<lb> (分行) 標記某版本文本裡 (在印刷上) 的新起行。 3.10.3 Milestone Elements 7.2.4 Speech Contents | |
組件 | core — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents |
除全域屬性以外 | att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sourced (@ed) att.spanning (@spanTo) |
屬於 | |
可包含 | 空白元素 |
宣告 |
element lb { att.global.attributes, att.typed.attributes, att.sourced.attributes, att.spanning.attributes, empty } |
例子 |
This example shows typographical line breaks within metrical lines, where they occur at different places in different editions: <l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l> <l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l> |