Example: <handNote>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <handNote> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <handNote> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header


<handNote scope="sole">
 <p>Written in insular
   phase II half-uncial with interlinear Old English gloss in an Anglo-Saxon pointed


<handNote xml:id="fr_scribe1">Premier scribe : <name type="person">inconnu</name>
<handNote xml:id="fr_rubricateur1">Premier rubricateur : <name type="person">inconnu</name>


<handNote scope="sole">

10 Manuscript Description Writing

<handDesc hands="3">
 <handNote xml:id="Eirsp-1scope="minor">
  <p>The first part of the manuscript,
  <locus from="1vto="72v:4">fols 1v-72v:4</locus>, is written in a practised
     Icelandic Gothic bookhand. This hand is not found elsewhere.</p>
 <handNote xml:id="Eirsp-2scope="major">
  <p>The second part of the manuscript, <locus from="72v:4to="194v">fols
       72v:4-194</locus>, is written in a hand contemporary with the first; it can
     also be found in a fragment of <title>Knýtlinga saga</title>,
  <ref>AM 20b II fol.</ref>.</p>
 <handNote xml:id="Eirsp-3scope="minor">
  <p>The third hand has written the majority of the chapter headings.
     This hand has been identified as the one also found in <ref>AM
       221 fol.</ref>.</p>
</handDesc> Writing

 <typeNote xml:id="TSET">Authorial
   typescript, probably produced on Eliot's own Remington.
 <handNote xml:id="EPmedium="red-ink">Ezra Pound's
 <handNote xml:id="TSEmedium="black-ink">Commentary in
   Eliot's hand.</handNote>


 <handNote scope="major">Written throughout in <term>angelicana formata</term>.</handNote>


 <handNote scope="major">Written throughout in <term>angelicana formata</term>.</handNote>


<handDesc hands="2">
 <handNote xml:id="fr_TSEmedium="typescript">Authorial typescript </handNote>
 <handNote xml:id="fr_EPmedium="red-ink">Ezra Pound's annotations</handNote>


<handDesc hands="2">
 <handNote xml:id="zh-tw_TSEmedium="typescript">作者打字稿</handNote>
 <handNote xml:id="zh-tw_SMmedium="red-ink">三毛的註解</handNote>

11 Representation of Primary Sources Additions and Deletions

Some things are best
at first sight. Others — and here is one of them — <add hand="#mb">do ever</add>
improve by recognition ....
<handNote xml:id="mb">Max Beerbohm
holograph</handNote> Additions and Deletions

For I hate this <del rend="strikethroughhand="#dhl">my</del> body, which is so dear to me ...

<handNote xml:id="dhl">D H Lawrence holograph</handNote> Additions and Deletions

<handNote xml:id="heolscribe="HelgiÓlafsson"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- text here -->
 <addSpan n="added gatheringhand="#heolspanTo="#p025"/>
<!-- text of first added poem here -->
<!-- text of second added poem here -->
<!-- text of third added poem here -->
<!-- text of fourth added poem here -->
 <anchor xml:id="p025"/>
<!-- more text here -->
</body> Document Hands

 <handNote xml:id="h1script="copperplatemedium="brown-ink">Carefully written
   with regular descenders</handNote>
 <handNote xml:id="h2script="printmedium="pencil">Unschooled


<handNote xml:id="HEOLscribe="HelgiÓlafsson"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- text here -->
 <addSpan n="added gatheringhand="#HEOLspanTo="#P025"/>
<!-- text of first added poem here -->
<!-- text of second added poem here -->
<!-- text of third added poem here -->
<!-- text of fourth added poem here -->
 <anchor xml:id="P025"/>
<!-- more text here -->


 <handNote xml:id="H1script="copperplatemedium="brown-ink">Carefully written with regular descenders</handNote>
 <handNote xml:id="H2script="printmedium="pencil">Unschooled scrawl</handNote>