Ejemplo: <ptr>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <ptr> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <ptr> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References

The complete XPointer specification is managed by the W3C<note place="foot">
 <ptr target="http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-element/"/>,
 <ptr target="http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-xmlns/"/>, and

for a discussion of TEI schemes for XPointer, see
<ptr target="#eSATS"/>.</p>
<!--... -->
<div xml:id="eSATS">
<!--... -->

3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References

See in particular <ptr target="#SEC12"/>.

3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References

 <item>Saints aid rejected in mel. <ptr target="#p299"/>
 <item>Sallets censured <ptr target="#p143 #p144"/>
 <item>Sanguine mel. signs <ptr target="#p263"/>
 <item>Scilla or sea onyon, a purger of mel. <ptr target="#p442"/>

3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References

Similar forms, often called
<term rend="ldquo rdquo">rewriting systems</term>, have a long history
among mathematicians, but the specific form of <ptr target="#fig22"/>
was first studied extensively by Chomsky <ptr type="bibliogtarget="#chom59"/>.

<!-- ... -->
<figure xml:id="fig22">
 <graphic url="fig22.jpg"/>
<!-- elsewhere, in the bibliography -->
<bibl xml:id="chom59">
<!-- citation for the book referenced above -->


<ptr target="#p143 #p144"/>
<ptr target="http://www.tei-c.org"/>
<ptr cRef="1.3.4"/>


 <ptr target="#mueller01"/>, <citedRange
vol. 3, pp.

3.11.3 Bibliographic Pointers

As shown above (<ptr target="#NEL80"/>) ...

1 The TEI Infrastructure Language Indicators

<ptr target="x12targetLang="fr"/> Evaluation of links


<!--... -->
   <ptr target="#p1"/>
<!--... -->
<!--... -->
   <ptr target="#p1"/>
<!--... -->


<linkGrp xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1-linkGrp">



2 The TEI Header


 <taxonomy xml:id="RAMEAU">
  <bibl>Répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié
     (RAMEAU) de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. <ptr target="http://rameau.bnf.fr/"/>
<!-- ... -->
 <keywords scheme="#RAMEAU">
  <term>Bien et mal -- Enseignement coranique</term>

2.3.10 The Application Information Element

 <application version="1.5ident="ImageMarkupToolnotAfter="2006-06-01">
  <label>Image Markup Tool</label>
  <ptr target="#P1"/>
  <ptr target="#P2"/>


 <application version="1.24ident="Xaira">
  <label>XAIRA Indexer</label>
  <ptr target="#P1"/>


 <application version="1.5ident="ImageMarkupTool1notAfter="2006-06-01">
  <label>Image Markup Tool</label>
  <ptr target="#P1"/>
  <ptr target="#P2"/>


 <application version="1.24ident="Xaira">
  <label>XAIRA Indexer</label>
  <ptr target="#fr_HD"/>


 <application version="1.5ident="ImageMarkupTool1notAfter="2006-06-01">
  <ptr target="#P1"/>
  <ptr target="#P2"/>

4 Default Text Structure

4.5 Front Matter

<div type="contents">
  <item>Introduction, or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love
     Interpretation <ptr target="#fish1"/>
    <head>Part One: Literature in the Reader</head>
    <item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
    <ptr target="#fish2"/>
    <item n="2">What is Stylistics and Why Are They Saying Such
         Terrible Things About It? <ptr target="#fish3"/>
<div xml:id="fish1">
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish2">
 <head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish3">
 <head>What is stylistics?</head>
<!-- .... -->

4.7 Back Matter

<item>Alehouses, not
the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref target="#P461">461</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ptr target="#P461"/>

9 Dictionaries

9.3.4 Etymological Information

<!-- ... -->
  <lang>F</lang> fr. <lang>ML</lang>
  <mentioned>neuma</mentioned> fr. <lang>Gk</lang>
  <xr type="etym">more at <ptr target="#pneumatic"/>
  <def>any of various symbols used in the notation of Gregorian chant
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<entry xml:id="pneumatic">
<!-- ... -->
</entry> Cross-References to Other Entries

 <xr>Compare <ptr target="#madrigal.1"/>
<entry xml:id="madrigal.1">
<!-- ... -->
</entry> Cross-References to Other Entries

<def>contenant un vice de forme ou passé par un <ptr target="#incapable"/>.</def>

9.5.2 Lexical View

  <form type="inflected">
    <orth type="lat">pinnae</orth>
   <orth type="std">pinnas</orth>
 <sense n="1">
  <def>any leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <usg type="dom">Zoology</usg>
  <def>a feather, wing, fin, or similarly shaped part.</def>
 <sense n="3">
  <xr type="syn">
   <ptr target="#auricle.2"/>
  <date>C18</date>: via <lang>New Latin</lang> from <lang>Latin</lang>:
 <gloss>wing</gloss>, <gloss>feather</gloss>, <gloss>fin</gloss>

11 Representation of Primary Sources Transpositions

 <seg xml:id="ib01">bör</seg>
2.</metamark> og <seg xml:id="ib02">hör</seg>
  <ptr target="#ib02"/>
  <ptr target="#ib01"/>
</listTranspose> Transpositions

<line xml:id="ib3">
 <metamark function="transpositionplace="margin-left">2.)</metamark> thi da er du med Himmelen i Pagt; —
<line xml:id="ib4">
 <metamark function="transpositionplace="margin-left">1.)</metamark> da kan du
Folkets Jøkelhjerter tine;
  <ptr target="#ib4"/>
  <ptr target="#ib3"/>


  <ptr target="#ib02"/>
  <ptr target="#ib01"/>


 <ptr target="#ib02"/>
 <ptr target="#ib01"/>

12 Critical Apparatus The Witness List

 <witness xml:id="El">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
 <witness xml:id="Hg">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
   Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
 <witness xml:id="Ra2">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
   (see further <ptr target="http://example.com/msDescs#MSRP149"/>)</witness>


 <witness xml:id="HL26">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
 <witness xml:id="PN392">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
   Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
 <witness xml:id="RP149">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
   (see further <ptr target="#MSRP149"/>)</witness>


 <witness xml:id="EL">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
 <witness xml:id="HG">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
   Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
 <witness xml:id="RA2">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
   (see further <ptr

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places


<place xml:id="ROMA">
<!-- ... -->
    <head>24-hr Average Temperature</head>
     <cell role="label">Jan</cell>
     <cell role="label">Jun</cell>
     <cell role="label">Dec</cell>
     <cell role="label">°C</cell>
     <cell role="data">7.1</cell>
     <cell role="data">21.7</cell>
     <cell role="data">8.3</cell>
     <cell role="label">°F</cell>
     <cell role="data">44.8</cell>
     <cell role="data">71.1</cell>
     <cell role="data">46.9</cell>
  <note>Taken from <bibl>
    <abbr>GHCN 2 Beta</abbr>: The Global Historical Climatology Network,
       version 2 beta, 1904 months between 1811 and 1980. <ptr


14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music

14.2 Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions

<p>The volume of a
sphere is given by the formula:
<formula xml:id="f12n="12rend="inline">
which is readily calculated.</p>
<p>As we have seen in equation
<ptr target="#f12"/>, ... </p>

14.3 Notated music in written text

 <ptr target="bar1.xml"/>

14.3 Notated music in written text

 <ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>

14.3 Notated music in written text


 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. Encoded in MusicXML.</desc>

14.3 Notated music in written text

 <ptr target="bar1.ly"/>
 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. Encoded in Lilypond.</desc>

14.3 Notated music in written text

 <ptr target="bar1.msczmimeType="application/x-musescore"/>
 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. MuseScore Notation Software format.</desc>

14.3 Notated music in written text

 <ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
 <graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>

14.3 Notated music in written text

<div n="67">
 <p> We now give some examples, from the works of the great masters,
   of some of the most frequently used bowings.
 <figure n="Ex. 3">
  <head>SCHUBERT: Symphony in B minor.</head>
   <ptr target="example_schubert.xml"/>


 <ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
 <graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
 <desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>

14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images

<ptr xml:id="PD1target="Fig1.svg#object1"/>
<ptr xml:id="PD2target="Fig1.svg#object2"/>

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

16.1.1 Pointers and Links

<ptr xml:id="sa-p1target="#sa-p2"/>
<ptr xml:id="sa-p2target="#sa-p1"/>

16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links

<l>(Diff'rent our parties, but with equal grace</l>
<l>The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,
<ptr rend="unmarkedtarget="#note3.284"/>
<l>'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,</l>
<l>To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>

 <bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
  <l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
  <l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem.</l>

16.1.4 Intermediate Pointers

<ptr xml:id="L3.283-284target="#L3.283 #L3.284"/>

16.2.4 W3C element() Scheme


  <ptr target="#element(sha-ham301/22/2)"/>
</div> xpath1(Expr)

  target="http://tinyurl.com/267z62/xml/2004/Thompson01/EML2004Thompson01.xml#xpath1(//ftnote[@id='fn6']/para[1])"/> left() and right()





<s>The anchor is he<anchor xml:id="A234"/>re somewhere.</s>
<s>Help me find it.<ptr target="#A234"/>


<s>L'ancre est i<anchor xml:id="fr_A234"/>ci quelque part.</s>
<s>Aidez-moi à la trouver.<ptr target="#fr_A234"/>


<s>此錨點指向這<anchor xml:id="zh-tw_A234"/></s>
<s>請搜尋此處<ptr target="#zh-tw_A234"/>

16.7 Aggregation

<!-- five div1 elements -->
   <p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
   <p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
   <p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
   <p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
    <q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
    <q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
   <ab type="aggregation">
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq1target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[1]/q[1])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq2target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[2]/q[1])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq3target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[3]/q[1])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq4target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[4]/q[1])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq5target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[1])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq6target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[5]/q[2])"/>
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq7target="./#xpath1(//div1[6]/p[6]/q[1])"/>
    <joinGrp evaluate="oneresult="q">
     <join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
      <desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
     <join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
      <desc>what Master said</desc>

19 Graphs, Networks, and Trees

19.4 Representing Textual Transmission

<eTree type="hypothetical">
 <eTree type="hypothetical">
  <eTree type="hypothetical">
   <eLeaf type="extant">
   <eLeaf type="lost">
  <eTree type="hypothetical">
   <eLeaf type="extant">
   <eLeaf type="extant">
    <ptr type="contaminationtarget="#gamma"/>
 <eTree xml:id="gammatype="hypothetical">
  <eLeaf type="extant">
  <eLeaf type="extant">

22 Documentation Elements

22.4.1 Description of Components

 <ptr target="#COHQHF"/>


 <ptr target="#ddc12"/>


 <ptr target="#fr_ddc12"/>