<set> (배경) (무대 지시가 아닌) 인쇄된 공연 텍스트의 전반부 자료에서 전형적으로 나타나는 희곡 이야기 전개에서 배경, 시대, 장소, 상황 등에 관한 기술을 포함한다. 7.1 Front and Back Matter | |
모듈 | drama — 7 Performance Texts |
에 의해 사용된 | |
포함할 수 있다 |
core: bibl biblStruct cb cit desc gap head index l label lb lg list listBibl milestone note p pb q quote said sp stage
dictionaries: entry entryFree superEntry
header: biblFull
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: listEvent listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace
tagdocs: classRef classSpec eg egXML elementRef elementSpec listRef macroRef macroSpec moduleRef moduleSpec schemaSpec specGrp specGrpRef
textstructure: floatingText
선언 |
element set { att.global.attributes, ( ( model.headLike | model.global )*, ( ( model.common ), model.global* )* ) } |
예 |
<p>The action takes place on February 7th between the hours of noon and six in the afternoon, close to the Trenartha Tin Plate Works, on the borders of England and Wales, where a strike has been in progress throughout the winter.</p> </set> |
예 | |
예 |
<!-- <titlePage>, <div type="Dedication">, etc. --> <set> <list type="gloss"> <label>TIME</label> <item>1907</item> <label>PLACE</label> <item>East Coast village in England</item> </list> </set> </front> |