
<back> (paratexto final) contiene cualquier tipo de apéndice, etc. que aparece detrás del texto. [4.7 Back Matter 4 Default Text Structure]
Módulotextstructure — 4 Default Text Structure
Atributosatt.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @rend, @style, @rendition, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) att.declaring (@decls)
Usado por
Contenido en
textstructure: floatingText text
transcr: facsimile
Puede contener

<rng:element name="back">
 <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.linking.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.analytic.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.facs.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.change.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.declaring.attributes"/>
    <rng:ref name="model.frontPart"/>
    <rng:ref name="model.pLike.front"/>
    <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
       <rng:ref name="model.div1Like"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.frontPart"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.div1Like"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
       <rng:ref name="model.divLike"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.frontPart"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.divLike"/>
        <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
     <rng:ref name="model.divBottomPart"/>
      <rng:ref name="model.divBottomPart"/>
      <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
element back
      ( model.frontPart | model.pLike.front | model.global )*,
               ( model.div1Like ),
               ( model.frontPart | model.div1Like | model.global )*
          | (
               ( model.divLike ),
               ( model.frontPart | model.divLike | model.global )*
      ( ( ( model.divBottomPart ), ( model.divBottomPart | model.global )* )? )
 <div1 type="appendix">
  <head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>
  <p>To shew the Depravity of human Nature </p>
 <div1 type="epistle">
  <head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>
  <p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please </p>
 <div1 type="advert">
  <head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr
     Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>
   <item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>
   <item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item>
   <item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,
       10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>
 <div1 type="advert">
   <hi rend="center">By the KING's Royal Patent,</hi> Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the
     Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.</head>
   <item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &amp;c.
       2s. 6d</item>
   <item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item>