例子: <spGrp>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <spGrp> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <spGrp> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
7 Performance Texts
<spGrp type="number" n="3">
<head>By Strauss : performed by Georges Guetary, Gene Kelly, and Oscar
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL</speaker>
<l>The waltzes of Mittel Europa </l>
<l>They charm you and warm you within </l>
<l>While each day discloses </l>
<l>What Broadway composes </l>
<l>Is emptiness pounding on tin.</l>
<sp xml:lang="de">
<speaker>JERRY MULLIGAN: ADAM COOK:</speaker>
<l>Mein Herr! </l>
<l>Mein Herr!</l>
<l>Bitte, bitte!</l>
<l>Denke, danke!</l>
<l>Aufwiedersehen! Aufwiedersehen!</l>
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL:</speaker>
<l>How can I be civil </l>
<l>When hearing this drivel? </l>
<l>It's only for night-clubbing souses. </l>
<l>Oh give me the free 'n easy </l>
<l>Waltz that is Viennes-y </l>
<l>And go tell the band</l>
<l>If they want a hand</l>
<l>The waltz must be Strauss's</l>
<l>Ya ya ya </l>
<l>Give me oom pah pah...</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>By Strauss : performed by Georges Guetary, Gene Kelly, and Oscar
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL</speaker>
<l>The waltzes of Mittel Europa </l>
<l>They charm you and warm you within </l>
<l>While each day discloses </l>
<l>What Broadway composes </l>
<l>Is emptiness pounding on tin.</l>
<sp xml:lang="de">
<speaker>JERRY MULLIGAN: ADAM COOK:</speaker>
<l>Mein Herr! </l>
<l>Mein Herr!</l>
<l>Bitte, bitte!</l>
<l>Denke, danke!</l>
<l>Aufwiedersehen! Aufwiedersehen!</l>
<speaker>HENRI BAUREL:</speaker>
<l>How can I be civil </l>
<l>When hearing this drivel? </l>
<l>It's only for night-clubbing souses. </l>
<l>Oh give me the free 'n easy </l>
<l>Waltz that is Viennes-y </l>
<l>And go tell the band</l>
<l>If they want a hand</l>
<l>The waltz must be Strauss's</l>
<l>Ya ya ya </l>
<l>Give me oom pah pah...</l>
<!-- ... -->
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER:</speaker>
<p> Herr Schultz! Can I believe what I see? <stage>(HERR SCHULTZ nods
proudly)</stage> But this is — too much to accept. So rare — so costly —
so luxurious. </p>
<stage>(She sings)</stage>
<spGrp n="4">
<l>If you bought me diamonds, If you bought me pearls,</l>
<l>If you bought me roses like some other gents</l>
<l>Might bring to other girls,</l>
<l>It couldn't please me more</l>
<l>Than the gift I see -</l>
<stage>(She takes a large pineapple out of the bag)</stage>
<l>A pineapple for me!</l>
<stage>(Singing) </stage>
<l>If, in your emotion, </l>
<l>You began to sway, </l>
<l>Went to get some air, </l>
<l>Or grabbed a chair </l>
<l>To keep from fainting dead away, </l>
<l>It couldn't please me more </l>
<l>Than to see you cling </l>
<l>To the pineapple I bring.</l>
<l>Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah</l>
<!-- ... -->
<stage>(They dance)</stage>
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER: </speaker>
<p>But you must not bring me
any more pineapples! Do you hear? It is not proper. It is a gift a
young man would present to his lady love. It makes me blush!
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER:</speaker>
<p> Herr Schultz! Can I believe what I see? <stage>(HERR SCHULTZ nods
proudly)</stage> But this is — too much to accept. So rare — so costly —
so luxurious. </p>
<stage>(She sings)</stage>
<spGrp n="4">
<l>If you bought me diamonds, If you bought me pearls,</l>
<l>If you bought me roses like some other gents</l>
<l>Might bring to other girls,</l>
<l>It couldn't please me more</l>
<l>Than the gift I see -</l>
<stage>(She takes a large pineapple out of the bag)</stage>
<l>A pineapple for me!</l>
<stage>(Singing) </stage>
<l>If, in your emotion, </l>
<l>You began to sway, </l>
<l>Went to get some air, </l>
<l>Or grabbed a chair </l>
<l>To keep from fainting dead away, </l>
<l>It couldn't please me more </l>
<l>Than to see you cling </l>
<l>To the pineapple I bring.</l>
<l>Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah</l>
<!-- ... -->
<stage>(They dance)</stage>
<speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER: </speaker>
<p>But you must not bring me
any more pineapples! Do you hear? It is not proper. It is a gift a
young man would present to his lady love. It makes me blush!
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<lg part="I">
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<lg part="M">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<lg part="F">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
<head>Song — Sir Joseph</head>
<lg part="I">
<l>I am the monarch of the sea,</l>
<l>The ruler of the Queen's Navee.</l>
<l>Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants.</l>
<speaker>Cousin Hebe</speaker>
<lg part="M">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<lg part="F">
<l>And we are his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!</l>
<!-- ... -->
21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility
<!-- in the <teiHeader>: --><respStmt xml:id="enc03">
<persName ref="../contextual/persons.xml#across.dta"/>
<!-- in the <text>: -->
<spGrp rend="braced(atonce1)" xml:id="sgrp05">
<sp who="#mo">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<p rend="break(no)">So, so, so!</p>
<sp who="#hg">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<persName>Mr. H</persName>.</speaker>
<p rend="break(no)">What, without my Leave!</p>
<sp who="#la">
<speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
<persName>Lady D</persName>.</speaker>
<p rend="break(no)">Amazing!</p>
<stage rend="align(right)slant(italic)" type="delivery" xml:id="atonce1">All together.</stage>
<!-- anywhere: -->
<desc>Ashley did not know what to do with this; I have decided it
best fits as a braced <gi>spGrp</gi>
<desc>fixed <att>rend</att> attributes</desc>