屬性 | att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @rend, @rendition, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) att.pointing (@target, @evaluate) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls)
cRef | (canonical reference) 用元素refsDecl在TEI標頭內所定義的標準參照來說明指標所指位置。狀態 | 非必備的 |
資料類型 | 1–∞ 次可出現: 以空白鍵隔開 |
值 | the value of cRef should be constructed so
that when the algorithm for the resolution of canonical
references (described in section 16.2.5 Canonical References) is
applied to it the result is a valid URI reference to the
intended target |