例子: <metDecl> (metrical notation declaration)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <metDecl> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <metDecl> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

6 Verse

6.3.3 Metrical Analysis of Stanzaic Verse

<metDecl type="met" pattern="((E|S)/)+)">
 <metSym value="E" terminal="false">xxxxxxxxx+o</metSym>
 <metSym value="S" terminal="false">xxxxx+o</metSym>
 <metSym value="x">metrically prominent or non-prominent</metSym>
 <metSym value="+">metrically prominent</metSym>
 <metSym value="o">optional non prominent</metSym>
 <metSym value="/">line division</metSym>

6.5 Metrical Notation Declaration

<metDecl pattern="((1|0)+\|?/?)*">
 <metSym value="1">metrical prominence</metSym>
 <metSym value="0">metrical non-prominence</metSym>
 <metSym value="|">foot boundary</metSym>
 <metSym value="/">metrical line boundary</metSym>

6.5 Metrical Notation Declaration

 <p>Metrically prominent syllables are marked '1' and other
   syllables '0'. Foot divisions are marked by a vertical bar,
   and line divisions with a solidus.</p>
 <p>This notation may be applied to any metrical unit, of any
   size (including, for example, individual feet as well as
   groups of lines).</p>

6.5 Metrical Notation Declaration

<metDecl pattern="[DTIS3A]+">
 <metSym n="dactyl" value="D" terminal="false">-oo</metSym>
 <metSym n="trochee" value="T" terminal="false">-o</metSym>
 <metSym n="iamb" value="I" terminal="false">o-</metSym>
 <metSym n="spondee" value="S" terminal="false">--</metSym>
 <metSym n="tribrach" value="3" terminal="false">ooo</metSym>
 <metSym n="anapaest" value="A" terminal="false">oo-</metSym>
 <metSym value="o">short syllable</metSym>
 <metSym value="-">long syllable</metSym>


<metDecl xml:id="ip" type="met" pattern="((SU|US)USUSUSUS/)">
 <metSym value="S">stressed syllable</metSym>
 <metSym value="U">unstressed syllable</metSym>
 <metSym value="/">metrical line boundary</metSym>


<metDecl xml:id="fr_ip" type="met" pattern="((AATAAT|AATAATA\)">
 <metSym value="T">syllabe tonique</metSym>
 <metSym value="A">syllabe atone</metSym>
 <metSym value="|">pause métrique</metSym>


<metDecl xml:id="zh-tw_ip" type="met" pattern="((SU|US)USUSUSUS/)">
 <metSym value="S">仄聲</metSym>
 <metSym value="U">平聲</metSym>
 <metSym value="/">詩行分界線</metSym>