<schemaSpec> (schema specification) generates a TEI-conformant schema and documentation for it.Modul tagdocs — 22 Documentation Elements Attribute att.global (@xml:id , @n , @xml:lang , @rend , @rendition , @xml:base , @xml:space ) (att.global.linking (@corresp , @synch , @sameAs , @copyOf , @next , @prev , @exclude , @select )) (att.global.analytic (@ana )) (att.global.facs (@facs )) att.identified (@ident , @predeclare , @module , @status ) (att.combinable (@mode )) att.readFrom (@source )
start specifies entry points to the schema, i.e. which elements
may be used as the root of documents conforming to
it. Zustand Optional
Datentyp 1–∞ Vorkommen von Vom kompakten zum XML-Format Vom XML-Format zum kompakten <rng:ref name="data.name "/>
data.name Durch Leerzeichen getrennt
ns (namespace) specifies the default namespace (if any) applicable to
components of the schema.Zustand Optional
prefix specifies a default prefix which will be prepended to all patterns
relating to TEI elements, unless otherwise stated. This allows for external schemas to be mixed in
which have elements of the same names as the TEI.
Zustand Optional
Datentyp Vom kompakten zum XML-Format Vom XML-Format zum kompakten <rng:choice> <rng:value/> <rng:ref name="data.name "/> </rng:choice>
"" | data.name
targetLang (target language) specifies which language to use when creating
the objects in a schema if names for elements or attributes are available in more
than one language, .Zustand Optional
docLang (documentation language) specifies which languages to
use when creating documentation if the description for an element, attribute, class or macro
is available in more than one language, .Zustand Optional
Datentyp 1–∞ Vorkommen von Durch Leerzeichen getrennt
Verwendet von Enthalten in Kann enthalten
Deklaration Vom kompakten zum XML-Format Vom XML-Format zum kompakten <rng:element name="schemaSpec "> <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.global.linking.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.global.analytic.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.global.facs.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.identified.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.combinable.attributes "/> <rng:ref name="att.readFrom.attributes "/> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name="start " a:defaultValue="TEI "> <rng:list> <rng:ref name="data.name "/> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name="data.name "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:list> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name="ns " a:defaultValue="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 "> <rng:ref name="data.namespace "/> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name="prefix "> <rng:choice> <rng:value/> <rng:ref name="data.name "/> </rng:choice> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name="targetLang "> <rng:ref name="data.language "/> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name="docLang "> <rng:list> <rng:ref name="data.language "/> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name="data.language "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:list> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:group> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name="model.glossLike "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:choice> <rng:ref name="model.oddRef "/> <rng:ref name="model.oddDecl "/> </rng:choice> </rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name="constraintSpec "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:group> </rng:element>
element schemaSpec
att.global.attributes ,
att.global.linking.attributes ,
att.global.analytic.attributes ,
att.global.facs.attributes ,
att.identified.attributes ,
att.combinable.attributes ,
att.readFrom.attributes ,
attribute start { list { data.name , data.name * } }?,
attribute ns { data.namespace }?,
attribute prefix { "" | data.name }?,
attribute targetLang { data.language }?,
attribute docLang { list { data.language , data.language * } }?,
( model.glossLike *, ( model.oddRef | model.oddDecl )*, constraintSpec * )
<schemaSpec prefix="TEI_ " ident="testsvg " start="TEI svg "> <moduleRef source="tei:5.1 " key="header "/> <moduleRef key="core "/> <moduleRef key="drama "/> <moduleRef url="svg11.rng "/> </schemaSpec>
This schema combines elements from the current versions of the drama and core
modules, the TEI 5.1 release version of the header module, and elements
from an existing RELAXNG schema available from the URL indicated.