Ejemplo: <item>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <item> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <item> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 2 The TEI Header
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 7 Performance Texts
- 8 Transcriptions of Speech
- 10 Manuscript Description
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 15 Language Corpora
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
<said who="#Adolphe">— Alors, Albert,
quoi de neuf?</said>
<said who="#Albert">— Pas grand-chose.</said>
<said who="#Robert">— Il fait beau,</said>
dit Robert.
<!-- ... elsewhere in the document -->
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="Adolphe"/>
<item xml:id="Albert"/>
<item xml:id="Robert"/>
eight weeks with this very paper in his hand, and he says:—
<said who="#WilsonSpaulding">I wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a
red-headed man.</said>
<!-- ... -->
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="Wilson">Wilson</item>
<item xml:id="WilsonSpaulding">Spaulding reported by Wilson</item>
<!-- ...-->
<list type="gloss">
<item>Small and round</item>
<label>Upper arm</label>
<!-- ... -->
commodity="hops">ii bags hops</measure>
commodity="cloth">six trusses Woolen and linen goods</measure>
commodity="coal">5 tonnes coale</measure>
3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References
<item>Saints aid rejected in mel. <ptr target="#p299"/>
<item>Sallets censured <ptr target="#p143 #p144"/>
<item>Sanguine mel. signs <ptr target="#p263"/>
<item>Scilla or sea onyon, a purger of mel. <ptr target="#p442"/>
the composition of six, or even five quartos.
<list rend="runon" type="ordered">
<item>My first rough manuscript, without any
intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>
<item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human
eyes, excepting those of the author and the printer:
the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item>
the composition of six, or even five quartos.
<list rend="runon" type="ordered">
<item n="1">My first rough manuscript, without any
intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>
<item n="2">Not a sheet has been seen by any human
eyes, excepting those of the author and the printer:
the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item>
divided into <list>
<item n="a">those that belong to the Emperor, </item>
<item n="b">embalmed ones, </item>
<item n="c">those that are trained, </item>
<item n="d">suckling pigs, </item>
<item n="e">mermaids, </item>
<item n="f">fabulous ones, </item>
<item n="g">stray dogs, </item>
<item n="h">those that are included in this classification, </item>
<item n="i">those that tremble as if they were mad, </item>
<item n="j">innumerable ones, </item>
<item n="k">those drawn with a very fine camel's-hair brush, </item>
<item n="l">others, </item>
<item n="m">those that have just broken a flower vase, </item>
<item n="n">those that resemble flies from a distance. </item>
<head>Report of the conduct and progress of Ernest Pontifex.
Upper Vth form — half term ending Midsummer 1851</head>
<item>Idle listless and unimproving</item>
<label>Conduct in house</label>
<label>General conduct</label>
<item>Not satisfactory, on account of his great
unpunctuality and inattention to duties</item>
<head>Unit Three — Vocabulary</head>
<label xml:lang="la">acerbus, -a, -um </label>
<item>bitter, harsh</item>
<label xml:lang="la">ager, agrī, M. </label>
<label xml:lang="la">audiō, īre,
īvī, ītus </label>
<item>hear, listen (to)</item>
<label xml:lang="la">bellum, -ī, N. </label>
<label xml:lang="la">bonus, -a, -um </label>
<head>Unit Three — Vocabulary</head>
<term xml:lang="la">acerbus, -a, -um</term>
<gloss>bitter, harsh</gloss>
<term xml:lang="la">ager, agrī, M. </term>
<term xml:lang="la">audiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus</term>
<gloss>hear, listen (to)</gloss>
<term xml:lang="la">bellum, -ī, N. </term>
<term xml:lang="la">bonus, -a, -um</term>
preferable to the use of a worn-out expression.
<list type="gloss">
<label>bury the hatchet </label>
<item>stop fighting, make peace</item>
<label>at loose ends </label>
<label>on speaking terms </label>
<label>fair and square </label>
<item>completely honest</item>
<label>at death's door </label>
<item>near death</item>
<list type="simple">
<item>I am cast upon a horrible desolate island, void
of all hope of recovery.</item>
<item>I am singled out and separated as it were from
all the world to be miserable.</item>
<item>I am divided from mankind — a solitaire; one
banished from human society.</item>
<list type="simple">
<item>But I am alive; and not drowned, as all my
ship's company were.</item>
<item>But I am singled out, too, from all the ship's
crew, to be spared from death...</item>
<item>But I am not starved, and perishing on a barren place,
affording no sustenances....</item>
<item>a butcher</item>
<item>a baker</item>
<item>a candlestick maker, with <list type="bullets">
<item>rings on his fingers</item>
<item>bells on his toes</item>
<item>Thé sans sucre et sans lait </item>
<item>Un jus d'ananas</item>
<item>Un yaourt</item>
<item>Trois biscuits de seigle </item>
<item>Carottes râpées</item>
<item>Côtelettes d'agneau (deux)</item>
<item>Chèvre frais </item>
<p> Selon des critères qui n'appartiennent qu'à lui, Rémi Plassaert a classé ses buvards
en huit tas respectivement surmontés par :</p>
<list type="bullets">
<item>un toréador chantant (dentifrice émail Diamant)</item>
<item>un tapis d'Orient du XVIIe siècle, provenant d'une basilique de Transylvanie
(Kalium-Sedaph, soluté de propionate de potassium)</item>
<item>Le Renard et la Cicogne (sic), gravure de Jean-Baptiste Oudry (Papeteries
Marquaize, Stencyl, Reprographie)</item>
<p> [...] et tout autour, la longue cohorte de ses personnages, avec leur histoire, leur
passé, leurs légendes :</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item n="1">Pélage vainqueur d'Alkhamah se faisant couronner à Covadonga </item>
<item n="2">La cantatrice exilée de Russie suivant Schönberg à Amsterdam</item>
<item n="3">Le petit chat sourd aux yeux vairons vivant au dernier étage</item>
<item n="4">Le crétin chef d'îlot faisant préparer des tonneaux de sable</item>
<item>一個燭台工人<list type="bullets">
<list type="ordered">
<item n="1">守則一至五條包括八德:<list type="ordered">
<item n="1.1">一、忠勇為愛國之本 。</item>
<item n="1.2">二、服從為負責之本。</item>
<item n="1.3">三、孝順為齊家之本。</item>
<item n="1.4">四、勤儉為服務之本。</item>
<item n="1.5">五、仁愛為接物之本。</item>
<item n="2">六至九條意指四維:<list type="ordered">
<item n="2.1">六、整潔為強身之本。</item>
<item n="2.2">七、信義為立業之本。</item>
<item n="2.3">八、助人為快樂之本。</item>
<item n="2.4">九、和平為處世之本</item>
<item n="3">十至十二條就是三達德:<list type="ordered">
<item n="3.1">十、學問為濟世之本。</item>
<item n="3.2">十一、禮節為治事之本。</item>
<item n="3.3">十二、有恆為成功之本。</item>
<item>我們領悟:愉快的共同生活,全靠心靈溝通,所以,我們一定善用言語,不僅表達愛心、關心,也使彼此藉語言加深了解,一起成長。絕不粗聲叱責,絕不用肢體代替言語,絕不允許發生婚姻暴力。 </item>
<item>我們同意:將來我們有子女,管教上如果有不同的意見,甚至尖銳對立的意見,一定要克制自己,去請教專家,絕不把孩子當成實現自己希望的工具,也絕不用孩子來炫耀自己。 </item>
<item>我們謹記:我們孝敬自己的父母,也孝敬對方的父母,不僅是回報養育之恩,也是培養自己人格的完整,為我們的下一代立下榜樣。 </item>
<item>我們了解:我們將來會老,所以,我們從結婚這一天,就培養專業之外的其它藝朮興趣,如書、畫、音樂,使我們生命永遠充實燦爛。 </item>
<head>Athelstan's Ordinance</head>
<list type="ordered">
<item n="1">Concerning thieves. First, that no thief is to be spared who is caught with
the stolen goods, [if he is] over twelve years and [if the value of the goods is] over
eightpence. <list type="ordered">
<item n="1.1">And if anyone does spare one, he is to pay for the thief with his
wergild — and the thief is to be no nearer a settlement on that account — or to
clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>
<item n="1.2">If, however, he [the thief] wishes to defend himself or to escape, he is
not to be spared [whether younger or older than twelve].</item>
<item n="1.3">If a thief is put into prison, he is to be in prison 40 days, and he may
then be redeemed with 120 shillings; and the kindred are to stand surety for him
that he will desist for ever.</item>
<item n="1.4">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,
or to bring him back there.</item>
<item n="1.5">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,
whether to the king or to him to whom it rightly belongs; and everyone of those who
supported him is to pay 120 shillings to the king as a fine.</item>
<item n="2">Concerning lordless men. And we pronounced about these lordless men, from whom
no justice can be obtained, that one should order their kindred to fetch back such a
person to justice and to find him a lord in public meeting. <list type="ordered">
<item n="2.1">And if they then will not, or cannot, produce him on that appointed day,
he is then to be a fugitive afterwards, and he who encounters him is to strike him
down as a thief.</item>
<item n="2.2">And he who harbours him after that, is to pay for him with his wergild
or to clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>
<item n="3">Concerning the refusal of justice. The lord who refuses justice and upholds
his guilty man, so that the king is appealed to, is to repay the value of the goods and
120 shillings to the king; and he who appeals to the king before he demands justice as
often as he ought, is to pay the same fine as the other would have done, if he had
refused him justice. <list type="ordered">
<item n="3.1">And the lord who is an accessory to a theft by his slave, and it becomes
known about him, is to forfeit the slave and be liable to his wergild on the first
occasionp if he does it more often, he is to be liable to pay all that he owns.</item>
<item n="3.2">And likewise any of the king's treasurers or of our reeves, who has been
an accessory of thieves who have committed theft, is to liable to the same.</item>
<item n="4">Concerning treachery to a lord. And we have pronounced concerning treachery to
a lord, that he [who is accused] is to forfeit his life if he cannot deny it or is
afterwards convicted at the three-fold ordeal.</item>
confirmed them in our hand in your stead with the sign of the Holy Cross, and afterwards
inscribed with a careful pen on the paper of this page, affixing thus the sign of the Holy
Cross. <list type="simple">
<item>I, Eanbald, by the grace of God archbishop of the holy church of York, have
subscribed to the pious and catholic validity of this document with the sign of the Holy
<item>I, Ælfwold, king of the people across the Humber, consenting have subscribed with
the sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Tilberht, prelate of the church of Hexham, rejoicing have subscribed with the
sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Higbald, bishop of the church of Lindisfarne, obeying have subscribed with the
sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Ethelbert, bishop of Candida Casa, suppliant, have subscribed with thef sign of
the Holy Cross.</item>
<item>I, Ealdwulf, bishop of the church of Mayo, have subscribed with devout will.</item>
<item>I, Æthelwine, bishop, have subscribed through delegates.</item>
<item>I, Sicga, patrician, have subscribed with serene mind with the sign of the Holy
<head>Here begin the chapter headings of Book IV</head>
<item n="4.1">The death of Queen Clotild.</item>
<item n="4.2">How King Lothar wanted to appropriate one third of the Church revenues.</item>
<item n="4.3">The wives and children of Lothar.</item>
<item n="4.4">The Counts of the Bretons.</item>
<item n="4.5">Saint Gall the Bishop.</item>
<item n="4.6">The priest Cato.</item>
<item> ...</item>
<hi>Tentative d'inventaire de quelques-unes des<lb/> choses qui ont été trouvées dans
les escaliers au fil des ans</hi>.</p>
<list type="unordered">
<item> Plusieurs photos, dont celle d'une jeune fille de quinze<lb/> ans vêtue d'un slip
de bain noir et d'un chandail blanc, agenouillée sur une plage,</item>
<item>un réveil radio de toute évidence destiné à un réparateur, dans un sac plastique
des établissements Nicolas,</item>
<item> un soulier noir orné de brillants,</item>
<item>une mule en chevreau doré,</item>
<item> une boîte de pastilles Géraudel contre la toux,</item>
<item n="3.1">人物的鑑賞</item>
<item n="3.2">情節的鑑賞</item>
<item n="3.3">環境的鑑賞</item>
<item n="3.4">主題的鑑賞</item>
<item n="3.5">語言的鑑賞</item>
<item> ...</item>
<head xml:lang="en">Vocabulary</head>
<headLabel xml:lang="en">Middle English</headLabel>
<headItem xml:lang="en">New English</headItem>
<item xml:lang="en">now</item>
<item xml:lang="en">loudly</item>
<item xml:lang="en">blooms</item>
<item xml:lang="en">meadow</item>
<item xml:lang="en">wood</item>
<item xml:lang="en">ewe</item>
<item xml:lang="en">lows</item>
<item xml:lang="en">bounds, frisks (cf. <cit>
<ref>Chaucer, K.T.644</ref>
<quote>a courser, <term>sterting</term>as the fyr</quote>
<item xml:lang="la">pedit</item>
<item xml:lang="en">merrily</item>
<item xml:lang="en">cease</item>
<item xml:lang="en">never</item>
<head xml:lang="en">Vocabulaire</head>
<headLabel xml:lang="fr">Ancien français</headLabel>
<headItem xml:lang="fr">Français moderne</headItem>
<item xml:lang="fr">amertume</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">conduire une barque</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">goulot d'un vase.</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">jeune boeuf</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">celui-ci</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">captivité</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">conduire</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">puissance, pouvoir</item>
<item xml:lang="la">singularis</item>
<item xml:lang="fr">cordialy</item>
<label>vespre </label>
<item xml:lang="fr">tombée du jour (cf. <cit>
<ref>Lexique de Godefroy</ref>
<quote>de hautes vespres : tard dans la soirée.</quote>
recherche ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française) propose 3 types
de ressources : <list rend="runon" type="ordered">
<item>Des ressources linguistiques publiées.</item>
<label>(2) </label>
<item>Des ressources linguistiques informatisées.</item>
<label>(3) </label>
<item>Des ressources linguistiques logicielles.</item>
<label>1er janvier..</label>
<item> L'esprit inquiet mais clairvoyant, c'est-à-dire actif et sain, de l'homme qui ne
travaille pas.</item>
<label>7 janvier. </label>
<item>On parle de Syveton. Elle aussi se rappelle avoir été, petite fille, poursuivie par
un homme tout décolleté du bas et qu'on appelait l'homme au nez rouge. </item>
<label>9 janvier. </label>
<item>Jaurès dit que Syveton n'avait aucun intérêt à se tuer mais, à y regarder de près,
oui, en cherchant bien, on trouve que nous avons tous un intérêt quelconque à nous tuer. </item>
<label>13 janvier. </label>
<item>Dans mon coeur froid, quelques rares jolis sentiments, comme des oiseaux aux petites
pattes sur de la neige.</item>
<head xml:lang="zh">字彙</head>
<headLabel xml:lang="zh-CN">簡體中文</headLabel>
<headItem xml:lang="zh-TW">繁體中文</headItem>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">塵</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">業</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">處</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">個</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">與</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">軍隊</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">疏遠</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">後漢<cit>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">嘆息</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">認為</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">誠實</item>
<item xml:lang="zh-TW">獲得</item>
<label>(2) </label>
<item>今天晚上,很好的月光。 我不見他,已是三十多年;今天見了,精神分外爽快。...</item>
<item>...我翻開歷史一查,這歷史沒有年代,歪歪斜斜的每葉上都寫著“仁義道德”几個字。我橫豎睡不著,仔細看了半夜,才從字縫里看出字來,滿本都寫著兩個字是<q xml:lang="och">喫人</q>!書上寫著這許多字,佃戶說了這許多話,卻都笑吟吟的睜著怪眼看我。我也是人,他們想要吃我了! </item>
<item>黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。趙家的狗又叫起來了。 獅子似的凶心,兔子的怯弱,狐狸的狡猾,…… </item>
in the composition of six, or at least of five quartos. <list rend="runon" type="ordered">
<item>My first rough manuscript, without any intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>
<label>(2) </label>
<item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human eyes, excepting those of the author and the
printer: the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item>
<label>March 1757.</label>
<item>I wrote some critical observations upon Plautus.</item>
<label>March 8th.</label>
<item>I wrote a long dissertation upon some lines of Virgil.</item>
<item>I saw Mademoiselle Curchod — <quote xml:lang="la">Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus
<item>I went to Crassy, and staid two days.</item>
sont des termes qui ne prennent leur sens que dans le cadre de la situation d'énonciation.
<list type="simple">
<!-- ... -->
useful in all kinds of discourse: description, narration, exposition, argument. <list type="simple">
<item>across from</item>
<item>adjacent to</item>
<!-- ... -->
idea is preferable to the use of a worn-out expression. <list type="gloss">
<headLabel rend="small caps">TRITE</headLabel>
<headItem rend="small caps">SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD</headItem>
<label>bury the hatchet</label>
<item>stop fighting, make peace</item>
<label>at loose ends</label>
<label>on speaking terms</label>
<label>fair and square</label>
<item>completely honest</item>
<label>at death's door</label>
<item>near death</item>
anglosnob? Liste de quelques mots franglais et des propositions pour les remplacer : <list type="gloss">
<headLabel rend="small caps">Ne dites pas</headLabel>
<headItem rend="small caps">Mais dites...</headItem>
<label>abstract </label>
<item> résumé, abrégé </item>
<label>baby-boom </label>
<item>printemps démographique </item>
<label>carjacking </label>
<item>dévoituration (comme défenestration), dévoiturage(comme cambriolage, braquage) </item>
<label>bug </label>
<item>erreur, défaut, insecte, ("bogue" est inutile) </item>
<item>mélanger (sauf si c'est avec un mixeur)</item>
idea is preferable to the use of a worn-out expression. <list type="gloss">
<headLabel rend="small caps">TRITE</headLabel>
<headItem rend="small caps">SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD</headItem>
<label>bury the hatchet</label>
<item>stop fighting, make peace</item>
<label>at loose ends</label>
<label>on speaking terms</label>
<label>fair and square</label>
<item>completely honest</item>
<label>at death's door</label>
<item>near death</item>
anglosnob? Liste de quelques mots franglais et des propositions pour les remplacer : : <list type="gloss">
<headLabel rend="small caps">Ne dites pas</headLabel>
<headItem rend="small caps">Mais dites...</headItem>
<label>abstract </label>
<item> résumé, abrégé </item>
<label>baby-boom </label>
<item>printemps démographique </item>
<label>carjacking </label>
<item>dévoituration (comme défenestration), dévoiturage(comme cambriolage, braquage) </item>
<label>bug </label>
<item>erreur, défaut, insecte, ("bogue" est inutile) </item>
<item>mélanger (sauf si c'est avec un mixeur)</item>
<headLabel rend="small caps">文言文</headLabel>
<headItem rend="small caps">白話文</headItem>
<item> 你</item>
<list type="index">
<item>Women, how cause of mel. <ref>193</ref>; their vanity in
apparell taxed, <ref>527</ref>; their counterfeit tears
<ref>547</ref>; their vices <ref>601</ref>, commended,
<item>Wormwood, good against mel. <ref>443</ref>
<item>World taxed, <ref>181</ref>
<item>Writers of the cure of mel. 295</item>
<item>how cause of mel. <ref>193</ref>;</item>
<item>their vanity in apparell taxed, <ref>527</ref>;</item>
<item>their counterfeit tears <ref>547</ref>;</item>
<item>their vices
<item> commended, <ref>624</ref>.</item>
3.10.4 Declaring Reference Systems
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"
<p>A canonical reference is assembled with
<item>the name of the <label>work</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a <gi>div1</gi>,</item>
<item>a space,</item>
<item>the number of the <label>book</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a child <gi>div2</gi>,</item>
<item>a full stop</item>
<item>the number of the <label>poem</label>: the
<att>n</att> of a child <gi>div3</gi>,</item>
<item>the line number: the <att>n</att> value of a
child <gi>l</gi>
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"
<p>Same as above, but without the last component (full
stop followed by the <gi>l</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>
matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)"
<p>Same as above, but without the poem component (full
stop followed by the <gi>div3</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>
3.11.1 Elements of Bibliographic References
<bibl xml:id="NEL80">
<author>Nelson, T. H.</author>
<title level="a">Replacing the printed word:
a complete literary system</title>.
<title level="m">Information Processing '80:
Proceedings of the IFIPS Congress, October 1980</title>.
<editor>Simon H. Lavington</editor>
<biblScope>pp 1013–23
<note>Apparently a draft of section 4 of
<title>Literary Machines</title>.</note>
<bibl xml:id="NEL88">Ted Nelson: <title>Literary Machines</title>
(privately published, 1987)</bibl>
<bibl xml:id="BAX88">
<author>Baxter, Glen</author>
<title>Glen Baxter His Life: the years of struggle</title>
London: Thames and Hudson, 1988.
<meeting>Ninth International Conference on Middle High German Textual Criticism, Aachen,
June 1998.</meeting>
<list type="attendance">
<head>List of Participants</head>
<meeting>Colloque international : Duras, marges et transgressions, Nancy, 1er et 2 avril
<list type="attendance">
<head>liste des participants</head>
<list type="參與者">
<persName>馬桂順 </persName>
<speaker>Nancy and Robert</speaker>
<stage type="delivery">(speaking simultaneously)</stage>
<p>The future? ...</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="ni"/>
<item xml:id="rsa"/>
<p>Ne risquez rien du tout, Monique ; rentrez.</p>
<sp who="mo">
<p>Rentrer ? comment voulez-vous que je rentre ? J'ai les clés de la voiture.</p>
<sp who="ko">
<p> Je rentrerai par mes propres moyens. </p>
<sp who="mo">
<p> Vous ? vos moyens ? quels moyens ? Seigneur ! Vous ne savez même pas conduire, vous ne
savez pas reconnaître votre gauche de votre droite, vous auriez été incapable de
retrouver ce fichu quartier tout seul, vous ne savez absolument rien faire tout seul. Je
me demande bien comment vous pourriez rentrer. </p>
<sp who="ko">
<p>J'appellerai un taxi.</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="fr_mo"/>
<item xml:id="fr_ko"/>
<stage type="演講或歌唱">(同時)</stage>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="zh-tw_ni"/>
<item xml:id="zh-tw_rsa"/>
1 The TEI Infrastructure Element Identifiers and Labels
<item n="1">About These Guidelines</item>
<item n="2">A Gentle Introduction to XML</item>
<item n="9">Verse</item>
<item n="10">Drama</item>
<item n="10">Spoken Materials </item>
<item n="12">Dictionaries</item>
2 The TEI Header
<title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>
<author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>
<resp>Originally prepared by</resp>
<name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>
<resp>Revised and edited by</resp>
<name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
<addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>
<idno type="OTA">119</idno>
<p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>
<date when="1968">1968</date>
<bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,
<p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling
concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the
editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>
<p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>
<p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured
forms are not encoded.</p>
<refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">
matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"
<p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that
listed here: <list>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>
<item>a period</item>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>
<item>a space</item>
<item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>
<date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>
<date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>
<title>Taisho Tripitaka, Electronic version, No. 251 般若波羅蜜多心經</title>
<addrLine>11246 台北市北投區光明路276號4樓</addrLine>
<bibl>Taisho Tripitaka Vol. 08, Nr. 251 般若波羅蜜多心經</bibl>
<date>19990721/18:35:54</date>CW以CBXML.BAT (99/6/30)轉換成XML</item>
<p>No quotation marks have been retained. Instead, the <att>rend</att> attribute on the
<gi>q</gi> element is used to specify what kinds of quotation mark was used, according
to the following list: <list type="gloss">
<item>double quotes, open and close</item>
<item>single quotes, open and close</item>
<item>long dash open, no close</item>
<item>double guillemets, open and close</item>
<p>Aucun guillemet n'a été conservé. Au lieu de cela, on a utilisé l'attribut
<att>rend</att> pour l'élément <gi>q</gi> afin de spécifier quel type de guillemet a été
utilisé, selon la liste suivante : <list type="gloss">
<item>guillemet allemand</item>
<item>guillemet anglais ou guillemet dactylographique </item>
<item>guillemet français</item>
<p>不保留引號,改用元素<gi>q</gi>內的屬性<att>rend</att> 來區分引號的種類,種類如下:<list type="gloss">
matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"
<p>Une référence a été créée en assemblant les éléments suivants dans l'ordre inverse de
la liste qui suit : <list>
<item>la valeur <att>n</att> du précédent <gi>lb</gi>
<item>une période</item>
<item>la valeur <att>n</att> de l'ancêtre <gi>div2</gi>
<item>un espace</item>
<item>la valeur<att>n</att> du parent <gi>div1</gi>
<category xml:id="acprose">
<catDesc>Academic prose</catDesc>
<!-- other categories here -->
<!-- ... -->
<catRef target="#acprose"/>
<classCode scheme="http://www.udcc.org">001.9</classCode>
<keywords scheme="http://authorities.loc.gov">
<item>End of the world</item>
<item>History - philosophy</item>
<keywords scheme="#fr_RAMEAU">
<item>Littérature française -- 20ème siècle -- Histoire et critique</item>
<item>Littérature française -- Histoire et critique -- Théorie, etc.</item>
<item>Français (langue) -- Style -- Bases de données.</item>
<category xml:id="zh-tw_chineseliterature">
<!-- 其他文類 -->
<!-- ... -->
<catRef target="#zh-tw_chineseliterature"/>
<classCode scheme="http://www.ncl.edu.tw/">820</classCode>
<keywords scheme="http://authorities.loc.gov">
<date when="2003-04-12">12 avril 03</date>Dernière révision par F. B.</item>
<date when="2003-03-01">1 mars 03</date> F.B a fait le nouveau fichier.</item>
2.6 Minimal and Recommended Headers
<title>Common sense, a machine-readable transcript</title>
<author>Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)</author>
<resp>compiled by</resp>
<name>Jon K Adams</name>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive.</distributor>
<addrLine>Oxford University Computing Services,</addrLine>
<addrLine>13 Banbury Road,</addrLine>
<addrLine>Oxford OX2 6RB,</addrLine>
<note>Brief notes on the text are in a
supplementary file.</note>
<editor>Foner, Philip S.</editor>
<title>The collected writings of Thomas Paine</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<publisher>Citadel Press</publisher>
<p>Editorial notes in the Foner edition have not
been reproduced. </p>
<p>Blank lines and multiple blank spaces, including paragraph
indents, have not been preserved. </p>
<correction status="high" method="silent">
<p>The following errors
in the Foner edition have been corrected:
<item>p. 13 l. 7 cotemporaries contemporaries </item>
<item>p. 28 l. 26 [comma] [period] </item>
<item>p. 84 l. 4 kin kind </item>
<item>p. 95 l. 1 stuggle struggle </item>
<item>p. 101 l. 4 certainy certainty </item>
<item>p. 167 l. 6 than that </item>
<item>p. 209 l. 24 publshed published </item>
<p>No normalization beyond that performed
by Foner, if any. </p>
<quotation marks="all">
<p>All double quotation marks
rendered with ", all single quotation marks with
apostrophe. </p>
<hyphenation eol="none">
<p>Hyphenated words that appear at the
end of the line in the Foner edition have been reformed.</p>
<p>The values of <att>when-iso</att> on the <gi>time</gi>
element always end in the format <val>HH:MM</val> or
<val>HH</val>; i.e., seconds, fractions thereof, and time
zone designators are not present.</p>
<p>Compound proper names are marked. </p>
<p>Dates are marked. </p>
<p>Italics are recorded without interpretation. </p>
<taxonomy xml:id="lcsh">
<bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>
<taxonomy xml:id="lc">
<bibl>Library of Congress Classification</bibl>
<language ident="en" usage="100">English.</language>
<keywords scheme="#lcsh">
<term>Political science</term>
<term>United States -- Politics and government —
Revolution, 1775-1783</term>
<classCode scheme="#lc">JC 177</classCode>
<change when="1996-01-22" who="#MSM"> finished proofreading </change>
<change when="1995-10-30" who="#LB"> finished proofreading </change>
<change notBefore="1995-07-04" who="#RG"> finished data entry at end of term </change>
<change notAfter="1995-01-01" who="#RG"> began data entry before New Year 1995 </change>
4 Default Text Structure
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Rich strong stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<div4 type="recipe">
<head>Apple soup</head>
<item>2 lbs. of good boiling apples,</item>
<item>3/4 teaspoonful of white pepper,</item>
<item>6 cloves,</item>
<item>cayenne or ginger to taste,</item>
<item>3 quarts of medium stock</item>
<p>Peel and quarter the apples taking out their cores; put them into
the stock, stew them gently till tender, Rub the whole through a
strainer, add the seasoning. give it one boil up, and serve.</p>
<p>1 hour.</p>
<head>Average cost</head>
<p>per quart, 1s.</p>
<p>from September to December.</p>
<p> for 10 persons</p>
<head>The apple</head>
<p>This useful fruit is mentioned in Holy Writ; and Homer describes it
as valuable in his time... As a food, the apple cannot be considered
to rank high, as more than the half of it consists of water, and
the rest of its properties are not the most nourishing. It is
however a useful adjunct to other kinds of food, and, when cooked, is
esteemed as slightly laxative.</p>
<div4 type="recipe">
<head>Artichoke (Jerusalem) soup</head>
<!-- other recipes here -->
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Rich strong stock</head>
<item>4 lbs of shin of beef,</item>
<item>4 lbs of knuckle of veal,</item>
<!-- .... -->
<item>4 quarts of water</item>
<p>Line a delicately clean stewpan... Strain through a very
fine hair sieve, or tammy, and it will be fit for use</p>
<p>5 hours.</p>
<head>Average cost</head>
<p>1s 3d. per quart</p>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- .... -->
<head>Chapter VI.</head>
<head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
<head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
<div5 type="recipe">
<head>Asparagus soup</head>
<div6 type="altRecipe">
<item> ...</item>
<p>Put the beef, cut into pieces and rolled in flour, into a
<!-- ... -->
<div6 type="altRecipe">
<item> ...</item>
<p>Boil the peas, and rub them through a sieve; add the gravy...</p>
<head>In the name of Christ here begins the
first book of the ecclesiastical history of Georgius Florentinus,
known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>
<head>Chapter Headings</head>
<!-- chapter head -->
<!-- further chapter heads omitted -->
<head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>
<p>Proposing as I do ...</p>
<p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four
hundred and twelve years passed.</p>
<trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five
hundred and ninety-six years from the beginning of the world down
to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<list type="inline">
<item>Instructive remarks on early English history</item>
<item>Instructive observations on carved oak and life in
<item>Sad case of Stivvings, junior</item>
<item>Musings on antiquity</item>
<item>I forget that I am steering</item>
<item>Interesting result</item>
<item>Hampton Court Maze</item>
<item>Harris as a guide.</item>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
<signed>Sign'd and Seal'd,
<item>John Bull,</item>
<item>Nic. Frog.</item>
<p>To my parents, Ida and Max Fish</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>The answer this book gives to its title question is <q>there is
and there isn't</q>.</p>
<p>Chapters 1–12 have been previously published in the
following journals and collections:
<item>chapters 1 and 3 in <title>New literary History</title>
<item>chapter 10 in <title>Boundary II</title> (1980)</item>
I am grateful for permission to reprint.</p>
<item>Introduction, or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love
Interpretation <ptr target="#fish1"/>
<head>Part One: Literature in the Reader</head>
<item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ptr target="#fish2"/>
<item n="2">What is Stylistics and Why Are They Saying Such
Terrible Things About It? <ptr target="#fish3"/>
<div xml:id="fish1">
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish2">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish3">
<head>What is stylistics?</head>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... --><item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ref target="#fish-p24">24</ref>
<!-- .... -->
<div type="chapter">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<pb xml:id="fish-p24"/>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... -->
<div1 type="incipit">
<p>Here bygynniþ a book of contemplacyon, þe whiche
is clepyd <title>þE CLOWDE OF VNKNOWYNG</title>,
in þe whiche a soule is onyd wiþ GOD.</p>
<div1 type="prayer">
<head>Here biginneþ þe preyer on þe prologe.</head>
<p>God, unto whom alle hertes ben open, & unto whome alle wille
spekiþ, & unto whom no priue þing is hid: I beseche
þee so for to clense þe entent of myn hert wiþ þe
unspekable 3ift of þi grace, þat I may parfiteliche
loue þee & worþilich preise þee. Amen.</p>
<div1 type="preface">
<head>Here biginneþ þe prolog.</head>
<p>In þe name of þe Fader & of þe Sone &
of þe Holy Goost.</p>
<p>I charge þee & I beseeche þee, wiþ as moche
power & vertewe as þe bonde of charite is sufficient
to suffre, what-so-euer þou be þat þis book schalt
haue in possession ...</p>
<div1 type="contents">
<head>Here biginneþ a table of þe chapitres.</head>
<label>þe first chapitre </label>
<item>Of foure degrees of Cristen mens leuing; & of þe
cours of his cleping þat þis book was maad vnto.</item>
<label>þe secound chapitre</label>
<item>A schort stering to meeknes & to þe werk of þis
<label>þe fiue and seuenti chapitre</label>
<item>Of somme certein tokenes bi þe whiche a man may proue
wheþer he be clepid of God to worche in þis werk.</item>
<trailer>& here eendeþ þe table of þe chapitres.</trailer>
<div type="index">
<list type="index">
<item>Actors, public, paid for the contempt attending
their profession, <ref>263</ref>
<item>Africa, cause assigned for the barbarous state of
the interior parts of that continent, <ref>125</ref>
<list type="indexentry">
<item>ancient policy of Europe unfavourable to, <ref>371</ref>
<item>artificers necessary to carry it on, <ref>481</ref>
<item>cattle and tillage mutually improve each other, <ref>325</ref>
<item>wealth arising from more solid than that which proceeds
from commerce <ref>520</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref>461</ref>
the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref target="#P461">461</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ptr target="#P461"/>
<div1 type="appendix">
<head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>
<p>To shew the Depravity of human Nature </p>
<div1 type="epistle">
<head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>
<p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please </p>
<div1 type="advert">
<head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr
Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>
<item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>
<item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item>
<item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,
10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>
<div1 type="advert">
<hi rend="center">By the KING's Royal Patent,</hi> Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the
Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.</head>
<item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &c.
2s. 6d</item>
<item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item>
<div1 type="appendix">
<div1 type="epistle">
<div1 type="advert">
<item n="1">陳芳明《詩與現實》,台北:洪範,1983。</item>
<item n="2">洛夫《詩人之鏡》,台北:大業,1969。</item>
<item n="42">廖炳惠《回顧現代》,台北:麥田,1994。</item>
<div1 type="advert">
<hi rend="center">詩集、詩選</hi>也可於網路書店購得。</head>
<item n="1">余光中《天狼星》,台北:洪範,1976。</item>
<item n="2">席慕蓉著《無怨的青春》,台北,大地,1983。</item>
7 Performance Texts
<list type="gloss">
<item>La salle de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne</item>
<!-- <>, <div type="Dedication">, etc. -->
<list type="gloss">
<!-- <titlePage>, <div type="Dedication">, etc. -->
<list type="gloss">
<item>East Coast village in England</item>
editorial or authorial. The type attribute on this element takes
one or more of the following values:
<list type="gloss">
<item>describes the set</item>
<item>describes movement across stage, position, etc.</item>
<item>describes movement other than blocking</item>
<item>describes how the line is said</item>
<item>describes character's emotional state or through line</item>
8 Transcriptions of Speech
<u trans="latching" who="#spkr2">well Joe and I set it between us</u>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="spkr1"/>
<item xml:id="spkr2"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#fr_spkr2">Joe et moi l'aurions mis entre nous</u>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="fr_spkr1"/>
<item xml:id="fr_spkr2"/>
<u trans="latching" who="#zh-tw_spkr2">...我和小文會在我們之間做個決定</u>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="zh-tw_spkr1"/>
<item xml:id="zh-tw_spkr2"/>
10 Manuscript Description
<formula>1-3:8, 4:6, 5-13:8</formula>
<p>There are now four gatherings, the first, second and fourth originally consisting of
eight leaves, the third of seven. A fifth gathering thought to have followed has left no trace.
<item>Gathering I consists of 7 leaves, a first leaf, originally conjoint with <locus>fol. 7</locus>,
having been cut away leaving only a narrow strip along the gutter; the others, <locus>fols 1</locus>
and <locus>6</locus>, <locus>2</locus> and <locus>5</locus>, and <locus>3</locus> and <locus>4</locus>,
are bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering II consists of 8 leaves, 4 bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering III consists of 7 leaves; <locus>fols 16</locus> and <locus>22</locus> are conjoint,
the others singletons.</item>
<item>Gathering IV consists of 2 leaves, a bifolium.</item>
<p>I (1, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 10); II (11, 12+17, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19).</p>
<formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following
text) 7-8.8 9.10, 11.2 (through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
<decoNote type="miniatures">
<p>Fourteen large miniatures with arched tops, above five lines of text:
<locus>fol. 14r</locus>Pericopes. <term>St. John writing on
Patmos</term>, with the Eagle holding his ink-pot and pen-case; some
flaking of pigment, especially in the sky</item>
<locus>fol. 26r</locus>Hours of the Virgin, Matins.
<term>Annunciation</term>; Gabriel and the Dove to the right</item>
<locus>fol. 60r</locus>Prime. <term>Nativity</term>; the
<term>Virgin and Joseph adoring the Child</term>
<locus>fol. 66r</locus>Terce. <term>Annunciation to the
Shepherds</term>, one with <term>bagpipes</term>
<!-- ... -->
</decoDesc> Additions and Marginalia
<p>Doodles on most leaves, possibly by children, and often quite amusing.</p>
<p xml:lang="fr">Quelques annotations marginales des XVIe et XVIIe s.</p>
<p>The text of this manuscript is not interpolated with sentences from
Royal decrees promulgated in 1294, 1305 and 1314. In the margins, however,
another somewhat later scribe has added the relevant paragraphs of these
decrees, see pp. 8, 24, 44, 47 etc.</p>
<p>As a humorous gesture the scribe in one opening of the manuscript, pp. 36
and 37, has prolonged the lower stems of one letter f and five letters þ
and has them drizzle down the margin.</p>
<p>Spaces for initials and chapter headings were left by the scribe but not filled in.
A later, probably fifteenth-century, hand has added initials and chapter headings in
greenish-coloured ink on fols <locus>8r</locus>, <locus>8v</locus>, <locus>9r</locus>,
<locus>10r</locus> and <locus>11r</locus>. Although a few of these chapter headings are
now rather difficult to read, most can be made out, e.g. fol. <locus>8rb</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">floti ast<ex>ri</ex>d<ex>ar</ex>
</quote>; fol. <locus>9rb</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">v<ex>m</ex> olaf conung</quote>, and fol. <locus>10ra</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">Gipti<ex>n</ex>g ol<ex>a</ex>fs k<ex>onun</ex>gs</quote>.</p>
<p>The manuscript contains the following marginalia:
<item>Fol. <locus>4v</locus>, left margin: <quote xml:lang="is">hialmadr <ex>ok</ex>
in a fifteenth-cenury hand, imitating an addition made to the text by the scribe at this point.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>5r</locus>, lower margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þ<ex>e</ex>tta þiki
m<ex>er</ex> v<ex>er</ex>a gott blek en<ex>n</ex>da kan<ex>n</ex> ek icki
betr sia</quote>, in a fifteenth-century hand, probably the same as that on the previous page.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>9v</locus>, bottom margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þessa bok uilda eg <sic>gæt</sic>
lært med <lb/>an Gud gefe myer Gott ad <lb/>læra</quote>; seventeenth-century hand.</item>
<p>There are in addition a number of illegible scribbles in a later hand (or hands) on fols
<locus>2r</locus>, <locus>3r</locus>, <locus>5v</locus> and <locus>19r</locus>.</p>
11 Representation of Primary Sources Correction and Conjecture
<p>The following codes are used to categorize corrections identified in this
transcription: <list type="gloss">
<item>Substitution of a more familiar word which resembles graphically
what the scribe should be copying but which does not make sense in the
<!-- ... -->
15 Language Corpora
15.2.2 The Participant Description
<p>The chief speaking characters in this novel are
<item xml:id="EMWOO">
<name>Emma Woodhouse</name>
<item xml:id="DARCY">
<name>Mr Darcy</name>
<!-- ... -->
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<!-- ... -->
<div type="section" n="107" xml:id="sect107">
<head>Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use</head>
<p>Notwithstanding the provisions of
<ref target="#sect106">section 106</ref>, the fair use of a
copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies
or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,
for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use),
scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular
case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall
include —
<list type="simple">
<item n="(1)">the purpose and character of the use, including
whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit
educational purposes;</item>
<item n="(2)">the nature of the copyrighted work;</item>
<item n="(3)">the amount and substantiality of the portion
used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;
<item n="(4)">the effect of the use upon the potential market
for or value of the copyrighted work.</item>
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a
finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration
of all the above factors.</p>
<item xml:id="a_uf">Figge, Udo </item>
<item xml:id="a_ch">Heibach, Christiane </item>
<item xml:id="a_gh">Heyer, Gerhard </item>
<item xml:id="a_bp">Philipp, Bettina </item>
<item xml:id="a_ms">Samiec, Monika </item>
<item xml:id="a_ss">Schierholz, Stefan </item>
<join target="#a_ch #a_bp #a_ss" result="list">
<desc>Authors from Heidelberg</desc>
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="fr_LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="fr_LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as
borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
target="#fr_LP1 #fr_LP2 #fr_LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
</list> ;香港譯作<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP2">
<p>中國大陸則名為<list xml:id="zh-tw_LP3">
target="#zh-tw_LP1 #zh-tw_LP2 #zh-tw_LP3"
<desc>電影Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain的中港台譯名</desc>
<s>I done gone</s>
<s>I done went</s>
</list> whereas Negro Non-Standard basilect has both these and <list xml:id="LP2">
<s>I done go</s>
<p>White Southern dialect also has <list xml:id="LP3">
<s>I've done gone</s>
<s>I've done went</s>
</list> which, when they occur in Negro dialect, should probably be considered as borrowings from other varieties of English.</p>
target="#LP1 #LP2 #LP3"
<desc>Sample sentences in Southern speech</desc>
21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
21.3 Attribution of Responsibility
<persName xml:id="CE-p5" rend="it">Saybrook</persName>.
<!-- ... -->
<respons target="#CE-p5" locus="value" resp="#RC"/>
<respons target="#CE-p5" locus="name location" resp="#PMWR"/>
<list type="encoders">
<item xml:id="PMWR"/>
<item xml:id="RC"/>
<list type="encoders">
<item xml:id="encoder1"/>
<item xml:id="encoder2"/>
<respons target="#fr_p2" locus="value" resp="#fr_encoder2"/>
<list type="encoders">
<item xml:id="fr_encoder1"/>
<item xml:id="fr_encoder2"/>
<list type="編碼員">
<item xml:id="zh-tw_編碼員1"/>
<item xml:id="zh-tw_編碼員2"/>