
att.deprecated provides attributes indicating how a deprecated feature will be treated in future releases.
Moduletagdocs — Documentation Elements
Membresatt.combinable [att.identified [attDef classSpec constraintSpec elementSpec macroSpec moduleSpec schemaSpec] valDesc valItem valList]
validUntilprovides a date before which the construct being defined will not be removed.
Statut Optionel
Type de données

<rng:data type="date"/>

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@validUntil]">
  test="@validUntil cast as xs:date ge current-date()">

   select="if (@ident) then concat('The ',@ident) else concat('This ',local-name(.),' of ',ancestor::tei:*[@ident][1]/@ident)"/>
construct is outdated (as of <sch:value-of select="@validUntil"/>); ODD processors may ignore it, and it should probably be removed</sch:assert>
  test="@validUntil cast as xs:date eq current-date()">

   select="if (@ident) then concat('The ',@ident) else concat('This ',local-name(.),' of ',ancestor::tei:*[@ident][1]/@ident)"/>
construct will be outdated as of tomorrow; ODD processors may then ignore it, and thus it should probably be removed soon</sch:report></sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@validUntil]">
  test="(@validUntil cast as xs:date - current-date()) lt (30*xs:dayTimeDuration('P1D'))">

   select="if (@ident) then concat('The ',@ident) else concat('This ',local-name(.),' of ',ancestor::tei:*[@ident][1]/@ident)"/>
construct is outdated (as of <sch:value-of select="@validUntil"/>); ODD processors may ignore it, and it should probably be removed</sch:assert>
  test="@validUntil cast as xs:date eq current-date()">

   select="if (@ident) then concat('The ',@ident) else concat('This ',local-name(.),' of ',ancestor::tei:*[@ident][1]/@ident)"/>
construct will be outdated as of tomorrow; ODD processors may then ignore it, and thus it should probably be removed soon</sch:report></sch:rule>
Valeurs A date (in standard yyyy-mm-dd format); at the time the attribute is added to an ODD, this date should be in the future.