Exemple: <surface>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <surface> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <surface> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

1 The TEI Infrastructure

1.4.2 Datatype Macros


  <zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">
   <graphic url="handwriting.png "/>

11 Representation of Primary Sources

11.1 Digital Facsimiles

 <graphic url="page1.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
 <graphic url="page3.png"/>
 <graphic url="page4.png"/>

11.1 Digital Facsimiles

 <surfaceGrp n="leaf1">
   <graphic url="page1.png"/>
   <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
   <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>

11.1 Digital Facsimiles




11.1 Digital Facsimiles





<!-- left hand page -->

<!-- right hand page -->

<!--- written part of left hand page -->

11.1 Digital Facsimiles


  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>

11.1 Digital Facsimiles


  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>

<!-- contains the title -->

<!-- contains the paragraph in italics -->

<!-- contains the figure -->

<!-- contains the word "pendans" -->

11.1 Digital Facsimiles


  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
    points="4.8,31.0 5.4,30.7 5.5,32.2 5.8,32.8 6.1,33.4 5.5,33.7 5.1,33.3 4.6,32.2"/>


11.2.1 Parallel Transcription



   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>

   <graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>

<!-- contains the title -->

<!-- contains the first paragraph in italics -->

<!-- contains the figure -->

<!-- contains the word "pendans" -->

11.2.1 Parallel Transcription

 <surface start="#PB49R">
  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<!-- ... -->
   <pb xml:id="PB49R"/>
   <fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<!-- ... -->


 <graphic url="page1.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
 <graphic url="page3.png"/>
 <graphic url="page4.png"/>



  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>


 <surfaceGrp n="leaf1">
  <surface facs="page1.png">
   <zone>All the writing on page 1</zone>
   <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
   <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
    <line>A line of writing on page 2</line>
    <line>Another line of writing on page 2</line>



  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>



   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>

   <graphic url="Bovelles-49v.png"/>



 <graphic url="stone.jpg"/>
   points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.19222,7.4125 9.89222,6.5875 10.9422,6.1375 11.4422,6.7125 8.21722,8.3125 6.2,7.65"/>





   <graphic url="graphic.png "/>

11.2.2 Embedded Transcription



   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<!-- ... -->

   <line>LEs cloches ont quasi
   <line>gures de rondes pyra</line>
   <line>mides imperfaictes &
   <line> irregulieres: &amp; leur accord se</line>
   <line> fait par reigle geometrique. Com</line>
   <line>me si les deux cloches C
       &amp; D </line>
   <line> sont <zone
pendans</zone> à ung mesme axe</line>
   <line> ou essieu A B: je dis que
       leur ac</line>
   <line>cord se fera en cõtraires parties</line>
   <line> cõme
       voyez icy figuré. Car quãd </line>
   <line> lune sera en hault, laultre
       declinera embas. Aultrement si elles declinent toutes deux ensembles en une
       mesme partie, elles seront discord,</line>
   <line> &amp; sera leur sonnerie
       mal plaisante à oyr.</line>

   <graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>

11.2.2 Embedded Transcription

  <line>As in Visions of — at</line>
  <line>night —</line>
  <line>All sorts of fancies running through</line>
  <line>the head</line>
  <surface type="newsprint" attachment="glue" flipping="false">
   <zone>Spring has just set in here, and the weather.... a steamer </zone>
   <metamark function="sequence">2</metamark>
  <surface type="newsprint" attachment="glue" flipping="false">
   <zone>"The shores on either side of the Sound are... The In- </zone>
   <metamark function="sequence">3</metamark>
</surface> Metamarks

 <metamark function="used" rend="line" target="#X2"/>
 <zone xml:id="X2">
  <line>I am that halfgrown <add>angry</add> boy, fallen asleep</line>
  <line>The tears of foolish passion yet undried</line>
  <line>upon my cheeks.</line>
<!-- ... -->
  <line>I pass through <add>the</add> travels and <del>fortunes</del> of
  <line>years and become old,</line>
  <line>Each in its due order comes and goes,</line>
  <line>And thus a message for me comes.</line>
 <metamark function="used" target="#X2">Entered - Yes</metamark>

11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone



  <line>As in Visions of — at</line>
  <line>night —</line>
  <line>All sorts of fancies running through</line>
  <line>the head</line>

  <surface type="newsprint" attachment="glue" flipping="false">
   <zone>Spring has just set in here, and the weather.... a steamer </zone>
   <metamark function="sequence">2</metamark>

11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone



<!-- ... -->
  <line>the head</line>


Spring has just set in here, and the
       weather .... a steamer </zone>

11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone


 <graphic url="whitman-02.jpg"/>
   points="142,122 155,113 178,122 208,144 198,154 178,139"/>


11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone


 <graphic url="stone.jpg"/>
   points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.2,7.4 9.9,6.6 10.9,6.1 11.4,6.7 8.2,8.3 6.2,7.6"/>


11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone


<!-- ... -->

11.4 Advanced uses of Surface and Zone





11 Representation of Primary Sources

 <surfaceGrp type="quire" n="1">
  <surfaceGrp type="leaf" n="1">
   <surface type="recto" n="1r">
<!-- ... -->
   <surface type="verso" n="1v">
<!-- ... -->
  <surfaceGrp type="leaf" n="2">
   <surface type="recto" n="2r">
<!-- ... -->
   <surface type="verso" n="2v">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- other leaves in first quire -->
<!-- other quires here -->

11.7 Changes

  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change target="#zone_1 #subst_3">First stage, written in ink by a scribe</change>
     target="#zone_2 #mod_1 #line_1 #line_2 #subst_1 #subst_2 #subst_4 #delSpan_1">
Revised by Goethe using pencil</change>
     target="#redo_1 #redo_2 #redo_3 #subst_1 #subst_2 #delSpan_1 #add_1">
Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by Goethe using
<!-- ... -->
  <zone xml:id="zone_1">
   <line xml:id="line_1">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_t" xml:id="redo_1">Nun</retrace>
    <handShift new="#jo_t"/>Ihr wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</line>
   <line xml:id="line_2">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_t" xml:id="redo_2">feiſt</retrace>
   <line>Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel ſatt.</line> [...] </zone>
  <l n="11656">
   <subst xml:id="subst_1">
   </subst> wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</l>
  <l n="11657">Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel <subst xml:id="subst_2">


  <line>As in Visions of — at</line>
  <line>night —</line>
  <line>All sorts of fancies running through</line>
  <line>the head</line>