: <decoDesc>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <decoDesc> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <decoDesc> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

10 Manuscript Description

10.2 The Manuscript Description Element

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
   <author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
   <author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
   <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">De origine et
       gestis Regum Angliae</title>
   <rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
   <incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa &amp; de multis</incipit>
   <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="codex">
   <supportDesc material="perg">
    <extent>i + 55 leaves
    <dimensions scope="alltype="leafunit="inch">
    <layout columns="2">
     <p>In double columns.</p>
   <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
   <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
   <p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300notBefore="1200">13th cent.</origDate>
   <p>On fol. 54v very faint is
   <quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/>
         Roberti ordinis fratrum
    </quote>, 14th cent. (?):
   <quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
       (15th cent.).</p>
   <p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on
   <date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>

10.3.5 References to Locations within a Manuscript

 <p>Several of the miniatures in this section have been damaged and
   overpainted at a later date (e.g. the figure of Christ on <locus
fol. 33r</locus>; the
   face of the Shepherdess on <locus
fol. 59v</locus>,
</decoDesc> Decoration

 <p>The decoration comprises two full page miniatures, perhaps added
   by the original owner, or slightly later; the original major decoration
   consists of twenty-three large miniatures, illustrating the divisions of
   the Passion narrative and the start of the major texts, and the major
   divisions of the Hours; seventeen smaller miniatures, illustrating the
   suffrages to saints; and seven historiated initials, illustrating
   the pericopes and major prayers.</p>
</decoDesc> Decoration

 <decoNote type="miniature">
  <p>One full-page miniature, facing the beginning of the first
     Penitential Psalm.</p>
 <decoNote type="initial">
  <p>One seven-line historiated initial, commencing the first
     Penitential Psalm.</p>
 <decoNote type="initial">
  <p>Six four-line decorated initials, commencing the second through the
     seventh Penitential Psalm.</p>
 <decoNote type="initial">
  <p>Some three hundred two-line versal initials with pen-flourishes,
     commencing the psalm verses.</p>
 <decoNote type="border">
  <p>Four-sided border decoration surrounding the miniatures and three-sided
     border decoration accompanying the historiated and decorated initials.</p>
</decoDesc> Decoration

 <decoNote type="miniatures">
  <p>Fourteen large miniatures with arched tops, above five lines of text:
     <locus>fol. 14r</locus>Pericopes. <term>St. John writing on
           Patmos</term>, with the Eagle holding his ink-pot and pen-case; some
         flaking of pigment, especially in the sky</item>
     <locus>fol. 26r</locus>Hours of the Virgin, Matins.
    <term>Annunciation</term>; Gabriel and the Dove to the right</item>
     <locus>fol. 60r</locus>Prime. <term>Nativity</term>; the
    <term>Virgin and Joseph adoring the Child</term>
     <locus>fol. 66r</locus>Terce. <term>Annunciation to the
           Shepherds</term>, one with <term>bagpipes</term>
<!-- ... -->


 <objectDesc form="codex">
  <supportDesc material="perg">
   <extent>i + 55 leaves
   <dimensions scope="alltype="leafunit="inch">
   <layout columns="2">In double columns.</layout>
  <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
  <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>


 <p>The start of each book of the Bible with a 10-line historiated
   illuminated initial; prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials with red
   penwork flourishing; chapters marked by 3-line plain red initials; verses
   with 1-line initials, alternately blue or red.</p>


 <p>Les miracles de la Vierge, par Gautier de Coinci ; un volume in-fol. de 285 feuilles,
   orné d'initiales en or et en couleur,...</p>




 <decoNote type="initial">
  <p>The start of each book of the Bible with
     a 10-line historiated illuminated initial;
     prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials
     with red penwork flourishing; chapters marked by
     3-line plain red initials; verses with 1-line initials,
     alternately blue or red.</p>


 <decoNote type="initial">