例子: <expan> (expansion)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <expan> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <expan> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.5.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions

 <expan>World Wide Web Consortium</expan>

3.5.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions

   language for <choice>
   <expan>extensible markup
  </choice>, next


 <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan>
 <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="high" xml:lang="fr">OTAN</abbr>


 <expan xml:lang="la">senatus populusque romanorum</expan>




 <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan>


The address is Southmoor <choice>


Il habite<choice>
</choice>de la Paix




<expan xml:lang="la">

10 Manuscript Description

10.6.1 The <msItem> and <msItemStruct> Elements

 <msItem defective="true">
  <locus from="1r" to="9v">1r-9v</locus>
  <title>Knýtlinga saga</title>
  <msItem n="1.1">
   <locus from="1r:1" to="2v:30">1r:1-2v:30</locus>
   <incipit defective="true">dan<ex>n</ex>a a
   <explicit defective="true">en meðan <expan>haraldr</expan>
       hein hafði k<ex>onung</ex>r v<am>

       yf<ex>ir</ex> danmork</explicit>
<!-- msItems 1.2 to 1.4 -->


<msItemStruct n="2" defective="false" class="biblComm">
 <locus from="24v" to="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus
   in apoka<lb/>lipsin eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<expan>iscop</expan>i
   Pacensis eccl<expan>esi</expan>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<expan>IT</expan> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS
   QVA<expan>M</expan> EXPOSVIT DOM<lb/>NVS APRINGIUS EP<expan>ISCOPU</expan>S.
   DEO GR<expan>ACI</expan>AS AGO. FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


<msItemStruct n="2" defective="false" class="biblComm">
 <locus from="24v" to="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus in apoka<lb/>lipsin
   eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<expan>iscop</expan>i Pacensis eccl<expan>esi</expan>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<expan>IT</expan> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS QVA<expan>M</expan>
   EXPOSVIT DOM<lb/>NVS APRINGIUS EP<expan>ISCOPU</expan>S. DEO GR<expan>ACI</expan>AS AGO.
   FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


<rubric>Nu koma Skyckiu Rym<expan>ur</expan>.</rubric>
<rubric>Incipit liber de consciencia humana a beatissimo Bernardo editus.</rubric>
 <locus>16. f. 28v in margin: </locus>Dicta Cassiodori


<rubric>Nu koma Skyckiu Rym<expan>ur</expan>.</rubric>
<rubric>Incipit liber de consciencia humana a beatissimo Bernardo editus.</rubric>
 <locus>16. f. 28v in margin: </locus>Dicta Cassiodori

11 Representation of Primary Sources Abbreviation and Expansion

<expan>persone</expan> ... Abbreviation and Expansion

 <abbr>eu<g ref="#b-er">er</g>y</abbr>
</choice> Abbreviation and Expansion

</expan> ... Abbreviation and Expansion

For alle the while that I had
 <expan resp="#mp" cert="high">good<ex>e</ex>
</choice> I was


The address is Southmoor <choice>


Il habite au 15 <choice>




 <ex>ustorum duo</ex>

21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

You will want to use
 <expan xml:id="CE-e1">Standard
   Generalized Markup Language</expan>
 <expan xml:id="CE-e40">Some Grandiose Methodology for Losers</expan>
</choice> ...

<!-- ... -->
<certainty target="#CE-e1" locus="value" degree="0.9"/>
<certainty target="#CE-e40" locus="value" degree="0.5"/>