
att.readFrom groups specification elements which derive components from some external source.
Moduletei — 1 The TEI Infrastructure
MembersclassRef elementRef macroRef moduleRef schemaSpec
sourcespecifies the source from which declarations and definitions for the components of the object being defined may be obtained.
Status Optional

<rng:data type="anyURI"/>
The context indicated must provide a set of TEI-conformant specifications in a form directly usable by an ODD processor. By default, this will be the location of the current release of the TEI Guidelines.
The source may be specified in the form of a private URI, for which the form recommended is tei:x.y.z, where x.y.z indicates the version number, e.g. tei:5.1 for the most recent version of P5 release 1, or tei:5.2.11 for release 2.1.1 of P5.