It</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">was</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="predicate-nom.">a crucial year for me</phr>
<cl type="declarative-finite" function="dependent-causative">because
<phr type="PP" function="sentence_adverb">on June 18, 1954</phr>,
<phr type="NP" function="subject">I</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">began serving</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="complement">a sentence in state prison
<phr type="PP" function="complement">for possession of marijuana</phr>
<pc unit="para" force="strong" pre="true">¶</pc>Incipit...
17.3 Spans and Interpretations
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s1">There was certainly a definite point at which the
thing began.</s>
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s2">It was not; then it was suddenly inescapable,
and nothing could have frightened it away.</s>
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s3">There was a slow integration, during which she,
and the little animals, and the moving grasses, and the sun-warmed
trees, and the slopes of shivering silvery mealies, and the great
dome of blue light overhead, and the stones of earth under her feet,
became one, shuddering together in a dissolution of dancing
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s4">She felt the rivers under the ground forcing
themselves painfully along her veins, swelling them out in an
unbearable pressure; her flesh was the earth, and suffered growth
like a ferment; and her eyes stared, fixed like the eye of the
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s5">Not for one second longer (if the terms for time
apply) could she have borne it; but then, with a sudden movement
forwards and out, the whole process stopped; and <emph rend="italic">that</emph> was <soCalled rend="dquo">the
moment</soCalled> which it was impossible to remember
<span from="#MaQp1s2p114s3" to="#MaQp1s2p114s5">the moment</span>
<s xml:id="MaQp1s2p114s6">For during that space of time (which was
timeless) she understood quite finally her smallness, the
unimportance of humanity.</s>
17.3 Spans and Interpretations
<s xml:id="S1">Sigmund ... was a king in Frankish country.</s>
<s xml:id="S2">Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons.</s>
<s xml:id="S3">Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ...</s>
<s xml:id="S4A">But Sinfiotli ... wooed the same woman</s>
<s xml:id="S4B">and Sinfiotli killed him over it.</s>
<s xml:id="S5">And when he came home, ... she was obliged to accept it.</s>
<s xml:id="S6">At the funeral feast Borghild was serving beer.</s>
<s xml:id="S7">She took poison ... and brought it to Sinfiotli.</s>
<s xml:id="S17">Sinfiotli drank it off and at once fell dead.</s>
<anchor xml:id="EOS17"/>
<p xml:id="P2">Sigmund carried him a long way in his arms ... </p>
<p xml:id="P3">King Sigmund lived a long time in Denmark ... </p>
<p xml:id="P4">Sigmund and all his sons were tall ... </p>
<spanGrp resp="#TMA" type="narrative-structure">
<span from="#S1" to="#S3">introduction</span>
<span from="#S4A">conflict</span>
<span from="#S4B">climax</span>
<span from="#S5" to="#S17">revenge</span>
<span from="#EOS17">reconciliation</span>
<span from="#P2" to="#P4">aftermath</span>
17.3 Spans and Interpretations
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s1">There was certainly a definite point ... </s>
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s2">It was not; then it was suddenly inescapable ... </s>
<seg xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s3-5" ana="#moment">
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s3">There was a slow integration ... </s>
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s4">She felt the rivers under the ground ... </s>
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s5">Not for one second longer ... </s>
<s xml:id="MarQp1s2p114s6">For during that space of time ... </s>
<interp xml:id="moment">the moment</interp>
17.3 Spans and Interpretations
<seg xml:id="SS1-SS3" ana="#INTRO">
<s xml:id="SS1">Sigmund ... was a king in Frankish country.</s>
<s xml:id="SS2">Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons.</s>
<s xml:id="SS3">Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </s>
<s xml:id="SS4A" ana="#CONFLICT">But Sinfiotli ... wooed the same woman</s>
<s xml:id="SS4B" ana="#CLIMAX">and Sinfiotli killed him over it.</s>
<seg xml:id="SS5-SS17" ana="#REVENGE">
<s xml:id="SS5">And when he came home, ... she was obliged to accept it.</s>
<s xml:id="SS6">At the funeral feast Borghild was serving beer.</s>
<s xml:id="SS17">Sinfiotli drank it off and at once fell dead.</s>
<anchor xml:id="NIL1" ana="#RECONCIL"/>
<p xml:id="PP2">Sigmund carried him a long way in his arms ... </p>
<p xml:id="PP3">King Sigmund lived a long time in Denmark ... </p>
<p xml:id="PP4">Sigmund and all his sons were tall ... </p>
<join xml:id="PP2-PP4" targets="#PP2 #PP3 #PP4" ana="#AFTERM"/>
<p xml:id="para3">(The "aftermath" continues here)</p>
<p xml:id="para4">(The "aftermath" ends in this paragraph)</p>
<!-- ... -->
<span type="structure" from="#para2" to="#para4">aftermath</span>
<p xml:id="fr_para3">(la "conséquence" continue ici)</p>
<p xml:id="fr_para4">(la "conséquence" se termine dans ce paragraphe)</p>
<span type="structure" from="#fr_para2" to="#para4">conséquence</span>
<p xml:id="zh-tw_第三小節">("結局"持續)</p>
<p xml:id="zh-tw_第四小節">("結局"結束於此)</p>
<!-- ... -->
<span type="架構" from="第二小節" to="第四小節">結局</span>
18 Feature Structures
<title>A sample FSD based on an extract from Gazdar
et al.'s GPSG feature system for English</title>
<resp>encoded by</resp>
<name>Gary F. Simons</name>
<p>This sample was first encoded by Gary F. Simons (Summer
Institute of Linguistics, Dallas, TX) on January 28, 1991.
Revised April 8, 1993 to match the specification of FSDs
in version P2 of the TEI Guidelines. Revised again December 2004 to
be consistent with the feature structure representation standard
jointly developed with ISO TC37/SC4.
<p>This sample FSD does not describe a complete feature
system. It is based on extracts from the feature system
for English presented in the appendix (pages 245–247) of
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, by Gazdar, Klein,
Pullum, and Sag (Harvard University Press, 1985).</p>
<fsDecl type="GPSG">
<fsDescr>Encodes a feature structure for the GPSG analysis
of English (after Gazdar, Klein, Pullum, and Sag)</fsDescr>
<fDecl name="INV">
<fDescr>inverted sentence</fDescr>
<binary value="true"/>
<binary value="false"/>
<binary value="false"/>
<fDecl name="CONJ">
<fDescr>surface form of the conjunction</fDescr>
<symbol value="and"/>
<symbol value="both"/>
<symbol value="but"/>
<symbol value="either"/>
<symbol value="neither"/>
<symbol value="nor"/>
<symbol value="or"/>
<symbol value="NIL"/>
<binary value="false"/>
<fDecl name="COMP">
<fDescr>surface form of the complementizer</fDescr>
<symbol value="for"/>
<symbol value="that"/>
<symbol value="whether"/>
<symbol value="if"/>
<symbol value="NIL"/>
<f name="VFORM">
<symbol value="INF"/>
<f name="SUBJ">
<binary value="true"/>
<symbol value="for"/>
<fDecl name="AGR">
<fDescr>agreement for person and number</fDescr>
<fs type="Agreement"/>
<fDecl name="PFORM">
<fDescr>word form of a preposition</fDescr>
<f name="INV">
<binary value="true"/>
<f name="AUX">
<binary value="true"/>
<f name="VFORM">
<symbol value="FIN"/>
<f name="BAR">
<symbol value="0"/>
<f name="N">
<binary value="true"/>
<f name="V">
<binary value="true"/>
<f name="SUBCAT">
<binary value="true"/>
<f name="BAR">
<symbol value="1"/>
<f name="SUBCAT">
<binary value="false"/>
<fsDecl type="Agreement">
<fsDescr>This type of feature structure encodes the features
for subject-verb agreement in English</fsDescr>
<fDecl name="PERS">
<fDescr>person (first, second, or third)</fDescr>
<symbol value="1"/>
<symbol value="2"/>
<symbol value="3"/>
<fDecl name="NUM">
<fDescr>number (singular or plural)</fDescr>
<symbol value="sg"/>
<symbol value="pl"/>
20 Non-hierarchical Structures
20.1 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information
<seg>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>
<seg>critic, you have frowned, Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
<seg>with this key Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
<seg>the melody Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's wound.</seg>
20.1 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information
<seg>Catholic woman of twenty-seven with five children And a
first-rate body—pointed her finger at the back of one certain man and
asked me, "Is that guy a psychiatrist?" and by god he was!</seg>
<seg>"Yes," She said, "He <emph>looks</emph> like a
<seg>Grown quiet, I looked at his pink back, and thought.</seg>
20.2 Boundary Marking with Empty Elements
<lb n="1"/>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>; <seg>critic, you have
frowned, <lb n="2"/>Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
<seg>with this
key <lb n="3"/>Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
<seg>the melody
<lb n="4"/>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's
20.3 Fragmentation and Reconstitution of Virtual Elements
<w xml:id="w01">Scorn</w>
<w xml:id="w02">not</w>
<w xml:id="w03">the</w>
<w xml:id="w04">sonnet</w>; <w xml:id="w05">critic</w>, <w xml:id="w06">you</w>
<w xml:id="w07">have</w>
<w xml:id="w08">frowned</w>,
<w xml:id="w09">Mindless</w>
<w xml:id="w10">of</w>
<w xml:id="w11">its</w>
<w xml:id="w12">just</w>
<w xml:id="w13">honours</w>; <w xml:id="w14">with</w>
<w xml:id="w15">this</w>
<w xml:id="w16">key</w>
<w xml:id="w17">Shakespeare</w>
<w xml:id="w18">unlocked</w>
<w xml:id="w19">his</w>
<w xml:id="w20">heart</w>; <w xml:id="w21">the</w>
<w xml:id="w22">melody</w>
<w xml:id="w23">Of</w>
<w xml:id="w24">this</w>
<w xml:id="w25">small</w>
<w xml:id="w26">lute</w>
<w xml:id="w27">gave</w>
<w xml:id="w28">ease</w>
<w xml:id="w29">to</w>
<w xml:id="w30">Petrarch's</w>
<w xml:id="w31">wound</w>.
<!-- Elsewhere in the document -->
<join result="s" scope="root" targets="#w01 #w02 #w03 #w04"/>
targets="#w05 #w06 #w07 #w08 #w09 #w10 #w11 #w12 #w13"/>
<join result="s" scope="root"
targets="#w14 #w15 #w16 #w17 #w18 #w19 #w20"/>
targets="#w21 #w22 #w23 #w24 #w25 #w26 #w27 #w28 #w29 #w30 #w31"/>
21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty
<certainty locus="name" degree="0.3" match=".//persName"/>
22 Documentation Elements
such as <code>x=y/z</code> will usually cause a fatal error.</p>
element names when they appear in the text; the
<gi>tag</gi> element however is used to show how a tag as
such might appear. So one might talk of an occurrence of the
<gi>blort</gi> element which had been tagged
<tag>blort type='runcible'</tag>. The
<att>type</att> attribute may take any name token as
value; the default value is <val>spqr</val>, in memory of
its creator.</p>
22.1.2 Element and Attribute Descriptions
<head>Element and attribute descriptions</head>
<p>Within the body of a document using this module, the following
elements may be used to reference parts of the specification elements
discussed in section <ptr target="#TDcrystals"/>, in particular the
brief prose descriptions these provide for elements and attributes.
<specDesc key="specList"/>
<specDesc key="specDesc"/>
<p>TEI practice requires that a <gi>specList</gi> listing the elements
<!-- ... -->
<att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>,
and <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">style</att> is not among them.</p>
<att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>,
<att>xml:space</att>, et <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">style</att>n'en fait pas
partie .</p>
<att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>,
和<att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">style</att> 不在其中。</p>
<gi>term</gi> element is declared using the following syntax:
<eg><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT term (%phrase.content;)>]]</eg>
<eg><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT term (%phrase.content;)>]]</eg>
<eg><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT term (%phrase.content;)>]]</eg>
<gi scheme="DBK">listItem</gi> element.</p>
l'est l'élément <gi scheme="DBK">listItem</gi>.</p>
<specGrp xml:id="RED">
<elementSpec ident="beetroot">
<!-- ... -->
<elementSpec ident="east">
<!-- ... -->
<elementSpec ident="rose">
<!-- ... -->
and two blue ones:
<specGrp xml:id="BLUE">
<elementSpec ident="sky">
<!-- ... -->
<elementSpec ident="bayou">
<!-- ... -->
<head>An overview of the imaginary module</head>
<p>The imaginary module contains declarations for coloured things:
<specGrpRef target="#RED"/>
<specGrpRef target="#BLUE"/>
organisations: <specGrpRef target="#names.pers"/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<!-- elsewhere -->
<specGrp xml:id="names.pers">
<!--... -->
<!-- elsewhere -->
<specGrp xml:id="">
<!--... -->
<!-- elsewhere -->
<specGrp xml:id="">
<!--... -->
des organismes : <specGrpRef target="#fr_names.pers"/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<specGrp xml:id="fr_names.pers"/>
<specGrp xml:id=""/>
<specGrp xml:id=""/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<specGrpRef target=""/>
<!-- 某處 -->
<specGrp xml:id="zh-tw_names.pers">
<!--... -->
<!-- 某處 -->
<specGrp xml:id="">
<!--... -->
<!-- 某處 -->
<specGrp xml:id="">
<!--... -->
<desc>groups elements used for arbitrary segmentation. </desc>
<memberOf key="model.phrase"/>
<p>The principles on which segmentation is carried out, and
any special codes or attribute values used, should be defined explicitly
in the <gi>segmentation</gi> element of the <gi>encodingDesc</gi> within
the associated TEI header.</p>
<desc>regroupe des éléments utilisés pour des segmentations arbitraires. </desc>
<memberOf key="model.phrase"/>
<p>Les principes selon lesquels la segmentation est effectuée, et tous les codes
spéciaux ou toutes les valeurs d'attribut utilisées, devraient être définis
explicitement dans l'élément<gi>segmentation</gi> de l'élément<gi>encodingDesc</gi>
dans l'en-tête TEI associé.</p>
<memberOf key="model.phrase"/>
<p>The principles on which segmentation is carried out, and any special codes or attribute
values used, should be defined explicitly in the <gi>segmentation</gi> element of the
<gi>encodingDesc</gi> within the associated TEI header.</p>
22.4.1 Description of Components
<!--... -->
<p>This element is intended for use only where no other element
is available to mark the phrase or words concerned. The global
<att>xml:lang</att> attribute should be used in preference to this element
where it is intended to mark the language of the whole of some text
<p>The <gi>distinct</gi> element may be used to identify phrases
belonging to sublanguages or registers not generally regarded as true
<!--... -->
<p>This element is probably redundant.</p>
<p>Cet élément est probablement superflu.</p>
<p>The <gi>name</gi> element can be used for both personal names and place names:</p>
<eg><![CDATA[ <q>My dear <name type="person">Mr.
Bennet</name>,</q> said his lady to him one day,
<q>have you heard that <name type="place">Netherfield
Park</name> is let at last?</q>]]></eg>
<p>As shown above, the <att>type</att> attribute may be used to distinguish the one from the
<p>L'élément<gi>name</gi> est employé à la fois pour les noms propres de personne et de
lieu : </p>
<eg> <q>
<name type="person">Mrs. Parker</name>, connaît un épicier bulgare, nommé, <name
type="person">Popochef Rosenfeld</name>qui vient d'arriver de <name type="place"
>Constantinople</name>. C'est un grand spécialiste en yaourts.</q>
<p>Comme il est indiqué ci-dessus, l'attribut<att>type</att> peut être utilisé pour
distinguer un élément de l'autre.</p>
<eg><![CDATA[ <q>我親愛的 <name
type="person">班耐特</name>先生,</q> 有一天太太對他說,
<q>你聽到<name type="place">尼得斐莊園</name>
<p>如上所示,<att>屬性值</att> 可用來分辨人名或地名。</p>
<attDef ident="type">
<desc>describes the form of the list.</desc>
<valList type="semi">
<valItem ident="ordered">
<desc>list items are numbered or lettered. </desc>
<valItem ident="bulleted">
<desc>list items are marked with a bullet or other
typographic device. </desc>
<valItem ident="simple">
<desc>list items are not numbered or bulleted.</desc>
<valItem ident="gloss">
<desc>each list item glosses some term or
concept, which is given by a label element preceding
the list item.</desc>
<p>The formal syntax of the element declarations allows
<gi>label</gi> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <tag>list
type="gloss"</tag>; this is however a semantic error.</p>
23 Using the TEI
23.2.2 Modification and Namespaces
<!-- ... -->
<p n="12" my:topic="rabbits">Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and