Esempio: <sp>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <sp> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <sp> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 7 Performance Texts
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
<speaker>First Voice</speaker>
<lg type="stanza" part="I">
<l>But why drives on that ship so fast</l>
<l>Withouten wave or wind?</l>
<speaker>Second Voice</speaker>
<lg type="stanza" part="F">
<l>The air is cut away before,</l>
<l>And closes from behind.</l>
<head>Scene 2.</head>
<stage type="setting">Peachum, Filch.</stage>
<p>Sir, Black Moll hath sent word her Trial comes on in
the Afternoon, and she hopes you will order Matters
so as to bring her off.</p>
<p>Why, she may plead her Belly at worst; to my
Knowledge she hath taken care of that Security.
But, as the Wench is very active and industrious,
you may satisfy her that I'll soften the Evidence.</p>
<p>Tom Gagg, sir, is found guilty.</p>
<head>ACT I</head>
<div2 n="1" type="Scene">
<head>SCENE I</head>
<stage rend="italic">Enter Barnardo and Francisco,
two Sentinels, at several doors</stage>
<l part="Y">Who's there?</l>
<l>Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself.</l>
<l part="I">Long live the King!</l>
<l part="M">Barnardo?</l>
<l part="F">He.</l>
<l>You come most carefully upon your hour.</l>
<l>'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to bed, Francisco.</l>
<l>For this relief much thanks. 'Tis bitter cold,</l>
<l part="I">And I am sick at heart.</l>
<add place="margin">Now call'd <name xml:id="barnardo">Bernardo</name> &
<name xml:id="francisco">Francesco</name>.</add>
<sp who="#francisco">
<l part="Y">Stand: who is that?</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
<l part="Y">Tis I.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
<l>O you come most carefully vpon your watch,</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
<l>And if you meete Marcellus and Horatio,</l>
<l>The partners of my watch, bid them make haste.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
<l part="Y">I will: See who goes there.</l>
<stage>Enter Horatio and Marcellus.</stage>
<div2 n="1" type="scene">
<head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
<stage rend="italic" type="setting">A tempestuous
noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: Enter
a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
<p>Heere Master: What cheere?</p>
<p>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall
too't, yarely, or we run our selues a ground,
bestirre, bestirre. <stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
<stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
<p>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare,
yare: Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle:
Blow till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</p>
<speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>
<p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish.</p>
<speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker>
<p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p>
<speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>
<p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him.
In the first place ...</p>
<p>Fish, Miss Gryll — I could discourse to you on fish by the
hour: but for the present I will forbear ...</p>
<speaker>Lord Curryfin</speaker>
<stage>(after a pause).</stage>
<q>Mass</q> as the second grave-digger says
in <title>Hamlet</title>, <q>I cannot tell.</q>
<p>A chorus of laughter dissolved the sitting.</p>
<speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>
<p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish.</p>
<speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker>
<p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p>
<speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>
<p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him. In the first place....</p>
<p>Fish, Miss Gryll — I could discourse to you on fish by the hour: but for the present I
will forbear...</p>
<speaker> Valère.</speaker>
<p>Hé bien ! Sabine, quel conseil me donneras-tu ?</p>
<speaker> Sabine.</speaker>
<p>Vraiment, il y a bien des nouvelles. Mon oncle veut résolûment que ma cousine épouse
Villebrequin, et les affaires sont tellement avancées, que je crois qu'ils eussent été
mariés dès aujourd'hui, si vous n'étiez aimé ... Le bonhomme ne manquera pas
de faire loger ma cousine à ce pavillon qui est au bout de notre jardin, et par ce moyen
vous pourriez l'entretenir à l'insu de notre vieillard, l'épouser, et le laisser pester
tout son soûl avec Villebrequin.</p>
<p>賢弟,哦,念書的時候,咱們是兄弟相稱,如今你這樣的打扮,我該稱你賢弟呢,還是…… </p>
<speaker>Nancy and Robert</speaker>
<stage type="delivery">(speaking simultaneously)</stage>
<p>The future? ...</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="ni"/>
<item xml:id="rsa"/>
<p>Ne risquez rien du tout, Monique ; rentrez.</p>
<sp who="mo">
<p>Rentrer ? comment voulez-vous que je rentre ? J'ai les clés de la voiture.</p>
<sp who="ko">
<p> Je rentrerai par mes propres moyens. </p>
<sp who="mo">
<p> Vous ? vos moyens ? quels moyens ? Seigneur ! Vous ne savez même pas conduire, vous ne
savez pas reconnaître votre gauche de votre droite, vous auriez été incapable de
retrouver ce fichu quartier tout seul, vous ne savez absolument rien faire tout seul. Je
me demande bien comment vous pourriez rentrer. </p>
<sp who="ko">
<p>J'appellerai un taxi.</p>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="fr_mo"/>
<item xml:id="fr_ko"/>
<stage type="演講或歌唱">(同時)</stage>
<list type="speakers">
<item xml:id="zh-tw_ni"/>
<item xml:id="zh-tw_rsa"/>
1 The TEI Infrastructure
<role xml:id="Barnardo">Bernardo</role>
<castItem type="role">
<role xml:id="Francisco">Francisco</role>
<roleDesc>a soldier</roleDesc>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#Barnardo">
<l n="1">Who's there?</l>
<sp who="#Francisco">
<l n="2">Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.</l>
4 Default Text Structure
<div type="scene">
<p>Hush, the players begin...</p>
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<l>In Athens our tale takes place ....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
<p>Now that the play is finished ...</p>
<div type="scene">
<p>Chut ! Les acteurs commencent...</p>
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<l>Notre histoire se passe à Athènes....</l>
<!-- ... rest of nested act here -->
<p>La pièce est maintenant finie ...</p>
<div type="scene">
<floatingText type="pwp">
<div type="act">
<!-- ... 這裡是其他動作 -->
7 Performance Texts
<head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name>
and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
<l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
<l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
<l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
<l>There's none but Prentices — & Cuckolds all a row:</l>
<l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
<stage>Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>
<div1 type="scene">
<l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
<l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
<l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
<stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
<head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
<l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
<l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
<l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
<l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
<p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
<head>Names of the Actors.</head>
<castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
<castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
<castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
<l part="Y">I'll deliver all,</l>
<l>And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales,</l>
<l>Be free and fare thou well. <stage type="exit">Exit Ariel</stage>
Please you, draw near. <stage type="exit">Exeunt all but Prospero</stage>
<note place="margin">Epilogue</note>
<l>Now my charms are all o'erthrown,</l>
<l>And what strength I have's mine own</l>
<l>As you from crimes would pardoned be,</l>
<l>Let your indulgence set me free.</l>
<stage type="mix">He awaits applause, then exit.</stage>
<l>Wits, like physicians never can agree,</l>
<l>When of a different society.</l>
<l>New plays are stuffed with wits, and with deboches,</l>
<l>That crowd and sweat like cits in May-Day coaches.</l>
<trailer>Written by a person of quality</trailer>
<speaker>Le Prologue.</speaker>
<p>Voilà. Ces personnages vont vous jouer l' histoire d' Antigone. Antigone, c' est la
petite maigre qui est assise là-bas, et qui ne dit rien. Elle regarde droit devant
elle. Elle pense. Elle pense qu' elle va être Antigone tout à l' heure, qu' elle va
surgir soudain de la maigre jeune fille noiraude et renfermée que personne ne prenait
au sérieux dans la famille et se dresser seule en face du monde, seule en face de
Créon, son oncle, qui est le roi. Elle pense qu' elle va mourir, qu' elle est jeune et
qu' elle aussi, elle aurait bien aimé vivre. Mais il n' y a rien à faire. Elle s'
appelle Antigone et il va falloir qu' elle joue son rôle jusqu' au bout... </p>
<head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name> and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
<lg type="couplet">
<l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
<l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
<lg type="couplet">
<l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
<l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
<lg type="triplet">
<l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
<l>There's none but Prentices — & Cuckolds all a row:</l>
<l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
<stage type="business">Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
<lg type="couplet">
<l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>
<head>Stances en forme d'épilogue. </head>
<lg type="stances">
<l>Que par cette retraite elle me favorise !</l>
<l>Alors que mes desseins cedent à mes amours,</l>
<l> Et qu'ils ne sçauroient plus defendre ma franchise</l>
<l> Sa haine, et ses refus viennent à leur secours.</l>
<l> J'avois beau la trahir, une secrette amorce</l>
<l> R'allumoit dans mon coeur l'amour par la pitié,</l>
<l> Mes feux en recevoient une nouvelle force,</l>
<l> Et tousjours leur ardeur en croissoit de moitié.</l>
<stage type="business">飾國王者向觀眾致辭</stage>
<lg type="stanza">
7.2.1 Major Structural Divisions
<div1 type="act" n="1">
<head>Act One</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="1">
<stage>Pa Ubu, Ma Ubu</stage>
<speaker>Pa Ubu</speaker>
<div2 type="scene" n="2">
<stage>A room in Pa Ubu's house, where a magnificent
collation is set out</stage>
<div1 type="act" n="2">
<head>Act Two</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="1">
<head>Scene One</head>
<div2 type="scene" n="2">
<head>Scene Two</head>
<role xml:id="menae">Menaechmus</role>
<role xml:id="penic">Peniculus</role>
<sp who="#menae">
<l>Responde, adulescens, quaeso, quid nomen tibist?</l>
<sp who="#penic">
<l>Etiam derides, quasi nomen non noveris?</l>
<sp who="#menae">
<l>Non edepol ego te, quot sciam, umquam ante hunc diem</l>
<l>Vidi neque novi; ...</l>
<role xml:id="hh">Henry Higgins</role>
<sp who="#hh">
<speaker>The Notetaker</speaker>
<p> ... </p>
<role xml:id="menaechmus">Menaechmus</role>
<role xml:id="peniculus">Peniculus</role>
<sp who="#menaechmus">
<l>Responde, adulescens, quaeso, quid nomen tibist?</l>
<sp who="#peniculus">
<l>Etiam derides, quasi nomen non noveris?</l>
<sp who="#menaechmus">
<l>Non edepol ego te, quot sciam, umquam ante hunc diem</l>
<l>Vidi neque novi; ...</l>
<role xml:id="nan">Nano</role>
<role xml:id="cas">Castrone</role>
<stage>Nano and Castrone sing</stage>
<sp who="#nan #cas">
<l>Fools, they are the only nation</l>
<l>Worth men's envy or admiration</l>
<head>By Strauss : performed by Georges Guetary, Gene Kelly, and Oscar
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL</speaker>
<l>The waltzes of Mittel Europa </l>
<l>They charm you and warm you within </l>
<l>While each day discloses </l>
<l>What Broadway composes </l>
<l>Is emptiness pounding on tin.</l>
<sp xml:lang="de">
<speaker>JERRY MULLIGAN: ADAM COOK:</speaker>
<l>Mein Herr! </l>
<l>Mein Herr!</l>
<l>Bitte, bitte!</l>
<l>Denke, danke!</l>
<l>Aufwiedersehen! Aufwiedersehen!</l>
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL:</speaker>
<l>How can I be civil </l>
<l>When hearing this drivel? </l>
<l>It's only for night-clubbing souses. </l>
<l>Oh give me the free 'n easy </l>
<l>Waltz that is Viennes-y </l>
<l>And go tell the band</l>
<l>If they want a hand</l>
<l>The waltz must be Strauss's</l>
<l>Ya ya ya </l>
<l>Give me oom pah pah...</l>
<!-- ... -->
<stage type="setting">
<p>Scene. — A room furnished comfortably and
tastefully but not extravagantly ...
The floor is carpeted and a fire burns in the stove.
It is winter.</p>
<p>A bell rings in the hall; shortly afterwards the
door is heard to open. Enter NORA humming a tune ...</p>
<p>Hide the Christmas Tree carefully, Helen. Be sure the
children do not see it till this evening, when it is
dressed. <stage type="delivery">To the PORTER taking
out her purse</stage> How much?</p>
<role xml:id="lm">Lady Macbeth</role>
<role xml:id="g1">First Gentleman</role>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#g1">
<p>Neither to you, nor any one; having no witness
to confirm my speech. <move who="#lm" type="enter" where="C"/>
Lo you! here she comes. This is her very guise; and,
upon my life, fast asleep.</p>
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER:</speaker>
<p> Herr Schultz! Can I believe what I see? <stage>(HERR SCHULTZ nods
proudly)</stage> But this is — too much to accept. So rare — so costly —
so luxurious. </p>
<stage>(She sings)</stage>
<spGrp n="4">
<l>If you bought me diamonds, If you bought me pearls,</l>
<l>If you bought me roses like some other gents</l>
<l>Might bring to other girls,</l>
<l>It couldn't please me more</l>
<l>Than the gift I see -</l>
<stage>(She takes a large pineapple out of the bag)</stage>
<l>A pineapple for me!</l>
<stage>(Singing) </stage>
<l>If, in your emotion, </l>
<l>You began to sway, </l>
<l>Went to get some air, </l>
<l>Or grabbed a chair </l>
<l>To keep from fainting dead away, </l>
<l>It couldn't please me more </l>
<l>Than to see you cling </l>
<l>To the pineapple I bring.</l>
<l>Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah</l>
<!-- ... -->
<stage>(They dance)</stage>
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER: </speaker>
<p>But you must not bring me
any more pineapples! Do you hear? It is not proper. It is a gift a
young man would present to his lady love. It makes me blush!
<l part="N">You most
notorious whelp, you insolent slave</l>
<l part="Y">Dare you do this?</l>
<l part="Y">Yes faith, yes faith.</l>
<l part="Y">Why! Who</l>
<l part="Y">Am I, my mongrel? Who am I?</l>
<l part="Y">I'll tell you,</l>
<!-- ... -->
<l>You most
notorious whelp, you insolent slave</l>
<l part="I">Dare you do this?</l>
<l part="M">Yes faith, yes faith.</l>
<l part="F">Why! Who</l>
<l part="I">Am I, my mongrel? Who am I?</l>
<l part="F">I'll tell you,</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<lg part="I">
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<lg part="M">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<lg part="F">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
<p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with th' love of gain.
You thry to pin on others th' dirty decorations that
may be hangin' on your own coats.</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting)</stage>
<lg type="song">
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
<l>Who you were with last night?</l>
<stage>(in anguished indignation).</stage>
<p>This is more than a hurt to us: this hits at the
decency of the whole nation!</p>
<p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with ...</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting):</stage>
<titlePart>Kelly's Song</titlePart>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Who were you with last night?</l>
<l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
<l>Who you were with last night?</l>
<stage>(wheeling quietly in his semi-dance,
as he goes out):</stage>
<lg type="stanza" part="I">
<l>Goodbye to holy souls left here,</l>
<l>Goodbye to man an' fairy;</l>
<speaker>Widda Machree</speaker>
<stage>(wheeling quietly in her semi-dance,
as she goes out):</stage>
<lg type="stanza" part="F">
<l>Goodbye to all of Leicester Square,</l>
<l>An' the long way to Tipperary.</l>
<div2 n="5" type="scene">
<stage>Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
<stage type="setting">Enter Ophelia, distracted.</stage>
<p>Where is the beauteous Majesty of Denmark?</p>
<p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
<l>How should I your true-love know</l>
<l>From another one?</l>
<l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
<l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
<p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
<p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
<l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
<l>He is dead and gone;</l>
<l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
<l>At his heels a stone.</l>
<p>O, ho!</p>
<div1 n="4" type="act">
<div2 n="5" type="scene">
<stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
<p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
<stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL1" type="song" part="Y">
<l>How should I your true-love know</l>
<l>From another one?</l>
<l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
<l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
<p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
<p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
<stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
<lg xml:id="TL2" type="song" part="Y">
<l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
<l>He is dead and gone;</l>
<l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
<l>At his heels a stone.</l>
<p>O, ho!</p>
<join type="lg" target="#TL1 #TL2"/>
<stage type="delivery">wildly</stage>
<p>Look here: I'm going to take off all my clothes.</p>
<stage type="action">he begins tearing off his coat.</stage>
<sp xml:id="dr-s1">
<speaker>Lady Utterword</speaker>
<p>Mr Mangan!</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s2">
<speaker>Captain Shotover</speaker>
<p>Whats that?</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s3">
<p>Ha! ha! Do. Do.</p>
<sp xml:id="dr-s4">
<p>Please dont.</p>
corresp="#dr-s1 #dr-s2 #dr-s3 #dr-s4"
type="delivery">in consternation</stage>
<speaker>Mrs. Hushabye</speaker>
<stage type="action">catching his arm and stopping him</stage>
<p>Alfred: for shame! Are you mad?</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
The <name>T.V. announcer</name> from the Ryan interview
stands near the Control Van, the lake in b.g.</view>
<speaker>T.V. Announcer</speaker>
<p>Several years ago, Jack Ryan was a highly
successful hydroplane racer ...</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
<speaker>TV Announcer VO</speaker>
<p>Working with Ryan are his two coworkers—
Strut Bowman, the mechanical engineer—
<camera>Angle on Strut</camera>
standing in the tow boat, walkie-talkie in hand,
watching Ryan carefully.</view>
—and Roger Dalton, a rocket
systems analyst, and one of the scientists
from the Jet Propulsion Lab ...</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
<p>Now to business.</p>
<speaker>Ford and Zaphod</speaker>
<p>To business.</p>
<sound>Glasses clink.</sound>
<p>I beg your pardon?</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast.</p>
7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
of hansom cabs galloping past.</camera>
<caption>London, 1895.</caption>
<caption>The residence of Mr Oscar Wilde.</caption>
<sound>Suitably classy music starts.</sound>
<view>Mix through to Wilde's drawing room. A crowd of suitably
dressed folk are engaged in typically brilliant conversation,
laughing affectedly and drinking champagne.</view>
<speaker>Prince of Wales</speaker>
<p>My congratulations, Wilde. Your latest play is a great success.</p>
<view> Préfecture - bureau fonctionnaire - intérieur jour <camera>Plan américain</camera>
d'un fonctionnaire assis derrière un bureau (il est vu de profil), consultant un fichier
dans une boîte ouverte devant lui. Il sort une fiche et lève la tête. C'est un homme
d'une quarantaine d'années, un aspect solide, concret, et un air relativement bon
enfant. Dans son regard, pourtant, on voit passer par moments une lueur froide,
inquiétante. </view>
<p>Robert Klein, vous avez dit ?</p>
<div type="shot">
<p>大家好,我現在在香港的九龍。 </p>
<view>BBC World symbol</view>
<speaker>Voice Over</speaker>
<p>Monty Python's Flying Circus tonight comes to you live
from the Grillomat Snack Bar, Paignton.</p>
<div type="shot">
<view>Interior of a nasty snack bar. Customers around, preferably
real people. Linkman sitting at one of the plastic tables.</view>
<p>Hello to you live from the Grillomat Snack Bar.
<p>Now to business.</p>
<speaker>Ford and Zaphod</speaker>
<p>To business.</p>
<sound discrete="true">Glasses clink.</sound>
<p>I beg your pardon?</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast.</p>
<sound discrete="true">玻璃杯敲擊聲</sound>
galloping past</camera>
<caption>London, 1895.</caption>
<caption>The residence of Mr Oscar Wilde.</caption>
<sound>Suitably classy music starts.</sound>
<view>Mix through to Wilde's drawing room. A crowd of suitably
dressed folk are engaged in typically brilliant conversation,
laughing affectedly and drinking champagne.</view>
<speaker>Prince of Wales</speaker>
<p>My congratulations, Wilde. Your latest play is a great success.
<view>畫面融接到王爾德的畫室。一群人衣冠楚楚、 高談闊論,有人手拿香檳,有人開懷大笑。</view>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<div2 n="1" type="scene">
<head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
<stage rend="italic" type="setting"> A tempestuous noise of
Thunder and Lightning heard:
Enter a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
<ab>Heere Master: What cheere?</ab>
<ab>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall too't, yarely,
or we run our selues a ground, bestirre, bestirre.
<stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
<stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
<ab>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare, yare:
Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle: Blow
till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</ab>
16.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies
<l>My <seg xml:id="Mik-L1s">object all sublime</seg>
<l>I shall <seg xml:id="Mik-L2s">achieve in time</seg>—</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-L3">To let <seg xml:id="L3s">the punishment fit the crime</seg>,</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-l4">
<seg copyOf="#Mik-L3s"/>;</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-l5">And make each pris'ner pent</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-l6">Unwillingly represent</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-l7">A source <seg xml:id="Mik-l7s">of innocent merriment</seg>,</l>
<l xml:id="Mik-l8">
<seg copyOf="#Mik-l7s"/>!</l>
<l>His <seg copyOf="#Mik-L1s"/>
<l>He will <seg copyOf="#Mik-L2s"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-L3"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-l4"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-l5"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-l6"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-l7"/>
<l copyOf="#Mik-l8"/>
<p>How does it go?
<l xml:id="frog-x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L1">When the old pond</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog-L1 #frog-L2 #frog-L3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog_l1 #frog_l2 #frog_l3" result="lg" scope="root"/>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="fr_frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
target="#fr_frog_l1 #fr_frog_l2 #fr_frog_l3"
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_x1">呱、呱、呱</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l2">有新來的青蛙</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l1">以前的池塘</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l3">有新的池塘</l>
target="#zh-tw_frog_l1 #zh-tw_frog_l2 #zh-tw_frog_l3"
21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
<!-- in the <teiHeader>: --><respStmt xml:id="enc03">
<persName ref="../contextual/persons.xml#across.dta"/>
<!-- in the <text>: -->
<spGrp rend="braced(atonce1)" xml:id="sgrp05">
<sp who="#mo">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<p rend="break(no)">So, so, so!</p>
<sp who="#hg">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<persName>Mr. H</persName>.</speaker>
<p rend="break(no)">What, without my Leave!</p>
<sp who="#la">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<persName>Lady D</persName>.</speaker>
<p rend="break(no)">Amazing!</p>
<stage rend="align(right)slant(italic)" type="delivery" xml:id="atonce1">All together.</stage>
<!-- anywhere: -->
<desc>Ashley did not know what to do with this; I have decided it
best fits as a braced <gi>spGrp</gi>
<desc>fixed <att>rend</att> attributes</desc>