Example: <abstract>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <abstract> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <abstract> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
2 The TEI Header
<abstract resp="#LB">
<p>Good database design involves the acquisition and deployment of
skills which have a wider relevance to the educational process.
From a set of more or less instinctive rules of thumb a formal
discipline or "methodology" of database design has evolved.
Applying that methodology can be of great benefit to a very wide
range of academic subjects: it requires fundamental skills of
abstraction and generalisation and it provides a simple mechanism
whereby complex ideas and information structures can be
represented and manipulated, even without the use of a computer.
<abstract resp="#LB">
<p>Good database design involves the acquisition and deployment of
skills which have a wider relevance to the educational process.
From a set of more or less instinctive rules of thumb a formal
discipline or "methodology" of database design has evolved.
Applying that methodology can be of great benefit to a very wide
range of academic subjects: it requires fundamental skills of
abstraction and generalisation and it provides a simple mechanism
whereby complex ideas and information structures can be
represented and manipulated, even without the use of a computer.
<p>This paper is a draft studying various aspects of using the TEI as a reference serialization framework for LMF. Comment are welcome to bring this to a useful document for the community.
<p>This paper is a draft studying various aspects of using the TEI as a reference serialization framework for LMF. Comment are welcome to bring this to a useful document for the community.
<abstract xml:lang="en">
<p>The recent archaeological emphasis on the study of settlement patterns, landscape and palaeoenvironments has shaped and re-shaped our understanding of the Viking settlement of Iceland. This paper reviews the developments in Icelandic archaeology, examining both theoretical and practical advances. Particular attention is paid to new ideas in terms of settlement patterns and resource exploitation. Finally, some of the key studies of the ecological consequences of the Norse <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign> are presented. </p>
<abstract xml:lang="fr">
<p>L’accent récent des recherches archéologiques sur l’étude des configurations spatiales des colonies, de la géographie des sites ainsi que des éléments paléo-environnementaux nous mène à réexaminer et réévaluer nos connaissances acquises sur la colonisation de l’Islande par les Vikings. Cet article passe en revue le développement de l’archéologie islandaise en examinant les progrès théoriques et pratiques en la matière. Une attention particulière est portée sur l’étude des configurations spatiales des colonies ainsi qu’une considération des questions d’exploitation des ressources. Finalement, l’article présente un aperçu des études principales qui traitent des conséquences écologiques du <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign> islandais.</p>
<abstract xml:lang="en">
<p>The recent archaeological emphasis on the study of settlement patterns, landscape and palaeoenvironments has shaped and re-shaped our understanding of the Viking settlement of Iceland. This paper reviews the developments in Icelandic archaeology, examining both theoretical and practical advances. Particular attention is paid to new ideas in terms of settlement patterns and resource exploitation. Finally, some of the key studies of the ecological consequences of the Norse <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign> are presented. </p>
<abstract xml:lang="fr">
<p>L’accent récent des recherches archéologiques sur l’étude des configurations spatiales des colonies, de la géographie des sites ainsi que des éléments paléo-environnementaux nous mène à réexaminer et réévaluer nos connaissances acquises sur la colonisation de l’Islande par les Vikings. Cet article passe en revue le développement de l’archéologie islandaise en examinant les progrès théoriques et pratiques en la matière. Une attention particulière est portée sur l’étude des configurations spatiales des colonies ainsi qu’une considération des questions d’exploitation des ressources. Finalement, l’article présente un aperçu des études principales qui traitent des conséquences écologiques du <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign> islandais.</p>
<item>An annual HBC supply ship is set to the North West Coast for mid-September.</item>
<name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> writes to ascertain the British Government's plans for the lands associated with the Oregon Treaty; he wants to know what will happen to the HBC's establishment on the southern <name type="place" key="vancouver_island">Vancouver Island</name>. He adds that a former Crown grant, an 1838 exclusive trade-grant for the lands in question, has yet to expire.</item>
<item>The minutes discuss the nature of the HBC's original entitlements and question whether or not, and in what capacity, the Oregon Treaty affects the HBC's position. The majority council further investigation, and to reply cautiously and judiciously to the HBC inquiry.</item>
<item>A summary of a meeting with <name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> is offered in order to elucidate the HBC's intentions.</item>
<name key="grey_hg">Lord Grey</name> calls for greater consideration on the issue of colonization; he asks that <name key="stephen_j">Stephen</name> write the Company, asking them to detail their intentions, and to state their legal opinion for entitlement.</item>
<item>An annual HBC supply ship is set to the North West Coast for mid-September.</item>
<name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> writes to ascertain the British Government's plans for the lands associated with the Oregon Treaty; he wants to know what will happen to the HBC's establishment on the southern <name type="place" key="vancouver_island">Vancouver Island</name>. He adds that a former Crown grant, an 1838 exclusive trade-grant for the lands in question, has yet to expire.</item>
<item>The minutes discuss the nature of the HBC's original entitlements and question whether or not, and in what capacity, the Oregon Treaty affects the HBC's position. The majority council further investigation, and to reply cautiously and judiciously to the HBC inquiry.</item>
<item>A summary of a meeting with <name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> is offered in order to elucidate the HBC's intentions.</item>
<name key="grey_hg">Lord Grey</name> calls for greater consideration on the issue of colonization; he asks that <name key="stephen_j">Stephen</name> write the Company, asking them to detail their intentions, and to state their legal opinion for entitlement.</item>