예: <valList> (값 목록)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <valList> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <valList> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.3.4 Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions

<valList type="open">
 <valItem ident="susp">
  <desc>the abbreviation provides the first letter(s)
     of the word or phrase, omitting the remainder.</desc>
 <valItem ident="contr">
  <desc>the abbreviation omits some letter(s) in the middle.</desc>

7 Performance Texts

7.2.4 Stage Directions

<schemaSpec ident="myDrama">
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="structure"/>
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="drama"/>
 <elementSpec ident="stage" mode="change">
   <attDef ident="type" mode="replace">
    <valList type="closed">
     <valItem ident="setting">
      <desc>describes the set</desc>
     <valItem ident="blocking">
      <desc>describes movement across stage, position, etc.</desc>
     <valItem ident="business">
      <desc>describes movement other than blocking</desc>
     <valItem ident="delivery">
      <desc>describes how the line is said</desc>
     <valItem ident="motivation">
      <desc>describes character's emotional state or through line</desc>

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places

13.3.2 The Person Element

<elementSpec ident="person" module="namesdates" mode="change">
  <attDef mode="replace" ident="age">
    <rng:ref name="data.enumerated"/>
   <valList type="closed">
    <valItem ident="child">
     <desc>less than 18 years of age</desc>
    <valItem ident="adult">
     <desc>18 to 65 years of age</desc>
    <valItem ident="retired">
     <desc>over 65 years of age</desc>

22 Documentation Elements


<elementSpec ident="hi" mode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
 <desc>bold typography</desc>
  <attDef ident="rend">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bo" mode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD" uri="http://www.typesrus.com/bold"/>


<elementSpec ident="hi" mode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
 <desc>caractères gras</desc>
  <attDef ident="rend">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bo" mode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD" uri="http://www.typesrus.com/bold"/>


<elementSpec ident="hi" mode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
  <attDef ident="rend">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bo" mode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD" uri="http://www.typesrus.com/bold"/>
</elementSpec> Value Specification

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="mwa">
  <gloss>mandatory when applicable</gloss>
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="rwa">
  <gloss>recommended when applicable</gloss>
 <valItem ident="opt">
</valList> Examples

 <attDef ident="type">
  <desc>describes the form of the list.</desc>
  <valList type="semi">
   <valItem ident="ordered">
    <desc>list items are numbered or lettered. </desc>
   <valItem ident="bulleted">
    <desc>list items are marked with a bullet or other
         typographic device. </desc>
   <valItem ident="simple">
    <desc>list items are not numbered or bulleted.</desc>
   <valItem ident="gloss">
    <desc>each list item glosses some term or
         concept, which is given by a label element preceding
         the list item.</desc>
   <p>The formal syntax of the element declarations allows
   <gi>label</gi> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <tag>list
         type="gloss"</tag>; this is however a semantic error.</p>


<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
<!-- <valItem ident="mwa"> <gloss>mandatory when applicable</gloss> </valItem> -->
<!-- [LR] commenting rwa and mwa until we're sure my changes are OK -->
 <valItem ident="rec">
<!-- <valItem ident="rwa"> <gloss>recommended when applicable</gloss> </valItem> -->
 <valItem ident="opt">


<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="mwa">
  <gloss>obligatoire quand c'est applicable.</gloss>
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="rwa">
  <gloss>recommandé quand c'est applicable.</gloss>
 <valItem ident="opt">


<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="mwa">
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="rwa">
 <valItem ident="opt">

23 Using the TEI Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists

<elementSpec ident="eg" module="tagdocs" mode="change">
  <attDef ident="source" ns="http://example.com/ns" mode="add">
   <desc>specifies the source of an example by supplying one of three
       predefined codes for it.</desc>
   <datatype maxOccurs="1">
    <rng:ref name="data.word"/>
   <valList type="closed">
    <valItem ident="A">
     <desc>Examples taken from the A-list</desc>
    <valItem ident="B">
     <desc>Examples taken from the B-list</desc>
    <valItem ident="C">
     <desc>Examples taken from the C-list</desc>
</elementSpec> Classes

<classSpec module="verse" type="atts" ident="att.enjamb">
  <attDef ident="enjamb" usage="opt">
   <desc>indicates whether the end of a verse line is marked by enjambement.</desc>
    <rng:ref name="data.enumerated"/>
   <valList type="open">
    <valItem ident="no">
     <desc>the line is end-stopped
    <valItem ident="yes">
     <desc>the line in question runs on into the next
    <valItem ident="weak">
     <desc>the line is weakly enjambed
    <valItem ident="strong">
     <desc>the line is strongly enjambed</desc>
</classSpec> Classes

<attDef ident="full" usage="opt">
 <valList type="closed">
  <valItem ident="yes">
   <desc>the name component is spelled out in full.</desc>
  <valItem ident="abb">
   <desc>the name component is given in an abbreviated form.</desc>
  <valItem ident="init">
   <gloss>initial letter</gloss>
   <desc>the name component is indicated only by one initial.</desc>