
<reg> (regularización) contiene una lectura que ha sido regularizada o normalizada en algún sentido. [3.4.2 Regularization and Normalization 12 Critical Apparatus]
Módulocore — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
Atributosatt.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @rend, @style, @rendition, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) att.editLike (@evidence, @source, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.responsibility (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
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dictionaries: lang oRef oVar pRef pVar
gaiji: g
header: biblFull idno
iso-fs: fLib fs fvLib
textstructure: floatingText
verse: caesura rhyme

If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been regularized, reg may be used alone:

<q>Please <reg>knock</reg> if an <reg>answer</reg> is <reg>required</reg>

It is also possible to identify the individual responsible for the regularization, and, using the choice and orig elements, to provide both the original and regularized readings:

<q>Please <choice>
  <reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>
 </choice> if an <choice>
 </choice> is <choice>