: <symbol> (기호 값)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <symbol> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <symbol> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

18 Feature Structures

18.3 Other Atomic Feature Values

 <f name="case">
  <symbol value="accusative"/>
 <f name="gender">
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
 <f name="number">
  <symbol value="plural"/>

18.3 Other Atomic Feature Values

 <f name="case">
  <symbol value="accusative"/>
 <f name="gender">
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
 <f name="singular">
  <binary value="false"/>

18.5 Feature Structures as Complex Feature Values

<fs type="word">
 <f name="surface">
 <f name="syntax">
  <fs type="category">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="verb"/>
   <f name="val">
    <symbol value="transitive"/>
 <f name="semantics">
  <fs type="act">
   <f name="rel">
    <symbol value="LOVE"/>

18.6 Re-entrant Feature Structures

<fs xml:id="NVA">
 <f name="nominal">
   <f name="nm-num">
    <vLabel name="L1">
     <symbol value="singular"/>
<!-- other nominal features -->
 <f name="verbal">
   <f name="vb-num">
    <vLabel name="L1"/>
<!-- other verbal features -->

18.7 Collections as Complex Feature Values

<fs type="word">
 <f name="category">
  <symbol value="verb"/>
 <f name="tense">
  <symbol value="present"/>
 <f name="agreement">
   <f name="person">
    <symbol value="third"/>
   <f name="number">
    <symbol value="singular"/>

18.7 Collections as Complex Feature Values

<fs type="word">
 <f name="category">
  <symbol value="verb"/>
 <f name="tense">
  <symbol value="present"/>
 <f name="agreement">
  <vColl org="set">
   <symbol value="third"/>
   <symbol value="singular"/>

18.7 Collections as Complex Feature Values

 <f name="lex">
  <symbol value="auxquels"/>
 <f name="maf">
  <vColl org="list">
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="prep"/>
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="pronoun"/>
    <f name="kind">
     <symbol value="rel"/>
    <f name="num">
     <symbol value="pl"/>
    <f name="gender">
     <symbol value="masc"/>

18.8.2 Negation

(i) <f name="case">
  <symbol value="genitive"/>
<f name="case">
  <symbol value="nominative"/>
  <symbol value="dative"/>
  <symbol value="accusative"/>

18.8.3 Collection of Values

 <f name="genders">
  <vColl org="set">
   <symbol value="masculine"/>
   <symbol value="feminine"/>

18.8.3 Collection of Values

 <f name="genders">
  <vMerge org="list">
   <vColl org="set">
    <symbol value="masculine"/>
    <symbol value="feminine"/>
   <symbol value="neuter"/>

18.9 Default Values

<f name="gender"/>
<f name="gender">
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>

18.9 Default Values

<f name="gender">
 <symbol value="neuter"/>

18.9 Default Values

<f name="gender">
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
  <symbol value="masculine"/>

18.10 Linking Text and Analysis

<!-- ... -->
 <f xml:id="bvname="verbbase">
  <symbol value="main"/>
 <f xml:id="bpname="prepbase">
  <symbol value="lexical"/>
 <f xml:id="dsname="degree">
  <symbol value="superlative"/>
 <f xml:id="fdname="verbform">
  <symbol value="ed"/>
 <f xml:id="nsname="number">
  <symbol value="singular"/>
 <f xml:id="rpname="prontype">
  <symbol value="personal"/>
 <f xml:id="tcname="nountype">
  <symbol value="common"/>
 <f xml:id="wjname="class">
  <symbol value="adjective"/>
 <f xml:id="wlname="class">
  <symbol value="article"/>
 <f xml:id="wnname="class">
  <symbol value="noun"/>
 <f xml:id="wpname="class">
  <symbol value="preposition"/>
 <f xml:id="wrname="class">
  <symbol value="pronoun"/>
 <f xml:id="wvname="class">
  <symbol value="verb"/>
<!-- ... -->


 <fsDecl type="GPSG">
  <fDecl xml:id="GPSG-1name="GPSG_feat1">
     <symbol value="red"/>
     <symbol value="blue"/>
     <symbol value="green"/>
<!--other feature declarations for GPSG here ... -->



 <fsDecl type="GPSG">
  <fDecl xml:id="GPSG-1-frname="GPSG_feat1">
     <symbol value="red"/>
     <symbol value="blue"/>
     <symbol value="green"/>
<!--other feature declarations for GPSG here ... -->



<fsDecl type="Agreement">
 <fsDescr>This type of feature structure encodes the features
   for subject-verb agreement in English</fsDescr>
 <fDecl name="PERS">
  <fDescr>person (first, second, or third)</fDescr>
    <symbol value="first"/>
    <symbol value="second"/>
    <symbol value="third"/>
 <fDecl name="NUM">
  <fDescr>number (singular or plural)</fDescr>
    <symbol value="singular"/>
    <symbol value="plural"/>

18.11.3 Feature Declarations

<fDecl name="CONJ">
 <fDescr>surface form of the conjunction</fDescr>
   <symbol value="and"/>
   <symbol value="both"/>
   <symbol value="but"/>
   <symbol value="either"/>
   <symbol value="neither"/>
   <symbol value="nor"/>
   <symbol value="or"/>
   <symbol value="NIL"/>
  <binary value="false"/>

18.11.3 Feature Declarations

<fDecl name="COMP">
 <fDescr>surface form of the complementizer</fDescr>
   <symbol value="for"/>
   <symbol value="that"/>
   <symbol value="whether"/>
   <symbol value="if"/>
   <symbol value="NIL"/>
    <f name="VFORM">
     <symbol value="INF"/>
    <f name="SUBJ">
     <binary value="true"/>
   <symbol value="for"/>


   <f name="VFORM">
    <symbol value="INF"/>
   <f name="SUBJ">
    <binary value="true"/>
  <symbol value="for"/>


  <f name="BAR">
   <symbol value="1"/>
  <f name="FOO">
   <binary value="false"/>

18.11.4 Feature Structure Constraints

  <f name="INV">
   <binary value="true"/>
  <f name="AUX">
   <binary value="true"/>
  <f name="VFORM">
   <symbol value="FIN"/>

18.11.4 Feature Structure Constraints

  <f name="BAR">
   <symbol value="0"/>
  <f name="N">
   <binary value="true"/>
  <f name="V">
   <binary value="true"/>
  <f name="SUBCAT">
   <binary value="true"/>

18.11.4 Feature Structure Constraints

  <f name="BAR">
   <symbol value="1"/>
  <f name="SUBCAT">
   <binary value="false"/>


  <f name="BAR">
   <symbol value="1"/>
  <f name="SUBCAT">
   <binary value="false"/>


  <f name="FOO">
   <symbol value="42"/>
  <f name="BAR">
   <binary value="true"/>


  <f name="FOO">
   <symbol value="42"/>
  <f name="BAR">
   <binary value="true"/>

18.11.5 A Complete Example

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <title>A sample FSD based on an extract from Gazdar
         et al.'s GPSG feature system for English</title>
     <resp>encoded by</resp>
     <name>Gary F. Simons</name>
    <p>This sample was first encoded by Gary F. Simons (Summer
         Institute of Linguistics, Dallas, TX) on January 28, 1991.
         Revised April 8, 1993 to match the specification of FSDs
         in version P2 of the TEI Guidelines. Revised again December 2004 to
         be consistent with the feature structure representation standard
         jointly developed with ISO TC37/SC4.
    <p>This sample FSD does not describe a complete feature
         system. It is based on extracts from the feature system
         for English presented in the appendix (pages 245–247) of
         Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, by Gazdar, Klein,
         Pullum, and Sag (Harvard University Press, 1985).</p>
  <fsDecl type="GPSG">
   <fsDescr>Encodes a feature structure for the GPSG analysis
       of English (after Gazdar, Klein, Pullum, and Sag)</fsDescr>
   <fDecl name="INV">
    <fDescr>inverted sentence</fDescr>
      <binary value="true"/>
      <binary value="false"/>
     <binary value="false"/>
   <fDecl name="CONJ">
    <fDescr>surface form of the conjunction</fDescr>
      <symbol value="and"/>
      <symbol value="both"/>
      <symbol value="but"/>
      <symbol value="either"/>
      <symbol value="neither"/>
      <symbol value="nor"/>
      <symbol value="or"/>
      <symbol value="NIL"/>
     <binary value="false"/>
   <fDecl name="COMP">
    <fDescr>surface form of the complementizer</fDescr>
      <symbol value="for"/>
      <symbol value="that"/>
      <symbol value="whether"/>
      <symbol value="if"/>
      <symbol value="NIL"/>
       <f name="VFORM">
        <symbol value="INF"/>
       <f name="SUBJ">
        <binary value="true"/>
      <symbol value="for"/>
   <fDecl name="AGR">
    <fDescr>agreement for person and number</fDescr>
     <fs type="Agreement"/>
   <fDecl name="PFORM">
    <fDescr>word form of a preposition</fDescr>
      <f name="INV">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="AUX">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="VFORM">
       <symbol value="FIN"/>
      <f name="BAR">
       <symbol value="0"/>
      <f name="N">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="V">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="SUBCAT">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="BAR">
       <symbol value="1"/>
      <f name="SUBCAT">
       <binary value="false"/>
  <fsDecl type="Agreement">
   <fsDescr>This type of feature structure encodes the features
       for subject-verb agreement in English</fsDescr>
   <fDecl name="PERS">
    <fDescr>person (first, second, or third)</fDescr>
      <symbol value="1"/>
      <symbol value="2"/>
      <symbol value="3"/>
   <fDecl name="NUM">
    <fDescr>number (singular or plural)</fDescr>
      <symbol value="sg"/>
      <symbol value="pl"/>


<fs type="agreement_structure">
 <f name="person">
  <symbol value="third"/>
 <f name="number">
  <symbol value="singular"/>


<fs type="agreement_structure">
 <f name="person">
  <symbol value="third"/>
 <f name="number">
  <symbol value="singular"/>


<f name="gender">
 <symbol value="feminine"/>


<f name="gender">
 <symbol value="feminine"/>


<f name="gender">
 <symbol value="feminine"/>


<f name="gender">
 <symbol value="feminine"/>


 <f name="nominal">
   <f name="nm-num">
    <vLabel name="L1">
     <symbol value="singular"/>
<!-- other nominal features -->
 <f name="verbal">
   <f name="vb-num">
    <vLabel name="L1"/>
<!-- other verbal features -->


 <f name="nominal">
   <f name="nm-num">
    <vLabel name="L1">
     <symbol value="singular"/>
 <f name="verbal">
   <f name="vb-num">
    <vLabel name="L1"/>


 <f name="lex">
  <symbol value="auxquels"/>
 <f name="maf">
  <vColl org="list">
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="prep"/>
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="pronoun"/>
    <f name="kind">
     <symbol value="rel"/>
    <f name="num">
     <symbol value="pl"/>
    <f name="gender">
     <symbol value="masc"/>


 <f name="lex">
  <symbol value="auxquels"/>
 <f name="maf">
  <vColl org="list">
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="prep"/>
    <f name="cat">
     <symbol value="pronoun"/>
    <f name="kind">
     <symbol value="rel"/>
    <f name="num">
     <symbol value="pl"/>
    <f name="gender">
     <symbol value="masc"/>


<f name="gender">
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>
  <symbol value="feminine"/>


<f name="gender">
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>
  <symbol value="feminine"/>


 <symbol value="masculine"/>


 <symbol value="masculine"/>


<f name="mode">
   <symbol value="infinitive"/>
   <symbol value="participle"/>


<f name="mode">
   <symbol value="infinitive"/>
   <symbol value="participle"/>


<vMerge org="list">
 <vColl org="set">
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
 <symbol value="indeterminate"/>


<vMerge org="list">
 <vColl org="set">
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
 <symbol value="indeterminate"/>


<vMerge org="list">
 <vColl org="set">
  <symbol value="masculine"/>
  <symbol value="neuter"/>
  <symbol value="feminine"/>
 <symbol value="indeterminate"/>


<fLib n="agreement features">
 <f xml:id="pers1name="person">
  <symbol value="first"/>
 <f xml:id="pers2name="person">
  <symbol value="second"/>
<!-- ... -->
 <f xml:id="numsname="number">
  <symbol value="singular"/>
 <f xml:id="numpname="number">
  <symbol value="plural"/>
<!-- ... -->


<fLib n="agreement features">
 <f xml:id="fr_pers1name="person">
  <symbol value="first"/>
 <f xml:id="fr_pers2name="person">
  <symbol value="second"/>
 <f xml:id="fr_numsname="number">
  <symbol value="singular"/>
 <f xml:id="fr_numpname="number">
  <symbol value="plural"/>


<fvLib n="symbolic values">
 <symbol xml:id="sfirstvalue="first"/>
 <symbol xml:id="ssecondvalue="second"/>
<!-- ... -->
 <symbol xml:id="ssingvalue="singular"/>
 <symbol xml:id="splurvalue="plural"/>
<!-- ... -->


<fvLib n="symbolic values">
 <symbol xml:id="fr_sfirstvalue="first"/>
 <symbol xml:id="fr_ssecondvalue="second"/>
 <symbol xml:id="fr_ssingvalue="singular"/>
 <symbol xml:id="fr_splurvalue="plural"/>